Exemple #1
    def test_set_validation_data(self):
        job_backend = JobBackend('test')
        job_backend.job = {'id': 'test', 'index': 1, 'modelId': 'test/model'}

        keras_callback = KerasCallback(job_backend, sys.stdout)

        keras_callback.set_validation_data(([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]))
        self.assertEqual(keras_callback.data_validation_size, 3)

        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            keras_callback.set_validation_data([[1, 2], [1, 2]])

        # aetros format
        keras_callback.set_validation_data({'x': {'input': [1, 2, 3]}, 'y': {'output': [1, 2, 3]}})
        self.assertEqual(keras_callback.data_validation_size, 3)

        keras_callback.set_validation_data({'input': [1, 2, 3], 'output': [1, 2, 3]})
        self.assertEqual(keras_callback.data_validation_size, 3)

        keras_callback.set_validation_data(([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]), 5)
        self.assertEqual(keras_callback.data_validation_size, 3)

        def generator():
            yield ([1, 2], [1, 2])


        with pytest.raises(Exception):

        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            keras_callback.set_validation_data((generator, generator))

        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            keras_callback.set_validation_data([generator, generator], 6)

        keras_callback.set_validation_data(generator, 5)
        self.assertEqual(keras_callback.data_validation_size, 5)

        keras_callback.set_validation_data((generator, generator), 4)
        self.assertEqual(keras_callback.data_validation_size, 4)
Exemple #2
    def main(self, args):
        import aetros.const

        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter,
                                         prog=aetros.const.__prog__ + ' run')
        parser.add_argument('command', nargs='?', help="The command to run. Default read in configuration file")
        parser.add_argument('-i', '--image', help="Which Docker image to use for the command. Default read in configuration file. If not specified, command is executed on the host.")
        parser.add_argument('--no-image', action='store_true', help="Forces not to use docker, even when image is defined in the configuration file.")

        parser.add_argument('-s', '--server', action='append', help="Limits the server pool to this server. Default not limitation or read in configuration file. Multiple --server allowed.")
        parser.add_argument('-m', '--model', help="Under which model this job should be listed. Default read in configuration file")
        parser.add_argument('-l', '--local', action='store_true', help="Start the job immediately on the current machine.")
        parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', help="Default aetros.yml in current working directory.")
        parser.add_argument('--priority', help="Increases or decreases priority. Default is 0.")

        parser.add_argument('--cpu', help="How many CPU cores should be assigned to job. Docker only.")
        parser.add_argument('--memory', help="How much memory should be assigned to job. Docker only.")
        parser.add_argument('--gpu', help="How many GPU cards should be assigned to job. Docker only.")
        parser.add_argument('--gpu_memory', help="Memory requirement for the GPU. Docker only.")

        parser.add_argument('--offline', '-o', action='store_true', help="Whether the execution should happen offline.")

        parser.add_argument('--rebuild-image', action='store_true', help="Makes sure the Docker image is re-built without cache.")

        parser.add_argument('--max-time', help="Limit execution time in seconds. Sends SIGINT to the process group when reached.")
        parser.add_argument('--max-epochs', help="Limit execution epochs. Sends SIGINT to the process group when reached.")

        parser.add_argument('--gpu-device', action='append', help="Which device id should be mapped into the NVIDIA docker container. Only when --local")

        parser.add_argument('--volume', '-v', action='append', help="Volume into docker. Only when --local")
        parser.add_argument('-e', action='append', help="Sets additional environment variables. '-e name=value' to set value, or '-e name' to read from current env")

        parser.add_argument('-p', '--param', action='append', help="Sets a hyperparameter, example '--param name=value'. Multiple --param allowed.")

        parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args)

        if parsed_args.config and not os.path.exists(parsed_args.config):
            self.logger.error("fatal: file %s does not exist." % (parsed_args.config,))

        config = find_config(parsed_args.config)
        home_config = read_home_config()

        if config['model'] and not parsed_args.model:
            parsed_args.model = config['model']

        if not parsed_args.model:
            print("fatal: no model defined. Use --model or switch into a directory where you executed 'aetros init model-name'.")

        if not parsed_args.local and parsed_args.volume:
            print("fatal: can not use volume with jobs on the cluster. Use datasets instead.")

