Exemple #1
def remove_trailing_spaces_walker(arguments, directory_name, names):
    Walker method to be used by the path walker for the removal of trailing
    spaces and newlines.

    :type arguments: Tuple
    :param arguments: The arguments tuple sent by the walker method.
    :type directory_name: String
    :param directory_name: The name of the current directory in the walk.
    :type names: List
    :param names: The list of names in the current directory.

    # unpacks the arguments tuple
    tab_to_spaces, trailing_newlines, windows_newline,\
    file_extensions, file_exclusion = arguments

    # tries to run the handle ignore operation for the current set of names and
    # in case there's a processing returns the control flow immediately as no
    # more handling is meant to occur for the current operation (ignored)
    if extra.handle_ignore(names): return

    # removes the complete set of names that are meant to be excluded from the
    # current set names to be visit (avoid visiting them)
    for exclusion in file_exclusion:
        if not exclusion in names: continue

    # retrieves the valid names for the names list (removes directory entries)
    valid_complete_names = [
        directory_name + "/" + name for name in names\
        if not os.path.isdir(directory_name + "/" + name)

    # filters the names with non valid file extensions
    valid_complete_names = [
        os.path.normpath(name) for name in valid_complete_names\
        if file_extensions == None or os.path.split(name)[-1].split(".")[-1] in file_extensions

    # creates the string based value of the windows newline taking into
    # account the boolean value of it
    windows_newline_s = "windows newline" if windows_newline else "unix newline"

    # iterates over all the valid complete names with extension filter
    for valid_complete_name in valid_complete_names:
        # prints a message about the operation to be performed
        extra.echo("Removing trail in file: %s (%s)" % (valid_complete_name, windows_newline_s))

        # removes the trailing spaces for the (path) name
        remove_trailing_spaces(valid_complete_name, tab_to_spaces, windows_newline)

        # in case the trailing newlines flag is active
        if trailing_newlines:
            # prints a message about the operation to be performed
            extra.echo("Removing trail newlines in file: %s" % valid_complete_name)

            # removes the trailing newlines for the(path) name
            remove_trailing_newlines(valid_complete_name, windows_newline)
def cleanup_stylesheets_walker(arguments, directory_name, names):
    Walker method to be used by the path walker for the cleanup
    of stylesheets.

    :type arguments: Tuple
    :param arguments: The arguments tuple sent by the walker method.
    :type directory_name: String
    :param directory_name: The name of the current directory in the walk.
    :type names: List
    :param names: The list of names in the current directory.

    # unpacks the arguments tuple
    windows_newline, fix_extra_newlines, property_order,\
    rules_skip, file_extensions, file_exclusion = arguments

    # tries to run the handle ignore operation for the current set of names and
    # in case there's a processing returns the control flow immediately as no
    # more handling is meant to occur for the current operation (ignored)
    if extra.handle_ignore(names): return

    # removes the complete set of names that are meant to be excluded from the
    # current set names to be visit (avoid visiting them)
    for exclusion in file_exclusion:
        if not exclusion in names: continue

    # retrieves the valid names for the names list (removes directory entries)
    valid_complete_names = [
        directory_name + "/" + name for name in names\
        if not os.path.isdir(directory_name + "/" + name)

    # filters the names with non valid file extensions so that
    valid_complete_names = [
        os.path.normpath(name) for name in valid_complete_names\
        if file_extensions == None or os.path.split(name)[-1].split(".")[-1] in file_extensions

    # iterates over all the valid complete names with extension filter
    for valid_complete_name in valid_complete_names:
        extra.echo("Cleaning stylesheet file: %s" % valid_complete_name)

        # removes the cleanups the stylesheet for the (path) name
Exemple #3
def misc_walker(arguments, directory_name, names):
    Walker method to be used by the path walker for running the
    normalization misc process.

    :type arguments: Tuple
    :param arguments: The arguments tuple sent by the walker method.
    :type directory_name: String
    :param directory_name: The name of the current directory in the walk.
    :type names: List
    :param names: The list of names in the current directory.

