Exemple #1
 def test_u_dt_vs_point_source(self):
     """test that in the stationary reference frame, for large enough 
     distances, the energy density of the DT tends to the one of a point like 
     source approximating it"""
     # point source with the same luminosity as the DT
     ps_dt = PointSourceBehindJet(dt_test.xi_dt * dt_test.L_disk, dt_test.epsilon_dt)
     # r >> R_dt
     r = np.logspace(21, 24, 10) * u.cm
     assert u.allclose(
         dt_test.u(r), ps_dt.u(r), atol=0 * u.Unit("erg cm-3"), rtol=1e-2
Exemple #2
 def test_u_blr_vs_point_source(self):
     """test that for large enough distances the energy density of the 
     BLR tends to the one of a point like source approximating it"""
     # point source with the same luminosity as the BLR
     ps_blr = PointSourceBehindJet(BLR.xi_line * BLR.L_disk,
     # r >> R_line
     r = np.logspace(19, 23, 10) * u.cm
     assert u.allclose(BLR.u(r),
                       atol=0 * u.Unit("erg cm-3"),
Exemple #3
 def test_u_dt_vs_point_source_comoving(self):
     """test that in the reference frame comoving with the Blob, for large 
     enough distances, the energy density of the DT tends to the one of 
     a point like source approximating it"""
     # point source with the same luminosity as the DT
     ps_dt = PointSourceBehindJet(DT.xi_dt * DT.L_disk, DT.epsilon_dt)
     # r >> R_line
     r = np.logspace(21, 24, 10) * u.cm
     assert u.allclose(
         DT.u(r, PWL_BLOB),
         ps_dt.u(r, PWL_BLOB),
         atol=0 * u.Unit("erg cm-3"),