def init(self): self.__activated = False self.__shell = self.__db = self.__shell.props.db self.__player = self.__shell.props.shell_player self.__plugin = self.props.plugin self.__entry_type = self.props.entry_type self.gconf = GConf.Client.get_default() self.vbox_main = None self.create_window() self.create_popups() # Pandora self.pandora = make_pandora() self.worker = GObjectWorker() self.stations_model = StationsModel(self.__db, self.__entry_type) self.songs_model = SongsModel(self.__db, self.__entry_type) self.songs_list.set_model(self.songs_model) self.props.query_model = self.songs_model # Enables skipping self.current_station = None self.current_song = None self.connected = False self.request_outstanding = False self.songs_action = SongsAction(self) self.stations_action = StationsAction(self, self.__plugin) self.notification_icon = NotificationIcon(self.__plugin, self.songs_action) self.refresh_notification_icon() self.connect_all() self.retrying = False self.waiting_for_playlist = False
class PandoraSource(RB.StreamingSource): # __gproperties__ = { # 'plugin': (rb.Plugin, # 'plugin', # 'plugin', # gobject.PARAM_WRITABLE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY) # } def __init__(self): RB.StreamingSource.__init__(self,name="PandoraPlugin") def init(self): self.__activated = False self.__shell = self.__db = self.__shell.props.db self.__player = self.__shell.props.shell_player self.__plugin = self.props.plugin self.__entry_type = self.props.entry_type self.gconf = GConf.Client.get_default() self.vbox_main = None self.create_window() self.create_popups() # Pandora self.pandora = make_pandora() self.worker = GObjectWorker() self.stations_model = StationsModel(self.__db, self.__entry_type) self.songs_model = SongsModel(self.__db, self.__entry_type) self.songs_list.set_model(self.songs_model) self.props.query_model = self.songs_model # Enables skipping self.current_station = None self.current_song = None self.connected = False self.request_outstanding = False self.songs_action = SongsAction(self) self.stations_action = StationsAction(self, self.__plugin) self.notification_icon = NotificationIcon(self.__plugin, self.songs_action) self.refresh_notification_icon() self.connect_all() self.retrying = False self.waiting_for_playlist = False def refresh_notification_icon(self, icon_enabled = None): if icon_enabled: enabled = icon_enabled else: enabled = self.gconf.get_bool(GCONF_KEYS['icon']) if enabled and self.__player.get_playing_source() == self: else: self.notification_icon.hide() def do_selected(self): print "do_selected" def do_get_status(self, *args): """Return the current status of the Pandora source. Called by Rhythmbox to figure out what to show on the statusbar. Args: args: Unknown Returns: A tuple of: the text status to display the status to display on the progress bar the progress value, if the progress value is less than zero, the progress bar will pulse. """ progress_text = None progress = 1 text = "" if self.connected: self.error_area.hide() num_stations = self.stations_model.get_num_entries() if num_stations > 1: text = str(num_stations) + " stations" else: text = str(num_stations) + " station" else: text = "Not connected to Pandora" # Display Current Station Info if self.__player.get_playing() and self.__player.get_playing_source() == self: station_name = text = "Playing " + station_name + ", " + text if self.request_outstanding: progress_text = self.request_description progress = -1 return (text, progress_text, progress) def do_impl_get_entry_view(self): print "do_impl_get_entry_view" return self.songs_list def do_impl_can_pause(self): """Indicate that pausing of source entries is available. Called by Rhythmbox to determine whether playback of entries from the source can be paused. Returns: True to indicate the pausing is supported. """ return True def do_impl_handle_eos(self): """Handle End Of Stream event by going to the next song. Called by Rhythmbox to handle EOS events when playing entries from this source. Returns: The source EOF type indicating to skip to the next song. """ return RB.SourceEOFType(3) # next def do_impl_try_playlist(self): """Don't try to parse playback URIs in this source as playlists. Called by Rhythmbox to determine if URIs should be parsed as playlists rather than just played. Returns: False to disable playlist parsing. """ return False def do_songs_show_popup(self, view, over_entry): if over_entry: selected = view.get_selected_entries() if len(selected) == 1: self.show_single_popup("/PandoraSongViewPopup") def do_stations_show_popup(self, view, over_entry): if over_entry: selected = view.get_selected_entries() if len(selected) == 1: self.show_single_popup("/PandoraStationViewPopup") else: self.show_single_popup("/PandoraSourceMainPopup") def show_single_popup(self, popup): popup = self.