def test_run(): """ use this to test runner """ env = BillardsEnv() task = AvoidanceTask(env) actor_critic = Policy(env.get_obs_shape(), task.get_action_space()) # TODO: get action space not yet implemented in env agent = PPOAgent(actor_critic, clip_param=0.1, ppo_epoch=4, num_mini_batch=32, value_loss_coef=0.5, entropy_coef=0.01, lr=2e-4, eps=1e-5, max_grad_norm=40) runner = PPORunner(env=env, task=task, device='cuda', summary_path='./summary/5', agent=agent, actor_critic=actor_critic) num_batches = 2000 try: for i in range(num_batches): runner.run_batch() if i % 100 == 0:, './models/model_5_' + str(i) + '.pt' ) except:, './models/') exit(0), './models/')
def agent(obs_dict, config_dict): global prev_direction env = make('hungry_geese') # agent = QAgent(rows=11, columns=11, num_actions=3) agent = PPOAgent(rows=11, columns=11, num_actions=3) model_name = '' agent.load_model_weights('models/' + model_name + '.h5') state = preprocess_state(obs_dict, prev_direction) action = agent.select_action(state) direction = get_direction(prev_direction, action) prev_direction = direction return env.specification.action.enum[direction]
def main(): seaborn.set() # create agents with LSTM policy network agents = [PPOAgent(game.actions, LSTMPolicy(game.state_shape()[0], game.actions), lr=5e-5, discount=0.99, eps=0.1) for _ in range(game.num_players)] # load agents if resuming for i, a in enumerate(agents): path = find_latest(args.agents, 'agent_{}_*.pt'.format(i)) print(f'Resuming agent {i} from path "{path}"') a.load(path) # load generator path = find_latest(args.generator, 'generator_[0-9]*.pt') print(f'Resuming generator from path "{path}"') generator = RaceTrackGenerator.from_file(path) latent = generator.latent_size # agents on own boards own_boards = torch.zeros(args.num_boards, RaceConfig.max_segments, 2, device=device) for i in range(0, RaceConfig.max_segments, 16): own_boards[:, i: i + 16, 0] = 2 * ((i // 16) % 2) - 1 run_evaluation(agents, game, own_boards, name='Own') # # agents on random boards val = 1. random_boards = torch.zeros(args.num_boards, RaceConfig.max_segments, 2, device=device) random_boards[:, :, 0].uniform_(-val, val) run_evaluation(agents, game, random_boards, name='Random') # generated dummy boards dummy_generator = RaceTrackGenerator(latent, lr=1e-5, asynchronous=True) generated_boards = dummy_generator.generate(RaceConfig.max_segments, args.num_boards) run_evaluation(agents, game, generated_boards, name='Dummy') # generated boards generated_boards = generator.generate(RaceConfig.max_segments, args.num_boards, t=10.) run_evaluation(agents, game, generated_boards, name='Generated')
def ppo_train(model_name, load_model=False, actor_filename=None, critic_filename=None, optimizer_filename=None): print("PPO -- Training") env = make('hungry_geese') trainer = env.train(['greedy', None, 'agents/', 'agents/']) agent = PPOAgent(rows=11, columns=11, num_actions=3) memory = Memory() if load_model: agent.load_model_weights(actor_filename, critic_filename) agent.load_optimizer_weights(optimizer_filename) episode = 0 start_episode = 0 end_episode = 50000 reward_threshold = None threshold_reached = False epochs = 4 batch_size = 128 current_frame = 0 training_rewards = [] evaluation_rewards = [] last_1000_ep_reward = [] for episode in range(start_episode + 1, end_episode + 1): obs_dict = trainer.reset() ep_reward, ep_steps, done = 0, 0, False prev_direction = 0 while not done: current_frame += 1 ep_steps += 1 state = preprocess_state(obs_dict, prev_direction) action = agent.select_action(state, training=True) direction = get_direction(prev_direction, action) next_obs_dict, _, done, _ = trainer.step(env.specification.action.enum[direction]) reward = calculate_reward(obs_dict, next_obs_dict) next_state = preprocess_state(next_obs_dict, direction) memory.add(state, action, reward, next_state, float(done)) obs_dict = next_obs_dict prev_direction = direction ep_reward += reward if current_frame % batch_size == 0: for _ in range(epochs): states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones = memory.get_all_samples(), actions, rewards, next_states, dones) memory.clear() agent.update_networks() print("EPISODE " + str(episode) + " - REWARD: " + str(ep_reward) + " - STEPS: " + str(ep_steps)) if len(last_1000_ep_reward) == 1000: last_1000_ep_reward = last_1000_ep_reward[1:] last_1000_ep_reward.append(ep_reward) if reward_threshold: if len(last_1000_ep_reward) == 1000: if np.mean(last_1000_ep_reward) >= reward_threshold: print("You solved the task after" + str(episode) + "episodes") agent.save_model_weights('models/ppo_actor_' + model_name + '_' + str(episode) + '.h5', 'models/ppo_critic_' + model_name + '_' + str(episode) + '.h5') threshold_reached = True break if episode % 1000 == 0: print('Episode ' + str(episode) + '/' + str(end_episode)) last_1000_ep_reward_mean = np.mean(last_1000_ep_reward).round(3) training_rewards.append(last_1000_ep_reward_mean) print('Average reward in last 1000 episodes: ' + str(last_1000_ep_reward_mean)) print() if episode % 1000 == 0: eval_reward = 0 for i in range(100): obs_dict = trainer.reset() done = False prev_direction = 0 while not done: state = preprocess_state(obs_dict, prev_direction) action = agent.select_action(state) direction = get_direction(prev_direction, action) next_obs_dict, _, done, _ = trainer.step(env.specification.action.enum[direction]) reward = calculate_reward(obs_dict, next_obs_dict) obs_dict = next_obs_dict prev_direction = direction eval_reward += reward eval_reward /= 100 evaluation_rewards.append(eval_reward) print("Evaluation reward: " + str(eval_reward)) print() if episode % 5000 == 0: agent.save_model_weights('models/ppo_actor_' + model_name + '_' + str(episode) + '.h5', 'models/ppo_critic_' + model_name + '_' + str(episode) + '.h5') agent.save_optimizer_weights('models/ppo_' + model_name + '_' + str(episode) + '_optimizer.npy') agent.save_model_weights('models/ppo_actor_' + model_name + '_' + str(end_episode) + '.h5', 'models/ppo_critic_' + model_name + '_' + str(end_episode) + '.h5') agent.save_optimizer_weights('models/ppo_' + model_name + '_' + str(end_episode) + '_optimizer.npy') if threshold_reached: plt.plot([i for i in range(start_episode + 1000, episode, 1000)], training_rewards) else: plt.plot([i for i in range(start_episode + 1000, end_episode + 1, 1000)], training_rewards) plt.title("Reward") plt.plot([i for i in range(start_episode + 1000, end_episode + 1, 1000)], evaluation_rewards) plt.title('Evaluation rewards')
def main(): run_path = args.resume_path if args.resume_path else find_next_run_dir( 'experiments') print(f'Running experiment {run_path}') episode = 0 finish_mean = 0. # create agents with LSTM policy network agents = [ PPOAgent(game.actions, LSTMPolicy(game.state_shape()[0], game.actions), lr=5e-5, discount=0.99, eps=0.1) for _ in range(game.num_players) ] # load agents if resuming for i, a in enumerate(agents): path = find_latest(args.agents, f'agent_{i}_*.pt') print(f'Resuming agent {i} from path "{path}"') a.load(path) # create discriminator discriminator = RaceWinnerDiscriminator(game.num_players, lr=1e-5, betas=(0.5, 0.9)) # create generator generator = RaceTrackGenerator(args.latent, lr=1e-5, betas=(0.3, 0.9)) if args.resume_path: path = find_latest(args.resume_path, 'discriminator_[0-9]*.pt') print(f'Resuming discriminator from path "{path}"') discriminator.load(path) path = find_latest(args.resume_path, 'generator_[0-9]*.pt') print(f'Resuming generator from path "{path}"') generator.load(path) path = find_latest(args.resume_path, 'params_*.pt') print(f'Resuming params from path "{path}"') params = torch.load(path) episode = params['episode'] finish_mean = params['finish_mean'] summary_writer = SummaryWriter(os.path.join(run_path, 'summary'), purge_step=episode) result = {} while True: if episode % 30 == 0: print(f'-- episode {episode}') # -- training discriminator boards = generator.generate(RaceConfig.max_segments, args.batch_size).detach() boards =, predefined_tracks()), dim=0) boards = (boards, -boards), dim=0) # mirror levels to train more robust discriminator rboards = boards.repeat(args.trials, 1, 1) states, any_valid = game.reset(rboards) game.record(0) # run agents to find who wins with torch.no_grad(): while any_valid and not game.finished(): actions = torch.stack( [a.act(s, training=False) for a, s in zip(agents, states)], dim=0) states, rewards = game.step(actions) for a in agents: a.reset() cur_mean = game.finishes.float().mean().item() finish_mean = 0.9 * finish_mean + 0.1 * cur_mean result['game/finishes'] = cur_mean # discriminator calculate loss and perform backward pass winners = one_hot( + 1, num_classes=game.num_players + 1) winners = winners.view(args.trials, -1, *winners.shape[1:]).float().mean(0) dloss, dacc = discriminator.train(boards.detach(), winners) result['discriminator/loss'] = dloss result['discriminator/accuracy'] = dacc # -- train generator for _ in range(args.generator_train_steps): generated = generator.generate(RaceConfig.max_segments, args.generator_batch_size) pred_winners = discriminator.forward(generated) gloss, galoss = generator.train(pred_winners, args.generator_beta) result['generator/loss'] = gloss if galoss: result['generator/aux_loss'] = galoss # log data for p in range(game.num_players): result[f'game/win_rates/player_{p}'] = winners[:, p + 1].mean().item() result['game/invalid'] = winners[:, 