        if parsed_args.local and parsed_args.priority:
            print("fatal: the priority can only be set for jobs in the cluster.")

        if config['image']:

        env = {}
        if parsed_args.e:
            for item in parsed_args.e:
                if '=' in item:
                    k, v = item.split('=')
                    k = item
                    v = os.getenv(k)
                env[k] = v

        if ('command' not in config or not config['command']) and not parsed_args.command:
            self.logger.error('No command given. Define the command in aetros.yml or use command argument.')

        job_backend = JobBackend(parsed_args.model, self.logger)

        ignore = []
        if 'ignore' in config:
            ignore = config['ignore']
        job_backend.job = {'config': {'ignore': ignore}}

        adding_files = loading_text("- Adding job files to index ... ")
        files_added, size_added = job_backend.add_files(config['root'], report=False)
        adding_files("done with %d file%s added (%s)."
                     % (files_added, 's' if files_added != 1 else '', human_size(size_added, 2)))

        create_info = {
            'type': 'custom',
            'config': config

        incoming_hyperparameter = {}
        if parsed_args.param:
            for param in parsed_args.param:
                if '=' not in param:
                    raise Exception('--param ' + param + ' does not contain a `=`. Please use "--param name=value"')

                name, value = param.split('=')
                incoming_hyperparameter[name] = value

        # first transform simple format in the full definition with parameter types
        # (string, number, group, choice_group, etc)
        full_hyperparameters = lose_parameters_to_full(config['parameters'])

        # now extract hyperparameters from full definition, and overwrite stuff using
        # incoming_hyperparameter if available
        hyperparameter = extract_parameters(full_hyperparameters, incoming_hyperparameter)

        create_info['config']['parameters'] = hyperparameter

        if parsed_args.rebuild_image:
            create_info['config']['rebuild_image'] = True

        if parsed_args.max_epochs:
            create_info['config']['maxEpochs'] = int(parsed_args.max_epochs)

        create_info['config']['priority'] = 0
        if parsed_args.priority:
            create_info['config']['priority'] = float(parsed_args.priority)

        if parsed_args.max_time:
            create_info['config']['maxTime'] = float(parsed_args.max_time)

        if parsed_args.command:
            create_info['config']['command'] = parsed_args.command

        if parsed_args.image:
            # reset install options, since we can't make sure if the base image still fits
            if 'image' in config and config['image'] and config['image'] != parsed_args.image:
                create_info['config']['install'] = None

            # reset dockerfile, since we specified manually an image
            create_info['config']['dockerfile'] = None
            create_info['config']['image'] = parsed_args.image

        if parsed_args.no_image:
            create_info['config']['image'] = None

        if parsed_args.server:
            create_info['config']['servers'] = []
            for name in parsed_args.server:

        create_info['config']['resources'] = create_info['config'].get('resources', {})
        resources = create_info['config']['resources']

        default_cpu_and_memory = 1 if create_info['config']['image'] else 0
        resources['cpu'] = int(parsed_args.cpu or resources.get('cpu', default_cpu_and_memory))
        resources['memory'] = int(parsed_args.memory or resources.get('memory', default_cpu_and_memory))
        resources['gpu'] = int(parsed_args.gpu or resources.get('gpu', 0))
        resources['gpu_memory'] = int(parsed_args.gpu_memory or resources.get('gpu_memory', 0))

        if parsed_args.local:
            create_info['server'] = 'local'

            # make sure we do not limit the resources to something that is not available on the local machine
            warning = []
            cpu = cpuinfo.get_cpu_info()
            mem = psutil.virtual_memory().total
            gpu = 0
                gpu = len(get_ordered_devices())
            except CudaNotImplementedException: pass

            if not create_info['config']['image'] and not all([x == 0 for x in six.itervalues(resources)]):
                self.logger.warning("! No Docker virtualization since no `image` defined, resources limitation ignored.")

            if create_info['config']['image'] and resources['gpu'] > 0:
                if not (sys.platform == "linux" or sys.platform == "linux2"):
                    self.logger.warning("! Your operating system does not support GPU allocation for "
                                        "Docker virtualization. "
                                        "NVIDIA-Docker2 is only supported on Linux.")