    # unpacks the arguments tuple into its values
    file_exclusion, configuration = arguments

    # retrieves the complete set of extensions registered for the chmod
    # operations and then gathers their keys as the basis for the extension
    # based filtering operations (optimization)
    chmod = configuration.get("chmod", {})
    extensions = legacy.keys(chmod)
    extensions = tuple(extensions)

    # tries to run the handle ignore operation for the current set of names and
    # in case there's a processing returns the control flow immediately as no
    # more handling is meant to occur for the current operation (ignored)
    if extra.handle_ignore(names): return

    # removes the complete set of names that are meant to be excluded from the
    # current set names to be visit (avoid visiting them)
    for exclusion in file_exclusion:
        if not exclusion in names: continue

    # retrieves the valid names for the names list (removes directory entries)
    valid_complete_names = [directory_name + "/" + name for name in names\
        if not os.path.isdir(directory_name + "/" + name)]

    # filters the names with non valid file extensions so that only the
    # ones that conform with the misc source ones are selected
    valid_complete_names = [os.path.normpath(name) for name in valid_complete_names\
        if name.endswith(tuple(extensions))]

    # iterates over all the valid complete names with valid structure
    # as defined by the misc file structure definition
    for valid_complete_name in valid_complete_names:
        # print a message a message about the misc
        # operation that is going to be performed and
        # then runs the operation with the correct path
        extra.echo("Running the misc operations on file: %s" % valid_complete_name)
        misc_file(valid_complete_name, configuration)
Exemple #4
def jssource_walker(arguments, directory_name, names):
    Walker method to be used by the path walker for running the
    normalization jssource process.

    :type arguments: Tuple
    :param arguments: The arguments tuple sent by the walker method.
    :type directory_name: String
    :param directory_name: The name of the current directory in the walk.
    :type names: List
    :param names: The list of names in the current directory.

    # unpacks the arguments tuple
    file_exclusion, = arguments

    # tries to run the handle ignore operation for the current set of names and
    # in case there's a processing returns the control flow immediately as no
    # more handling is meant to occur for the current operation (ignored)
    if extra.handle_ignore(names): return

    # removes the complete set of names that are meant to be excluded from the
    # current set names to be visit (avoid visiting them)
    for exclusion in file_exclusion:
        if not exclusion in names: continue

    # retrieves the valid names for the names list (removes directory entries)
    valid_complete_names = [directory_name + "/" + name for name in names\
        if not os.path.isdir(directory_name + "/" + name)]

    # filters the names with non valid file extensions so that only the
    # ones that conform with the javascript source ones are selected
    valid_complete_names = [os.path.normpath(name) for name in valid_complete_names\
        if name.endswith((".js", ".json"))]

    # iterates over all the valid complete names with valid structure
    # as defined by the javascript file structure definition
    for valid_complete_name in valid_complete_names:
        # print a message a message about the jssource
        # operation that is going to be performed and
        # then runs the operation with the correct path
        extra.echo("Transforming javascript source file: %s" % valid_complete_name)
Exemple #5
def join_files_walker(arguments, directory_name, names):
    Walker method to be used by the path walker for the joining of the files.

    :type arguments: Tuple
    :param arguments: The arguments tuple sent by the walker method.
    :type directory_name: String
    :param directory_name: The name of the current directory in the walk.
    :type names: List
    :param names: The list of names in the current directory.

    # unpacks the arguments tuple
    file_exclusion, = arguments

    # tries to run the handle ignore operation for the current set of names and
    # in case there's a processing returns the control flow immediately as no
    # more handling is meant to occur for the current operation (ignored)
    if extra.handle_ignore(names): return

    # removes the complete set of names that are meant to be excluded from the
    # current set names to be visit (avoid visiting them)
    for exclusion in file_exclusion:
        if not exclusion in names: continue

    # retrieves the valid names for the names list (removes directory entries)
    valid_complete_names = [directory_name + "/" + name for name in names\
        if not os.path.isdir(directory_name + "/" + name)]

    # filters the names with non valid file extensions so that only the
    # ones that contain the join extension are used
    valid_complete_names = [os.path.normpath(name) for name in valid_complete_names\
        if len(name.split(".")) > 1 and name.split(".")[-2] == "join"\
        and name.split(".")[-1] == "json"]

    # iterates over all the valid complete names with extension filter
    for valid_complete_name in valid_complete_names:
        # print a message a message about the joining
        # operation that is going to be performed and
        # then runs the operation with the correct path
        extra.echo("Joining files defined in file: %s" % valid_complete_name)
def run():
    # retrieves the path to the "current" directory
    directory_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)

    # in case the number of arguments is not sufficient
    # must print an error message about the issue
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        # prints a series of message about the correct usage
        # of the command line for this command
        extra.echo("Invalid number of arguments")
        extra.echo("Usage: " + USAGE_MESSAGE)

        # exits the system in error

    # retrieves the target path for execution and the
    # extra arguments to be used
    target_path = sys.argv[1]
    extra_arguments = sys.argv[2:]

