def getByString(self, string): etype = Type.Null obj = None if isNull(string): return "Please enter something.", etype, obj etype, sid = self.parseUrl(string) if isNull(sid): sid = string if obj is None and (etype == Type.Null or etype == Type.Album): msg, obj = self.getAlbum(sid) if obj is None and (etype == Type.Null or etype == Type.Artist): msg, obj = self.getArtist(sid) if obj is None and (etype == Type.Null or etype == Type.Track): msg, obj = self.getTrack(sid) if obj is None and (etype == Type.Null or etype == Type.Video): msg, obj = self.getVideo(sid) if obj is None and (etype == Type.Null or etype == Type.Playlist): msg, obj = self.getPlaylist(sid) if obj is None or etype != Type.Null: return msg, etype, obj if obj.__class__ == Album: etype = Type.Album if obj.__class__ == Artist: etype = Type.Artist if obj.__class__ == Track: etype = Type.Track if obj.__class__ == Video: etype = Type.Video if obj.__class__ == Playlist: etype = Type.Playlist return msg, etype, obj
def __downloadTrack__(conf, track, album=None, playlist=None): msg, stream = API.getStreamUrl(, conf.audioQuality) if not isNull(msg): Printf.err(track.title + "." + msg) return path = __getTrackPath__(conf, track, stream, album, playlist) #"Download \"" + track.title + "\" Codec: " + stream.codec) check, err = downloadFileRetErr(stream.url, path + '.part', showprogress=True, stimeout=20) if not check: Printf.err("\n Download failed!" + getFileName(path)) return # encrypted -> decrypt and remove encrypted file if isNull(stream.encryptionKey): os.replace(path + '.part', path) else: key, nonce = decrypt_security_token(stream.encryptionKey) decrypt_file(path + '.part', path, key, nonce) os.remove(path + '.part') path = __convertToM4a__(path, stream.codec) __setMetaData__(track, album, path) Printf.success(getFileName(path))
def start(user, conf, string): __loadAPI__(user) if isNull(string): Printf.err('Please enter something.') return strings = string.split(" ") for item in strings: if isNull(item): continue if os.path.exists(item): __file__(user, conf, item) return msg, etype, obj = API.getByString(item) if etype == Type.Null or not isNull(msg): Printf.err(msg + " [" + item + "]") return if etype == Type.Album: __album__(conf, obj) if etype == Type.Track: __track__(conf, obj) if etype == Type.Video: __loadVideoAPI__(user) __video__(conf, obj) if etype == Type.Artist: __artist__(conf, obj) if etype == Type.Playlist: __playlist__(conf, obj)
def checkLogin(): if not isNull(USER.assesstoken): mag, check = API.loginByAccessToken(USER.assesstoken) if check == False: Printf.err(LANG.MSG_INVAILD_ACCESSTOKEN) if not isNull(USER.sessionid1) and not API.isValidSessionID(USER.userid, USER.sessionid1): USER.sessionid1 = "" if not isNull(USER.sessionid2) and API.isValidSessionID(USER.userid, USER.sessionid2): USER.sessionid2 = "" if isNull(USER.sessionid1) or isNull(USER.sessionid2): login(USER.username, USER.password)
def checkLogin(self): if not isNull(self.user.assesstoken): mag, check = self.api.loginByAccessToken(self.user.assesstoken) if check == False: print("Invalid accesstoken") if not isNull(self.user.sessionid1) and not self.api.isValidSessionID( self.user.userid, self.user.sessionid1): self.user.sessionid1 = "" if not isNull(self.user.sessionid2) and self.api.isValidSessionID( self.user.userid, self.user.sessionid2): self.user.sessionid2 = "" if isNull(self.user.sessionid1) or isNull(self.user.sessionid2): self.login(self.user.username, self.user.password)
def __file__(user, conf, string): txt = getFileContent(string) if isNull(txt): Printf.err("Nothing can read!") return array = txt.split('\n') for item in array: if isNull(item): continue if item[0] == '#': continue if item[0] == '[': continue start(user, conf, item)