            local_max_resources = {'cpu': cpu['count'], 'memory': ceil(mem / 1024 / 1024 / 1024), 'gpu': gpu}

            if create_info['config']['image']:
                # read max hardware within Docker
                out = docker_call(['run', 'alpine', 'sh', '-c', 'nproc && cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal'])
                cpus, memory = out.decode('utf-8').strip().split('\n')
                local_max_resources['cpu'] = int(cpus)

                memory = memory.replace('MemTotal:', '').replace('kB', '').strip()
                local_max_resources['memory'] = ceil(int(memory) / 1024 / 1024)

            if local_max_resources['cpu'] < resources['cpu']:
                warning.append('CPU cores %d -> %d' % (resources['cpu'], local_max_resources['cpu']))
                resources['cpu'] = local_max_resources['cpu']

            if local_max_resources['memory'] < resources['memory']:
                warning.append('memory %dGB -> %dGB' % (resources['memory'], local_max_resources['memory']))
                resources['memory'] = local_max_resources['memory']

            if local_max_resources['gpu'] < resources['gpu']:
                warning.append('GPU cards %d -> %d' % (resources['gpu'], local_max_resources['gpu']))
                resources['gpu'] = local_max_resources['gpu']

            if warning:
                self.logger.warning("! Resources downgrade due to missing hardware: %s." % (', '.join(warning),))

        if parsed_args.config and not create_info['config']['configPath']:
            create_info['config']['configPath'] = parsed_args.config

        create_info['config']['sourcesAttached'] = True

        creating_git_job = loading_text("- Create job in local Git ... ")
        if aetros.utils.git.get_current_commit_hash():
            create_info['origin_git_source'] = {
                'origin': aetros.utils.git.get_current_remote_url(),
                'author': aetros.utils.git.get_current_commit_author(),
                'message': aetros.utils.git.get_current_commit_message(),
                'branch': aetros.utils.git.get_current_branch(),
                'commit': aetros.utils.git.get_current_commit_hash(),

        job_backend.create(create_info=create_info, server=None)
        creating_git_job("created %s in %s." % (job_backend.job_id[0:9], job_backend.model_name))

        summary = "➤ Summary: Job running "
        if parsed_args.local:
            summary += 'locally'
            summary += 'on the cluster'

        if create_info['config']['image']:
            summary += ' in Docker using image %s with %d CPU cores, %dGB memory and %d GPUs.' \
                       % (create_info['config']['image'], resources['cpu'], resources['memory'], resources['gpu'])
            summary += ' on host using all available resources.'


        # tasks = []
        # if 'tasks' in config:
        #     for name, task_config in six.iteritems(config['tasks']):
        #         replica = 1
        #         if 'replica' in task_config:
        #             replica = int(task_config['replica'])
        #         for index in range(0, replica):
        #             tasks.append(job_backend.create_task(job_id, task_config, name, index))

        if parsed_args.offline:
            if not parsed_args.local:
                self.logger.warning("Can not create a remote job in offline mode.")

            self.logger.warning("Execution started offline.")
            adding_files = loading_text("- Connecting to "+home_config['host']+" ... ")
            if job_backend.connect():
                parsed_args.offline = True
                adding_files("failed. Continue in offline mode.")

        if not parsed_args.offline:
            sys.stdout.write("- Uploading job data ... ")
            job_backend.client.wait_until_queue_empty(['files'], clear_end=False)

            sys.stdout.write(" done.\n")

            link = "%smodel/%s/job/%s" % (home_config['url'], job_backend.model_name, job_backend.job_id)
            sys.__stdout__.write(u"➤ Monitor job at %s\n" % (link))

        if parsed_args.local:
            job_backend.start(collect_system=False, offline=parsed_args.offline, push=False)

            if not parsed_args.offline:

            cpus = create_info['config']['resources']['cpu']
            memory = create_info['config']['resources']['memory']

            if not parsed_args.gpu_device and create_info['config']['resources']['gpu'] > 0:
                # if requested 2 GPUs and we have 3 GPUs with id [0,1,2], gpus should be [0,1]
                parsed_args.gpu_device = []
                for i in range(0, create_info['config']['resources']['gpu']):

            start_command(self.logger, job_backend, env, parsed_args.volume, cpus=cpus, memory=memory, gpu_devices=parsed_args.gpu_device,
Exemple #3
    def main(self, args):
        import aetros.const

