Exemple #1
def render(out_file, contours, size):
    s = ""
    for contour in contours:
        for i, curve in enumerate(contour):
            for j, pair in enumerate(curve):
                pair = pair * size * 0.8
                pair = pair.astype(np.int32)
                if (i == 0) and (j == 0):
                    s += "M{:d},{:d} ".format(pair[0], pair[1])
                elif j == 1:
                    s += "Q{:d},{:d}".format(pair[0], pair[1])
                elif j == 2:
                    s += ",{:d},{:d} ".format(pair[0], pair[1])

    img = Image.new("RGB", (size, size))
    draw = aggdraw.Draw(img)
    outline = aggdraw.Pen("white", 1)
    fill = aggdraw.Brush("white")

    symbol = aggdraw.Symbol(s)

    pos = int(.1 * size)
    xy = (pos, pos)
    draw.symbol(xy, symbol, outline, fill)
    img = img.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
Exemple #2
    def create_noise_curve(image, number):
        w, h = image.size
        while number:
            x1 = random.randint(0, int(w / 5))
            x2 = random.randint(int(w / 5), int(4 * w / 5))
            x3 = random.randint(int(4 * w / 5), w)
            y1 = random.randint(0, int(2 * h / 5))
            y2 = random.randint(int(2 * h / 5), h)
            y3 = random.randint(0, int(2 * h / 5))

            points = [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3]
            draw = aggdraw.Draw(image)
            # 2 is the outlinewidth in pixels
            color = random_color(10, 200, random.randint(220, 225))
            outline = aggdraw.Pen(color, 2)
            # the pathstring: c for bezier curves (all lowercase letters for relative path)
            pathstring = "c"
            coord_len = len(points)
            for coord in points:
                if points.index(coord) == (coord_len - 1):
                    pathstring += str(coord)
                    pathstring += str(coord) + " "

            # xy position to place symbol
            xy = (x1, y1)
            symbol = aggdraw.Symbol(pathstring)
            draw.symbol(xy, symbol, outline)

            number -= 1
        return image
Exemple #3
    def draw_symbol(self, polys):
        # draw
        global svg
        svg = ""

        for poly in polys:
            exterior = poly[0]
            if len(poly) > 1:
                holes = poly[1:]
                holes = []
            def traverse_ring(coords):
                global svg
                # begin
                coords = (point for point in coords)
                startx,starty = next(coords)
                svg += " M%s,%s"%(startx, starty) 
                # connect to each successive point
                for nextx,nexty in coords:
                    svg += " L%s,%s"%(nextx, nexty)

            # first exterior

            # then holes
            for hole in holes:
                # !!! need to test for ring direction !!!
                hole = (point for point in hole)

        self.drawer.symbol((0,0), aggdraw.Symbol(svg.strip()), self.pen, self.brush)
Exemple #4
        def traverse_curvelines(coords):
            pathstring = ""

            # begin
            coords = pairwise(grouper(coords, 2))
            (startx, starty), (endx, endy) = next(coords)
            pathstring += " M%s,%s" % (startx, starty)

            # draw straight line to first line midpoint
            midx, midy = (endx + startx) / 2.0, (endy + starty) / 2.0
            pathstring += " L%s,%s" % (midx, midy)
            oldmidx, oldmidy = midx, midy

            # for each line
            for line in coords:
                # curve from midpoint of first to midpoint of second
                (startx, starty), (endx, endy) = line
                midx, midy = (endx + startx) / 2.0, (endy + starty) / 2.0
                pathstring += " Q%s,%s,%s,%s" % (startx, starty, midx, midy)
                oldmidx, oldmidy = midx, midy

