Exemple #1
def fromListToAdjMatrix(_list: List):
    adjMatrix = AdjMatrix(_list.tops)
    for i in range(0, _list.tops):
        for j in range(0, _list.tops):
            if _list.matrix[i][j] != 0:
                adjMatrix.matrix[i][_list.matrix[i][j] - 1] = 1
            #adjMatrix.matrix[i][_list.matrix[i][j]-1] = 0
    return adjMatrix
def create_graph(text, filename):
    f = open(filename)
    basetext = f.read().lower()
    from textmodel import Text
    btext = Text(basetext)
    #btokens = nltk.word_tokenize(basetext)
    btokens = nltk.regexp_tokenize(basetext, "[\w']+")
    btext.tokens = btokens
    if text is None:

    #text.tokens = text1
    #print ("..........",len(text.tokens))
    txt = list(text.tokens)
    poslist = list()
    #print ("..............", len(txt))
    #print text
    temp = {}

    t = []
    #creating poslist for the terms
    for x in txt:
        #tmptokens = nltk.word_tokenize(txt[x])
        tmptokens = nltk.regexp_tokenize(x, "[\w']+")
        #tmptokens = nltk.regexp_tokenize(text[x],"[\w']+")
        if len(tmptokens) == 1:
            pos = list(get_positions(btext.tokens, tmptokens[0], txt))
        elif len(tmptokens) > 1:
            pos = list(get_phrasepos(btext.tokens, x, txt))
            pos = []
        if len(pos) > 0:
            if pos[0][0] in temp.keys():
                for i in range(len(pos)):
                    if pos[i] not in temp[pos[0][0]]:
                temp[pos[0][0]] = pos
            if pos[0][0] != x:
                #print ("removed",x," | ",pos[0][0])
    #removing unneccessary sub-lists ie "linked" from "linked list"
    k = []
    for x in temp.keys():
        for y in temp.keys():
            if x != y:
                if x in y:
                    tmpx = nltk.word_tokenize(x)
                    tmpy = nltk.word_tokenize(y)
                    fx = 0
                    fy = 0
                    for i in range(len(tmpy)):
                        if tmpy[fy] == tmpx[fx]:
                            fy += 1
                            fx += 1
                            fy += 1
                        if fx == len(tmpx):
                            if len(temp[x]) == len(temp[y]):
                                #print("delete: ",x," | ",y)
                                if x not in k:
    #print("k : ",k)
    for i in k:
        del temp[i]
    si = {}
    for i in temp.keys():
        si[i] = len(temp[i])
    r = []
    for i in temp.keys():
        tmpx = nltk.word_tokenize(i)
        if len(tmpx) > 1:
            for j in temp:
                if i != j:
                    if i in j:
                        si[i] -= si[j]
##    for i in j:
##        si[i]=0

    for i in temp.keys():
        tmpx = nltk.word_tokenize(i)
        if len(tmpx) == 1:
            for j in temp:
                if i != j:
                    if i in j:
                        si[i] -= si[j]
    r = []
    for i in temp.keys():
        if si[i] == 0:
            #print ("to be removed: ",i)
    for i in r:
        del temp[i]
    for i in t:
    for i in temp.keys():
##    #removing unneccessary sub-lists ie "linked" from "linked list"
##    d=[]
##    for x in range(len(txt)):
##        tmptokens = nltk.word_tokenize(txt[x])
##        if len(tmptokens)>1:
##            for y in range(len(tmptokens)):
##                if tmptokens[y] not in stop:
##                    if tmptokens[y] in txt:
##                        u=0
##                        flag1=0
##                        flag2=0
##                        flag=0
##                        w=0
##                        z=0
##                        for u in range(len(poslist)):
##                            if len(poslist[u])>1:
##                                if poslist[u][0][0]==tmptokens[y] and flag1==0:
##                                    flag1=1
##                                    flag+=1
##                                    w=u
##                                if poslist[u][0][0]==txt[x] and flag2==0:
##                                    flag2=1
##                                    flag+=1
##                                    z=u
##                            if flag==2:
##                                break
##                        if flag1==1 and flag2==1:
##                            #print(poslist[u][0][0]," : ",len(poslist[u]),poslist[v][0][0]," : ",len(poslist[v]))
##                            if len(poslist[w])==len(poslist[z]):
##                                print("del: ",poslist[w][0][0],len(poslist[w])," ",txt[x],len(poslist[z]))
##                                d.append(poslist[w][0][0])
##                                del poslist[w]
##    for i in d:
##        txt.remove(i)

#mlist is a merged list for merging the created positions in sorted order
    mlist = list()
    if len(poslist) > 1:
        mlist = merge(poslist[0], poslist[1])
    x = 2
    while x < len(poslist):
        if len(poslist[x]) != 0:
            #print len(poslist[x]), poslist[x]
            mlist = merge(mlist, poslist[x])
        x += 1

    t = []
    for z in txt:
        count = 0
        for i in range(len(mlist)):
            if z == mlist[i][0]:
                count += 1

##        if count==1:
##            print ("1: ",z)
        if count == 0:
            #print ("0: ",z)
    for i in t:

    # Now create the adjacency matrix for the graph
    adjmatrix = list()
    text.tokens = txt
    #print ("txt::",txt)
    from adjmatrix import AdjMatrix
    amatrix = AdjMatrix()
    amatrix.createMatrix(txt, mlist, False)
    #print text
    return amatrix