        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter,
                                         prog=aetros.const.__prog__ + ' run')
        parser.add_argument('command', nargs='?', help="The command to run. Default read in aetros.yml")
        parser.add_argument('-i', '--image', help="Which Docker image to use for the command. Default read in aetros.yml. If not specified, command is executed on the host.")
        parser.add_argument('-s', '--server', action='append', help="Limits the server pool to this server. Default not limitation or read in aetros.yml. Multiple --server allowed.")
        parser.add_argument('-m', '--model', help="Under which model this job should be listed. Default read in aetros.yml")
        parser.add_argument('-l', '--local', action='store_true', help="Start the job immediately on the current machine.")
        parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', help="Default aetros.yml in current working directory.")
        parser.add_argument('--priority', help="Increases or decreases priority. Default is 0.")

        parser.add_argument('--cpu', help="How many CPU cores should be assigned to job. Docker only.")
        parser.add_argument('--memory', help="How much memory should be assigned to job. Docker only.")
        parser.add_argument('--gpu', help="How many GPU cards should be assigned to job. Docker only.")
        parser.add_argument('--gpu_memory', help="Memory requirement for the GPU. Docker only.")

        parser.add_argument('--max-time', help="Limit execution time in seconds. Sends SIGINT to the process group when reached.")
        parser.add_argument('--max-epochs', help="Limit execution epochs. Sends SIGINT to the process group when reached.")

        parser.add_argument('--gpu-device', action='append', help="Which device id should be mapped into the NVIDIA docker container.")

        parser.add_argument('--volume', '-v', action='append', help="Volume into docker")
        parser.add_argument('-e', action='append', help="Sets additional environment variables. '-e name=value' to set value, or '-e name' to read from current env")

        parser.add_argument('-p', '--param', action='append', help="Sets a hyperparameter, example '--param name=value'. Multiple --param allowed.")

        parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args)

        config = read_config(parsed_args.config or 'aetros.yml')

        env = {}
        if parsed_args.e:
            for item in parsed_args.e:
                if '=' in item:
                    k, v = item.split('=')
                    k = item
                    v = os.getenv(k)
                env[k] = v

        if 'command' not in config and not parsed_args.command:
            self.logger.error('No "command" given in aetros.yml or as argument.')

        job = JobBackend(parsed_args.model, self.logger, parsed_args.config or 'aetros.yml')
        ignore = []
        if 'ignore' in config:
            ignore = config['ignore']
        job.job = {'config': {'ignore': ignore}}

        files_added, size_added = job.add_files()

        print("%d files added (%s)" % (files_added, human_size(size_added, 2)))

        create_info = {
            'type': 'custom',
            'config': config

        incoming_hyperparameter = {}
        if parsed_args.param:
            for param in parsed_args.param:
                if '=' not in param:
                    raise Exception('--param ' + param + ' does not contain a `=`. Please use "--param name=value"')

                name, value = param.split('=')
                incoming_hyperparameter[name] = value

        # first transform simple format in the full definition with parameter types
        # (string, number, group, choice_group, etc)
        full_hyperparameters = lose_parameters_to_full(config['parameters'])

        # now extract hyperparameters from full definition, and overwrite stuff using
        # incoming_hyperparameter if available
        hyperparameter = extract_parameters(full_hyperparameters, incoming_hyperparameter)

        create_info['config']['parameters'] = hyperparameter

        if parsed_args.max_epochs:
            create_info['config']['maxEpochs'] = int(parsed_args.max_epochs)

        create_info['config']['priority'] = 0
        if parsed_args.priority:
            create_info['config']['priority'] = float(parsed_args.priority)

        if parsed_args.max_time:
            create_info['config']['maxTime'] = float(parsed_args.max_time)

        if parsed_args.command:
            create_info['config']['command'] = parsed_args.command

        if parsed_args.image:

            # reset install options, since we can't make sure if the base image still fits
            if 'image' in config and config['image'] and config['image'] != parsed_args.image:
                create_info['config']['install'] = None

