Exemple #1
def arrowMatrix():
    matrix.auto_write = False
    matrix[0,4] = 1
    matrix[1,3] = 1
    matrix[1,5] = 1
    matrix[2,2] = 1
    matrix[2,4] = 1
    matrix[2,6] = 1
    matrix[3,1] = 1
    matrix[3,4] = 1
    matrix[3,7] = 1
    matrix[4,4] = 1
    matrix[5,4] = 1
    matrix[6,4] = 1
    matrix[7,4] = 1
    matrix.auto_write = True
i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)

# Create the matrix class.
# This creates a 16x8 matrix:
matrix = matrix.Matrix16x8(i2c)
# Or this creates a 16x8 matrix backpack:
#matrix = matrix.MatrixBackpack16x8(i2c)
# Or this creates a 8x8 matrix:
#matrix = matrix.Matrix8x8(i2c)
# Or this creates a 8x8 bicolor matrix:
#matrix = matrix.Matrix8x8x2(i2c)
# Finally you can optionally specify a custom I2C address of the HT16k33 like:
#matrix = matrix.Matrix16x8(i2c, address=0x70)

# Clear the matrix.

# Set a pixel in the origin 0, 0 position.
matrix[0, 0] = 1
# Set a pixel in the middle 8, 4 position.
matrix[8, 4] = 1
# Set a pixel in the opposite 15, 7 position.
matrix[15, 7] = 1


# Draw a Smiley Face

for row in range(2, 6):
    matrix[row, 0] = 1
Exemple #3
# Import all board pins.
import board
import busio

# Import the HT16K33 LED matrix module.
from adafruit_ht16k33 import matrix

# Create the I2C interface.
i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)

# Create the matrix class.
# This creates a 16x8 matrix:
matrix = matrix.Matrix16x8(i2c)
# Or this creates a 8x8 matrix:
#matrix = matrix.Matrix8x8(i2c)
# Or this creates a 8x8 bicolor matrix:
#matrix = matrix.Matrix8x8x2(i2c)
# Finally you can optionally specify a custom I2C address of the HT16k33 like:
#matrix = matrix.Matrix16x8(i2c, address=0x70)

# Clear the matrix.

# Set a pixel in the origin 0,0 position.
matrix[0, 0] = 1
# Set a pixel in the middle 8, 4 position.
matrix[8, 4] = 1
# Set a pixel in the opposite 15, 7 position.
matrix[15, 7] = 1
def clear(matrix):