            # draw straight line to endpoint of last line
            pathstring += " L%s,%s" % (endx, endy)

            # make into symbol object
            symbol = aggdraw.Symbol(pathstring)
            return symbol
Exemple #5
def draw(anchor, commands, coords, canvas, pen, brush=None):
    aggdraw_path_string = get_aggdraw_path_string(commands, coords)
    symbol = aggdraw.Symbol(aggdraw_path_string)
    if brush == None:
        canvas.symbol(anchor, symbol, pen)
        canvas.symbol(anchor, symbol, pen, brush)
Exemple #6
 def display_vectorized(self, vmobject, canvas):
     if vmobject.is_subpath:
         #Subpath vectorized mobjects are taken care
         #of by their parent
     pen, fill = self.get_pen_and_fill(vmobject)
     pathstring = self.get_pathstring(vmobject)
     symbol = aggdraw.Symbol(pathstring)
     canvas.symbol((0, 0), symbol, pen, fill)
Exemple #7
 def bezier(self, ctx, p0, p1, p2, p3):
     ax, ay = p0
     bx, by = p1
     cx, cy = p2
     dx, dy = p3
     pathstring = " m{:f},{:f} c{:f},{:f},{:f},{:f},{:f},{:f}".format(
         ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy)
     symbol = aggdraw.Symbol(pathstring)
     ctx.symbol((0, 0), symbol, aggdraw.Pen((255, 0, 0)))
Exemple #8
def _draw_subpath(subpath, width, height):
    from PIL import Image
    import aggdraw
    mask = Image.new('L', (width, height), 0)
    path = ' '.join(map(str, _generate_symbol(subpath, width, height)))
    draw = aggdraw.Draw(mask)
    brush = aggdraw.Brush(255)
    symbol = aggdraw.Symbol(path)
    draw.symbol((0, 0), symbol, None, brush)
    del draw
    return mask
Exemple #9
def showImage(_list_xy):
    im = Image.open(path).convert("RGBA")
    drawT = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    draw = aggdraw.Draw(im)

    pen = aggdraw.Pen((0, 0, 0))
    brush = aggdraw.Brush((0, 0, 0))
    outline = aggdraw.Pen((0, 0, 0), 5)

    flag = 0
    for xy_order in range(0, int((len(_list_xy) - 1) / 3)):
        #ezier = "m 0,0 t"
        for coordintes in range(0, 3):
            if (flag == 0):
                flag = 1
                p0x = _list_xy[xy_order * 3]["x"]
                p0y = _list_xy[xy_order * 3]["y"]
            p0_x = _list_xy[xy_order * 3]["x"]
            p0_y = _list_xy[xy_order * 3]["y"]
            p1_x = _list_xy[xy_order * 3 + 1]["x"]
            p1_y = _list_xy[xy_order * 3 + 1]["y"]
            p2_x = _list_xy[xy_order * 3 + 2]["x"]
            p2_y = _list_xy[xy_order * 3 + 2]["y"]
            p3_x = _list_xy[xy_order * 3 + 3]["x"]
            p3_y = _list_xy[xy_order * 3 + 3]["y"]
            draw.ellipse((p0_x - 10, p0_y - 10, p0_x + 10, p0_y + 10), brush)
            p0 = str(p0_x) + "," + str(p0_y)
            p1 = str(_list_xy[xy_order * 3 + 1]["x"] -
                     p0_x) + "," + str(_list_xy[xy_order * 3 + 1]["y"] -
                                       p0_y) + ","
            p2 = str(_list_xy[xy_order * 3 + 2]["x"] -
                     p0_x) + "," + str(_list_xy[xy_order * 3 + 2]["y"] -
                                       p0_y) + ","
            p3 = str(_list_xy[xy_order * 3 + 3]["x"] -
                     p0_x) + "," + str(_list_xy[xy_order * 3 + 3]["y"] - p0_y)
            draw.ellipse((p0_x - 3, p0_y - 3, p0_x + 3, p0_y + 3), pen)

            draw.ellipse((p3_x - 10, p3_y - 10, p3_x + 10, p3_y + 10), brush)
            draw.ellipse((p3_x - 3, p3_y - 3, p3_x + 3, p3_y + 3), pen)
        bezier = "m " + p0 + "c " + p1 + p2 + p3
        symbol = aggdraw.Symbol(bezier)
        draw.symbol((0, 0), symbol, outline)
    spen = aggdraw.Pen((120, 120, 120))
    sbrush = aggdraw.Brush((120, 120, 120))
    draw.ellipse((p0x - 10, p0y - 10, p0x + 10, p0y + 10), sbrush)
    draw.ellipse((p0x - 3, p0y - 3, p0x + 3, p0y + 3), spen)
Exemple #10
def draw_stroke(backdrop, layer, vector_mask=None):
    from PIL import Image, ImageChops
    import aggdraw
    from psd_tools.composer.blend import blend
    width = layer._psd.width
    height = layer._psd.height
    setting = layer.stroke._data

    # Draw mask.
    stroke_width = float(setting.get('strokeStyleLineWidth', 1.))
    mask = Image.new('L', (width, height))
    draw = aggdraw.Draw(mask)
    for subpath in layer.vector_mask.paths:
        path = ' '.join(map(str, _generate_symbol(subpath, width, height)))
        symbol = aggdraw.Symbol(path)
        pen = aggdraw.Pen(255, int(2 * stroke_width))
        draw.symbol((0, 0), symbol, pen, None)
    del draw