            # reset dockerfile, since we specified manually an image
            create_info['config']['dockerfile'] = None
            create_info['config']['image'] = parsed_args.image

        if parsed_args.server:
            create_info['config']['servers'] = []
            for name in parsed_args.server:

        if 'resources' not in create_info['config']:
            create_info['config']['resources'] = {}

        if parsed_args.cpu or parsed_args.memory or parsed_args.gpu is not None or parsed_args.gpu_memory:
            if parsed_args.cpu: create_info['config']['resources']['cpu'] = float(parsed_args.cpu)
            if parsed_args.memory: create_info['config']['resources']['memory'] = float(parsed_args.memory)
            if parsed_args.gpu is not None: create_info['config']['resources']['gpu'] = float(parsed_args.gpu)
            if parsed_args.gpu_memory: create_info['config']['resources']['gpu_memory'] = float(parsed_args.gpu_memory)

        if parsed_args.local:
            # usually, the aetros server would assign resources at job root level from the assigned server
            # but since it's started locally, we just use the requested one. User should know what they do.
            # start.py will use 'config' stuff anyone for docker limitation, so we should make sure it is
            # being displayed.

            if 'image' in create_info['config'] and create_info['config']:
                resources = create_info['config']['resources']
                create_info['resources_assigned'] = {'cpus': 1, 'memory': 1, 'gpus': []}

                if 'gpu' in resources and resources['gpu'] > 0:
                    create_info['resources_assigned']['gpus'] = [1] * resources['gpu']
                if 'cpu' in resources:
                    create_info['resources_assigned']['cpus'] = resources['cpu']
                if 'memory' in resources:
                    create_info['resources_assigned']['memory'] = resources['memory']
                # since this runs on the host, extract machine hardware and put int resources_assigned
                # so we see it at the job.

        if parsed_args.local:
            create_info['server'] = 'local'

        create_info['config']['sourcesAttached'] = True

        if aetros.utils.git.get_current_commit_hash():
            create_info['origin_git_source'] = {
                'origin': aetros.utils.git.get_current_remote_url(),
                'author': aetros.utils.git.get_current_commit_author(),
                'message': aetros.utils.git.get_current_commit_message(),
                'branch': aetros.utils.git.get_current_branch(),
                'commit': aetros.utils.git.get_current_commit_hash(),

        job.create(create_info=create_info, server=None)

        print("Job %s/%s created." % (job.model_name, job.job_id))

        if parsed_args.local:
            start(self.logger, job.model_name + '/' + job.job_id, fetch=False, env=env, volumes=parsed_args.volume, gpu_devices=parsed_args.gpu_device)
            if parsed_args.volume:
                print("Can not use volume with jobs on the cluster. Use datasets instead.")

            #todo, make it visible
            print("Open http://%s/model/%s/job/%s to monitor it." % (job.host, job.model_name, job.job_id))
Exemple #4
    def main(self, args):
        import aetros.const

        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            prog=aetros.const.__prog__ + ' run')
            help="The command to run. Default read in configuration file")
            "Which Docker image to use for the command. Default read in configuration file. If not specified, command is executed on the host."
            "Forces not to use docker, even when image is defined in the configuration file."

            "Limits the server pool to this server. Default not limitation or read in configuration file. Multiple --server allowed."
            "Under which model this job should be listed. Default read in configuration file"
            help="Start the job immediately on the current machine.")
            help="Default aetros.yml in current working directory.")
            help="Increases or decreases priority. Default is 0.")

            help="How many CPU cores should be assigned to job. Docker only.")
            help="How much memory should be assigned to job. Docker only.")
            help="How many GPU cards should be assigned to job. Docker only.")
            help="Memory requirement for the GPU. Docker only.")

            help="Whether the execution should happen offline.")

            help="Makes sure the Docker image is re-built without cache.")

            "Limit execution time in seconds. Sends SIGINT to the process group when reached."
            "Limit execution epochs. Sends SIGINT to the process group when reached."

