Exemple #1
# --- Extract data

timeseries = np.array([])
for i in range(op.num_meshes):
    fname = os.path.join(
        op.di, "inlet_salinity_diff_{:s}.npy".format(index_string(i)))
    if not os.path.exists(fname):
        raise IOError("Need to run the model in order to get QoI timeseries.")
    timeseries = np.append(timeseries, np.load(fname))

# --- Plot

fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5))
time_seconds = np.linspace(0.0, op.end_time, len(timeseries))
time_hours = time_seconds / 3600
axes.plot(time_hours, timeseries)
axes.set_xlabel(r"Time [$\mathrm h$]")
axes.set_ylabel(r"Inlet salinity difference [$\mathrm{g\,L}^{-1}$]")
axes.set_xlim([0, op.end_time / 3600])
non_dimensionalise = lambda time: 3600 * time / op.T_tide
dimensionalise = lambda time: 3600 * time * op.T_tide
secax = axes.secondary_xaxis('top',
                             functions=(non_dimensionalise, dimensionalise))
secax.set_xlabel("Time/Tidal period")
fname = approach
plot_dir = create_directory(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "plots"))
savefig('_'.join([fname, "array_power_output", index_str]),
        extensions=['pdf', 'png'])
    'debug_mode': args.debug_mode or 'basic',

qois, num_cells, dofs = [], [], []
discrete_turbines = True
# discrete_turbines = False
op = TurbineArrayOptions(**kwargs)
hierarchy = MeshHierarchy(op.default_mesh, levels)

# --- Loop over mesh hierarchy

for level in range(levels):
    op.default_mesh = hierarchy[level]
    di = 'uniform_level{:d}_offset{:d}'.format(level, offset)
    di = create_directory(os.path.join(op.di, di))
    tp = AdaptiveSteadyTurbineProblem(op, discrete_turbines=discrete_turbines, callback_dir=di)

    # Solve forward problem

    # Store diagnostics
    J = tp.quantity_of_interest()*1.030e-03
    op.print_debug("\nMesh {:d} in the hierarchy, offset = {:d}".format(level+1, op.offset))
    op.print_debug("    Number of elements  : {:d}".format(num_cells[-1]))
    op.print_debug("    Number of dofs      : {:d}".format(dofs[-1]))
    op.print_debug("    Power output        : {:.4f} MW".format(qois[-1]))
Exemple #3
assert ext in ('cg', 'dg')
if ext == 'dg':
    if args.stabilisation in ('lf', 'LF', 'lax_friedrichs'):
        ext += '_lf'
    if args.stabilisation in ('su', 'SU'):
        ext += '_su'
    if args.stabilisation in ('supg', 'SUPG'):
        ext += '_supg'
    if anisotropic_stabilisation:
        ext += '_anisotropic'
fname = 'qoi_{:s}'.format(ext)

# Arrays etc.
num_levels = 7
di = create_directory(
    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'outputs', 'fixed_mesh', 'hdf5'))
qois = {'aligned': [], 'offset': []}
num_cells = []
dofs = []
qois_exact = {'aligned': [], 'offset': []}

# Loop over mesh hierarchy
for level in range(num_levels):

    # Solve PDE
    op = PointDischarge2dOptions(level=level, aligned=True)
    op.tracer_family = args.family
    stabilisation = args.stabilisation or 'supg'
    op.stabilisation_tracer = None if stabilisation == 'none' else stabilisation
    op.anisotropic_stabilisation = False if args.anisotropic_stabilisation == '0' else True
    tp = AdaptiveSteadyProblem(op)
Exemple #4
    # Convergence analysis
    'target_base': 2,
    'outer_iterations': int(args.outer_iterations or 8),

    # I/O and debugging
    'plot_pvd': True,
    'debug': bool(args.debug or 0),
op = PointDischarge2dOptions(**kwargs)
op.tracer_family = family
op.stabilisation_tracer = None if stabilisation == 'none' else stabilisation
op.anisotropic_stabilisation = anisotropic_stabilisation
op.normalisation = args.normalisation or 'complexity'  # FIXME: error
di = os.path.dirname(__file__)
di = create_directory(
    os.path.join(di, 'outputs', op.approach, op.enrichment_method, 'hdf5'))

# --- Solve

elements = []
dofs = []
qois = []
estimators = []
for n in range(op.outer_iterations):
    op.target = target * op.target_base**n
    op.default_mesh = RectangleMesh(100 * 2**level, 20 * 2**level, 50, 10)
    tp = problem(op)
    print("Element count: ", elements)
Exemple #5
nonlinear_method = 'solve' if solve_forward else 'prolong'
kwargs = {
    'approach': 'dwr',
    'solve_enriched_forward': solve_forward,
    'offset': offset,
    'plot_pvd': False,
    'debug': bool(args.debug or 0),

