Exemple #1
 def testFromfile(self):
     "Basic test for the fromfile function."
     for line, good in self.knownOps:
         si = StringIO(line)
         # actions.fromfile just returns a dictionary
         # instead of an object, so we must str-ify it with
         # a utility routine.
         res = str(actions.fromfile(si, "<t>"))
         self.assertEqual(res, good + "\n")
         # Should work for empty input.
     si = StringIO("")
     res = actions.fromfile(si, "<t>")
     self.assertEqual(len(res), 0)
     # Should work for our complex input.
     si = StringIO(testfile)
     res = actions.fromfile(si, "<t>")
     self.assertEqual(str(res), testres)
Exemple #2
 def testRunArgSplit(self):
     "Test that run and failrun properly split their arguments before string substitution."
     aroot = actions.fromfile(StringIO(splitTFile), "<t>")
     hi = makehi()
     for rn, rl, alst, astr in self.knownValues:
         r = aroot.genaction(hi, (FakeRule(rn, rl),))
         self.assertEqual(r.argstring, astr)
         self.assertEqual(r.arglist, alst)
Exemple #3
 def testNoSubst(self):
     "Test that we can disable string substitutions."
     si = StringIO("a: ipmax 0 : faillog %(ip)s\n")
     aroot = actions.fromfile(si, "<t>")
     r = aroot.genaction(makehi(), genrules(("a,")))
     self.assertEqual(r.logmsgs, ["%(ip)s"])
     # We'd BETTER restore that default!
Exemple #4
 def testFunctionResults(self):
     "Test that actions evaluation is setting the right functions to run."
     arules = actions.fromfile(StringIO(actEvalfile), "t")
     hi = makehi(rip="")
     for cls, fres, vres in self.knownFuncResults:
         rlist = genrules(cls)
         r = arules.genaction(hi, rlist)
         self.assertEqual(r.what, fres)
         self.assertEqual(r.argstring, vres)
Exemple #5
 def testBasicSees(self):
     "Test that basic 'see' operations work correctly."
     si = StringIO(testSeeF)
     hi = makehi(rip="")
     aroot = actions.fromfile(si, "<t>")
     for cls, what, argstr, logmsgs in self.knownValues:
         r = aroot.genaction(hi, genrules((cls,)))
         self.assertEqual(r.what, what)
         self.assertEqual(r.argstring, argstr)
         self.assertEqual(r.logmsgs, logmsgs)
Exemple #6
 def testDefaultsMatrix(self):
     "Test a matrix of known defaulting failmsg and faillog results."
     hi = makehi()
     for plusList, cls, argRes, logRes in self.knownValues:
         t = "\n".join(plusList)
         si = StringIO(failDefs + t)
         aroot = actions.fromfile(si, "<t>")
         r = aroot.genaction(hi, genrules((cls,)))
         self.assertEqual(r.argstring, argRes)
         self.assertEqual(r.logmsgs, logRes)
Exemple #7
 def testLoggedResults(self):
     "Test what is logged on the generated action."
     actrules = actions.fromfile(StringIO(actEvalfile), "<t>")
     for cls, logres in self.knownLogresults:
         rlist = genrules(cls)
         hi = makehi(rip="")
         r = actrules.genaction(hi, rlist)
         if not r:
             self.assertEqual(0, 1, "genaction was null")
         self.assertEqual(r.logmsgs, logres)
Exemple #8
 def testNoRepLog(self):
     "Test that the norepeatlog directive works right"
     hi = makehi()
     for clslst, logres in self.knownValues:
         si = StringIO(testLogRepFile)
         # We generate the action root anew each time
         # to insure that we have a consistent start point.
         aroot = actions.fromfile(si, "<t>")
         for cls in clslst:
             r = aroot.genaction(hi, genrules((cls,)))
         self.assertEqual(r.logmsgs, logres)
Exemple #9
 def testEnvResults(self):
     "Test that the environment is set properly."
     arules = actions.fromfile(StringIO(actEvalfile), "t")
     hi = makehi(rip="")
     for clsname, envres in self.knownEnvResults:
         rlist = genrules((clsname,))
         r = arules.genaction(hi, rlist)
         l = r.env.keys()
         rl = [(k, r.env[k]) for k in l]
         self.assertEqual(rl, envres)
Exemple #10
 def testEnvShadowing(self):
     "Test that setenv environment variables properly get set up."
     si = StringIO(testSeeF)
     hi = makehi()
     aroot = actions.fromfile(si, "<t>")
     r = aroot.genaction(hi, genrules(("classA",)))
     re = r.env.items()
     self.assertEqual(re, [("a", "1"), ("b", "10")])
     r = aroot.genaction(hi, genrules(("classB",)))
     re = r.env.items()
     self.assertEqual(re, [("a", "2"), ("b", "10")])
Exemple #11
 def testMsgSubsts(self):
     "Test subst-created additional substitutions."
     hi = makehi(rip="")
     aroot = actions.fromfile(StringIO(testSubstFile), "<t>")
     r = aroot.genaction(hi, genrules(("class1",)))
     self.assertEqual(r.logmsgs, ["1: foo- 2: HUP HIKE"])
     r = aroot.genaction(hi, genrules(("class2",)))
     self.assertEqual(r.arglist, ["id", "-x", "UNKNOWN"])
     # Now make sure that we haven't mutated the substitutions
     # for class1 somehow (perhaps replacing the pre-expansion
     # versions with the post-expansion ones).
     hi = makehi(rip="")
     r = aroot.genaction(hi, genrules(("class1",)))
     self.assertEqual(r.logmsgs, ["1: foo- 2: HUP HIKE"])
Exemple #12
 def testMaxLims(self):
     "Test that connmax and ipmax are correctly handled in see situations."
     rip = ""
     hi = makehi(rip=rip)
     aroot = actions.fromfile(StringIO(testSeeF), "<t>")
     clsl = genrules(("class50",))
     for ipl, connl, lmsg in self.knownLimVals:
         for i in range(0, ipl):
             conntrack.up(i, rip, [])
         for i in range(0, connl):
             conntrack.up(i + 100, "NOIP", ["class50"])
         r = aroot.genaction(hi, clsl)
         self.assertEqual(r.logmsgs, lmsg)
         # insure that this stays true if we up class51 too.
         conntrack.up(1000, "NOIP", ["class51"])
         conntrack.up(1001, "NOIP", ["class51"])
         conntrack.up(1002, "NOIP", ["class51"])
         r = aroot.genaction(hi, clsl)
         self.assertEqual(r.logmsgs, lmsg)
Exemple #13
 def testGetCnames(self):
     "Test that .getclassnames() works."
     res = actions.fromfile(StringIO(testfile), "<t>")
     rl = res.getclassnames()
     self.assertEqual(rl, ["class0", "class1", "class2"])
Exemple #14
 def testActGenMsgFailure(self):
     "Test that we properly raise an error during action evaluation if we are formatting a bad string."
     si = StringIO("a: ipmax 0 : failmsg %(abcdef)s\n")
     aroot = actions.fromfile(si, "<t>")
     rlist = genrules(("a",))
     self.assertRaises(actions.BadAction, aroot.genaction, makehi(), rlist)
Exemple #15
 def testLogLabelLine(self):
     "Test that a label is properly logged."
     actrules = actions.fromfile(StringIO("a: ipmax 0 : faillog %(label)s@%(lineno)s\n"), "<t>")
     hi = makehi()
     r = actrules.genaction(hi, (FakeRule("a", "foobar-label"),))
     self.assertEqual(r.logmsgs, ["foobar-label@-1"])