def test_round_trip():
    tests that a large Oil object loaded from JSON, then saved as JSON,
    then reloaded again, results in an equal object

    Not really much a test at this point, but why not?
    filein = TEST_DATA_DIR / "EC" / "EC00506.json"
    fileout = OUTPUT_DIR / "temp_oil.json"

    # read it in:
    oilin = Oil.from_file(filein)

    # check that they are not exactly the same
    # this used to be a test for when we had equal data written in
    # different order it's not longer valid

    # file1 = open(filein, encoding="utf-8").read().strip()
    # file2 = open(fileout, encoding="utf-8").read().strip()

    # assert not file1 == file2, "output is the same as input -- test not fully valid"

    # read the new one to an Oil object

    oilout = Oil.from_file(fileout)

    assert oilin == oilout
    def test_add_new_attribute(self):
        You should not be able to add an arbitrary new attribute
        oil = Oil(oil_id=OIL_ID)

        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            oil.random_attr = 456
    def test_permanent_warnings(self):
        oil = Oil('XXXXXX')

        warn = "Something is very wrong with this record."

        msgs = oil.validate()


        assert "W000: " + warn in msgs
def test_version_none():
    If it doesn't have a version string, it should get the current one.
    oil = Oil('XXXXXX') = 'An oil name'
    pyjs = oil.py_json()
    # remove the version:
    pyjs.pop('adios_data_model_version', None)

    oil = Oil.from_py_json(pyjs)

    assert oil.adios_data_model_version == ADIOS_DATA_MODEL_VERSION
Exemple #5
def test_add_labels_to_oil_no_product_type():
    this oil should get no labels
    oil = Oil('XXXXX')

    assert get_suggested_labels(oil) == []
Exemple #6
def test_reasonable_name(name):
    # unreasonable names should fail
    oil = Oil(oil_id='AD00123') = name

    assert snippet_in_oil_status("W001:", oil)
    def test_replace_one(self):
        session = connect_mongodb(self.settings)

        ID = session.new_oil_id()
        orig_name = 'original name'
        new_name = 'new name'

        # create a minimal oil
        oil = Oil(ID) = orig_name

        # add it:

        oil_json = session.find_one(ID)

        assert oil_json['oil_id'] == ID
        assert oil_json['metadata']['name'] == orig_name

        # update it: = new_name
        res = session.replace_one(oil)
        assert res.matched_count == 1
        assert res.modified_count == 1

        oil_json = session.find_one(ID)

        assert oil_json['oil_id'] == ID
        assert oil_json['metadata']['name'] == new_name
Exemple #8
def get_all_records(data_dir):
    gets all the records from the JSON data stored in gitLab

    This is a generator that gets all the records, returning them one by one
    as record, path pairs

    :param data_dir: the directory that holds the data

    The record returned is an Oil object

    Use as such::
       for oil, path in get_all_records(data_dir):
    for fname in sorted(Path(data_dir).rglob("*.json")):
        with open(fname, encoding='utf-8') as jfile:
                pyjson = json.load(jfile)
            except Exception:
                print("Something went wrong loading:", fname)

        rec = Oil.from_py_json(pyjson)

        yield rec, fname
def test_full_round_trip():
    This test makes sure that it can read a full record,
    save it as JSON, and then read it back again
    record = ExxonDataReader.read_excel_file(
        example_dir / "Crude_Oil_HOOPS_Blend_assay_xls.xlsx")

    assert record[0][0] == "ExxonMobil"

    oil = ExxonMapper(('HOOPS Blend Example', record))

    assert == 'HOOPS Blend Example'


    filename = example_dir / "ExampleOutput.json"

    oil2 = Oil.from_file(filename)

    for bc2, bc in zip(oil2.sub_samples[0].bulk_composition,
        assert bc2 == bc
    assert oil2.sub_samples[0].bulk_composition == oil.sub_samples[
    assert oil2.sub_samples[0].industry_properties == oil.sub_samples[
    assert oil2 == oil
Exemple #10
def minimal_oil():
    oil = Oil('XXXXX') = "Minimal Oil for Tests"
    fresh = Sample()
    # print(fresh.physical_properties)
    return oil
    def test_metadata_in_oil(self, attr, value, expected):
        oil = Oil(oil_id=OIL_ID)

        assert hasattr(oil.metadata, attr)
        assert getattr(oil.metadata, attr) == expected['default']

        setattr(oil.metadata, attr, value)
        assert getattr(oil.metadata, attr) == expected['value']
    def test_from_py_json_nothing(self):
        You must specify at least an oil_id
        py_json = {}

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            _oil = Oil.from_py_json(py_json)
Exemple #13
def test_add_labels_to_oil_no_API():
    this oil should get only labels with no API limits
    oil = Oil('XXXXX')
    oil.metadata.product_type = 'Crude Oil NOS'

    assert get_suggested_labels(oil) == ['Crude Oil']
def test_from_file_name():
    test loading a Oil object directly from a file name
    oil = Oil.from_file(TEST_DATA_DIR / "EC" / "EC02234.json")