def __getAlbumPath__(conf: Settings, album): base = conf.downloadPath + '/Album/' artist = replaceLimitChar(album.artists[0].name, '-') # album folder pre: [ME][ID] flag = API.getFlag(album, Type.Album, True, "") if conf.audioQuality != AudioQuality.Master: flag = flag.replace("M", "") if not conf.addExplicitTag: flag = flag.replace("E", "") if not isNull(flag): flag = "[" + flag + "] " sid = str( #album and addyear albumname = replaceLimitChar(album.title, '-') year = getSubOnlyEnd(album.releaseDate, '-') # retpath retpath = conf.albumFolderFormat if retpath is None or len(retpath) <= 0: retpath = Settings.getDefualtAlbumFolderFormat() retpath = retpath.replace(R"{ArtistName}", artist) retpath = retpath.replace(R"{Flag}", flag) retpath = retpath.replace(R"{AlbumID}", sid) retpath = retpath.replace(R"{AlbumYear}", year) retpath = retpath.replace(R"{AlbumTitle}", albumname) retpath = retpath.strip() return base + retpath
def __getTrackPath2__(conf, track, stream, album=None, playlist=None): if album is not None: base = __getAlbumPath__(conf, album) if album.numberOfVolumes > 1: base += 'CD' + str(track.volumeNumber) + '/' if playlist is not None: base = __getPlaylistPath__(conf, playlist) # hyphen hyphen = ' - ' if conf.addHyphen else ' ' # get number number = '' if conf.useTrackNumber: number = __getIndexStr__(track.trackNumber) + hyphen if playlist is not None: number = __getIndexStr__(track.trackNumberOnPlaylist) + hyphen # get artist artist = '' if conf.artistBeforeTitle: artist = replaceLimitChar(track.artists[0].name, '-') + hyphen # get explicit explicit = "(Explicit)" if conf.addExplicitTag and track.explicit else '' # title title = track.title if not isNull(track.version): title += ' - ' + track.version title = replaceLimitChar(title, '-') # extension extension = __getExtension__(stream.url) return base + number + artist + title + explicit + extension
def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: mainCommand() return Printf.logo() Printf.settings(CONF) checkLogin() onlineVer = getLastVersion('tidal-dl') if not isNull(onlineVer): icmp = cmpVersion(onlineVer, VERSION) if icmp > 0: + ' ' + onlineVer) while True: Printf.choices() choice = Printf.enter(LANG.PRINT_ENTER_CHOICE) if choice == "0": return elif choice == "1": checkLogin() elif choice == "2": changeSettings() else: start(USER, CONF, choice)
def __get__(self, path, params={}, retry=3, urlpre=__URL_PRE__): # deprecate the sessionId # header = {'X-Tidal-SessionId': self.key.sessionId}T header = {} if not isNull(self.key.accessToken): header = { 'authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(self.key.accessToken) } params['countryCode'] = self.key.countryCode result = None respond = None for index in range(0, retry): try: respond = requests.get(urlpre + path, headers=header, params=params) result = self.__toJson__(respond.text) break except: continue if result is None: return "Get operation err!" + respond.text, None if 'status' in result: if 'userMessage' in result and result['userMessage'] is not None: return result['userMessage'], None else: logging.error("[Get operation err] path=" + path + ". respon=" + respond.text) return "Get operation err!", None return None, result
def checkLogin(): if not isNull(USER.accessToken): #print('Checking Access Token...') #add to translations msg, check = API.verifyAccessToken(USER.accessToken) if check == True: LANG.MSG_VALID_ACCESSTOKEN.format( displayTime(int(USER.expiresAfter - time.time())))) return else: msg, check = API.refreshAccessToken(USER.refreshToken) if check == True: Printf.success( LANG.MSG_VALID_ACCESSTOKEN.format( displayTime(int(API.key.expiresIn)))) USER.userid = API.key.userId USER.countryCode = API.key.countryCode USER.accessToken = API.key.accessToken USER.expiresAfter = time.time() + int(API.key.expiresIn) return else: Printf.err(msg) tmp = UserSettings() #clears saved tokens login() return
