Exemple #1
    def _derive_nearest(self):
        self.nearest_objects = []
        self.enemies_in_cast_range = []
        self.matrix = [[0] * MATRIX_CELL_AMOUNT
                       for _ in range(MATRIX_CELL_AMOUNT)]
        matrix_top = self.me.y - MATRIX_CELL_SIZE * MATRIX_CELL_AMOUNT / 2
        matrix_left = self.me.x - MATRIX_CELL_SIZE * MATRIX_CELL_AMOUNT / 2
        for obj in chain(self.world.buildings, self.world.minions,
                         self.world.wizards, self.world.trees):
            obj.distance = distance(self.me, obj)
            if obj.distance <= NEAREST_RADIUS and obj.id != self.me.id:
            if self._is_enemy(
                    obj) and obj.distance <= self.game.wizard_cast_range:

            col_left = int(
                (obj.x - obj.radius - matrix_left) // MATRIX_CELL_SIZE)
            col_right = int(
                (obj.x + obj.radius - matrix_left) // MATRIX_CELL_SIZE)
            row_top = int(
                (obj.y - obj.radius - matrix_top) // MATRIX_CELL_SIZE)
            row_bottom = int(
                (obj.y + obj.radius - matrix_top) // MATRIX_CELL_SIZE)

            for row in range(row_top, row_bottom + 1):
                for col in range(col_left, col_right + 1):
                    if 0 <= col < MATRIX_CELL_AMOUNT and 0 <= row < MATRIX_CELL_AMOUNT:
                        self.matrix[row][col] = -1
Exemple #2
    def _check_state(self):
        if distance(self.me, self.top_line_bound) < ON_LINE_DISTANCE:
            new_state = LineState.ON_LINE
            new_state = LineState.MOVING_TO_LINE

        if self.line_state != new_state:
            old_state = self.line_state
            self.line_state = new_state
Exemple #3
    def goto(self, target: Vec):
        if self._check_if_stacked():

        if distance(self.me, target) < TARGET_DISTANCE_TO_STAY:
            self.move_state = MoveState.STAYING
            self.move_state = MoveState.MOVING_TO_TARGET

        self.move_obj.speed = self.game.wizard_forward_speed
        angle = self.me.get_angle_to_unit(target)
        self.move_obj.turn = angle
        vec = Vec(target.x - self.me.x, target.y - self.me.y)
        self.move_obj.strafe_speed = self._calc_strafe(vec)
    def put_simple(self, map, pos, force, radius):
        row, col = int(pos.y // self.CELL_SIZE), int(pos.x // self.CELL_SIZE)
        rad = radius // self.CELL_SIZE
        row_min = max(0, int(row - rad))
        col_min = max(0, int(col - rad))

        row_max = min(self.CELL_AMOUNT - 1, int(row + rad))
        col_max = min(self.CELL_AMOUNT - 1, int(col + rad))

        for row in range(row_min, row_max + 1):
            for col in range(col_min, col_max + 1):
                x = col * self.CELL_SIZE + self.HALF_CELL_SIZE
                y = row * self.CELL_SIZE + self.HALF_CELL_SIZE
                dist = distance(pos.x, pos.y, x, y)
                if dist < radius:
                    # map[row, col] = min(map[row,col], (radius - dist) / radius * force)
                    map[row, col] += (radius - dist) / radius * force
Exemple #5
    def battle_goto_smart(self, target, look_at):
        if distance(self.me, target) < 1.42 * MATRIX_CELL_SIZE:
            return self.battle_goto(target, look_at)

        shifted_target = Vec(target.x - MATRIX_CELL_SIZE / 2,
                             target.y - MATRIX_CELL_SIZE / 2)
        matrix_top = self.me.y - MATRIX_CELL_SIZE * MATRIX_CELL_AMOUNT / 2
        matrix_left = self.me.x - MATRIX_CELL_SIZE * MATRIX_CELL_AMOUNT / 2
        target_row = int((shifted_target.y - matrix_top) / MATRIX_CELL_SIZE)
        target_row = max(0, min(MATRIX_CELL_AMOUNT - 1, target_row))
        target_col = int((shifted_target.x - matrix_left) / MATRIX_CELL_SIZE)
        target_col = max(0, min(MATRIX_CELL_AMOUNT - 1, target_col))
        me_row = me_col = int(MATRIX_CELL_AMOUNT / 2) - 1
        self.matrix[me_row][me_col] = 1
        self.matrix[me_row + 1][me_col] = 0
        self.matrix[me_row + 1][me_col + 1] = 0
        self.matrix[me_row][me_col + 1] = 0

        heap = []
        heappush(heap, (distance(me_row, me_col, target_row, target_col),
                        (me_row, me_col)))
        stop = False
        while heap and not stop:
            _, (cur_row, cur_col) = heappop(heap)
            path_length = self.matrix[cur_row][cur_col] + 1
            for drow, dcol in ((-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)):
                row = cur_row - drow
                col = cur_col - dcol
                if 0 <= row < MATRIX_CELL_AMOUNT - 1 and 0 <= col < MATRIX_CELL_AMOUNT - 1 and self.empty(row, col) \
                        and (self.matrix[row][col] == 0 or self.matrix[row][col] > path_length):
                    self.matrix[row][col] = path_length
                    heappush(heap, (distance(row, col, target_row, target_col),
                                    (row, col)))
                    if row == target_row and col == target_col:
                        stop = True

        if self.matrix[target_row][target_col] <= 0:
            visited = set()
            visited.add((target_row, target_col))
            queue = deque()
            queue.append((target_row, target_col))
            stop = False
            while not stop:
                cur_row, cur_col = queue.popleft()
                for drow, dcol in ((-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)):
                    row = cur_row - drow
                    col = cur_col - dcol
                    row_col = (row, col)
                    if 0 <= row < MATRIX_CELL_AMOUNT - 1 and 0 <= col < MATRIX_CELL_AMOUNT - 1 and row_col not in visited:
                        if self.matrix[row][col] > 0:
                            target_row, target_col = row, col
                            stop = True

        path = []

        cur_row, cur_col = target_row, target_col
        path_length = self.matrix[target_row][target_col] - 1
        while (cur_row, cur_col) != (me_row, me_col):
            for drow, dcol in ((-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)):
                row = cur_row - drow
                col = cur_col - dcol
                if 0 <= row < MATRIX_CELL_AMOUNT - 1 and 0 <= col < MATRIX_CELL_AMOUNT - 1 \
                        and self.matrix[row][col] == path_length:
                    path.append((row, col))
                    cur_row, cur_col = row, col
                    path_length -= 1

        for row, col in path:
            self.matrix[row][col] = 666

        if len(path) == 0:
            return self.battle_goto(target, look_at)
        elif len(path) > 1:
            row, col = path[-2]
            row, col = path[-1]
        target = Vec(matrix_left + (col + 1) * MATRIX_CELL_SIZE,
                     matrix_top + (row + 1) * MATRIX_CELL_SIZE)
        self.battle_goto(target, look_at)