__player.props.ui_manager.get_widget(popup) popup.popup(None, None, None, None, 3, Gtk.get_current_event_time()) def playing_source_changed(self, source): print "Playing source changed" if not self.notification_icon: return if self != source: self.notification_icon.hide() else: def playing_entry_changed(self, entry): print "Playing Entry changed" if not self.__db or not entry: return if entry.get_entry_type() != self.__entry_type: return self.get_metadata(entry) url = entry.get_playback_uri() self.current_song = self.songs_model.get_song(url) if self.songs_model.is_last_entry(entry): self.get_playlist() def create_window(self): if self.vbox_main: self.remove(self.vbox_main) self.vbox_main.hide_all() self.vbox_main = None self.stations_list = widgets.StationEntryView(self.__db, self.__player) self.songs_list = widgets.SongEntryView(self.__db, self.__player, self.__plugin) self.vbox_main = Gtk.VBox(False, 5) paned = Gtk.VPaned() frame1 = Gtk.Frame() frame1.set_shadow_type(Gtk.ShadowType.OUT) frame1.add(self.stations_list) paned.pack1(frame1, True, False) frame2 = Gtk.Frame() frame2.set_shadow_type(Gtk.ShadowType.OUT) frame2.add(self.songs_list) paned.pack2(frame2, True, False) self.vbox_main.pack_start(paned, True, True, 0) self.error_area = widgets.ErrorView(self.__plugin, self.do_impl_activate) error_frame = self.error_area.get_error_frame() self.vbox_main.pack_end(error_frame, False, False, 0) self.vbox_main.show_all() self.error_area.hide() self.add(self.vbox_main) def connect_all(self): self.stations_list.connect('show_popup', self.do_stations_show_popup) self.songs_list.connect('show_popup', self.do_songs_show_popup) self.songs_action.connect() self.stations_action.connect() def create_popups(self): self.action_group = Gtk.ActionGroup('PandoraPluginActions') action = Gtk.Action('SongInfo', _('Song Info...'), _('View song information in browser'), 'gtk-info') self.action_group.add_action(action) action = Gtk.Action('LoveSong', _('Love Song'), _('I love this song'), 'gtk-about') self.action_group.add_action(action) action = Gtk.Action('BanSong', _('Ban Song'), _("I don't like this song"), 'gtk-cancel') self.action_group.add_action(action) action = Gtk.Action('TiredSong', _('Tired of this song'), _("I'm tired of this song"), 'gtk-jump-to') self.action_group.add_action(action) action = Gtk.Action('Bookmark', _('Bookmark'), _('Bookmark...'), 'gtk-add') self.action_group.add_action(action) action = Gtk.Action('BookmarkSong', _('Song'), _("Bookmark this song"), None) self.action_group.add_action(action) action = Gtk.Action('BookmarkArtist', _('Artist'), _("Bookmark this artist"), None) self.action_group.add_action(action) action = Gtk.Action('AddStation', _('Create a New Station'), _('Create a new Pandora station'), 'gtk-add') self.action_group.add_action(action) action = Gtk.Action('StationInfo', _('Station Info...'), _('View station information in browser'), 'gtk-info') self.action_group.add_action(action) action = Gtk.Action('DeleteStation', _('Delete this Station'), _('Delete this Pandora Station'), 'gtk-remove') self.action_group.add_action(action) manager = self.__player.props.ui_manager manager.insert_action_group(self.action_group, 0) popup_file = rb.find_plugin_file(self.__plugin, "pandora/pandora-ui.xml") self.ui_id = manager.add_ui_from_file(popup_file) manager.ensure_update() # rhyhtmbox api break up (0.13.2 - 0.13.3) def do_selected(self): print "Activating source." if not self.__activated: try: self.username, self.password = self.get_pandora_account_info() except AccountNotSetException, (instance): # Ask user to configure account # Retry after the user has put in account information. return self.pandora_connect() self.__activated = True