Exemple #1
def visit_Call(
    state: State,
    node: ast.Call,
) -> Iterable[Tuple[Offset, TokenFunc]]:
    argnodes = [*node.args, *node.keywords]
    arg_offsets = set()
    has_starargs = False
    for argnode in argnodes:
        if isinstance(argnode, ast.Starred):
            has_starargs = True
        if isinstance(argnode, ast.keyword) and argnode.arg is None:
            has_starargs = True

        offset = ast_to_offset(argnode)
        # multiline strings have invalid position, ignore them
        if offset.utf8_byte_offset != -1:  # pragma: no branch (cpy bug)

    # If the sole argument is a generator, don't add a trailing comma as
    # this breaks lib2to3 based tools
    only_a_generator = (len(argnodes) == 1
                        and isinstance(argnodes[0], ast.GeneratorExp))

    if arg_offsets and not only_a_generator and not state.in_fstring:
        func = functools.partial(
            add_comma=not has_starargs or state.min_version >= (3, 5),
        yield ast_to_offset(node), func
Exemple #2
def visit_FunctionDef(
    state: State,
    node: Union[ast.AsyncFunctionDef, ast.FunctionDef],
) -> Iterable[Tuple[Offset, TokenFunc]]:
    has_starargs = False
    args = [*getattr(node.args, 'posonlyargs', ()), *node.args.args]

    if node.args.vararg:
        has_starargs = True
    if node.args.kwarg:
        has_starargs = True
    if node.args.kwonlyargs:
        has_starargs = True

    arg_offsets = {ast_to_offset(arg) for arg in args}

    if arg_offsets:
        func = functools.partial(
            add_comma=not has_starargs or state.min_version >= (3, 6),
        yield ast_to_offset(node), func
Exemple #3
def visit_ClassDef(
    state: State,
    node: ast.ClassDef,
) -> Iterable[Tuple[Offset, TokenFunc]]:
    # starargs are allowed in py3 class definitions, py35+ allows trailing
    # commas.  py34 does not, but adding an option for this very obscure
    # case seems not worth it.
    args = [*node.bases, *node.keywords]
    arg_offsets = {ast_to_offset(arg) for arg in args}

    if arg_offsets:
        func = functools.partial(_fix_class, arg_offsets=arg_offsets)
        yield ast_to_offset(node), func
Exemple #4
def visit_Tuple(
    state: State,
    node: ast.Tuple,
) -> Iterable[Tuple[Offset, TokenFunc]]:
    if node.elts:
        is_one_el = len(node.elts) == 1
        if (ast_to_offset(node) == ast_to_offset(node.elts[0]) or
                # in < py38 tuples lie about offset -- later we must backtrack
                sys.version_info < (3, 8)):
            func = functools.partial(_fix_tuple, one_el_tuple=is_one_el)
            yield ast_to_offset(node), func
        else:  # pragma: no cover (py38+)
            func = functools.partial(_fix_literal, one_el_tuple=is_one_el)
            yield ast_to_offset(node), func
Exemple #5
def visit_Dict(
    state: State,
    node: ast.Dict,
) -> Iterable[Tuple[Offset, TokenFunc]]:
    if node.values:
        func = functools.partial(_fix_literal, one_el_tuple=False)
        yield ast_to_offset(node), func
Exemple #6
def visit_ImportFrom(
    state: State,
    node: ast.ImportFrom,
) -> Iterable[Tuple[Offset, TokenFunc]]:
    yield ast_to_offset(node), _fix_import