Exemple #1
    def load_json(self,
                  path: str,
                  ensure_copy: bool = False) -> Tuple[bool, dict]:
        """Load a json file from the cache folder.

        Important: if the dict is returned directly from the cache, any mutations will affect the cached dict.

        :param path: path relative to base folder
        :param ensure_copy: ensure the dict is a copy of that from the cache

        :returns: (from cache, the content)
            If from cache, mutations will directly affect the cache

        if path not in self._cache:
            return False, json.loads(
                (self._path / path).read_text(self._encoding))

        ctype, content = self._cache[path]
        if ctype == 'text':
            return False, json.loads(content)
        if ctype == 'json':
            if ensure_copy:
                return False, copy.deepcopy(content)
            return True, content

        raise TypeError(
            f"content of type '{ctype}' could not be converted to a dict")
Exemple #2
def migration_replace_text_field_with_json_field(data):
    """Apply migration 0033 - REV. 1.0.33
    Store dict-values as JSON serializable dicts instead of strings
    NB! Specific for Django backend
    for content in data['export_data'].get('Computer', {}).values():
        for value in ['metadata', 'transport_params']:
            if isinstance(content[value], str):
                content[value] = json.loads(content[value])
    for content in data['export_data'].get('Log', {}).values():
        if isinstance(content['metadata'], str):
            content['metadata'] = json.loads(content['metadata'])
Exemple #3
    def test_base_url(self):
        Test that / returns list of endpoints
        with self.app.test_client() as client:
            data_base = json.loads(
                client.get(self.get_url_prefix() + '/').data)['data']
            data_server = json.loads(
                client.get(self.get_url_prefix() +

            self.assertTrue(len(data_base['available_endpoints']) > 0)
            self.assertDictEqual(data_base, data_server)
Exemple #4
    def test_timezone_addition_and_dir_correction(self):
        This method tests if the timezone is added correctly to timestamps
        that don't have a timezone. Moreover, it checks if the given directory
        paths are normalized as expected.

        backup_variables = json.loads(self._json_test_input_6)
        self._backup_setup_inst._ignore_backup_dir_existence_check = True

            'Timezone info should not be none (timestamp: {}).'.format(

            'Timezone info should not be none (timestamp: {}).'.format(

            'Timezone info should not be none (timestamp: {}).'.format(

        # The destination directory of the _backup_setup_inst
            self._backup_setup_inst._backup_dir, '/scratch/aiida_user/backup',
            '_backup_setup_inst destination directory is not normalized as expected.'
Exemple #5
 def test_calculation_iotree(self):
     Get filtered incoming list for given calculations
     node_uuid = self.get_dummy_data()['calculations'][1]['uuid']
     url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/nodes/' + str(
         node_uuid) + '/links/tree?in_limit=1&out_limit=1'
     with self.app.test_client() as client:
         response_value = client.get(url)
         response = json.loads(response_value.data)
         self.assertEqual(len(response['data']['nodes']), 1)
         self.assertEqual(len(response['data']['nodes'][0]['incoming']), 1)
         self.assertEqual(len(response['data']['nodes'][0]['outgoing']), 1)
         self.assertEqual(len(response['data']['metadata']), 1)
         expected_attr = [
             'ctime', 'mtime', 'id', 'node_label', 'node_type', 'uuid',
             'description', 'incoming', 'outgoing'
         received_attr = response['data']['nodes'][0].keys()
         for attr in expected_attr:
             self.assertIn(attr, received_attr)
Exemple #6
    def test_loading_basic_params_from_file(self):
        This method tests the correct loading of the basic _backup_setup_inst
        parameters from a JSON string.
        backup_variables = json.loads(self._json_test_input_1)
        self._backup_setup_inst._ignore_backup_dir_existence_check = True

            parse('2014-07-18 13:54:53.688484+00:00'),
            'Last _backup_setup_inst start date is not parsed correctly')

        # The destination directory of the _backup_setup_inst
            '_backup_setup_inst destination directory not parsed correctly')