    # For now, path operations are not implemented.
    if vector_mask:
        vector_mask_ = Image.new('L', (width, height))
        vector_mask_.paste(vector_mask, vector_mask.info['offset'])
        mask = ImageChops.darker(mask, vector_mask_)

    offset = backdrop.info.get('offset', layer.offset)
    bbox = offset + (offset[0] + backdrop.width, offset[1] + backdrop.height)
    mask = mask.crop(bbox)

    # Paint the mask.
    painter = setting.get('strokeStyleContent')
    mode = setting.get('strokeStyleBlendMode').enum
    if not painter:
        logger.warning('Empty stroke style content.')
        return backdrop

    if painter.classID == b'solidColorLayer':
        image = draw_solid_color_fill(mask.size, painter)
    elif painter.classID == b'gradientLayer':
        image = draw_gradient_fill(mask.size, painter)
    elif painter.classID == b'patternLayer':
        image = draw_pattern_fill(mask.size, layer._psd, painter)
        logger.warning('Unknown painter: %s' % painter)
        return backdrop

    return blend(backdrop, image, (0, 0), mode)
Exemple #11
def _draw_subpath(subpath, width, height):
    from PIL import Image
    import aggdraw
    mask = Image.new('L', (width, height), 0)
    if len(subpath) <= 1:
        logger.warning('not enough knots: %d' % len(subpath))
        return mask
    path = ' '.join(map(str, _generate_symbol(subpath, width, height)))
    draw = aggdraw.Draw(mask)
    brush = aggdraw.Brush(255)
    symbol = aggdraw.Symbol(path)
    draw.symbol((0, 0), symbol, None, brush)
    del draw
    return mask
Exemple #12
        def traverse_linestring(coords):
            pathstring = ""

            # begin
            coords = grouper(coords, 2)
            startx, starty = next(coords)
            pathstring += " M%s,%s" % (startx, starty)

            # connect to each successive point
            for nextx, nexty in coords:
                pathstring += " L%s,%s" % (nextx, nexty)

            # make into symbol object
            symbol = aggdraw.Symbol(pathstring)
            return symbol
Exemple #13
def segments_to_symbol(segments):
    """Renders a list of curve and line segments into an aggdraw Path object for drawing.

    path = "M{0},{1} ".format(segments[0][1][0][0],
                              segments[0][1][0][1])  # start at first point
    for curve, points in segments:
        if curve:
            start, end, ctrl = points
            path += "Q{0},{1},{2},{3} ".format(ctrl[0], ctrl[1], end[0],
            start, end = points
            path += "L{0},{1} ".format(end[0], end[1])

    return aggdraw.Symbol(path)
Exemple #14
def _draw_subpath(subpath_list, width, height, brush, pen):
    Rasterize Bezier curves.

    TODO: Replace aggdraw implementation with skimage.draw.
    from PIL import Image
    import aggdraw
    mask = Image.new('L', (width, height), 0)
    draw = aggdraw.Draw(mask)
    pen = aggdraw.Pen(**pen) if pen else None
    brush = aggdraw.Brush(**brush) if brush else None
    for subpath in subpath_list:
        if len(subpath) <= 1:
            logger.warning('not enough knots: %d' % len(subpath))
        path = ' '.join(map(str, _generate_symbol(subpath, width, height)))
        symbol = aggdraw.Symbol(path)
        draw.symbol((0, 0), symbol, pen, brush)
    del draw
    return np.expand_dims(np.array(mask).astype(np.float32) / 255., 2)
Exemple #15
def take_screenshot(bundle_path, html_dir, cache_dir, size):
    os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True)
    pb = get_pedalboard_info(bundle_path)

    if size:
        w, h = size.split('x')
        width, height = int(w), int(h)
        width, height = pb['width'], pb['height']
    if (width, height) == (0, 0):
        width, height = 3840, 2160

    img_dir = os.path.join(html_dir, 'img')