            "Which device id should be mapped into the NVIDIA docker container. Only when --local"

                            help="Volume into docker. Only when --local")
            "Sets additional environment variables. '-e name=value' to set value, or '-e name' to read from current env"

            "Sets a hyperparameter, example '--param name=value'. Multiple --param allowed."

        parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args)

        if parsed_args.config and not os.path.exists(parsed_args.config):
            self.logger.error("fatal: file %s does not exist." %
                              (parsed_args.config, ))

        config = find_config(parsed_args.config)
        home_config = read_home_config()

        if config['model'] and not parsed_args.model:
            parsed_args.model = config['model']

        if not parsed_args.model:
                "fatal: no model defined. Use --model or switch into a directory where you executed 'aetros init model-name'."

        if not parsed_args.local and parsed_args.volume:
                "fatal: can not use volume with jobs on the cluster. Use datasets instead."

        if parsed_args.local and parsed_args.priority:
                "fatal: the priority can only be set for jobs in the cluster.")

        if config['image']:

        env = {}
        if parsed_args.e:
            for item in parsed_args.e:
                if '=' in item:
                    k, v = item.split('=')
                    k = item
                    v = os.getenv(k)
                env[k] = v

        if ('command' not in config
                or not config['command']) and not parsed_args.command:
                'No command given. Define the command in aetros.yml or use command argument.'

        job_backend = JobBackend(parsed_args.model, self.logger)

        ignore = []
        if 'ignore' in config:
            ignore = config['ignore']
        job_backend.job = {'config': {'ignore': ignore}}

        adding_files = loading_text("- Adding job files to index ... ")
        files_added, size_added = job_backend.add_files(config['root'],
        adding_files("done with %d file%s added (%s)." %
                     (files_added, 's' if files_added != 1 else '',
                      human_size(size_added, 2)))

        create_info = {'type': 'custom', 'config': config}

        incoming_hyperparameter = {}
        if parsed_args.param:
            for param in parsed_args.param:
                if '=' not in param:
                    raise Exception(
                        '--param ' + param +
                        ' does not contain a `=`. Please use "--param name=value"'

                name, value = param.split('=')
                incoming_hyperparameter[name] = value

        # first transform simple format in the full definition with parameter types
        # (string, number, group, choice_group, etc)
        full_hyperparameters = lose_parameters_to_full(config['parameters'])

        # now extract hyperparameters from full definition, and overwrite stuff using
        # incoming_hyperparameter if available
        hyperparameter = extract_parameters(full_hyperparameters,

        create_info['config']['parameters'] = hyperparameter

        if parsed_args.rebuild_image:
            create_info['config']['rebuild_image'] = True

        if parsed_args.max_epochs:
            create_info['config']['maxEpochs'] = int(parsed_args.max_epochs)

        create_info['config']['priority'] = 0
        if parsed_args.priority:
            create_info['config']['priority'] = float(parsed_args.priority)

        if parsed_args.max_time:
            create_info['config']['maxTime'] = float(parsed_args.max_time)

        if parsed_args.command:
            create_info['config']['command'] = parsed_args.command

        if parsed_args.image:
            # reset install options, since we can't make sure if the base image still fits
            if 'image' in config and config[
                    'image'] and config['image'] != parsed_args.image:
                create_info['config']['install'] = None

            # reset dockerfile, since we specified manually an image
            create_info['config']['dockerfile'] = None
            create_info['config']['image'] = parsed_args.image

        if parsed_args.no_image:
            create_info['config']['image'] = None

        if parsed_args.server:
            create_info['config']['servers'] = []
            for name in parsed_args.server:

        create_info['config']['resources'] = create_info['config'].get(
            'resources', {})
        resources = create_info['config']['resources']

        default_cpu_and_memory = 1 if create_info['config']['image'] else 0
        resources['cpu'] = int(parsed_args.cpu
                               or resources.get('cpu', default_cpu_and_memory))
        resources['memory'] = int(
            or resources.get('memory', default_cpu_and_memory))
        resources['gpu'] = int(parsed_args.gpu or resources.get('gpu', 0))
        resources['gpu_memory'] = int(parsed_args.gpu_memory
                                      or resources.get('gpu_memory', 0))

        if parsed_args.local:
            create_info['server'] = 'local'

            # make sure we do not limit the resources to something that is not available on the local machine
            warning = []
            cpu = cpuinfo.get_cpu_info()
            mem = psutil.virtual_memory().total
            gpu = 0
                gpu = len(get_ordered_devices())
            except CudaNotImplementedException:

            if not create_info['config']['image'] and not all(
                [x == 0 for x in six.itervalues(resources)]):
                    "! No Docker virtualization since no `image` defined, resources limitation ignored."

