def dataset_meta_list_to_table(dataset_meta_list: List[DatasetMeta], store_type='SqlAlchemyStore'): list_dataset_table = [] for dataset_meta in dataset_meta_list: if dataset_meta.schema is not None: name_list = dataset_meta.schema.name_list type_list = dataset_meta.schema.type_list if name_list is not None and type_list is not None: if len(name_list) != len(type_list): raise AIFlowException("the length of name list and type list should be the same") if name_list is not None and type_list is None: raise AIFlowException("the length of name list and type list should be the same") if name_list is None and type_list is not None: raise AIFlowException("the length of name list and type list should be the same") else: name_list = None type_list = None list_dataset_table.append(MetaToTable.dataset_meta_to_table(, data_format=dataset_meta.data_format, description=dataset_meta.description, uri=dataset_meta.uri, create_time=dataset_meta.create_time, update_time=dataset_meta.update_time,, name_list=name_list, type_list=type_list, catalog_name=dataset_meta.catalog_name, catalog_type=dataset_meta.catalog_type, catalog_database=dataset_meta.catalog_database, catalog_connection_uri=dataset_meta.catalog_connection_uri, catalog_table=dataset_meta.catalog_table, store_type=store_type)) return list_dataset_table
def _unwrap_update_response(response): if response.return_code == str(SUCCESS): return int( elif response.return_code == str(INTERNAL_ERROR): return Status.ERROR else: raise AIFlowException(response.return_msg)
def load_tensorflow_saved_model(model_uri, meta_graph_tags, signature_def_map_key, tf_session=None): """ Load a tensorflow model from a specific path. *With TensorFlow version <2.0.0, this method must be called within a TensorFlow graph context.* :param model_uri: The location, in URI format, of the tensorflow model. For example: - ``/Users/me/path/to/local/model`` - ``relative/path/to/local/model`` :param meta_graph_tags: A list of tags identifying the model's metagraph within the serialized ``SavedModel`` object. For more information, see the ``tags`` parameter of the `tf.saved_model.builder.SavedModelBuilder method < builder/SavedModelBuilder#add_meta_graph>`_. :param signature_def_map_key: A string identifying the input/output signature associated with the model. This is a key within the serialized ``SavedModel``'s signature definition mapping. For more information, see the ``signature_def_map`` parameter of the ``tf.saved_model.builder.SavedModelBuilder`` method. :param tf_session: The TensorFlow session in which to load the model. If using TensorFlow version >= 2.0.0, this argument is ignored. If using TensorFlow <2.0.0, if no session is passed to this function, aiflow will attempt to load the model using the default TensorFlow session. If no default session is available, then the function raises an exception. :return: For TensorFlow < 2.0.0, a TensorFlow signature definition of type: ``tensorflow.core.protobuf.meta_graph_pb2.SignatureDef``. This defines the input and output tensors for model inference. For TensorFlow >= 2.0.0, A callable graph (tf.function) that takes inputs and returns inferences. """ if LooseVersion(tensorflow.__version__) < LooseVersion('2.0.0'): if not tf_session: tf_session = tensorflow.get_default_session() if not tf_session: raise AIFlowException( "No TensorFlow session found while calling load_model()." + "You can set the default Tensorflow session before calling" + " load_model via `session.as_default()`, or directly pass " + "a session in which to load the model via the tf_sess " + "argument.") else: if tf_session: warnings.warn( "A TensorFlow session was passed into load_model, but the " + "currently used version is TF 2.0 where sessions are deprecated. " + "The tf_sess argument will be ignored.", FutureWarning) return _load_tensorflow_saved_model( model_uri=model_uri, meta_graph_tags=meta_graph_tags, signature_def_map_key=signature_def_map_key, tf_session=tf_session)
def _unwrap_model_relation_response(response): if response.return_code == str(SUCCESS): return ProtoToMeta.proto_to_model_relation_meta( Parse(, ModelProto())) elif response.return_code == str(RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST): return None else: raise AIFlowException(response.return_msg)
def _unwrap_dataset_list_response(response): if response.return_code == str(SUCCESS): dataset_proto_list = Parse(, DatasetListProto()) return ProtoToMeta.proto_to_dataset_meta_list( dataset_proto_list.datasets) elif response.return_code == str(RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST): return None else: raise AIFlowException(response.return_msg)
