Exemple #1
    def test_part_not_in_range(self):
        """Test a part not in the part range

        This function tests that a part not within its range will raise an error.

        # Dummy UUID and part number for testing
        uuid = 'BLAH'
        part = 15

        # Use REST proxy for testing
        rest = _RestProxyForTest()

        # Initiate Batch class
        batch = Batch()

        # Set UUID, parts count, and overall calc state (as 'RUNNING')
        batch._uuid = uuid
        batch._parts_count = 10
        batch._calc_state = 'COMPLETED'

        # Override network access with proxy

        # Assert that a part outside its range will return an IndexError
        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
Exemple #2
    def test_server_failed_part(self):
        """Test a failing server for a specific part

        This function tests a failed submit on the server side (i.e. code returned is not 200) for a specified part.


        # Dummy UUID and part number for testing
        uuid = 'BLAH'
        part = 3

        # Use REST proxy for testing
        rest = _RestProxyForTest()

        # Set expected 'GET' request with 404 error
        rest.expect_get(self._base + '/batch/' + uuid + '/' + str(part), 404,

        # Initiate Batch class
        batch = Batch()

        # Set UUID, parts count, and overall calc state (as 'RUNNING')
        batch._uuid = uuid
        batch._parts_count = 10
        batch._calc_state = 'COMPLETED'

        # Override network access with proxy

        # Assert that a 404 error code will raise a RuntimeError
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
Exemple #3
    def test_is_not_ready_part(self):
        """Test when an individual part is not ready

        This function tests that a job will correctly indicate when a part is not ready.


        # Dummy UUID and part number for testing
        uuid = 'BLAH'
        part = 3

        # Use REST proxy for testing
        rest = _RestProxyForTest()

        # Set expected 'GET' request with calc_state as 'RUNNING'
        rest.expect_get(self._base + '/batch/' + uuid + '/' + str(part), 200, {
            'calc_state': 'RUNNING',
            'part_index': part

        # Initiate Batch class
        batch = Batch()

        # Set UUID, parts count, and overall calc state (as 'RUNNING')
        batch._uuid = uuid
        batch._parts_count = 10
        batch._calc_state = 'RUNNING'

        # Override network access with proxy

        # Assert that checking if the part is ready will return False
Exemple #4
    def test_is_not_ready(self):
        """Test when a job is not ready

        This function tests that a job will correctly indicate when it is not ready and returns the expected number of
        ephemeris parts count.


        # Dummy UUID for testing
        uuid = 'BLAH'

        # Use REST proxy for testing
        rest = _RestProxyForTest()

        # Set expected 'GET' request with calc_state as 'RUNNING'
        rest.expect_get(self._base + '/batch/' + uuid, 200, {
            'calc_state': 'RUNNING',
            'parts_count': 5

        # Initiate Batch class
        batch = Batch()

        # Set UUID
        batch._uuid = uuid

        # Override network access with proxy

        # Assert that checking if the batch is ready will return False

        # Assert that the number of expected parts is returned
        self.assertEqual(batch.get_parts_count(), 5)
Exemple #5
    def test_is_ready_fails_error_code(self):
        """Test that a failed job returns a RuntimeError when retrieved

        This function tests that a failed error code will return a RuntimeError when attempting to check if it is ready.


        # Dummy UUID for testing
        uuid = 'BLAH'

        # Use REST proxy for testing
        rest = _RestProxyForTest()

        # Set expected 'GET' request with 500 error (fail)
        rest.expect_get(self._base + '/batch/' + uuid, 500, {})

        # Initiate Batch class
        batch = Batch()

        # Set UUID
        batch._uuid = uuid

        # Override network access with proxy

        # Assert that a RuntimeError is raised when checking if it is ready
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
Exemple #6
    def test_is_ready_not_found(self):
        """Test that a job is not ready if not found

        This function tests that if a job is not found from a UUID, it will not return as 'ready'.