    # retrieves the current os name and then using it
    # sets the shell value to be used in the process
    shell_value = os.name in WINDOWS_PLATFORMS and True or False

    # sets the initial value for the exit code that is
    # going to be used at the end of the cleanup operation
    exit_code = 0

    info = config(target_path)

    # iterates over all the scripts for execution, passing
    # the proper script values into each script for execution
    for script in info["scripts"]:
        # retrieves the script configuration file name in case
        # no configuration path is found no value is provided
        script_configuration_file_name = info["configuration"].get(script, None)

        # creates both the script and the configuration paths
        # note that there's a path normalization process
        script_path = os.path.join(directory_path, script)
        configuration_path = os.path.join(
            os.path.join(CONFIGURATION_RELATIVE_PATH, script_configuration_file_name)
        ) if script_configuration_file_name else None

        # resolves both paths as absolute so that the proper value
        # is passed to the underlying command line execution
        if not script_path == None: script_path = os.path.abspath(script_path)
        if not configuration_path == None: configuration_path = os.path.abspath(configuration_path)

        # creates the arguments list from the various
        # processed arguments
        arguments = [info["command"]]
        if configuration_path:

        # prints a message and flushes the standard output
        extra.echo("Executing script file: %s" % script)

        # opens a sub-process for script execution (and waits for the end of it)
        process = subprocess.Popen(
            stdin = sys.stdin,
            stdout = sys.stdout,
            stderr = sys.stderr,
            shell = shell_value

        # in case the return code of the process is not the expected one (zero)
        # the final exit code to be returned by the process is changed to error
        if not process.returncode == 0: exit_code = 1

        # creates the proper prefix message using the return code from the process
        # note that the failed prefix is set for unwanted error codes
        prefix = "Finished" if process.returncode == 0 else "Finished (with errors)"

        # print a message and flushes the standard output
        extra.echo("%s executing script file: %s" % (prefix, script))

    # exits the current process with the code that has been calculated
    # from the execution of the various sub-scripts
Exemple #7
def main():
    Main function used for the joining files.

    # in case the number of arguments
    # is not sufficient
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        # prints a series of message related with he
        # correct usage of the command line and then
        # exits the process with error indication
        extra.echo("Invalid number of arguments")
        extra.echo("Usage: " + USAGE_MESSAGE)

    # sets the default values for the parameters
    path = sys.argv[1]
    recursive = False
    file_exclusion = None
    configuration_file_path = None

        options, _arguments = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[2:], "rw:c:", [])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        # prints a series of messages about the
        # correct usage of the command line and
        # exits the current process with an error
        extra.echo("Invalid number of arguments")
        extra.echo("Usage: " + USAGE_MESSAGE)

    # iterates over all the options, retrieving the option
    # and the value for each
    for option, value in options:
        if option == "-r":
            recursive = True
        elif option == "-w":
            file_exclusion = [value.strip() for value in value.split(",")]
        elif option == "-c":
            configuration_file_path = value

    # retrieves the configurations from the command line arguments
    # either from the command line or configuration file
    configurations = extra.configuration(
        file_path = configuration_file_path,
        recursive = recursive,
        file_exclusion = file_exclusion

    # iterates over all the configurations, executing them
    for configuration in configurations:
        # retrieves the configuration values
        recursive = configuration["recursive"]
        file_exclusion = configuration["file_exclusion"]

        # in case the recursive flag is set, joins the files in
        # recursive mode (multiple files)
        if recursive: join_files_recursive(path, file_exclusion)
        # otherwise it's a "normal" iteration and joins the
        # files (for only one file)
        else: join_files(path)

    # verifies if there were messages printed to the standard
    # error output and if that's the case exits in error
    sys.exit(1 if extra.has_errors() else 0)
def main():
    Main function used for the processing of the stylesheet
    files so that a normalized form is outputted.