# --- Loop over enrichment methods

levels = 3
methods = ('GE_hp', 'GE_h', 'GE_p')
out = {method: {'time': [], 'num_cells': [], 'dofs': []} for method in methods}
di = create_directory('outputs/dwr/enrichment')
fname = os.path.join(di, '{:s}_{:s}.p'.format(alignment, nonlinear_method))
for method in methods:
    for level in range(levels):
        op = TurbineArrayOptions(level=level, **kwargs)
        op.enrichment_method = method

        # Solve problems in base space
        tp = AdaptiveSteadyTurbineProblem(op, print_progress=False, discrete_adjoint=True)

        # Indicate error
Exemple #6
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os

from adapt_utils.io import create_directory
from adapt_utils.case_studies.tohoku.options.options import TohokuInversionOptions
from adapt_utils.plotting import *  # NOQA

di = create_directory(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'plots'))

# Instantiate TohokuOptions object and setup interpolator
op = TohokuInversionOptions()
gauges = list(op.gauges)
num_gauges = len(gauges)
for smoothed in (True, False):
    for gauge in gauges:
        sample = 60 if smoothed and (gauge[0] == 'P' or 'PG' in gauge) else 1
        op.sample_timeseries(gauge, sample=sample)
        op.gauges[gauge]["data"] = []

    # Interpolate timeseries data from file
    t = 0.0
    t_epsilon = 1.0e-05
    time_seconds = []
    while t < op.end_time - t_epsilon:
        for gauge in gauges:
        t += op.dt
    'max_adapt': int(args.max_adapt or 3),
    'hessian_time_combination': args.hessian_time_combination or 'integrate',
    'norm_order': 1,
    'normalisation': 'complexity',

    # I/O and debugging
    'plot_pvd': False,
    'debug': bool(args.debug or False),
op = BubbleOptions(approach='hessian', n=int(args.n or 1))
if args.dt is not None:
    op.dt = float(args.dt)
if args.end_time is not None:
    op.end_time = float(args.end_time)
op.di = create_directory(os.path.join(op.di, op.hessian_time_combination))

# --- Solve the tracer transport problem

assert op.approach != 'fixed_mesh'
for n in range(int(args.min_level or 0), int(args.max_level or 5)):
    op.target = 1000*2**n
    op.dt = 0.01*0.5**n
    op.dt_per_export = 2**n

    # Run simulation
    tp = AdaptiveProblem(op)
    cpu_timestamp = perf_counter()
    times = [perf_counter() - cpu_timestamp]
    dofs = [Q.dof_count for Q in tp.Q]
Exemple #8
    # Model
    "stabilisation": args.stabilisation,
    args.viscosity_sponge_type,  # NOTE: Defaults to None
    "family": "dg-cg",

    # I/O and debugging
    "plot_pvd": plot_pvd,
    "debug": bool(args.debug or False),
    'debug_mode': args.debug_mode or 'basic',
plt.rc('font', **{'size': 18})
op = SpaceshipOptions(approach=approach)
if op.viscosity_sponge_type is not None:
    op.di = create_directory(os.path.join(op.di, op.viscosity_sponge_type))
if op.debug:
    op.solver_parameters_momentum['snes_monitor'] = None
    op.solver_parameters_pressure['snes_monitor'] = None

# Create directories and check if spun-up solution exists
data_dir = create_directory(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data"))
ramp_dir = create_directory(os.path.join(data_dir, "ramp"))
data_dir = create_directory(os.path.join(data_dir, approach, index_str))
op.spun = np.all([
    os.path.isfile(os.path.join(ramp_dir, f + ".h5"))
    for f in ('velocity', 'elevation')
sea_water_density = 1030.0
power_watts = [np.array([]) for i in range(15)]
if op.spun:
    "arrowprops": {
        "arrowstyle": "<->",
        "color": "b",
plt.rc('font', **{'size': 18})
op = TurbineArrayOptions(base_viscosity, **kwargs)
if args.max_reynolds_number is not None:
    op.max_reynolds_number = float(args.max_reynolds_number)
op.end_time = op.T_tide  # Only adapt over a single tidal cycle

# Create directories and check if spun-up solution exists
ramp_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "ramp")
if args.extension is not None:
    ramp_dir = "_".join([ramp_dir, args.extension])
op.di = create_directory(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "outputs", approach))
if args.extension is not None:
    op.di = "_".join([op.di, args.extension])
op.spun = np.all([os.path.isfile(os.path.join(ramp_dir, f + ".h5")) for f in ('velocity', 'elevation')])

# --- Run model

# Run forward model and save QoI timeseries
if not plot_only:
    if not op.spun:
        raise ValueError("Please spin up the simulation before applying mesh adaptation.")
    swp = AdaptiveTurbineProblem(op, meshes=load_mesh, callback_dir=op.di, ramp_dir=ramp_dir)

    # Solve forward problem
    cpu_timestamp = perf_counter()
Exemple #10
# Set parameters
kwargs = {
    'approach': 'fixed_mesh',
    'level': int(args.level or 2),
    'box': True,
    'plot_pvd': True,
    'debug': False if args.debug == "0" else True,
    'debug_mode': args.debug_mode or 'basic',
discrete_turbines = True
# discrete_turbines = False
op = TurbineArrayOptions(**kwargs)
    'spun': False,
    'di': create_directory(os.path.join(op.di, 'unsteady')),