                         '_backup_length_threshold not parsed correctly')

        self.assertEqual(self._backup_setup_inst._periodicity, 2,
                         '_periodicity not parsed correctly')
Exemple #7
 def test_calculation_attributes(self):
     Get list of calculation attributes
     attributes = {
         'attr1': 'OK',
         'attr2': 'OK',
         'resources': {
             'num_machines': 1,
             'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1
     node_uuid = self.get_dummy_data()['calculations'][1]['uuid']
     url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/nodes/' + str(
         node_uuid) + '/contents/attributes'
     with self.app.test_client() as client:
         rv_obj = client.get(url)
         response = json.loads(rv_obj.data)
         self.assertNotIn('message', response)
         self.assertEqual(response['data']['attributes'], attributes)
 def test_json(self):
     """Test loading and dumping from json."""
     dictionary_01 = extendeddicts.AttributeDict({'x': 1, 'y': 2})
     dictionary_02 = json.loads(json.dumps(dictionary_01))
     # Note that here I am comparing a dictionary (dictionary_02) with a
     # extendeddicts.AttributeDict (dictionary_02) and they still compare to equal
     self.assertEqual(dictionary_01, dictionary_02)
Exemple #9
    def test_projectable_properties(self):
        test projectable_properties endpoint
        for nodetype in ['nodes', 'processes', 'computers', 'users', 'groups']:
            url = self.get_url_prefix(
            ) + '/' + nodetype + '/projectable_properties'
            with self.app.test_client() as client:
                rv_obj = client.get(url)
                response = json.loads(rv_obj.data)
                self.assertNotIn('message', response)

                expected_keys = [
                    'display_name', 'help_text', 'is_display',
                    'is_foreign_key', 'type'

                # check fields
                for _, pinfo in response['data']['fields'].items():
                    available_keys = pinfo.keys()
                    for prop in expected_keys:
                        self.assertIn(prop, available_keys)

                # check order
                available_properties = response['data']['fields'].keys()
                for prop in response['data']['ordering']:
                    self.assertIn(prop, available_properties)
Exemple #10
    def load_from_serialized(cls, data):
        Create a new instance loading the values from JSON-serialised data as a string

        :param data: The string with the JSON-serialised data to load from
        from aiida.common import json

        return cls.load_from_dict(json.loads(data))
Exemple #11
 def test_calculation_retrieved_outputs(self):
     Get the list of given calculation retrieved_outputs
     node_uuid = self.get_dummy_data()['calculations'][1]['uuid']
     url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/calcjobs/' + str(node_uuid) + '/output_files'
     with self.app.test_client() as client:
         response_value = client.get(url)
         response = json.loads(response_value.data)
         self.assertEqual(response['data'], [{'name': 'calcjob_outputs', 'type': 'DIRECTORY'}])
Exemple #12
 def test_structure_attributes_filter(self):
     Get the list of given calculation attributes filtered
     cell = [[2., 0., 0.], [0., 2., 0.], [0., 0., 2.]]
     node_uuid = self.get_dummy_data()['structuredata'][0]['uuid']
     url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/nodes/' + str(node_uuid) + '?attributes=true&attributes_filter=cell'
     with self.app.test_client() as client:
         rv_obj = client.get(url)
         response = json.loads(rv_obj.data)
         self.assertEqual(response['data']['nodes'][0]['attributes']['cell'], cell)
Exemple #13
    def check_full_deserialization_serialization(self, input_string, backup_inst):
        """Utility function to compare input string with content from Backup classes."""
        input_variables = json.loads(input_string)
        backup_inst._ignore_backup_dir_existence_check = True
        target_variables = backup_inst._dictionarize_backup_info()

            input_variables, target_variables,
            f'The test string {input_string} did not succeed' + ' the serialization deserialization test.\n' +
            f'Input variables: {input_variables}\n' + f'Output variables: {target_variables}\n'
Exemple #14
 def test_calculation_extras_filter(self):
     Get the list of given calculation extras filtered
     extras = {'extra1': False, 'extra2': 'extra_info'}
     node_uuid = self.get_dummy_data()['calculations'][1]['uuid']
     url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/nodes/' + str(node_uuid) + '?extras=true&extras_filter=extra1,extra2'
     with self.app.test_client() as client:
         response_value = client.get(url)
         response = json.loads(response_value.data)
         self.assertEqual(response['data']['nodes'][0]['extras']['extra1'], extras['extra1'])
         self.assertEqual(response['data']['nodes'][0]['extras']['extra2'], extras['extra2'])
Exemple #15
 def test_contents_attributes_filter(self):
     Get list of calculation attributes with filter attributes_filter
     node_uuid = self.get_dummy_data()['calculations'][1]['uuid']
     url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/nodes/' + str(node_uuid) + '/contents/attributes?attributes_filter="attr1"'
     with self.app.test_client() as client:
         rv_obj = client.get(url)
         response = json.loads(rv_obj.data)
         self.assertNotIn('message', response)
         self.assertEqual(response['data']['attributes'], {'attr1': 'OK'})
         RESTApiTestCase.compare_extra_response_data(self, 'nodes', url, response, uuid=node_uuid)
Exemple #16
    def test_server(self):
        Test that /server endpoint returns AiiDA version
        url = f'{self.get_url_prefix()}/server'
        from aiida import __version__