def downloadVideo(self, video, quality): #msg, video = self.api.__get__(f'videos/{video}') self.api.key.accessToken = self.user.assesstoken self.api.key.userId = self.user.userid self.api.key.countryCode = self.user.countryCode self.api.key.sessionId = self.user.sessionid2 if not isNull( self.user.sessionid2) else self.user.sessionid1 msg, stream = self.getVideoStreamUrl(video['id'], quality) if not isNull(msg): print(video['title'] + "." + msg) return # CHANGE THIS LINE TO CHANGE THE FILENAME videofile = library + "/" + replaceLimitChar( f"{artist} - {video['title']} ({video['id']})", "_") + ".mkv" path = library + "/" + replaceLimitChar( f"{video['title']} ({video['id']})", "_") + ".mp4" filename = str(video['id']) filtetitle = str(video['title']) if not os.path.exists("/config/logs/tidal/" + replaceLimitChar( f"{artist} - {video['title']} ({video['id']})", "_")): if not['m3u8Url'], path): print("\nDownload failed!") else:[ 'ffmpeg', '-y', '-ss', '10', '-i', path, '-frames:v', '1', '-vf', str("scale=640:-2"), 'cover.jpg' ])[ 'ffmpeg', '-i', path, '-c', 'copy', '-metadata', 'title=' + filtetitle, '-metadata', 'ARTIST=' + artist, '-metadata', 'ENCODED_BY=AMVD', '-metadata', 'CONTENT_TYPE=Music Video', '-attach', 'cover.jpg', '-metadata:s:t', 'mimetype=image/jpeg', '-y', videofile ]) ['mkvpropedit', videofile, '--add-track-statistics-tags'])['rm', path])['rm', 'cover.jpg']) f = open( "/config/logs/tidal/" + replaceLimitChar( f"{artist} - {video['title']} ({video['id']})", "_"), "w") f.write("Download Success") f.close() else: print("Already Downloaded!!!")
def __downloadTrack__(conf: Settings, track, album=None, playlist=None): try: msg, stream = API.getStreamUrl(, conf.audioQuality) if not isNull(msg) or stream is None: Printf.err(track.title + "." + msg) return path = __getTrackPath__(conf, track, stream, album, playlist) # check exist if conf.checkExist and __isNeedDownload__(path, stream.url) == False: playSong(track, path) Printf.success(getFileName(path) + " (skip:already exists!)") return #"Download \"" + track.title + "\" Codec: " + stream.codec) if conf.multiThreadDownload: check, err = downloadFileMultiThread( stream.url, path + '.part', stimeout=20, showprogress=conf.showProgress) else: check, err = downloadFile(stream.url, path + '.part', stimeout=20, showprogress=conf.showProgress) if not check: Printf.err("Download failed! " + getFileName(path) + ' (' + str(err) + ')') return # encrypted -> decrypt and remove encrypted file if isNull(stream.encryptionKey): os.replace(path + '.part', path) else: key, nonce = decrypt_security_token(stream.encryptionKey) decrypt_file(path + '.part', path, key, nonce) os.remove(path + '.part') path = __convertToM4a__(path, stream.codec) # contributors contributors = API.getTrackContributors( __setMetaData__(track, album, path, contributors) # Printf.success(getFileName()) playSong(track, path) except Exception as e: Printf.err("Download failed! " + track.title + ' (' + str(e) + ')')
def __artist__(conf, obj): msg, albums = API.getArtistAlbums(, conf.includeEP) Printf.artist(obj, len(albums)) if not isNull(msg): Printf.err(msg) return for item in albums: __album__(conf, item)
def __downloadVideo__(conf, video, album=None, playlist=None): msg, stream = API.getVideoStreamUrl(, conf.videoQuality) if not isNull(msg): Printf.err(video.title + "." + msg) return path = __getVideoPath__(conf, video, album, playlist) if, path): Printf.success(getFileName(path)) else: Printf.err("\nDownload failed!" + getFileName(path))