            if create_info['config']['image'] and resources['gpu'] > 0:
                if not (sys.platform == "linux" or sys.platform == "linux2"):
                        "! Your operating system does not support GPU allocation for "
                        "Docker virtualization. "
                        "NVIDIA-Docker2 is only supported on Linux.")

            local_max_resources = {
                'cpu': cpu['count'],
                'memory': ceil(mem / 1024 / 1024 / 1024),
                'gpu': gpu

            if create_info['config']['image']:
                # read max hardware within Docker
                out = docker_call([
                    'run', 'alpine', 'sh', '-c',
                    'nproc && cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal'
                cpus, memory = out.decode('utf-8').strip().split('\n')
                local_max_resources['cpu'] = int(cpus)

                memory = memory.replace('MemTotal:', '').replace('kB',
                local_max_resources['memory'] = ceil(int(memory) / 1024 / 1024)

            if local_max_resources['cpu'] < resources['cpu']:
                warning.append('CPU cores %d -> %d' %
                               (resources['cpu'], local_max_resources['cpu']))
                resources['cpu'] = local_max_resources['cpu']

            if local_max_resources['memory'] < resources['memory']:
                    'memory %dGB -> %dGB' %
                    (resources['memory'], local_max_resources['memory']))
                resources['memory'] = local_max_resources['memory']

            if local_max_resources['gpu'] < resources['gpu']:
                warning.append('GPU cards %d -> %d' %
                               (resources['gpu'], local_max_resources['gpu']))
                resources['gpu'] = local_max_resources['gpu']

            if warning:
                    "! Resources downgrade due to missing hardware: %s." %
                    (', '.join(warning), ))

        if parsed_args.config and not create_info['config']['configPath']:
            create_info['config']['configPath'] = parsed_args.config

        create_info['config']['sourcesAttached'] = True

        creating_git_job = loading_text("- Create job in local Git ... ")
        if aetros.utils.git.get_current_commit_hash():
            create_info['origin_git_source'] = {
                'origin': aetros.utils.git.get_current_remote_url(),
                'author': aetros.utils.git.get_current_commit_author(),
                'message': aetros.utils.git.get_current_commit_message(),
                'branch': aetros.utils.git.get_current_branch(),
                'commit': aetros.utils.git.get_current_commit_hash(),

        job_backend.create(create_info=create_info, server=None)
        creating_git_job("created %s in %s." %
                         (job_backend.job_id[0:9], job_backend.model_name))

        summary = "➤ Summary: Job running "
        if parsed_args.local:
            summary += 'locally'
            summary += 'on the cluster'

        if create_info['config']['image']:
            summary += ' in Docker using image %s with %d CPU cores, %dGB memory and %d GPUs.' \
                       % (create_info['config']['image'], resources['cpu'], resources['memory'], resources['gpu'])
            summary += ' on host using all available resources.'


        # tasks = []
        # if 'tasks' in config:
        #     for name, task_config in six.iteritems(config['tasks']):
        #         replica = 1
        #         if 'replica' in task_config:
        #             replica = int(task_config['replica'])
        #         for index in range(0, replica):
        #             tasks.append(job_backend.create_task(job_id, task_config, name, index))

        if parsed_args.offline:
            if not parsed_args.local:
                    "Can not create a remote job in offline mode.")

            self.logger.warning("Execution started offline.")
            adding_files = loading_text("- Connecting to " +
                                        home_config['host'] + " ... ")
            if job_backend.connect():
                parsed_args.offline = True
                adding_files("failed. Continue in offline mode.")

        if not parsed_args.offline:
            sys.stdout.write("- Uploading job data ... ")

            sys.stdout.write(" done.\n")

            link = "%s/model/%s/job/%s" % (
                home_config['url'], job_backend.model_name, job_backend.job_id)
            sys.__stdout__.write(u"➤ Monitor job at %s\n" % (link))

        if parsed_args.local:

            if not parsed_args.offline:

            cpus = create_info['config']['resources']['cpu']
            memory = create_info['config']['resources']['memory']

            if not parsed_args.gpu_device and create_info['config'][
                    'resources']['gpu'] > 0:
                # if requested 2 GPUs and we have 3 GPUs with id [0,1,2], gpus should be [0,1]
                parsed_args.gpu_device = []
                for i in range(0, create_info['config']['resources']['gpu']):