        with self.app.test_client() as client:
            response = client.get(url)
            data = json.loads(response.data)['data']

            self.assertEqual(__version__, data['AiiDA_version'])
            self.assertEqual(self.get_url_prefix(), data['API_prefix'])
Exemple #17
 def test_node_single_extras_filter(self):
     Check that when only one node extra is specified in extras_filter
     only this extra is returned as a dictionary when pagination is set
     expected_extra = ['extra2']
     url = f'{self.get_url_prefix()}/nodes/page/1?perpage=10&extras=true&extras_filter=extra2'
     with self.app.test_client() as client:
         response_value = client.get(url)
         response = json.loads(response_value.data)
         self.assertNotEqual(len(response['data']['nodes']), 0)
         for node in response['data']['nodes']:
             self.assertEqual(list(node['extras'].keys()), expected_extra)
Exemple #18
 def test_comments(self):
     Get the node comments
     node_uuid = self.get_dummy_data()['structuredata'][0]['uuid']
     url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/nodes/' + str(node_uuid) + '/contents/comments'
     with self.app.test_client() as client:
         rv_obj = client.get(url)
         response = json.loads(rv_obj.data)['data']['comments']
         all_comments = []
         for comment in response:
         self.assertEqual(sorted(all_comments), sorted(['This is test comment.', 'Add another comment.']))
Exemple #19
def read_json_files(path, *,
                    names=('metadata.json', 'data.json')) -> List[dict]:
    """Get metadata.json and data.json from an exported AiiDA archive

    :param path: the filepath of the archive
    :param names: the files to retrieve

    jsons: List[dict] = []

    if zipfile.is_zipfile(path):
        for name in names:
            jsons.append(json.loads(read_file_in_zip(path, name)))
    elif tarfile.is_tarfile(path):
        for name in names:
            jsons.append(json.loads(read_file_in_tar(path, name)))
        raise ValueError(
            'invalid file format, expected either a zip archive or gzipped tarball'

    return jsons
Exemple #20
 def test_node_single_attributes_filter(self):
     Check that when only one node attribute is specified in attributes_filter
     only this attribute is returned as a dictionary when pagination is set
     expected_attribute = ['resources']
     url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/nodes/page/1?perpage=10&attributes=true&attributes_filter=resources'
     with self.app.test_client() as client:
         response_value = client.get(url)
         response = json.loads(response_value.data)
         self.assertNotEqual(len(response['data']['nodes']), 0)
         for node in response['data']['nodes']:
             self.assertEqual(list(node['attributes'].keys()), expected_attribute)
Exemple #21
    def load_from_serialized(self, data):
        Load value from serialised data
        :param data: The data to load from
        :return: The value after loading
        from aiida.common import json

        deser_data = json.loads(data)

        for key, value in deser_data.items():
            self[key] = self.deserialize_field(
                value, self._special_serializers.get(key, None))
Exemple #22
 def test_node_namespace(self):
     Test the rest api call to get list of available node namespace
     url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/nodes/full_types'
     with self.app.test_client() as client:
         rv_obj = client.get(url)
         response = json.loads(rv_obj.data)
         expected_data_keys = ['path', 'namespace', 'subspaces', 'label', 'full_type']
         response_keys = response['data'].keys()
         for dkay in expected_data_keys:
             self.assertIn(dkay, response_keys)
         RESTApiTestCase.compare_extra_response_data(self, 'nodes', url, response)
Exemple #23
    def test_download_formats(self):
        test for download format endpoint
        url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/nodes/download_formats'
        with self.app.test_client() as client:
            response_value = client.get(url)
            response = json.loads(response_value.data)

            for key in ['data.structure.StructureData.|', 'data.cif.CifData.|']:
                self.assertIn(key, response['data'].keys())
            for key in ['cif', 'xsf', 'xyz']:
                self.assertIn(key, response['data']['data.structure.StructureData.|'])
            self.assertIn('cif', response['data']['data.cif.CifData.|'])
Exemple #24
    def test_nodes_full_type_filter(self):
        Get the list of nodes filtered by full_type
        expected_node_uuids = []
        for calc in self.get_dummy_data()['calculations']:
            if calc['node_type'] == 'process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.':

        url = f"{self.get_url_prefix()}/nodes/?full_type=\"process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.|\""
        with self.app.test_client() as client:
            rv_obj = client.get(url)
            response = json.loads(rv_obj.data)
            for node in response['data']['nodes']:
                self.assertIn(node['uuid'], expected_node_uuids)
Exemple #25
    def test_loading_backup_time_params_from_file_4(self):
        This method tests that the _backup_setup_inst limits are correctly
        loaded from the JSON string and are correctly set.

