Exemple #1
    rpenl=([numpy.inf], numpy.ones_like(rhs1), numpy.ones_like(rhs2)), \
    xpenq=numpy.ones(len(initcond))*0.1 )

# check if all constraints were satisfied
delta1 = data1.T.dot(weights) - rhs1
for i, d in enumerate(delta1):
    if abs(d) > 1e-8:
        print("DensityConstraint %i not satisfied: %s, val=%.4g, rel.err=%.4g" % \
        (i, target1[i], rhs1[i], d / rhs1[i]))
delta2 = datak.T.dot(weights)
for i, d in enumerate(delta2):
    if abs(d) > 1e-8: print("KinemConstraint %i not satisfied: %.4g" % (i, d))

# export an N-body model
nbody = 100000
status, result = agama.sampleOrbitLibrary(nbody, trajs, weights)
if not status:
    # this may occur if there was not enough recorded trajectory points for some high-weight orbits:
    # in this case their indices and the required numbers of points are returned in the result tuple
    indices, trajsizes = result
    print("reintegrating %i orbits; max # of sampling points is %i" %
          (len(indices), max(trajsizes)))
    trajs[indices] = agama.orbit(potential=pot, ic=initcond[indices], time=inttimes[indices], \
    status, result = agama.sampleOrbitLibrary(nbody, trajs[:, 1], weights)
    if not status: print("Failed to produce output N-body model")
agama.writeSnapshot("schwarzschild_model_nbody.txt", result,
                    't')  # one could also use numpy.savetxt

# also store the entire Schwarzschild model in a numpy binary archive
numpy.savez_compressed("schwarzschild_model_data", ic=initcond, inttime=inttimes, weight=weights, \
def runComponent(comp, pot):
    run the orbit integration, optimization, and construction of an N-body model
    for a given component of the Schwarzschild model
    if hasattr(comp, 'trajsize'):
        result = agama.orbit(potential=pot,
        traj = result[-1]
        result = agama.orbit(potential=pot,
        traj = None
    if type(result) == numpy.array: result = (result, )
    # targets[0] is density, targets[1], if provided, is kinematics
    matrix = list()
    rhs = list()
    rpenl = list()
    mass = comp.density.totalMass()
    # density constraints
    avgrhs = mass / len(rhs[0])  # typical magnitude of density constraints
    rpenl.append(numpy.ones_like(rhs[0]) / avgrhs)
    # kinematic constraints
    if len(comp.targets) == 2 and hasattr(comp, 'beta'):
        numrow = len(comp.targets[1]) // 2
        matrix.append(result[1].T[0:numrow] * 2 * (1 - comp.beta) -
                      result[1].T[numrow:2 * numrow])
    # total mass constraint
    matrix.append(numpy.ones((len(comp.ic), 1)).T)
    # regularization (penalty for unequal weights)
    avgweight = mass / len(comp.ic)
    xpenq = numpy.ones(len(comp.ic)) / avgweight**2 / len(comp.ic) * 0.1

    # solve the linear equation for weights
    weights = agama.solveOpt(matrix=matrix, rhs=rhs, rpenl=rpenl, xpenq=xpenq)

    # check for any outstanding constraints
    for t in range(len(matrix)):
        delta = matrix[t].dot(weights) - rhs[t]
        norm = 1e-4 * abs(rhs[t]) + 1e-8
        for c, d in enumerate(delta):
            if abs(d) > norm[c]:
                print("Constraint %i:%i not satisfied: %s, val=%.4g, dif=%.4g" % \
                (t, c, comp.targets[t][c], rhs[t][c], d))
    print("Entropy: %f, # of useful orbits: %i / %i" %\
        ( -sum(weights * numpy.log(weights+1e-100)) / mass + numpy.log(avgweight), \
        len(numpy.where(weights >= avgweight)[0]), len(comp.ic)))

    # create an N-body model if needed
    if hasattr(comp, 'nbody'):
        status, particles = agama.sampleOrbitLibrary(comp.nbody, traj, weights)
        if not status:
            indices, trajsizes = particles
            print("reintegrating %i orbits; max # of sampling points is %i" %
                  (len(indices), max(trajsizes)))
            traj[indices] = agama.orbit(potential=pot, ic=comp.ic[indices], \
                time=comp.inttime[indices], trajsize=trajsizes)
            status, particles = agama.sampleOrbitLibrary(
                comp.nbody, traj, weights)
            if not status: print("Failed to produce output N-body model")
        comp.nbodymodel = particles

    # output
    comp.weights = weights
    comp.densitydata = result[0]
    if len(comp.targets) >= 2: comp.kinemdata = result[1]
    if not traj is None: comp.traj = traj
Exemple #3
def runComponent(comp, pot):
    run the orbit integration, optimization, and construction of an N-body model
    for a given component of the Schwarzschild model
    if comp.has_key('trajsize'):
        result = agama.orbit(potential=pot, ic=comp['ic'], time=comp['inttime'], \
            targets=comp['targets'], trajsize=comp['trajsize'])
        traj = result[-1]
        result = agama.orbit(potential=pot,
    if type(result) == numpy.array: result = (result, )
    # targets[0] is density, targets[1], if provided, is kinematics
    matrix = list()
    rhs = list()
    rpenl = list()
    mass = rhs[0][-1]  # the last constraint is the total mass
    avgrhs = mass / len(rhs[0])  # typical constraint magnitude
    rpenl.append(numpy.ones_like(rhs[0]) / avgrhs)
    if len(comp['targets']) == 2 and comp.has_key('beta'):
        numrow = len(comp['targets'][1]) / 2
        matrix.append(result[1].T[0:numrow] * 2 * (1 - comp['beta']) -
                      result[1].T[numrow:2 * numrow])
        rpenl.append(numpy.ones(numrow) * 10.)
    avgweight = mass / len(comp['ic'])
    xpenq = numpy.ones(len(comp['ic'])) / avgweight**2 / len(comp['ic']) * 0.1
    weights = agama.optsolve(matrix=matrix, rhs=rhs, rpenl=rpenl, xpenq=xpenq)

    # check for any outstanding constraints
    for t in range(len(matrix)):
        delta = matrix[t].dot(weights) - rhs[t]
        norm = 1e-4 * abs(comp['targets'][t].values()) + 1e-8
        for c, d in enumerate(delta):
            if abs(d) > norm[c]:
                print "Constraint", t, " #", c, "not satisfied:", comp[
                    'targets'][t][c], d
    print "Entropy:", -sum(weights * numpy.log(weights+1e-100)) / mass + numpy.log(avgweight), \
        " # of useful orbits:", len(numpy.where(weights >= avgweight)[0]), "/", len(comp['ic'])

    # create an N-body model if needed
    if comp.has_key('nbody'):
        status, particles = agama.sampleOrbitLibrary(comp['nbody'], traj,
        if not status:
            indices, trajsizes = particles
            print "reintegrating", len(
                indices), "orbits; max # of sampling points is", max(trajsizes)
            traj[indices] = agama.orbit(potential=pot, ic=comp['ic'][indices], \
                time=comp['inttime'][indices], trajsize=trajsizes)
            status, particles = agama.sampleOrbitLibrary(
                comp['nbody'], traj, weights)
            if not status: print "Failed to produce output N-body model"
        comp['nbodymodel'] = particles

    # output
    comp['weights'] = weights
    comp['densitydata'] = result[0]
    if len(matrix) == 2: comp['kinemdata'] = result[1]
    if comp.has_key('trajsize'): comp['traj'] = traj
    return comp