temp_svc = TemperatureService()
temp_svc.measurement_period = 100
temp_last_update = 0

ble = BLERadio()
# The Web Bluetooth dashboard identifies known boards by their
# advertised name, not by advertising manufacturer data.
ble.name = "Sense"

# The Bluefruit Playground app looks in the manufacturer data
# in the advertisement. That data uses the USB PID as a unique ID.
# Feather Bluefruit Sense USB PID:
# This board is not yet support on the app.
# Arduino: 0x8087,  CircuitPython: 0x8088
adv = AdafruitServerAdvertisement()
adv.pid = 0x8088

while True:
    # Advertise when not connected.
    while not ble.connected:

    while ble.connected:
        now_msecs = time.monotonic_ns() // 1000000  # pylint: disable=no-member

        if now_msecs - accel_last_update >= accel_svc.measurement_period:
            accel_svc.acceleration = lsm6ds33.acceleration
            accel_last_update = now_msecs