Exemple #1
    def get_projectable_attribute(
            self, alias, column_name, attrpath,
            cast=None, **kwargs
        :returns: An attribute store in a JSON field of the give column

        entity = _get_column(column_name, alias)[(attrpath)]
        if cast is None:
            entity = entity
        elif cast=='f':
            entity = entity.cast(Float)
        elif cast=='i':
            entity = entity.cast(Integer)
        elif cast=='b':
            entity = entity.cast(Boolean)
        elif cast=='t':
            entity = entity.astext
        elif cast=='j':
            entity = entity.cast(JSONB)
        elif cast=='d':
            entity = entity.cast(DateTime)
            raise InputValidationError(
                "Unkown casting key {}".format(cast)
        return entity
Exemple #2
    def get_filter_expr_from_attributes(
            self, operator, value, attr_key,
            column=None, column_name=None,

        def cast_according_to_type(path_in_json, value):
            if isinstance(value, bool):
                type_filter = jsonb_typeof(path_in_json)=='boolean'
                casted_entity = path_in_json.cast(Boolean)
            elif isinstance(value, (int, float)):
                type_filter = jsonb_typeof(path_in_json)=='number'
                casted_entity = path_in_json.cast(Float)
            elif isinstance(value, dict) or value is None:
                type_filter = jsonb_typeof(path_in_json)=='object'
                casted_entity = path_in_json.cast(JSONB) # BOOLEANS?
            elif isinstance(value, dict):
                type_filter = jsonb_typeof(path_in_json)=='array'
                casted_entity = path_in_json.cast(JSONB) # BOOLEANS?
            elif isinstance(value, (str, unicode)):
                type_filter = jsonb_typeof(path_in_json)=='string'
                casted_entity = path_in_json.astext
            elif value is None:
                type_filter = jsonb_typeof(path_in_json)=='null'
                casted_entity = path_in_json.cast(JSONB) # BOOLEANS?
            elif isinstance(value, datetime):
                # type filter here is filter whether this attributes stores
                # a string and a filter whether this string
                # is compatible with a datetime (using a regex)
                #  - What about historical values (BC, or before 1000AD)??
                #  - Different ways to represent the timezone

                type_filter = jsonb_typeof(path_in_json)=='string'
                regex_filter = path_in_json.astext.op(
                        "SIMILAR TO"
                type_filter =  and_(type_filter, regex_filter)
                casted_entity = path_in_json.cast(DateTime)
                raise Exception('Unknown type {}'.format(type(value)))
            return type_filter, casted_entity

        if column is None:
            column = _get_column(column_name, alias)

        database_entity = column[tuple(attr_key)]
        if operator == '==':
            type_filter, casted_entity = cast_according_to_type(database_entity, value)
            expr = and_(type_filter, casted_entity == value)
        elif operator == '>':
            type_filter, casted_entity = cast_according_to_type(database_entity, value)
            expr = and_(type_filter, casted_entity > value)
        elif operator == '<':
            type_filter, casted_entity = cast_according_to_type(database_entity, value)
            expr = and_(type_filter, casted_entity < value)
        elif operator in ('>=', '=>'):
            type_filter, casted_entity = cast_according_to_type(database_entity, value)
            expr = and_(type_filter, casted_entity >= value)
        elif operator in ('<=', '=<'):
            type_filter, casted_entity = cast_according_to_type(database_entity, value)
            expr = and_(type_filter, casted_entity <= value)
        elif operator == 'of_type':
            # http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/functions-json.html
            #  Possible types are object, array, string, number, boolean, and null.
            valid_types = ('object', 'array', 'string', 'number', 'boolean', 'null')
            if value not in valid_types:
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "value {} for of_type is not among valid types\n"
                    "{}".format(value, valid_types)
            expr = jsonb_typeof(database_entity) == value
        elif operator == 'like':
            type_filter, casted_entity = cast_according_to_type(database_entity, value)
            expr = and_(type_filter, casted_entity.like(value))
        elif operator == 'ilike':
            type_filter, casted_entity = cast_according_to_type(database_entity, value)
            expr = and_(type_filter, casted_entity.ilike(value))
        elif operator == 'in':
            type_filter, casted_entity = cast_according_to_type(database_entity, value[0])
            expr = and_(type_filter, casted_entity.in_(value))
        elif operator == 'contains':
            expr = database_entity.cast(JSONB).contains(value)
        elif operator == 'has_key':
            expr = database_entity.cast(JSONB).has_key(value)
        elif operator == 'of_length':
            expr=  and_(
                jsonb_typeof(database_entity) == 'array',
                jsonb_array_length(database_entity.cast(JSONB)) == value
        elif operator == 'longer':
            expr = and_(
                jsonb_typeof(database_entity) == 'array',
                jsonb_array_length(database_entity.cast(JSONB)) > value
        elif operator == 'shorter':
            expr =  and_(
                jsonb_typeof(database_entity) == 'array',
                jsonb_array_length(database_entity.cast(JSONB)) < value
            raise InputValidationError(
                "Unknown operator {} for filters in JSON field".format(operator)
        return expr
Exemple #3
    def get_filter_expr(
            self, operator, value, attr_key, is_attribute,
            alias=None, column=None, column_name=None
        Applies a filter on the alias given.
        Expects the alias of the ORM-class on which to filter, and filter_spec.
        Filter_spec contains the specification on the filter.