    # in case the number of arguments
    # is not sufficient
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        # prints a series of message about the correct
        # usage of the command line and the exits the
        # current process with an error code
        extra.echo("Invalid number of arguments")
        extra.echo("Usage: " + USAGE_MESSAGE)

    # sets the default values for the parameters
    path = sys.argv[1]
    recursive = False
    windows_newline = True
    fix_extra_newlines = False
    property_order = None
    rules_skip = None
    file_extensions = None
    file_exclusion = None
    configuration_file_path = None

        options, _arguments = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[2:], "rp:e:w:c:", [])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        # prints a series of message about the correct
        # usage of the command line and the exits the
        # current process with an error code
        extra.echo("Invalid number of arguments")
        extra.echo("Usage: " + USAGE_MESSAGE)

    # iterates over all the options, retrieving the option
    # and the value for each
    for option, value in options:
        if option == "-r":
            recursive = True
        if option == "-u":
            windows_newline = True
        if option == "-n":
            fix_extra_newlines = True
        if option == "-p":
            property_order = [value.strip() for value in value.split(",")]
        if option == "-s":
            rules_skip = [value.strip() for value in value.split(",")]
        elif option == "-e":
            file_extensions = [value.strip() for value in value.split(",")]
        elif option == "-w":
            file_exclusion = [value.strip() for value in value.split(",")]
        elif option == "-c":
            configuration_file_path = value

    # retrieves the configurations from the command line arguments
    configurations = extra.configuration(
        file_path = configuration_file_path,
        recursive = recursive,
        windows_newline = windows_newline,
        fix_extra_newlines = fix_extra_newlines,
        property_order = property_order,
        rules_skip = rules_skip,
        file_extensions = file_extensions,
        file_exclusion = file_exclusion

    # iterates over all the configurations, executing them
    for configuration in configurations:
        # retrieves the configuration values
        recursive = configuration["recursive"]
        windows_newline = configuration["windows_newline"]
        fix_extra_newlines = configuration["fix_extra_newlines"]
        property_order = configuration["property_order"] or ()
        rules_skip = configuration["rules_skip"] or ()
        file_extensions = configuration["file_extensions"] or ()
        file_exclusion = configuration["file_exclusion"] or ()

        # in case the recursive flag is set, removes the trailing
        # spaces in recursive mode
        if recursive:
        # otherwise it's a "normal" iteration, removes the trailing
        # spaces (for only one file)

    # verifies if there were messages printed to the standard
    # error output and if that's the case exits in error
    sys.exit(1 if extra.has_errors() else 0)
def main():
    Main function used for the encoding conversion.

    # in case the number of arguments
    # is not sufficient
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        # prints a series of messages about the command line
        # error that occurred and then exits with an error
        extra.echo("Invalid number of arguments")
        extra.echo("Usage: " + USAGE_MESSAGE)

    # sets the default values for the parameters
    path = sys.argv[1]
    recursive = False
    source_encoding = None
    target_encoding = None
    windows_newline = None
    replacements_list = None
    file_extensions = None
    file_exclusion = None
    configuration_file_path = None

        options, _arguments = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[2:], "rs:t:x:e:w:c:", [])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        # prints a series of messages about the command line
        # error that occurred and then exits with an error
        extra.echo("Invalid number of arguments")
        extra.echo("Usage: " + USAGE_MESSAGE)

    # iterates over all the options, retrieving the option
    # and the value for each
    for option, value in options:
        if option == "-r":
            recursive = True
        elif option == "-s":
            source_encoding = value
        elif option == "-t":
            target_encoding = value
        elif option == "-u":
            windows_newline = value
        elif option == "-x":
            replacements_list = [value.strip() for value in value.split(",")]
        elif option == "-e":
            file_extensions = [value.strip() for value in value.split(",")]
        elif option == "-w":
            file_exclusion = [value.strip() for value in value.split(",")]
        elif option == "-c":
            configuration_file_path = value

    # retrieves the configurations from the command line arguments
    configurations = extra.configuration(
        file_path = configuration_file_path,
        recursive = recursive,
        source_encoding = source_encoding,
        target_encoding = target_encoding,
        windows_newline = windows_newline,
        replacements_list = replacements_list,
        file_extensions = file_extensions,
        file_exclusion = file_exclusion

    # iterates over all the configurations, executing them
    for configuration in configurations:
        # retrieves the configuration values
        recursive = configuration["recursive"]
        source_encoding = configuration["source_encoding"] or "utf-8"
        target_encoding = configuration["target_encoding"] or "utf-8"
        windows_newline = configuration["windows_newline"] or True
        replacements_list = configuration["replacements_list"] or ()
        file_extensions = configuration["file_extensions"] or ()
        file_exclusion = configuration["file_exclusion"] or ()

        # in case the recursive flag is set must converts the files
        # using the recursive mode
        if recursive:
        # otherwise it's a "normal" iteration, must converts the
        # encoding (for only one file)

    # verifies if there were messages printed to the standard
    # error output and if that's the case exits in error
    sys.exit(1 if extra.has_errors() else 0)
def convert_encoding_walker(arguments, directory_name, names):
    Walker method to be used by the path walker for the encoding conversion.