    # maybe it would be better to do more of a test,
    # but the full loading should be tested elsewhere
    assert oil.oil_id == "EC02234"
    def test_json_minimal(self):
        When we convert our dataclass into a JSON struct, empty fields
        will be sparse.  The field will not be included in the struct.
        So if we create an Oil with only a name, it will look like this:

            {'name': 'A name for an oil'}
        oil = Oil(oil_id=OIL_ID)
        assert oil.oil_id == OIL_ID

        py_json = oil.py_json()

        assert py_json["oil_id"] == OIL_ID
        assert py_json['adios_data_model_version'] == str(
        assert len(py_json) == 3
    def py_json(self):
        rec = {}

        for attr in self.oil_props:
            rec[attr] = getattr(self, attr)

        obj = Oil.from_py_json(rec)

        return obj.py_json()
def get_obj_json(obj_path, collection_name):
    obj = json.load(open(obj_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8'))

    if collection_name == 'oil':
        oil = Oil.from_py_json(obj)
        obj = oil.py_json()

    return obj
Exemple #18
def test_add_labels_to_oil_no_labels_other():
    we should never get a label for 'Other'
    oil = Oil('XXXXX')
    oil.metadata.API = 32.0
    oil.metadata.product_type = 'Other'

    assert get_suggested_labels(oil) == []
def test_from_file():
    test loading a Oil object directly from an open file
    oil = Oil.from_file(
        open(TEST_DATA_DIR / "EC" / "EC02234.json", encoding="utf-8"))

    # maybe it would be better to do more of a test,
    # but the full loading should be tested elsewhere
    assert oil.oil_id == "EC02234"
    def test_json_minimal_nonsparse(self):
        oil = Oil(oil_id=OIL_ID)
        py_json = oil.py_json(sparse=False)


        assert len(py_json) == 8

        for attr in [
            assert attr in py_json
def test_version_too_high():
    pyjs = {
        'oil_id': 'AD00123',
        'adios_data_model_version': "2.0.0",
        'metadata': {
            'name': 'An oil name'
    with pytest.raises(VersionError):
        _oil = Oil.from_py_json(pyjs)
    def test_wrong_thing_in_oil_id(self):
        it's easy to accidentally pass who knows what into the id param

        that should get flagged if it doesn't make sense
        whoops = {'oil_id': 'AD00123', 'metadata': {'name': 'An oil name'}}
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            # error because we're passing the whole dict in
    def test_repr_minimal(self):
        The repr should be reasonable
        oil = Oil("XX00000")

        result = repr(oil)

        assert result.startswith("Oil(")
        assert "oil_id='XX00000'" in result
def test_metadata_from_full_record():
    oil = Oil.from_file(full_oil_filename)

    log = oil.metadata.change_log

    assert len(log) == 1
    assert log[0].name == "Bozo the Clown"
    assert log[0].date == "2021-04-01"
    assert log[0].comment == "Any random old thing"
Exemple #25
    def py_json(self):
        rec = self.record.dict()

        rec['sub_samples'] = [s.dict() for s in self.sub_samples]


        rec = Oil.from_py_json(rec)

        return rec.py_json()
    def test_init_minimal(self):
        Even though we initialized with only an ID, all attributes
        should be present.
        oil = Oil(oil_id=OIL_ID)
        assert oil.oil_id == OIL_ID

        for attr in ('oil_id', 'metadata', 'sub_samples', 'status',
            assert hasattr(oil, attr)
    def test_from_py_json_minimal(self):
        Note: It seems we are not only checking for existence, but specific
              values.  Parametrize??
        py_json = {"oil_id": OIL_ID}
        oil = Oil.from_py_json(py_json)

        assert oil.oil_id == OIL_ID
        assert oil.status == []
        assert oil.metadata.API is None
    def test_subsamples(self):
        Is it getting all the subsamples
        oil = Oil.from_py_json(BIG_RECORD)

        print("working with:",

        assert len(oil.sub_samples) == 5
        assert oil.sub_samples[0] == "Fresh Oil Sample"
        assert oil.sub_samples[3] == "25.3% Evaporated"
    def test_insert_one(self):
        session = connect_mongodb(self.settings)

        # create a minimal oil
        ID = session.new_oil_id()
        oil = Oil(ID)

        # add it:
        inserted_id = session.insert_one(oil)

        assert inserted_id == ID
Exemple #30
def test_add_labels_to_oil_api(pt, api, labels):
    we should never get a label for 'Other'
    oil = Oil('XXXXX')
    oil.metadata.API = api
    oil.metadata.product_type = pt

    print("Product type:", pt)
    print("API:", api)
    print("labels:", get_suggested_labels(oil))
    assert get_suggested_labels(oil) == sorted(labels)