    # Extend to time-dependent case
    'timestepper': 'CrankNicolson',
    'dt': 5.0,
    'dt_per_export': 1,
    'end_time': 600.0,

    # Crank down viscosity and plot vorticity
    'base_viscosity': Constant(1.0e-05),
    'characteristic_velocity': Constant(op.inflow_velocity),
    'grad_depth_viscosity': True,
    'max_reynolds_number': 5.0e+05,
    'recover_vorticity': True,

    # Only consider the first turbine
Exemple #11
parser.add_argument('-debug', help="Toggle debugging mode.")
args = parser.parse_args()

# Set parameters
offset = bool(args.offset or False)
alignment = 'offset' if offset else 'aligned'
kwargs = {
    'approach': 'dwr',
    'level': int(args.level or 1),
    'aligned': not offset,
    'plot_pvd': False,
    'debug': bool(args.debug or 0),
methods = ('GE_hp', 'GE_h', 'GE_p', 'DQ')
assert args.enrichment_method in methods
plot_dir = create_directory('plots')
op = PointDischarge2dOptions(**kwargs)
op.tracer_family = 'cg'
op.stabilisation_tracer = 'supg'
op.anisotropic_stabilisation = True
op.enrichment_method = args.enrichment_method

# Evaluate error indicator field
tp = AdaptiveSteadyProblem(op, print_progress=False)
minpower = -15
maxpower = -3
minvalue = 1.0001*10**minpower
maxvalue = 0.9999*10**maxpower
approach = 'fixed_mesh'
load_mesh = None if args.load_mesh is None else 'plex'
plot_pvd = bool(args.plot_pvd or False)
kwargs = {
    'approach': approach,
    'num_meshes': int(args.num_meshes or 1),
    'plot_pvd': plot_pvd,
    'debug': bool(args.debug or False),
    'debug_mode': args.debug_mode or 'basic',
op = TurbineArrayOptions(3.0, **kwargs)
mode = 'memory'  # TODO: disk

# Create directories and check if spun-up solution exists
data_dir = create_directory(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data"))
ramp_dir = create_directory(os.path.join(data_dir, "ramp"))
data_dir = create_directory(os.path.join(data_dir, approach))
spun = np.all([os.path.isfile(os.path.join(ramp_dir, f + ".h5")) for f in ('velocity', 'elevation')])
power_watts = [np.array([]) for i in range(15)]
if spun:
    for i, turbine in enumerate(op.farm_ids):
        fname = os.path.join(ramp_dir, "power_output_{:d}.npy".format(turbine))
        power_watts[i] = np.append(power_watts[i], np.load(fname)*op.sea_water_density)
    op.end_time += op.T_ramp

# --- Forward solve

# Run forward model and save QoI timeseries
    nonlinear = False
    with open(filename, 'r') as logfile:
        for line in logfile:
            words = line.split()
            if words[0] == 'Elements' and words[1] == 'QoI':
                use = True
            if words[0] == 'nonlinear':
                nonlinear = words[-1] == 'True'
            if use:
    qois = np.array(qois)
    # init_diff = np.zeros(len(qois)) if qois_old is None else qois[0] - qois_old[0]
    # qois_old = qois
    # plt.semilogx(elements, qois - init_diff, label='Nonlinear SWEs' if nonlinear else 'Linear SWEs')
                 label='Nonlinear SWEs' if nonlinear else 'Linear SWEs')
plt.xlabel("Element count")
plt.ylabel(r"Quantity of interest, $J(\mathbf{u},\eta)$")
date = datetime.date.today()
date = '{:d}-{:d}-{:d}'.format(date.year, date.month, date.day)
di = create_directory(
    os.path.join(di, '{:s}-runs-{:s}'.format(date,
                                             '-'.join([r for r in runs]))))
plt.savefig(os.path.join(di, 'qoi_convergence.png'))
Exemple #14
    'norm_order': p,
    'convergence_rate': alpha,
    'min_adapt': int(args.min_adapt or 3),
    'max_adapt': int(args.max_adapt or 35),
    'enrichment_method': args.enrichment_method or ('GE_p' if adjoint else 'DQ'),

    # I/O and debugging
    'plot_pvd': True,
    'debug': bool(args.debug or 0),
op = PointDischarge2dOptions(**kwargs)
op.tracer_family = family
stabilisation = args.stabilisation or 'supg'
op.stabilisation_tracer = None if stabilisation == 'none' else stabilisation
op.anisotropic_stabilisation = False if args.anisotropic_stabilisation == '0' else True
op.di = create_directory(os.path.join(op.di, op.stabilisation_tracer or family, op.enrichment_method))
op.normalisation = args.normalisation or 'complexity'  # FIXME: error

# --- Solve

tp = problem(op)

if bool(args.plot_indicator or False):
    indicator_file = File(os.path.join(op.di, "indicator.pvd"))

# Export to HDF5
save_mesh(tp.mesh, "mesh", fpath=op.di)