    :type arguments: Tuple
    :param arguments: The arguments tuple sent by the walker method.
    :type directory_name: String
    :param directory_name: The name of the current directory in the walk.
    :type names: List
    :param names: The list of names in the current directory.

    # unpacks the arguments tuple
    source_encoding, target_encoding, windows_newline,\
    replacements_list, file_extensions, file_exclusion = arguments

    # tries to run the handle ignore operation for the current set of names and
    # in case there's a processing returns the control flow immediately as no
    # more handling is meant to occur for the current operation (ignored)
    if extra.handle_ignore(names): return

    # removes the complete set of names that are meant to be excluded from the
    # current set names to be visit (avoid visiting them)
    for exclusion in file_exclusion:
        if not exclusion in names: continue

    # retrieves the valid names for the names list (removes directory entries)
    valid_complete_names = [directory_name + "/" + name\
        for name in names if not os.path.isdir(directory_name + "/" + name)]

    # filters the names with non valid file extensions
    valid_complete_names = [os.path.normpath(name) for name in valid_complete_names\
        if file_extensions == None or os.path.split(name)[-1].split(".")[-1] in file_extensions]

    # creates the string based value of the windows newline taking into
    # account the boolean value of it
    windows_newline_s = "windows newline" if windows_newline else "unix newline"

    # iterates over all the valid complete names with extension filter
    # to convert the respective file into the target encoding
    for valid_complete_name in valid_complete_names:
        # prints a message about the file that is not going to be converted
        # into the proper target encoding as defined in the specification
            "Convert encoding in file: %s (%s to %s) (%s)" %\

            # converts the encoding for the provided (path) name according to
            # a set of defined options, for various reasons this operation may
            # fail if such thing happens the operation is skipped
        except Exception:
                "Failed converting encoding in file: %s (%s to %s)" %\
Exemple #11
def main():
    Main function used for the removal of both the trailing spaces
    and the extra newlines.

    # in case the number of arguments
    # is not sufficient
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        # prints a series of message about the error
        # that has just occurred and then exits with
        # an error code to the calling process
        extra.echo("Invalid number of arguments")
        extra.echo("Usage: " + USAGE_MESSAGE)

    # sets the default values for the parameters
    path = sys.argv[1]
    recursive = False
    tab_to_spaces = False
    trailing_newlines = False
    windows_newline = True
    file_extensions = None
    file_exclusion = None
    configuration_file_path = None

        options, _arguments = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[2:], "rtnue:w:c:", [])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        # prints a series of message about the error
        # that has just occurred and then exits with
        # an error code to the calling process
        extra.echo("Invalid number of arguments")
        extra.echo("Usage: " + USAGE_MESSAGE)

    # iterates over all the options, retrieving the option
    # and the value for each
    for option, value in options:
        if option == "-r":
            recursive = True
        elif option == "-t":
            tab_to_spaces = True
        elif option == "-n":
            trailing_newlines = True
        elif option == "-u":
            windows_newline = False
        elif option == "-e":
            file_extensions = [value.strip() for value in value.split(",")]
        elif option == "-w":
            file_exclusion = [value.strip() for value in value.split(",")]
        elif option == "-c":
            configuration_file_path = value

    # retrieves the configurations from the command line arguments
    configurations = extra.configuration(
        file_path = configuration_file_path,
        recursive = recursive,
        tab_to_spaces = tab_to_spaces,
        trailing_newlines = trailing_newlines,
        windows_newline = windows_newline,
        file_extensions = file_extensions,
        file_exclusion = file_exclusion

    # iterates over all the configurations, executing them
    for configuration in configurations:
        # retrieves the configuration values
        recursive = configuration["recursive"]
        tab_to_spaces = configuration["tab_to_spaces"]
        trailing_newlines = configuration["trailing_newlines"]
        windows_newline = configuration["windows_newline"]
        file_extensions = configuration["file_extensions"] or ()
        file_exclusion = configuration["file_exclusion"] or ()

        # in case the recursive flag is set
        if recursive:
            # removes the trailing spaces in recursive mode
        # otherwise it's a "normal" iteration
            # removes the trailing spaces (for one file)
            remove_trailing_spaces(path, tab_to_spaces, windows_newline)

            # in case the trailing newlines
            if trailing_newlines:
                # removes the trailing newlines (for one file)
                remove_trailing_newlines(path, windows_newline)

    # verifies if there were messages printed to the standard
    # error output and if that's the case exits in error
    sys.exit(1 if extra.has_errors() else 0)