def __album__(conf, obj): Printf.album(obj) msg, tracks, videos = API.getItems(, Type.Album) if not isNull(msg): Printf.err(msg) return if conf.saveCovers: __downloadCover__(conf, obj) for item in tracks: __downloadTrack__(conf, item, obj) for item in videos: __downloadVideo__(conf, item, obj)
def __playlist__(conf, obj): Printf.playlist(obj) msg, tracks, videos = API.getItems(, Type.Playlist) if not isNull(msg): Printf.err(msg) return for item in tracks: mag, album = API.getAlbum( __downloadTrack__(conf, item, album) for item in videos: __downloadVideo__(conf, item, None)
def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: mainCommand() return Printf.logo() Printf.settings(CONF) checkLogin() onlineVer = getLastVersion('tidal-dl') if not isNull(onlineVer): icmp = cmpVersion(onlineVer, VERSION) if icmp > 0: + ' ' + onlineVer) while True: Printf.choices() raw = Printf.enter(LANG.PRINT_ENTER_CHOICE).strip() choice = int(re.sub('[^0-9]', '', raw)) if choice == 0: return elif choice == 1: checkLogin() elif choice == 2: changeSettings() elif choice == 3: checkLogout() elif choice == 4: Printf.searchTypes() searchRaw = Printf.enter(LANG.PRINT_ENTER_CHOICE).strip() searchType = int(re.sub('[^0-9]', '', searchRaw)) if (searchType == 3): searchRaw = Printf.enter("Enter a url or id: ").strip() start(TOKEN, CONF, searchRaw) return field = "track" if searchType == 0 else 'album' if searchType == 1 else 'playlist' if searchType >= 0 and searchType <= 2: song = Printf.enter("Enter the song name: ") searchTrack(TOKEN, LANG.PRINT_ENTER_CHOICE, field, song, CONF) else: os.system('clear') Printf.err("Invalid option!") else: os.system('clear') Printf.err("Invalid option!")
def __album__(conf, obj): Printf.album(obj) msg, tracks, videos = API.getItems(, Type.Album) if not isNull(msg): Printf.err(msg) return # if conf.saveCovers: # __downloadCover__(conf, obj) for item in tracks: if (Blueberry.should_break()): Blueberry.set_break_status(False) break __downloadTrack__(conf, item, obj)
def __playlist__(conf, obj): Printf.playlist(obj) msg, tracks, videos = API.getItems(obj.uuid, Type.Playlist) if not isNull(msg): Printf.err(msg) return for index, item in enumerate(tracks): mag, album = API.getAlbum( item.trackNumberOnPlaylist = index + 1 __downloadTrack__(conf, item, album, obj) for item in videos: __downloadVideo__(conf, item, None)
def __playlist__(conf, obj): Printf.playlist(obj) msg, tracks, videos = API.getItems(obj.uuid, Type.Playlist) if not isNull(msg): Printf.err(msg) return for index, item in enumerate(tracks): if (Blueberry.should_break()): Blueberry.set_break_status(False) break mag, album = API.getAlbum( item.trackNumberOnPlaylist = index + 1 __downloadTrack__(conf, item, album, obj)
def __get__(self, path, params={}, retry=3): #deprecate the sessionId #header = {'X-Tidal-SessionId': self.key.sessionId} if not isNull(self.key.accessToken): header = {'authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(self.key.accessToken)} params['countryCode'] = self.key.countryCode result = requests.get(__URL_PRE__ + path, headers=header, params=params).json() if 'status' in result: if 'userMessage' in result and result['userMessage'] is not None: return result['userMessage'], None else: return "Get operation err!", None return None, result
def loginByAccessToken(self, accessToken, userid=None): header = {'authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(accessToken)} result = requests.get('', headers=header).json() if 'status' in result and result['status'] != 200: return "Login failed!", False if not isNull(userid): if str(result['userId']) != str(userid): return "User mismatch! Please use your own accesstoken.", False self.key.userId = result['userId'] self.key.countryCode = result['countryCode'] self.key.accessToken = accessToken return None, True
