Exemple #1
def run_makespec(config, env):
    '''Generates the SUMA specifcation files for all hemispheres and ld values'''
    refdir = config['refdir']
    icolds, hemis = _get_hemis_icolds(config)
    for icold in icolds:
        for hemi in hemis:

            # make spec file
            surfprefix = '%s%sh' % (config['mi_icopat'] % icold, hemi)
            specfn = afni_suma_spec.canonical_filename(icold, hemi,
            specpathfn = os.path.join(refdir, specfn)

            if config['overwrite'] or not os.path.exists(specpathfn):
                suma_makespec(refdir, surfprefix, config['surfformat'], specpathfn, removepostfix=config['alsuffix'])
                print "Skipping spec for %s" % specpathfn

            # make simple script to run afni and suma
            runsumafn = '%s/%sh_ico%d_runsuma.sh' % (refdir, hemi, icold)
            surfvol = '%(sid)s_SurfVol%(al2expsuffix)s+orig' % config

            if config['overwrite'] or not os.path.exists(runsumafn):
                suma_makerunsuma(runsumafn, specfn, surfvol)
Exemple #2
def run_makesurfmasks(config, env):
    refdir = config['refdir']
    overwrite = config['overwrite']

    if config['sid'] is None:
        raise ValueError('Need sid')

    sumfn = '%s_qa_surf_mask' % config['sid'] # output file

    fullext = config['outvol_fullext']
    volor = config['outvol_ext']

    sumfn_path = '%s/%s%s' % (refdir, sumfn, fullext)
    qafn_path = '%s/%s.png' % (refdir, sumfn)
    checkfn_paths = (sumfn_path, qafn_path)
    if all(map(os.path.exists, checkfn_paths)) and not overwrite:
        print "Already exist: %s" % (", ".join(checkfn_paths))

    icolds, hemis = _get_hemis_icolds(config)

    volexts = ['%s%s' % (volor, e) for e in '.HEAD', '.BRIK*']

    sssuffix = config['sssuffix'] if config['expvol_ss'] else ''
    expvol_fn = '%s%s%s' % (utils.afni_fileparts(config['expvol'])[1],

    #if overwrite or not os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (refdir, sv_al_nii_fn)):
    #    cmd = 'cd %s; 3dcopy -overwrite %s %s' % (refdir, sv_al_orig_fn, sv_al_nii_fn)
    #    utils.run_cmds(cmd, env)

    if hemis != ['l', 'r']:
        raise ValueError("Cannot run without left and right hemisphere")

    icold = max(icolds)

    oneDfn = '__t.1D'
    oneDtfn = '__tt.1D' # transposed
    cmds = ['cd %s' % refdir,
             '1deval -1D: -num %d -expr 1 > %s' % (icold ** 2 * 10 + 1, oneDfn),
             '1dtranspose %s > %s' % (oneDfn, oneDtfn)]

    utils.run_cmds(';'.join(cmds), env)

    tmpfns = [oneDfn, oneDtfn]

    s2v_cmd = ('3dSurf2Vol -map_func mask2 -data_expr "a*%%d" -spec %%s %%s -sv %s'
             ' -grid_parent %s. -prefix %%s -sdata %s -overwrite') % \
                                (expvol_fn, expvol_fn, oneDtfn)

    infix2val = {'-surf_A pial':1,
               '-surf_A smoothwm':2,
               '-surf_A smoothwm -surf_B pial -f_steps 20': 4}

    volfns = []
    for hemi in hemis:
        specfn = afni_suma_spec.canonical_filename(icold, hemi,

        for infix, val in infix2val.iteritems():
            fnprefix = '__m%d_%sh' % (val, hemi)
            cmd = s2v_cmd % (val, specfn, infix, fnprefix)
            utils.run_cmds('cd %s;%s' % (refdir, cmd))
            tmpfns.extend(['%s%s' % (fnprefix, e) for e in volexts])
            volfns.append(fnprefix + volor)

    cmds = ['cd %s' % refdir]
    catfn = '__cat'
    cmds.extend(['3dTcat -overwrite -prefix %s %s' % (catfn, ' '.join(volfns)),
                 '3dTstat -overwrite -sum -prefix %s %s%s' % (sumfn, catfn, volor)])
    tmpfns.extend(['%s%s' % (catfn, e) for e in volexts])

    cmds.extend('rm %s' % fn for fn in tmpfns)
    cmds.append('echo "Surface mask in %s"' % sumfn)

    utils.run_cmds(';'.join(cmds), env)

    # make plot
    if overwrite or not os.path.exists(qafn_path):
        expvol_path = '%s/%s' % (refdir, expvol_fn)
Exemple #3
def run_makespec_bothhemis(config, env):
    refdir = config['refdir']
    overwrite = config['overwrite']
    icolds, hemis = _get_hemis_icolds(config)

    ext = format2extension(config)

    if hemis != ['l', 'r']:
        raise ValueError("Cannot run without left and right hemisphere")

    for icold in icolds:
        specs = []
        for hemi in hemis:
            #surfprefix = '%s%sh' % (config['mi_icopat'] % icold, hemi)
            specfn = afni_suma_spec.canonical_filename(icold, hemi,
            specpathfn = os.path.join(refdir, specfn)
            s = afni_suma_spec.read(specpathfn)


        add_states = ['inflated', 'full.patch.flat', 'sphere.reg']
        add_states_required = [True, False, True] # flat surface is optional
        for add_state, is_req in zip(add_states, add_states_required):
            has_state = all([len(spec.find_surface_from_state(add_state)) == 1
                                    for spec in specs])

            if not has_state:
                if is_req:
                    error('cannot find state %s' % add_state)
                    # skip this state
                    print "Optional state %s not found - skipping" % add_state

            specs = afni_suma_spec.hemi_pairs_add_views(specs,
                            add_state, ext, refdir, overwrite=overwrite)

        spec_both = afni_suma_spec.combine_left_right(specs)

        # generate spec files for both hemispheres
        hemiboth = 'b'
        specfn = afni_suma_spec.canonical_filename(icold, hemiboth, config['alsuffix'])
        specpathfn = os.path.join(refdir, specfn)
        spec_both.write(specpathfn, overwrite=overwrite)

        # merge left and right into one surface
        # and generate the spec files as well
        hemimerged = 'm'
        specfn = afni_suma_spec.canonical_filename(icold, hemimerged, config['alsuffix'])
        specpathfn = os.path.join(refdir, specfn)

        if config['overwrite'] or not os.path.exists(specpathfn):
            spec_merged, surfs_to_join = afni_suma_spec.merge_left_right(spec_both)
            spec_merged.write(specpathfn, overwrite=overwrite)

            full_path = lambda x:os.path.join(refdir, x)
            for fn_out, fns_in in surfs_to_join.iteritems():
                surfs_in = [surf.read(full_path(fn)) for fn in fns_in]

                if all(['full.patch.flat' in fn for fn in fns_in]):
                    # left hemi of flat; rotate 180 degrees, reposition again
                    surfs_in[0] = surfs_in[0] * [-1, -1, 1]
                    surfs_in = surf.reposition_hemisphere_pairs(surfs_in[0], surfs_in[1], 'm')

                surf_merged = surf.merge(*surfs_in)

                if config['overwrite'] or not os.path.exists(full_path(fn_out)):
                    surf.write(full_path(fn_out), surf_merged)
                    print "Merged surfaces written to %s" % fn_out