0].mean().item() # save episode if episode % 100 == 0: game.record_episode( os.path.join(run_path, 'videos', f'episode_{episode}')) # save boards as images in tensorboard for i, img in enumerate(game.tracks_images(top_n=args.batch_size)): result[f'game/boards_{i}'] = np.transpose(img, axes=(2, 0, 1)) # save networks if episode % 500 == 0: os.path.join(run_path, f'discriminator_{episode}.pt')), f'generator_{episode}.pt')){ 'episode': episode, 'finish_mean': finish_mean }, os.path.join(run_path, f'params_{episode}.pt')) # save data to tensorboard for tag, data in result.items(): if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): summary_writer.add_image(tag, data, global_step=episode) else: summary_writer.add_scalar(tag, data, global_step=episode) # ----- if episode % 1000 == 0: gc.collect() result.clear() episode += 1
from agents import CommandLineAgent, DeepQLearningAgent, PPOAgent, RandomAgent from environments.tictactoe import TicTacToeGameState from runners import run_for_n_games_and_print_stats, run_step if __name__ == "__main__": gs = TicTacToeGameState() agent0 = PPOAgent(state_space_size=gs.get_vectorized_state().shape[0], action_space_size=gs.get_action_space_size()) agent1 = RandomAgent() for i in range(100): run_for_n_games_and_print_stats([agent0, agent1], gs, 5000) run_for_n_games_and_print_stats([agent0, agent1], gs, 100) gs_clone = gs.clone() while not gs_clone.is_game_over(): run_step([agent0, CommandLineAgent()], gs_clone) print(gs_clone) gs_clone = gs.clone() while not gs_clone.is_game_over(): run_step([CommandLineAgent(), agent1], gs_clone) print(gs_clone)
"MsPacman-v0", "SpaceInvaders-v0", "Seaquest-v0", "LunarLanderV2", "Reacher-v2", "FrozenLake-v0" ] env = gym.make('MountainCar-v0') obs, rew, done, ep_ret, ep_len = env.reset(), 0, False, 0, 0 epochs = 10 local_steps_per_epoch = 1000 # tf.set_random_seed(22222) agent = PPOAgent(env.observation_space, env.action_space) buffer = Buffer(env.observation_space.shape, env.action_space.shape, size=local_steps_per_epoch) rewards = [0] for epoch in tqdm(range(epochs)): # print("Epoch {} Reward {}".format(epoch, rewards[-1])) for t in range(local_steps_per_epoch): act, v_t, logp_pi = agent.get_action(obs), act, rew, v_t, logp_pi) # Last var is logpi (not used in vpg) obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(act[0]) ep_ret += rew ep_len += 1 if done or (t==local_steps_per_epoch-1):
'action_size': brain.vector_action_space_size, 'number_of_agents': len(env_info.agents) }, 'pytorch': { 'device': torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") }, 'hyperparameters': { 'discount_rate': 0.99, 'tau': 0.95, 'gradient_clip': 5, 'rollout_length': 2048, 'optimization_epochs': 10, 'ppo_clip': 0.2, 'log_interval': 2048, 'max_steps': 1e5, 'mini_batch_number': 32, 'entropy_coefficent': 0.01, 'episode_count': 250, 'hidden_size': 512, 'adam_learning_rate': 3e-4, 'adam_epsilon': 1e-5 } } policy = PPOPolicyNetwork(config) optimizier = optim.Adam(policy.parameters(), config['hyperparameters']['adam_learning_rate'], eps=config['hyperparameters']['adam_epsilon']) agent = PPOAgent(env, brain_name, policy, optimizier, config) agent.train(1500)
reset_pcnt = True using_pcnt = True bn_flag = 2 device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") actor_critic = ActorCriticConv(num_dwell, input_channel, input_size, std_scale, bn_flag) agent = PPOAgent(actor_critic, num_dwell, horizon, max_grad_norm, coef_value_loss, coef_entropy_loss, clip_param, training_batch, ppo_epochs, constraint, data_folder="./pg_data") if load_pretrain_model: print("Loading trained model from ", model_save_dir, '{}-all-{}.ckpt'.format(total_supposed_steps, model_name)) model_path = os.path.join( model_save_dir, '{}-all-{}.ckpt'.format(total_supposed_steps, model_name)) state_dict = torch.load(model_path) agent.model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False)
import random from agents import DeepQLearningAgent, RandomAgent, TabQLearningAgent, DeepQLearningExperienceReplayAgent, PPOAgent from environments.battle_royale import BattleRoyalGameWorldTerminal, BattleRoyale from runners import run_for_n_games_and_print_stats, run_step import tensorflow as tf if __name__ == "__main__": tf.compat.v1.disable_eager_execution() state_space_size = 19 list_agent = [ PPOAgent(state_space_size=state_space_size, action_space_size=48, episodes_count_between_training=1) if i < 1 else RandomAgent() for i in range(6) ] for i in range(100): #random.shuffle(list_agent) gs = BattleRoyalGameWorldTerminal(i, numberofPlayer=6, list_agent=list_agent) #list_agent[0].epsilon = -1 #list_agent[1].epsilon = -1 gs2 = BattleRoyale(numberofPlayer=6, list_agent=list_agent)