def login(username="", password=""): while True: if isNull(username) or isNull(password): print("---------------" + LANG.CHOICE_LOGIN + "-----------------") username = Printf.enter(LANG.PRINT_USERNAME) password = Printf.enter(LANG.PRINT_PASSWORD) msg, check = API.login(username, password, TOKEN1) if check == False: Printf.err(msg) username = "" password = "" continue api2 = TidalAPI() msg, check = api2.login(username, password, TOKEN2) break USER.username = username USER.password = password USER.userid = API.key.userId USER.countryCode = API.key.countryCode USER.sessionid1 = API.key.sessionId USER.sessionid2 = api2.key.sessionId
def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: mainCommand() return Printf.logo() Printf.settings(CONF) checkLogin() onlineVer = getLastVersion('tidal-dl') if not isNull(onlineVer): icmp = cmpVersion(onlineVer, VERSION) if icmp > 0: + ' ' + onlineVer) while True: Printf.choices() choice = Printf.enter(LANG.PRINT_ENTER_CHOICE) if choice == "0": return elif choice == "1": checkLogin() elif choice == "2": changeSettings() elif choice == "3": checkLogout() elif choice == "4": setAccessToken() elif choice == '5': if setAPIKey(): checkLogout() elif choice == "10": # test track start(TOKEN, CONF, '70973230') elif choice == "11": # test video start(TOKEN, CONF, '188932980') elif choice == "12": # test album start(TOKEN, CONF, '58138532') elif choice == "13": # test playlist start(TOKEN, CONF, '98235845-13e8-43b4-94e2-d9f8e603cee7') elif choice == "14": # test playlist start(TOKEN, CONF, '01453963b7dbd41c8b82ccb678d127') else: start(TOKEN, CONF, choice)
def start(user, conf, string): __loadAPI__(user) msg, etype, obj = API.getByString(string) if etype == Type.Null or not isNull(msg): Printf.err(msg) return if etype == Type.Album: __album__(conf, obj) if etype == Type.Track: __track__(conf, obj) if etype == Type.Video: __loadVideoAPI__(user) __video__(conf, obj) if etype == Type.Artist: __artist__(conf, obj) if etype == Type.Playlist: __playlist__(conf, obj)
def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: mainCommand() return Printf.logo() Printf.settings(CONF) checkLogin() autoGetAccessToken() onlineVer = getLastVersion('tidal-dl') if not isNull(onlineVer): icmp = cmpVersion(onlineVer, VERSION) if icmp > 0: + ' ' + onlineVer) while True: Printf.choices() choice = Printf.enter(LANG.PRINT_ENTER_CHOICE) if choice == "0": return elif choice == "1": login() elif choice == "2": changeSettings() elif choice == "3": setAccessToken() elif choice == "4": #batch processing try: with open('batch.txt') as batchfile: line = batchfile.readline() while line: if len(line.strip()) > 0: print('\033[1m' + f"Batching {line.strip()}" + '\033[0m') start(USER, CONF, line.strip()) line = batchfile.readline() except: traceback.print_exc() else: start(USER, CONF, choice)
def __getAlbumPath__(conf, album): # outputdir/Album/artist/ artist = replaceLimitChar(album.artists[0].name, '-') base = conf.downloadPath + '/Album/' + artist + '/' #album folder pre: [ME][ID] flag = API.getFlag(album, Type.Album, True, "") if conf.audioQuality != AudioQuality.Master: flag = flag.replace("M", "") if not isNull(flag): flag = "[" + flag + "] " sid = "[" + str( + "] " if conf.addAlbumIDBeforeFolder else "" #album and addyear albumname = replaceLimitChar(album.title, '-') year = "" if conf.addYear: year = "[" + getSubOnlyEnd(album.releaseDate, '-') + "] " return base + flag + sid + year + albumname + '/'