    # preload images
    audio_input_img = Image.open(os.path.join(img_dir, 'audio-input.png'))
    audio_output_img = Image.open(os.path.join(img_dir, 'audio-output.png'))
    audio_input_connected = Image.open(
        os.path.join(img_dir, 'audio-input-connected.png'))
    audio_output_connected = Image.open(
        os.path.join(img_dir, 'audio-output-connected.png'))
    midi_input_img = Image.open(os.path.join(img_dir, 'midi-input.png'))
    midi_output_img = Image.open(os.path.join(img_dir, 'midi-output.png'))
    midi_input_connected = Image.open(
        os.path.join(img_dir, 'midi-input-connected.png'))
    midi_output_connected = Image.open(
        os.path.join(img_dir, 'midi-output-connected.png'))
    cv_input_img = Image.open(os.path.join(img_dir, 'cv-input.png'))
    cv_output_img = Image.open(os.path.join(img_dir, 'cv-output.png'))
    cv_input_connected = Image.open(
        os.path.join(img_dir, 'cv-input-connected.png'))
    cv_output_connected = Image.open(
        os.path.join(img_dir, 'cv-output-connected.png'))
    default_screenshot = Image.open(
        os.path.join(html_dir, 'resources', 'pedals', 'default.png'))

    right_padding = audio_input_connected.size[0] * 2
    bottom_padding = right_padding

    # create capture/playback connectors
    device_capture = []
    for ix in range(0, pb['hardware']['audio_ins']):
            'symbol': 'capture_{0}'.format(ix + 1),
            'img': audio_output_img,
            'connected_img': audio_output_connected,
            'type': 'audio',
    if not pb.get('midi_separated_mode', False):
            'symbol': 'midi_merger_out',
            'img': midi_output_img,
            'connected_img': midi_output_connected,
            'type': 'midi',
    elif pb['hardware'].get('serial_midi_in', False):
            'symbol': 'serial_midi_in',
            'img': midi_output_img,
            'connected_img': midi_output_connected,
            'type': 'midi',
    for midi_in in pb['hardware']['midi_ins']:
            'symbol': midi_in['symbol'],
            'img': midi_output_img,
            'connected_img': midi_output_connected,
            'type': 'midi',
    for ix in range(0, pb['hardware']['cv_ins']):
            'symbol': 'cv_capture_{0}'.format(ix + 1),
            'img': cv_output_img,
            'connected_img': cv_output_connected,
            'type': 'cv',

    device_playback = []
    for ix in range(0, pb['hardware']['audio_outs']):
            'symbol': 'playback_{0}'.format(ix + 1),
            'img': audio_input_img,
            'connected_img': audio_input_connected,
            'type': 'audio',
    if not pb.get('midi_separated_mode', False):
            'symbol': 'midi_broadcaster_in',
            'img': midi_input_img,
            'connected_img': midi_input_connected,
            'type': 'midi',
    elif pb['hardware'].get('serial_midi_out', False):
            'symbol': 'serial_midi_out',
            'img': midi_input_img,
            'connected_img': midi_input_connected,
            'type': 'midi',
    for midi_out in pb['hardware']['midi_outs']:
            'symbol': midi_out['symbol'],
            'img': midi_input_img,
            'connected_img': midi_input_connected,
            'type': 'midi',
    for ix in range(0, pb['hardware']['cv_outs']):
            'symbol': 'cv_playback_{0}'.format(ix + 1),
            'img': cv_input_img,
            'connected_img': cv_input_connected,
            'type': 'cv',

    # create plugins
    plugins = pb['plugins']
    plugin_map = {}
    for p in plugins:
        # read plugin data
        data = get_plugin_info(p['uri'])
        p['data'] = data

        # read plugin image
        gui = get_plugin_gui(p['uri'])
        screenshot_path = gui.get('screenshot', None)
        pimg = Image.open(screenshot_path).convert(
            'RGBA') if screenshot_path else default_screenshot
        p['img'] = pimg

        if screenshot_path:
            # detect ports and save/read
            version = '{0}.{1}'.format(data['version'],
                                                0)).replace('.', '_')
            encoded_uri = base64.b64encode(p['uri'].encode()).decode()
            filename = os.path.join(
                cache_dir, '{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(__version__.replace('.', '_'),
                                                encoded_uri, version))
            if os.path.isfile(filename):
                with open(filename, 'r') as fh:
                    columns = json.loads(fh.read())
                columns = {
                        for c in detect_first_column(pimg, pimg.size[0])),
                        tuple(c) for c in detect_first_column(
                            pimg, pimg.size[0], rtol=True)),
                with open(filename, 'w') as fh:
        else:  # tuna can, we have to guess the position of the connectors
            columns = {
                'in_ports': ((-9, 121), (-9, 146), (-9, 190), (-9, 215),
                             (-9, 259), (-9, -284), (-9, 328), (-9, 353)),
                'out_ports': ((259, 121), (259, 146), (259, 190), (259, 215),
                              (259, 259), (259, 284), (259, 328), (259, 353))

