def define(cls, spec: CalcJobProcessSpec): super(CryDossCalculation, cls).define(spec) spec.input("metadata.options.output_isovalue_fname", valid_type=str, default="fort.25") spec.input("metadata.options.parser_name", valid_type=str, default="crystal17.doss") spec.exit_code( 352, "ERROR_ISOVALUE_FILE_MISSING", message="parser could not find the output isovalue (fort.25) file", ) spec.exit_code( 353, "ERROR_PARSING_ISOVALUE_FILE", message="error parsing output isovalue (fort.25) file", ) spec.output( "arrays", valid_type=DataFactory("array"), required=False, help="energies and DoS arrays", )
def define(cls, spec: CalcJobProcessSpec): super(Symmetrise3DStructure, cls).define(spec) spec.input("structure", valid_type=StructureData, required=False) spec.input("cif", valid_type=DataFactory("cif"), required=False) spec.input( "settings", valid_type=DataFactory("dict"), serializer=to_aiida_type, required=True, validator=cls.validate_settings, ) spec.outline(cls.validate_inputs, cls.compute) spec.output("symmetry", valid_type=SymmetryData, required=True) spec.output("structure", valid_type=StructureData, required=False) spec.exit_code( 300, "ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_RESOURCES", message="one of either a structure or cif input must be supplied", ) spec.exit_code( 301, "ERROR_NON_3D_STRUCTURE", message='the supplied structure must be 3D (i.e. have all dimensions pbc=True)"', ) spec.exit_code( 302, "ERROR_COMPUTE_OPTIONS", message="idealize can only be used when standardize=True", ) spec.exit_code( 303, "ERROR_RESET_KIND_NAMES", message="the kind names supplied are not compatible with the structure", ) spec.exit_code( 304, "ERROR_NEW_STRUCTURE", message="error creating new structure" ) spec.exit_code( 305, "ERROR_COMPUTING_SYMMETRY", message="error computing symmetry operations", )
def define(cls, spec: CalcJobProcessSpec): """Define the process specification, including its inputs, outputs and known exit codes. :param spec: the calculation job process spec to define. """ super().define(spec) spec.input('x', valid_type=(orm.Int, orm.Float), help='The left operand.') spec.input('y', valid_type=(orm.Int, orm.Float), help='The right operand.') spec.output('sum', valid_type=(orm.Int, orm.Float), help='The sum of the left and right operand.') # set default options (optional) spec.inputs['metadata']['options']['parser_name'].default = 'arithmetic.add' spec.inputs['metadata']['options']['input_filename'].default = '' spec.inputs['metadata']['options']['output_filename'].default = 'aiida.out' spec.inputs['metadata']['options']['resources'].default = {'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1} # start exit codes - marker for docs spec.exit_code(300, 'ERROR_NO_RETRIEVED_FOLDER', message='The retrieved output node does not exist.') spec.exit_code(310, 'ERROR_READING_OUTPUT_FILE', message='The output file could not be read.') spec.exit_code(320, 'ERROR_INVALID_OUTPUT', message='The output file contains invalid output.') spec.exit_code(410, 'ERROR_NEGATIVE_NUMBER', message='The sum of the operands is a negative number.')
def define(cls, spec: CalcJobProcessSpec): super(PropAbstractCalculation, cls).define(spec) spec.input("metadata.options.input_file_name", valid_type=str, default="INPUT") spec.input("metadata.options.input_wf_name", valid_type=str, default="fort.9") spec.input("metadata.options.stdout_file_name", valid_type=str, default="main.out") spec.input( "wf_folder", valid_type=(FolderData, RemoteData, SinglefileData), required=True, help="the folder containing the wavefunction fort.9 file", ) spec.input( "parameters", valid_type=DataFactory("dict"), required=True, validator=cls.validate_parameters, help="the input parameters to create the properties input file.", ) # subclasses should implement # spec.input('metadata.options.parser_name', valid_type=str, default='crystal17.') # Unrecoverable errors: resources like the retrieved folder or its expected contents are missing spec.exit_code( 200, "ERROR_NO_RETRIEVED_FOLDER", message="The retrieved folder data node could not be accessed.", ) spec.exit_code( 210, "ERROR_OUTPUT_FILE_MISSING", message="the main (stdout) output file was not found", ) spec.exit_code( 211, "ERROR_TEMP_FOLDER_MISSING", message="the temporary retrieved folder was not found", ) # Unrecoverable errors: required retrieved files could not be read, parsed or are otherwise incomplete spec.exit_code( 300, "ERROR_PARSING_STDOUT", message=("An error was flagged trying to parse the " "crystal exec stdout file"), ) spec.exit_code( 350, "ERROR_CRYSTAL_INPUT", message="the input file could