class OneApiException(OneException): pass class OneInternalException(OneException): pass # # Constants, naming follows those in Open Nebula Ruby API # from aenum import IntEnum DATASTORE_TYPES = IntEnum('DATASTORE_TYPES', 'IMAGE SYSTEM FILE', start=0) DATASTORE_STATES = IntEnum('DATASTORE_STATES', 'READY DISABLED', start=0) DISK_TYPES = IntEnum('DISK_TYPES', 'FILE CD_ROM BLOCK RBD', start=0) HISTORY_ACTION = IntEnum( 'HISTORY_ACTION', 'none migrate live-migrate shutdown shutdown-hard undeploy undeploy-hard hold release stop suspend resume boot delete delete-recreate reboot reboot-hard resched unresched poweroff poweroff-hard disk-attach disk-detach nic-attach nic-detach disk-snapshot-create disk-snapshot-delete terminate terminate-hard disk-resize deploy chown chmod updateconf rename resize update snapshot-resize snapshot-delete snapshot-revert disk-saveas disk-snapshot-revert recover retry monitor', start=0) HOST_STATES = IntEnum( 'HOST_STATES', 'INIT MONITORING_MONITORED MONITORED ERROR DISABLED MONITORING_ERROR MONITORING_INIT MONITORING_DISABLED OFFLINE', start=0) HOST_STATUS = IntEnum('HOST_STATUS', 'ENABLED DISABLED OFFLINE', start=0)
'''A script and set of functions for converting video files to a standard format''' from os.path import splitext, getsize, isfile from os import rename, remove import sys from time import sleep from multiprocessing import Process, Manager from subprocess import check_call, SubprocessError from aenum import IntEnum from arrow import utcnow as now import psutil from mediainfo import MediaInfo, MediaInfoError from utils import process_converter_args, human_readable_size, percentage from utils import log_successful_conversion, log_failed_conversion ConversionStatus = IntEnum('ConversionStatus', 'NONE RUNNING PAUSED STOPPED ERROR DONE') class Conversion(object): def __init__(self, src_file_path, dst_file_path, log_file_path): self.src = src_file_path self.dst = dst_file_path self.log = log_file_path try: = MediaInfo(self.src) self.audio_bitrate = self.height = self.width = except MediaInfoError: self.agent_result = { 'error', 'Unable to load media info for: {}'.format(self.src)
class mybitarray(bitarray): def __lshift__(self, count): return self[count:] + type(self)('0') * count def __rshift__(self, count): return type(self)('0') * count + self[:-count] def __repr__(self): return "{}('{}')".format(type(self).__name__, self.to01()) # global constants MAXGAMEMOVES = 2048 BOARD_SQUARE_NUMBER = 120 PIECES = IntEnum("PIECES", "EMPTY wP wN wB wR wQ wK bP bN bB bR bQ bK", start=0) FILES = IntEnum( "FILES", "FILE_A FILE_B FILE_C FILE_D FILE_E FILE_F FILE_G FILE_H FILE_NONE", start=0) RANKS = IntEnum( "RANKS", "RANK_1 RANK_2 RANK_3 RANK_4 RANK_5 RANK_6 RANK_7 RANK_8 RANK_NONE", start=0) COLORS = IntEnum("COLORS", "WHITE BLACK BOTH", start=0) START_FEN = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1" # lookup tables for piecelists and hardcoded values PieceBig = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) PieceMaj = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
""" NoteValue: 'NoteValue' = IntEnum( 'NoteValue', { # note, this order is NOT random # raw note names are preferred to enharmonic equivalents # flats are preferrable to sharps (jazz musician here) 'C': 0, 'D': 2, 'E': 4, 'F': 5, 'G': 7, 'A': 9, 'B': 11, 'Db': 1, 'Gb': 6, 'Ab': 8, 'Bb': 10, 'Eb': 3, 'C#': 1, 'D#': 3, 'G#': 8, 'A#': 10, 'F#': 6, # these are just weird, so they exist only as aliases for B/C E/F respectively. 'Fb': 4, 'E#': 5, 'B#': 0, 'Cb': 11 }) """