def _parse_response(response, message): if response.return_code == str(SUCCESS): if == '': return None else: return Parse(, message, ignore_unknown_fields=False) else: raise AIFlowException(error_code=response.return_code, error_msg=response.return_msg)
def _unwrap_workflow_list_response(response): if response.return_code == str(SUCCESS): workflow_proto_list = Parse(, WorkflowListProto()) return ProtoToMeta.proto_to_workflow_meta_list( workflow_proto_list.workflows) elif response.return_code == str(RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST): return None else: raise AIFlowException(response.return_msg)
def _unwrap_model_relation_list_response(response): if response.return_code == str(SUCCESS): model_proto_list = Parse(, ModelRelationListProto()) return ProtoToMeta.proto_to_model_relation_meta_list( model_proto_list.model_relations) elif response.return_code == str(RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST): return None else: raise AIFlowException(response.return_msg)
def _get_store(db_uri=''): try: username, password, host, port, db = parse_mongo_uri(db_uri) return MongoStore(host=host, port=int(port), username=username, password=password, db=db) except Exception as e: raise AIFlowException(str(e))
def make_managed_session(): """Provide transactional scope around series of session operations.""" session = SessionMaker() try: yield session session.commit() except AIFlowException: session.rollback() raise except Exception as e: session.rollback() raise AIFlowException(error_msg=e, error_code=INTERNAL_ERROR) finally: session.close()
def extract_db_engine_from_uri(db_uri): """ Parse specified database URI to extract database type. Confirm extracted database engine is supported. If database driver is specified, confirm driver passes a plausible regex. """ scheme = urllib.parse.urlparse(db_uri).scheme scheme_plus_count = scheme.count('+') """validates scheme parsed from DB URI is supported""" if scheme_plus_count == 0: db_engine = scheme elif scheme_plus_count == 1: db_engine, _ = scheme.split('+') else: error_msg = "Invalid database URI: '%s'." % db_uri raise AIFlowException(error_msg) """validates db_engine parsed from DB URI is supported""" if db_engine not in DATABASE_ENGINES: error_msg = "Invalid database engine: '%s'." % db_engine raise AIFlowException(error_msg) return db_engine
def _load_tensorflow_saved_model(model_uri, meta_graph_tags, signature_def_map_key, tf_session): """ Load a specified TensorFlow model consisting of a TensorFlow metagraph and signature definition from a serialized TensorFlow ``SavedModel`` collection. :param model_uri: The local filesystem path or run-relative artifact path to the model. :param meta_graph_tags: A list of tags identifying the model's metagraph within the serialized ``SavedModel`` object. For more information, see the ``tags`` parameter of the `tf.saved_model.builder.SavedModelBuilder method < builder/SavedModelBuilder#add_meta_graph>`_. :param signature_def_map_key: A string identifying the input/output signature associated with the model. This is a key within the serialized ``SavedModel``'s signature definition mapping. For more information, see the ``signature_def_map`` parameter of the ``tf.saved_model.builder.SavedModelBuilder`` method. :param tf_session: The TensorFlow session in which to load the metagraph. Required in TensorFlow versions < 2.0.0. Unused in TensorFlow versions >= 2.0.0 :return: For TensorFlow versions < 2.0.0: A TensorFlow signature definition of type: ``tensorflow.core.protobuf.meta_graph_pb2.SignatureDef``. This defines input and output tensors within the specified metagraph for inference. For TensorFlow versions >= 2.0.0: A callable graph (tensorflow.function) that takes inputs and returns inferences. """ if LooseVersion(tensorflow.__version__) < LooseVersion('2.0.0'): loaded = tensorflow.saved_model.loader.load(sess=tf_session, tags=meta_graph_tags, export_dir=model_uri) loaded_sig = loaded.signature_def else: loaded = tensorflow.saved_model.load( # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter tags=meta_graph_tags, export_dir=model_uri) loaded_sig = loaded.signatures if signature_def_map_key not in loaded_sig: raise AIFlowException( "Could not find signature def key %s. Available keys are: %s" % (signature_def_map_key, list(loaded_sig.keys()))) return loaded_sig[signature_def_map_key]
def get_canonical_stage(stage): key = stage.lower() if key not in _CANONICAL_MAPPING: raise AIFlowException("Invalid Model Version stage {}.".format(stage), INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE) return _CANONICAL_MAPPING[key]