not be read by CRYSTAL", ) spec.exit_code( 351, "ERROR_WAVEFUNCTION_NOT_FOUND", message="CRYSTAL could not find the required wavefunction file", ) spec.exit_code( 352, "UNIT_CELL_NOT_NEUTRAL", message="Possibly due to erroneous CHEMOD basis set modification", ) spec.exit_code( 353, "SHELL_SYMMETRY_ERROR", message="Possibly due to erroneous CHEMOD basis set modification", ) spec.exit_code(354, "CHEMMOD_ERROR", message="Error in CHEMOD basis set modification") # Significant errors but calculation can be used to restart spec.exit_code( 400, "ERROR_OUT_OF_WALLTIME", message= "The calculation stopped prematurely because it ran out of walltime.", ) spec.exit_code( 401, "ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY", message= "The calculation stopped prematurely because it ran out of memory.", ) spec.exit_code( 402, "ERROR_OUT_OF_VMEMORY", message= "The calculation stopped prematurely because it ran out of virtual memory.", ) spec.exit_code( 413, "BASIS_SET_LINEARLY_DEPENDENT", message="an error encountered usually during geometry optimisation", ) spec.exit_code( 414, "ERROR_SCF_ABNORMAL_END", message="an error was encountered during an SCF computation", ) spec.exit_code( 415, "ERROR_MPI_ABORT", message= "an unknown error was encountered, causing the MPI to abort", ) spec.exit_code( 499, "ERROR_CRYSTAL_RUN", message="The main crystal output file flagged an unhandled error", ) spec.output( cls.link_output_results, valid_type=DataFactory("dict"), required=True, help="Summary Data extracted from the output file(s)", ) spec.default_output_node = cls.link_output_results
def define(cls, spec: CalcJobProcessSpec): """Define the process specification, including its inputs, outputs and known exit codes. :param spec: the calculation job process spec to define. """ super().define(spec) spec.input( "time", serializer=to_aiida_type, valid_type=(orm.Int, orm.Float), default=lambda: orm.Int(1), validator=_time_validator, help="The time to sleep.", ) spec.input( "payload", serializer=to_aiida_type, valid_type=orm.Dict, default=lambda: orm.Dict(dict={}), help="A dictionary that will be uploaded and retrieved.", ) spec.output( "result", valid_type=orm.Bool, help='If the output file contains "success".', ) spec.output( "out_dict", valid_type=orm.Dict, help="Output Dict (with size metadata.options.output_dict_size).", ) spec.output( "out_array", valid_type=orm.ArrayData, help= "Output ArrayData (with size metadata.options.output_array_size).", ) # set default options (optional) spec.inputs["metadata"]["options"]["parser_name"].default = "sleep" spec.inputs["metadata"]["options"][ "input_filename"].default = "" spec.inputs["metadata"]["options"][ "output_filename"].default = "aiida.out" spec.inputs["metadata"]["options"]["resources"].default = { "num_machines": 1, "num_mpiprocs_per_machine": 1, } spec.input( "metadata.options.payload_filename", valid_type=str, default="payload.json", help= "Filename to which the content of the payload JSON is written.", ) spec.input( "metadata.options.fail_calcjob", valid_type=bool, default=False, help="Intentionally fail the calculation (with code 410).", ) spec.input( "metadata.options.output_dict_size", valid_type=int, default=100, help="The number of attributes for the output Dict.", ) spec.input( "metadata.options.output_array_size", valid_type=int, default=100, help="The size of the numpy array for the output ArrayData.", ) spec.exit_code( 310, "ERROR_READING_OUTPUT_FILE", message="The output file could not be read.", ) spec.exit_code( 311, "ERROR_READING_PAYLOAD_FILE", message="The payload file could not be read.", ) spec.exit_code( 410, "ERROR_FAILED_OUTPUT", message="The output file contains a failed output.", )
def define(cls, spec: CalcJobProcessSpec): super(CryMainCalculation, cls).define(spec) spec.input( "parameters", valid_type=DataFactory("crystal17.parameters"), required=True, serializer=lambda x: DataFactory("crystal17.parameters")(data=x), help="the input parameters to create the .d12 file content.", ) spec.input( "structure", valid_type=StructureData, required=True, help="structure used to construct the input fort.34 (gui) file", ) spec.input( "symmetry", valid_type=DataFactory("crystal17.symmetry"), required=False, help=( "the symmetry of the structure, " "used to construct the input .gui file (fort.34)" ), ) spec.input( "kinds", valid_type=DataFactory("crystal17.kinds"), required=False, help=("additional structure kind specific data " "(e.g. initial spin)"), ) spec.input_namespace( "basissets", valid_type=BasisSetData, dynamic=True, help=( "Use a node for the basis set of one of " "the elements in the structure. You have to pass " "an additional parameter ('element') specifying the " "atomic element symbol for which you want to use this " "basis set." ), ) spec.input( "wf_folder", valid_type=RemoteData, required=False, help=( "An optional working directory, " "of a previously completed calculation, " "containing a fort.9 wavefunction file to restart from" ), ) # TODO allow for input of HESSOPT.DAT file # Note: OPTINFO.DAT is also meant for geometry restarts (with RESTART), # but on both crystal and Pcrystal, a read file error is encountered trying to use it. spec.output( "optimisation", valid_type=TrajectoryData, required=False, help="atomic configurations, for each optimisation step", )
def define(cls, spec: CalcJobProcessSpec): super(CryAbstractCalculation, cls).define(spec) spec.input("metadata.options.input_file_name", valid_type=str, default="INPUT") spec.input("metadata.options.output_main_file_name", valid_type=str, default="main.out") spec.input("metadata.options.parser_name", valid_type=str, default="crystal17.main") # TODO review aiidateam/aiida_core#2997, when closed, for exit code formalization # Unrecoverable errors: resources like the retrieved folder or its expected contents are missing spec.exit_code( 200, "ERROR_NO_RETRIEVED_FOLDER", message="The retrieved folder data node could not be accessed.", ) spec.exit_code( 210, "ERROR_OUTPUT_FILE_MISSING", message="the main (stdout) output file was not found", ) spec.exit_code( 211, "ERROR_TEMP_FOLDER_MISSING", message="the temporary retrieved folder was not found", ) # Unrecoverable errors: required retrieved files could not be read, parsed or are otherwise incomplete spec.exit_code( 300, "ERROR_PARSING_STDOUT", message=("An error was flagged trying to parse the " "crystal exec stdout file"), ) spec.exit_code( # TODO is this an unrecoverable error? 301, "ERROR_PARSING_OPTIMISATION_GEOMTRIES", message=( "An error occurred parsing the 'opta'/'optc' geometry files"), ) spec.exit_code( 302, "TESTGEOM_DIRECTIVE", message= ("The crystal exec stdout file denoted that the run was a testgeom" ), ) spec.exit_code( 350, "ERROR_CRYSTAL_INPUT", message="the input file could not be read by CRYSTAL", ) spec.exit_code( 351, "ERROR_WAVEFUNCTION_NOT_FOUND", message="CRYSTAL could not find the required wavefunction file", ) spec.exit_code( 352, "UNIT_CELL_NOT_NEUTRAL", message="Possibly due to erroneous CHEMOD basis set modification", ) spec.exit_code( 353, "SHELL_SYMMETRY_ERROR", message="Possibly due to erroneous CHEMOD basis set modification", ) spec.exit_code(354, "CHEMMOD_ERROR", message="Error in CHEMOD basis set modification") # Significant errors but calculation can be used to restart spec.exit_code( 400, "ERROR_OUT_OF_WALLTIME", message= "The calculation stopped prematurely because it ran out of walltime.", ) spec.exit_code( 401, "ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY", message= "The calculation stopped prematurely because it ran out of memory.", ) spec.exit_code( 402, "ERROR_OUT_OF_VMEMORY", message= "The calculation stopped prematurely because it ran out of virtual memory.", ) spec.exit_code( 411, "UNCONVERGED_SCF", message= "SCF convergence did not finalise (usually due to reaching step limit)", ) spec.exit_code( 412, "UNCONVERGED_GEOMETRY", message= "Geometry convergence did not finalise (usually due to reaching step limit)", ) spec.exit_code( 413, "BASIS_SET_LINEARLY_DEPENDENT", message="an error encountered usually during geometry optimisation", ) spec.exit_code( 414, "ERROR_SCF_ABNORMAL_END", message="an error was encountered during an SCF computation", ) spec.exit_code( 415, "ERROR_MPI_ABORT", message= "an unknown error was encountered, causing the MPI to abort", ) spec.exit_code( 499, "ERROR_CRYSTAL_RUN", message="The main crystal output file flagged an unhandled error", ) # errors in symmetry node consistency checks spec.exit_code( 510, "ERROR_SYMMETRY_INCONSISTENCY", message=("inconsistency in the input and output symmetry"), ) spec.exit_code( 520, "ERROR_SYMMETRY_NOT_FOUND", message=("primitive symmops were not found in the output file"), ) spec.output( cls.link_output_results, valid_type=DataFactory("dict"), required=True, help="the data extracted from the main output file", ) spec.default_output_node = cls.link_output_results spec.output( cls.link_output_structure, valid_type=DataFactory("structure"), required=False, help="the structure output from the calculation", ) spec.output( cls.link_output_symmetry, valid_type=DataFactory("crystal17.symmetry"), required=False, help="the symmetry data from the calculation", )