        :param operator: The operator to apply, see below for further details
        :param value:
            The value for the right side of the expression,
            the value you want to compare with.

        :param path: The path leading to the value

        :param attr_key: Boolean, whether the value is in a json-column,
            or in an attribute like table.

        Implemented and valid operators:

        *   for any type:
            *   ==  (compare single value, eg: '==':5.0)
            *   in    (compare whether in list, eg: 'in':[5, 6, 34]
        *  for floats and integers:
            *   >
            *   <
            *   <=
            *   >=
        *  for strings:
            *   like  (case - sensitive), for example
                'like':'node.calc.%'  will match node.calc.relax and
                node.calc.RELAX and node.calc. but
                not node.CALC.relax
            *   ilike (case - unsensitive)
                will also match node.CaLc.relax in the above example

            .. note::
                The character % is a reserved special character in SQL,
                and acts as a wildcard. If you specifically
                want to capture a ``%`` in the string, use: ``_%``

        *   for arrays and dictionaries (only for the
            SQLAlchemy implementation):

            *   contains: pass a list with all the items that
                the array should contain, or that should be among
                the keys, eg: 'contains': ['N', 'H'])
            *   has_key: pass an element that the list has to contain
                or that has to be a key, eg: 'has_key':'N')

        *  for arrays only (SQLAlchemy version):
            *   of_length
            *   longer
            *   shorter

        All the above filters invoke a negation of the
        expression if preceded by **~**::

            # first example:
            filter_spec = {
                'name' : {
                } # Name not 'halle' or 'lujah'

            # second example:
            filter_spec =  {
                'id' : {
                    '~==': 2
            } # id is not 2

        expr = None
        if operator.startswith('~'):
            negation = True
            operator = operator.lstrip('~')
        elif operator.startswith('!'):
            negation = True
            operator = operator.lstrip('!')
            negation = False
        if operator in ('longer', 'shorter', 'of_length'):
            if not isinstance(value, int):
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "You have to give an integer when comparing to a length"
        elif operator in ('like', 'ilike'):
            if not isinstance(value, basestring):
                raise InputValidationError(
                    "Value for operator {} has to be a string (you gave {})"
                    "".format(operator, value)

        elif operator == 'in':
            value_type_set = set([type(i) for i in value])
            if len(value_type_set) > 1:
                raise InputValidationError(
                        '{}  contains more than one type'.format(value)
            elif len(value_type_set) == 0:
                raise InputValidationError(
                        '{}  contains is an empty list'.format(value)
        elif operator in ('and', 'or'):
            expressions_for_this_path = []
            for filter_operation_dict in value:
                for newoperator, newvalue in filter_operation_dict.items():
                                    newoperator, newvalue,
                                    attr_key=attr_key, is_attribute=is_attribute,
                                    alias=alias, column=column,
            if operator == 'and':
                expr = and_(*expressions_for_this_path)
            elif operator == 'or':
                 expr = or_(*expressions_for_this_path)

        if expr is None:
            if is_attribute:
                expr = self.get_filter_expr_from_attributes(
                        operator, value, attr_key,
                        column=column, column_name=column_name, alias=alias
                if column is None:
                    if (alias is None) and (column_name is None):
                        raise Exception(
                            "I need to get the column but do not know \n"
                            "the alias and the column name"
                    column = _get_column(column_name, alias)
                expr = self._get_filter_expr_from_column(operator, value, column)
        if negation:
            return not_(expr)
        return expr