Exemple #1
def get_plugin(category, name):
    Return an instance of the class registered under the given name and
    for the specified plugin category.

    :param category: the plugin category to load the plugin from, e.g. 'transports'.
    :param name: the name of the plugin
    group = 'aiida.{}'.format(category)

    eps = [ep for ep in epm.iter_entry_points(group=group) if ep.name == name]

    if not eps:
        raise MissingPluginError("No plugin named '{}' found for '{}'".format(
            name, category))

    if len(eps) > 1:
        raise MissingPluginError(
            "Multiple plugins found for '{}' in '{}'".format(name, category))

    entrypoint = eps[0]

        plugin = entrypoint.load()
    except ImportError as exception:
        import traceback
        raise LoadingPluginFailed("Loading the plugin '{}' failed:\n{}".format(
            name, traceback.format_exc()))

    return plugin
Exemple #2
    def get_builder(self):
        Create and return a new ProcessBuilder for the default Calculation
        plugin, as obtained by the self.get_input_plugin_name() method.

        :note: it also sets the ``builder.code`` value.

        :raise MissingPluginError: if the specified plugin does not exist.
        :raise ValueError: if no default plugin was specified.

        from aiida.orm.utils import CalculationFactory
        plugin_name = self.get_input_plugin_name()
        if plugin_name is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "You did not specify a default input plugin for this code")
            C = CalculationFactory(plugin_name)
        except MissingPluginError:
            raise MissingPluginError("The input_plugin name for this code is "
                                     "'{}', but it is not an existing plugin"

        builder = C.get_builder()
        # Setup the code already
        builder.code = self

        return builder
def existing_plugins(base_class,
    Return a list of strings of valid plugins.

    :param base_class: Identify all subclasses of the base_class
    :param plugins_module_name: a string with the full module name separated
        with dots that points to the folder with plugins.
        It must be importable by python.
    :param max_depth: Maximum depth (of nested modules) to be used when
            looking for plugins
    :param suffix: The suffix that is appended to the basename when looking
        for the (sub)class name. If not provided (or None), use the base
        class name.
    :return: a list of valid strings that can be used using a Factory or with
        pluginmod = importlib.import_module(plugins_module_name)
    except ImportError:
        raise MissingPluginError(
            "Unable to load the plugin module {}".format(plugins_module_name))

    return _existing_plugins_with_module(base_class, pluginmod.__path__[0],
                                         plugins_module_name, "", max_depth,
def BaseFactory(module, base_class, base_modname, suffix=None):
    Return a given subclass of Calculation, loading the correct plugin.

    :example: If `module='quantumespresso.pw'`, `base_class=JobCalculation`,
      `base_modname = 'aiida.orm.calculation.job'`, and `suffix='Calculation'`,
      the code will first look for a pw subclass of JobCalculation
      inside the quantumespresso module. Lacking such a class, it will try to look
      for a 'PwCalculation' inside the quantumespresso.pw module.
      In the latter case, the plugin class must have a specific name and be
      located in a specific file:
      if for instance plugin_name == 'ssh' and base_class.__name__ == 'Transport',
      then there must be a class named 'SshTransport' which is a subclass of base_class
      in a file 'ssh.py' in the plugins_module folder.
      To create the class name to look for, the code will attach the string
      passed in the base_modname (after the last dot) and the suffix parameter,
      if passed, with the proper CamelCase capitalization. If suffix is not
      passed, the default suffix that is used is the base_class class name.

    :param module: a string with the module of the plugin to load, e.g.
    :param base_class: a base class from which the returned class should inherit.
           e.g.: JobCalculation
    :param base_modname: a basic module name, under which the module should be
            found. E.g., 'aiida.orm.calculation.job'.
    :param suffix: If specified, the suffix that the class name will have.
      By default, use the name of the base_class.
        return load_plugin(base_class, base_modname, module)
    except MissingPluginError as e1:
        # Automatically add subclass name and try again
        if suffix is None:
            actual_suffix = base_class.__name__
            actual_suffix = suffix
        mname = module.rpartition('.')[2].capitalize() + actual_suffix
        new_module = module + '.' + mname
            return load_plugin(base_class, base_modname, new_module)
        except MissingPluginError as e2:
            err_msg = ("Neither {} or {} could be loaded from {}. "
                       "Error messages were: '{}', '{}'").format(
                           module, new_module, base_modname, e1, e2)
            raise MissingPluginError(err_msg)
Exemple #5
    def new_calc(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Create and return a new Calculation object (unstored) with the correct
        plugin subclass, as obtained by the self.get_input_plugin_name() method.

        Parameters are passed to the calculation __init__ method.

        :note: it also directly creates the link to this code (that will of
            course be cached, since the new node is not stored yet).

        :raise MissingPluginError: if the specified plugin does not exist.
        :raise ValueError: if no default plugin was specified in the code.
        import warnings
            'directly creating and submitting calculations is deprecated, use the {}\nSee:{}'
                    DEPRECATION_DOCS_URL), DeprecationWarning)

        from aiida.orm.utils import CalculationFactory
        plugin_name = self.get_input_plugin_name()
        if plugin_name is None:
            raise ValueError("You did not specify an input plugin "
                             "for this code")

            C = CalculationFactory(plugin_name)

        except MissingPluginError:
            raise MissingPluginError("The input_plugin name for this code is "
                                     "'{}', but it is not an existing plugin"

        # For remote codes, automatically set the computer,
        # unless explicitly set by the user
        if not self.is_local():
            if 'computer' not in kwargs:
                kwargs['computer'] = self.get_remote_computer()

        new_calc = C(*args, **kwargs)
        # I link to the code
        return new_calc
def load_plugin(base_class, plugins_module, plugin_type):
    Load a specific plugin for the given base class.

    This is general and works for any plugin used in AiiDA.

    NOTE: actually, now plugins_module and plugin_type are joined with a dot,
        and the plugin is retrieved splitting using the last dot of the resulting
    TODO: understand if it is probably better to join the two parameters above
        to a single one.

            the abstract base class of the plugin.
            a string with the full module name separated with dots
            that points to the folder with plugins. It must be importable by python.
            the name of the plugin.

        the class of the required plugin.

        MissingPluginError if the plugin cannot be loaded

       plugin_class = load_plugin(

       and plugin_class will be the class 'aiida.transport.plugins.ssh.SshTransport'

    module_name = ".".join([plugins_module, plugin_type])
    real_plugin_module, plugin_name = module_name.rsplit('.', 1)

        pluginmod = importlib.import_module(real_plugin_module)
    except ImportError:
        raise MissingPluginError(
            "Unable to load the plugin module {}".format(real_plugin_module))

        pluginclass = pluginmod.__dict__[plugin_name]
    except KeyError:
        raise MissingPluginError(
            "Unable to load the class {} within {}".format(
                plugin_name, real_plugin_module))

        if issubclass(pluginclass, base_class):
            return pluginclass
            # Quick way of going into the except case
            err_msg = "{} is not a subclass of {}".format(
                module_name, base_class.__name__)
            raise MissingPluginError(err_msg)
    except TypeError:
        # This happens when we pass a non-class to issubclass;
        err_msg = "{} is not a class".format(module_name)
        raise MissingPluginError(err_msg)