        # Dummy UUID for testing
        uuid = 'BLAH'

        # Use REST proxy for testing
        rest = _RestProxyForTest()

        # Set expected 'GET' request with 404 error
        rest.expect_get(self._base + '/batch/' + uuid, 404, {})

        # Initiate Batch class
        batch = Batch()

        # Set UUID
        batch._uuid = uuid

        # Override network access with proxy

        # Assert that the job does not show as ready
Exemple #7
    def test_get_ephemeris(self):
        """Test that an ephemeris is returned if the job has completed successfully

        This function tests that a job that is completed successfully will return the expected ephemeris.


        # Dummy UUID and part number for testing
        uuid = 'BLAH'
        part = 3

        # Use REST proxy for testing
        rest = _RestProxyForTest()

        # Set expected 'GET' request with calc_state as 'COMPLETED' for specific part
            self._base + '/batch/' + uuid + '/' + str(part), 200, {
                'calc_state': 'COMPLETED',
                'error': 'No error!',
                'stk_ephemeris': 'something',
                'part_index': part

        # Initiate Batch class
        batch = Batch()

        # Set UUID, parts count, and overall calc state (as 'COMPLETED')
        batch._uuid = uuid
        batch._parts_count = 10
        batch._calc_state = 'COMPLETED'

        # Override network access with proxy

        # Assert that an overall calc state as 'COMPLETED' will return the expected ephemeris
        self.assertEqual(batch.get_part_ephemeris(part), 'something')

        # Assert that the error is as expected
        self.assertEqual(batch.get_part_error(part), 'No error!')

        # Assert that the calc state for the specific part's run is as expected
        self.assertEqual(batch.get_part_state(part), 'COMPLETED')

        # Assert that checking if the part is ready will return True
Exemple #8
    def test_is_ready_failed_part(self):
        """Test when an individual part has failed

        This function tests that a job will correctly indicate when a part has failed, that it returns the expected
        error, and that it returns None for ephemeris.


        # Dummy UUID and part number for testing
        uuid = 'BLAH'
        part = 3

        # Use REST proxy for testing
        rest = _RestProxyForTest()

        # Set expected 'GET' request with calc_state as 'FAILED'
        rest.expect_get(self._base + '/batch/' + uuid + '/' + str(part), 200, {
            'calc_state': 'FAILED',
            'error': 'Some error',
            'part_index': part

        # Initiate Batch class
        batch = Batch()

        # Set UUID, parts count, and overall calc state (as 'FAILED')
        batch._uuid = uuid
        batch._parts_count = 10
        batch._calc_state = 'FAILED'

        # Override network access with proxy

        # Assert that the calc state for the specific part's run is as expected
        self.assertEqual(batch.get_part_state(part), 'FAILED')

        # Assert that the error returned is as expected
        self.assertEqual(batch.get_part_error(part), 'Some error')

        # Assert that attempting to retrieve a part's ephemeris will return None
        self.assertEqual(batch.get_part_ephemeris(part), None)
Exemple #9
    def test_is_ready_failed(self):
        """Test that job is ready when failed

        This function tests that a job will indicate that it is ready if it has failed.


        # Dummy UUID for testing
        uuid = 'BLAH'

        # Use REST proxy for testing
        rest = _RestProxyForTest()

        # Set expected 'GET' request with calc_state as 'FAILED'
            self._base + '/batch/' + uuid, 200, {
                'calc_state': 'FAILED',
                'parts_count': 42,
                'summary': "ZQZ",
                'error': 'No error!'

        # Initiate Batch class
        batch = Batch()

        # Set UUID
        batch._uuid = uuid

        # Override network access with proxy

        # Assert that checking if the batch is ready will return True

        # Assert that the calc state is as expected
        self.assertEqual(batch.get_calc_state(), 'FAILED')

        # Assert that the number of expected parts is returned
        self.assertEqual(batch.get_parts_count(), 42)