        In the parsed JSON string, the endDateOfBackup & daysToBackuplimit
        are set which should lead to an exception.
        from aiida.manage.backup.backup_base import BackupError

        backup_variables = json.loads(self._json_test_input_5)
        self._backup_setup_inst._ignore_backup_dir_existence_check = True
        # An exception should be raised because endDateOfBackup
        # & daysToBackuplimit have been defined in the same time.
        with self.assertRaises(BackupError):
Exemple #26
    def test_process_report(self):
        Test process report
        node_uuid = self.get_dummy_data()['calculations'][1]['uuid']
        url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/processes/' + str(node_uuid) + '/report'
        with self.app.test_client() as client:
            response_value = client.get(url)
            response = json.loads(response_value.data)

            expected_keys = response['data'].keys()
            for key in ['logs']:
                self.assertIn(key, expected_keys)

            expected_log_keys = response['data']['logs'][0].keys()
            for key in ['time', 'loggername', 'levelname', 'dbnode_id', 'message']:
                self.assertIn(key, expected_log_keys)
Exemple #27
    def test_repo(self):
        Test to get repo list or repo file contents for given node
        from aiida.orm import load_node

        node_uuid = self.get_dummy_data()['calculations'][1]['uuid']
        url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/nodes/' + str(node_uuid) + '/repo/list?filename="calcjob_inputs"'
        with self.app.test_client() as client:
            response_value = client.get(url)
            response = json.loads(response_value.data)
            self.assertEqual(response['data']['repo_list'], [{'type': 'FILE', 'name': 'aiida.in'}])

        url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/nodes/' + str(node_uuid) + '/repo/contents?filename="calcjob_inputs/aiida.in"'
        with self.app.test_client() as client:
            response_obj = client.get(url)
            input_file = load_node(node_uuid).get_object_content('calcjob_inputs/aiida.in', mode='rb')
            self.assertEqual(response_obj.data, input_file)
Exemple #28
 def test_calculation_attributes_filter(self):
     Get the list of given calculation attributes filtered
     attributes = {
         'attr1': 'OK',
         'attr2': 'OK',
         'resources': {
             'num_machines': 1,
             'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1
     node_uuid = self.get_dummy_data()['calculations'][1]['uuid']
     url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/nodes/' + str(node_uuid) + '?attributes=true'
     with self.app.test_client() as client:
         response_value = client.get(url)
         response = json.loads(response_value.data)
         self.assertEqual(response['data']['nodes'][0]['attributes'], attributes)
Exemple #29
 def test_node_attributes_filter_pagination(self):
     Check that node attributes specified in attributes_filter are
     returned as a dictionary when pagination is set
     expected_attributes = ['resources', 'cell']
     url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/nodes/page/1?perpage=10&attributes=true&attributes_filter=resources,cell'
     with self.app.test_client() as client:
         response_value = client.get(url)
         response = json.loads(response_value.data)
         self.assertNotEqual(len(response['data']['nodes']), 0)
         for node in response['data']['nodes']:
             self.assertIn('attributes', node)
             self.assertNotIn('attributes.resources', node)
             self.assertNotIn('attributes.cell', node)
             self.assertEqual(len(node['attributes']), len(expected_attributes))
             for attr in expected_attributes:
                 self.assertIn(attr, node['attributes'])
Exemple #30
 def test_node_extras_filter_pagination(self):
     Check that node extras specified in extras_filter are
     returned as a dictionary when pagination is set
     expected_extras = ['extra1', 'extra2']
     url = f'{self.get_url_prefix()}/nodes/page/1?perpage=10&extras=true&extras_filter=extra1,extra2'
     with self.app.test_client() as client:
         response_value = client.get(url)
         response = json.loads(response_value.data)
         self.assertNotEqual(len(response['data']['nodes']), 0)
         for node in response['data']['nodes']:
             self.assertIn('extras', node)
             self.assertNotIn('extras.extra1', node)
             self.assertNotIn('extras.extra2', node)
             self.assertEqual(len(node['extras']), len(expected_extras))
             for extra in expected_extras:
                 self.assertIn(extra, node['extras'])