        # detect connectors
        in_ports = data['ports']['audio']['input'] + data['ports']['midi'][
            'input'] + data['ports']['cv']['input']
        if len(in_ports) > 0:
            audio_in_ix = len(data['ports']['audio']['input'])
            cv_in_ix = len(data['ports']['cv']['input']) + audio_in_ix
            for ix, conn in enumerate(chunks(columns['in_ports'], 2)):
                if ix < len(in_ports):
                    in_ports[ix]['connector'] = conn
                    if ix < audio_in_ix:
                        in_ports[ix]['connected_img'] = audio_input_connected
                        in_ports[ix]['offset'] = (79, 15)
                        in_ports[ix]['type'] = 'audio'
                    elif ix < cv_in_ix:
                        in_ports[ix]['connected_img'] = cv_input_connected
                        in_ports[ix]['offset'] = (67, 15)
                        in_ports[ix]['type'] = 'cv'
                        in_ports[ix]['connected_img'] = midi_input_connected
                        in_ports[ix]['offset'] = (67, 9)
                        in_ports[ix]['type'] = 'midi'
            if not all('connector' in p for p in in_ports):
                raise Exception(
                    'Connector detection for input ports of plugin {0} failed'.
        out_ports = data['ports']['audio']['output'] + data['ports']['midi'][
            'output'] + data['ports']['cv']['output']
        if len(out_ports) > 0:
            audio_out_ix = len(data['ports']['audio']['output'])
            cv_out_ix = len(data['ports']['cv']['output']) + audio_out_ix
            for ix, conn in enumerate(chunks(columns['out_ports'], 2)):
                if ix < len(out_ports):
                    out_ports[ix]['connector'] = conn
                    if ix < audio_out_ix:
                        out_ports[ix]['connected_img'] = audio_output_connected
                        out_ports[ix]['offset'] = (8, 15)
                        out_ports[ix]['type'] = 'audio'
                    elif ix < cv_out_ix:
                        out_ports[ix]['connected_img'] = cv_output_connected
                        out_ports[ix]['offset'] = (11, 22)
                        out_ports[ix]['type'] = 'cv'
                        out_ports[ix]['connected_img'] = midi_output_connected
                        out_ports[ix]['offset'] = (8, 9)
                        out_ports[ix]['type'] = 'midi'
            if not all('connector' in p for p in out_ports):
                raise Exception(
                    'Connector detection for output ports of plugin {0} failed'

        plugin_map[p['instance']] = p

    # calculate image size
    height = 0
    for p in plugins:
        if p['x'] + p['img'].size[0] + right_padding > width:
            width = p['x'] + p['img'].size[0] + right_padding
        if p['y'] + p['img'].size[1] + bottom_padding > height:
            height = p['y'] + p['img'].size[1] + bottom_padding
    width = rint(width)
    height = rint(height) or rint(1112)

    # calculate device connectors positions
    used_symbols = tuple(c['source'] for c in pb['connections']) + tuple(
        c['target'] for c in pb['connections'])
    used_types = ('audio', 'cv')
    device_capture = tuple(
        d for d in device_capture if d['type'] in used_types or d['symbol'] in
        ('serial_midi_in', 'midi_merger_out') or d['symbol'] in used_symbols)
    device_playback = tuple(
        d for d in device_playback
        if d['type'] in used_types or d['symbol'] in (
            'midi_broadcaster_in') or d['symbol'] in used_symbols)
    step = rint(height / (len(device_capture) + 1))
    h = step
    for d in device_capture:
        d.update({'x': 0, 'y': h})
        h = h + step
    h = step
    for d in device_playback:
        d.update({'x': width, 'y': h})
        h = h + step