def __getTrackPath__(conf: Settings, track, stream, album=None, playlist=None): if album is not None: base = __getAlbumPath__(conf, album) + '/' if album.numberOfVolumes > 1: base += 'CD' + str(track.volumeNumber) + '/' if playlist is not None: base = __getPlaylistPath__(conf, playlist) # number number = __getIndexStr__(track.trackNumber) if playlist is not None: number = __getIndexStr__(track.trackNumberOnPlaylist) # artist artist = replaceLimitChar(track.artists[0].name, '-') # title title = track.title if not isNull(track.version): title += ' (' + track.version + ')' title = replaceLimitChar(title, '-') # get explicit explicit = "(Explicit)" if conf.addExplicitTag and track.explicit else '' #album and addyear albumname = replaceLimitChar(album.title, '-') year = "" if album.releaseDate is not None: year = getSubOnlyEnd(album.releaseDate, '-') # extension extension = __getExtension__(stream.url) retpath = conf.trackFileFormat if retpath is None or len(retpath) <= 0: retpath = Settings.getDefaultTrackFileFormat() retpath = retpath.replace(R"{TrackNumber}", number) retpath = retpath.replace(R"{ArtistName}", artist.strip()) retpath = retpath.replace(R"{TrackTitle}", title) retpath = retpath.replace(R"{ExplicitFlag}", explicit) retpath = retpath.replace(R"{AlbumYear}", year) retpath = retpath.replace(R"{AlbumTitle}", albumname.strip()) retpath = retpath.strip() return base + retpath + extension
def changeSettings(): global LANG Printf.settings(CONF) choice = Printf.enter(LANG.CHANGE_START_SETTINGS) if choice == '0': return while True: choice = Printf.enter(LANG.CHANGE_DOWNLOAD_PATH) if choice == '0': choice = CONF.downloadPath elif not os.path.isdir(choice): if not mkdirs(choice): Printf.err(LANG.MSG_PATH_ERR) continue CONF.downloadPath = choice break while True: choice = Printf.enter(LANG.CHANGE_AUDIO_QUALITY) if choice != '1' and choice != '2' and choice != '3' and choice != '0': Printf.err(LANG.MSG_INPUT_ERR) continue if choice == '0': CONF.audioQuality = AudioQuality.Normal if choice == '1': CONF.audioQuality = AudioQuality.High if choice == '2': CONF.audioQuality = AudioQuality.HiFi if choice == '3': CONF.audioQuality = AudioQuality.Master break while True: choice = Printf.enter(LANG.CHANGE_VIDEO_QUALITY) if choice != '1' and choice != '2' and choice != '3' and choice != '0': Printf.err(LANG.MSG_INPUT_ERR) continue if choice == '0': CONF.videoQuality = VideoQuality.P1080 if choice == '1': CONF.videoQuality = VideoQuality.P720 if choice == '2': CONF.videoQuality = VideoQuality.P480 if choice == '3': CONF.videoQuality = VideoQuality.P360 break CONF.onlyM4a = Printf.enter(LANG.CHANGE_ONLYM4A) == '1' # CONF.addExplicitTag = Printf.enter(LANG.CHANGE_ADD_EXPLICIT_TAG) == '1' # CONF.addHyphen = Printf.enter(LANG.CHANGE_ADD_HYPHEN) == '1' # CONF.addYear = Printf.enter(LANG.CHANGE_ADD_YEAR) == '1' # CONF.useTrackNumber = Printf.enter(LANG.CHANGE_USE_TRACK_NUM) == '1' CONF.checkExist = Printf.enter(LANG.CHANGE_CHECK_EXIST) == '1' # CONF.artistBeforeTitle = Printf.enter(LANG.CHANGE_ARTIST_BEFORE_TITLE) == '1' CONF.includeEP = Printf.enter(LANG.CHANGE_INCLUDE_EP) == '1' # CONF.addAlbumIDBeforeFolder = Printf.enter(LANG.CHANGE_ALBUMID_BEFORE_FOLDER) == '1' CONF.saveCovers = Printf.enter(LANG.CHANGE_SAVE_COVERS) == '1' CONF.showProgress = Printf.enter(LANG.CHANGE_SHOW_PROGRESS) == '1' CONF.language = Printf.enter( LANG.CHANGE_LANGUAGE + "('0'-English,'1'-中文,'2'-Turkish,'3'-Italiano,'4'-Czech,'5'-Arabic,'6'-Russian,'7'-Filipino,'8'-Croatian,'9'-Spanish,'10'-Portuguese,'11'-Ukrainian,'12'-Vietnamese,'13'-French,'14'-German):" ) albumFolderFormat = Printf.enter(LANG.CHANGE_ALBUM_FOLDER_FORMAT) if albumFolderFormat == '0' or isNull(albumFolderFormat): pass elif albumFolderFormat.lower() == 'default': CONF.albumFolderFormat = Settings.getDefaultAlbumFolderFormat() else: CONF.albumFolderFormat = albumFolderFormat trackFileFormat = Printf.enter(LANG.CHANGE_TRACK_FILE_FORMAT) if trackFileFormat == '0' or isNull(trackFileFormat): pass elif trackFileFormat.lower() == "default": CONF.trackFileFormat = Settings.getDefaultAlbumFolderFormat() else: CONF.trackFileFormat = trackFileFormat LANG = setLang(CONF.language)