    # draw plugin cables and calculate connectors
    connectors = []
    paths = []
    for ix, c in enumerate(pb['connections']):
        # source
        source = next(
            (s for s in device_capture if s['symbol'] == c['source']), None)
        if source:
            source_connected_img = source['connected_img']
            source_pos = anchor(source_connected_img.size, source['x'],
                                source['y'], Anchor.LEFT_CENTER)
            source_x = source['x'] + source_connected_img.size[0]
            source_y = source['y']
            source_type = source['type']
            if '/' not in c['source']:
            source_i, source_s = c['source'].split('/')
            source = plugin_map[source_i]
            all_ports = source['data']['ports']['audio']['output'] + source[
                'data']['ports']['midi']['output'] + source['data']['ports'][
            port = next(p for p in all_ports if p['symbol'] == source_s)
            conn = port['connector']
            source_connected_img = port['connected_img']
            source_pos = (source['x'] + conn[0][0] - port['offset'][0],
                          source['y'] + conn[0][1] - port['offset'][1])
            source_x = source_pos[0] + source_connected_img.size[0]
            source_y = source_pos[1] + source_connected_img.size[1] / 2
            source_type = port['type']
        # target
        target = next(
            (t for t in device_playback if t['symbol'] == c['target']), None)
        if target:
            target_connected_img = target['connected_img']
            target_pos = anchor(target_connected_img.size, target['x'],
                                target['y'], Anchor.RIGHT_CENTER)
            target_x = target['x'] - target_connected_img.size[0]
            target_y = target['y']
            target_type = target['type']
            if '/' not in c['target']:
            target_i, target_s = c['target'].split('/')
            target = plugin_map[target_i]
            all_ports = target['data']['ports']['audio']['input'] + target[
                'data']['ports']['midi']['input'] + target['data']['ports'][
            port = next(p for p in all_ports if p['symbol'] == target_s)
            conn = port['connector']
            target_connected_img = port['connected_img']
            target_pos = (target['x'] + conn[0][0] - port['offset'][0],
                          target['y'] + conn[0][1] - port['offset'][1])
            target_x = target_pos[0]
            target_y = target_pos[1] + target_connected_img.size[1] / 2
            target_type = port['type']

        delta_x = target_x - source_x - 50
        if delta_x < 0:
            delta_x = 8.5 * (delta_x / 6)
            delta_x /= 1.5

        path = 'm{0},{1} c{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7}'.format(
            rint(source_x), rint(source_y),
            rint(target_x - delta_x - source_x), 0, rint(delta_x),
            rint(target_y - source_y), rint(target_x - source_x),
            rint(target_y - source_y))
        paths.append((path, source_type, target_type))
            (source_connected_img, (rint(source_pos[0]), rint(source_pos[1])),
            (target_connected_img, (rint(target_pos[0]), rint(target_pos[1])),

    # create image
    img = Image.new('RGBA', (width, height), (0, 0, 0, 0))

    # draw device connectors
    for d in device_capture:
                  anchor(d['img'].size, d['x'], d['y'], Anchor.LEFT_CENTER))
    for d in device_playback:
                  anchor(d['img'].size, d['x'], d['y'], Anchor.RIGHT_CENTER))

    # draw all paths
        import aggdraw
        draw = aggdraw.Draw(img)
        audio_pen = aggdraw.Pen('#81009A', 7)
        midi_pen = aggdraw.Pen('#00546C', 7)
        cv_pen = aggdraw.Pen('#BB6736', 7)
        for path, source_type, target_type in paths:
            symbol = aggdraw.Symbol(path)
            pen = audio_pen
            if source_type == 'midi' or target_type == 'midi':
                pen = midi_pen
            elif source_type == 'cv' or target_type == 'cv':
                pen = cv_pen
            draw.symbol((0, 0), symbol, pen)
        print('Aggdraw failed')

    # draw all connectors
    for c in connectors:

    # draw plugins
    for p in plugins:
        img.paste(p['img'], (rint(p['x']), rint(p['y'])), p['img'])

    img.save(os.path.join(bundle_path, 'screenshot.png'), compress_level=3)
    img.save(os.path.join(bundle_path, 'thumbnail.png'))
Exemple #16
    polyline0.add_decoration({'type': 'tick', 'position': 'tip'})
    polyline0.add_decoration({'type': 'arrow', 'position': 'foot'})

    #sketch.add_graphics(rect0, polyline0)

    img = Image.new('RGBA', (W, H), DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR)

    canvas = aggdraw.Draw(img)

    # This draws on the canvas directly, without creating an object
    pen = aggdraw.Pen((255, 0, 255), DEFAULT_PEN_WIDTH)
    aggdrawstring = 'M600,200 L400,600'
    symbol = aggdraw.Symbol(aggdrawstring)
    canvas.symbol((0, 0), symbol, pen)

    # Draw the objects created earlier via their method


    os.system(' '.join(['open -a preview alinesegment.png']))

    # ============== END OF SCRIPT ================================

    print("=" * 80)
    print("END OF SCRIPT.")