Exemple #1
def filter_kwargs(klass, kwargs):
    res = {}
    LOG.debug('args: %s', kwargs)
    dummy = klass(**{k: kwargs[k] for k in klass.identity_attributes})
    for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
        if v is not ATTR_UNSPECIFIED:
                attr_type = klass.other_attributes.get(k)
                is_list_of_dicts = (attr_type
                                    and attr_type.get("type") == "array"
                                    and attr_type.get(
                                        "items", {}).get("type") == "object")
                is_boolean = (attr_type and attr_type.get("type") == "boolean")
                if k in DICT_LIST_ATTRS or is_list_of_dicts:
                    res[k] = [{z.split('=')[0]: z.split('=')[1]
                               for z in y}
                              for y in [x.split(',')
                                        for x in v.split(' ')]] if v else []
                elif k in BOOL_ATTRS or is_boolean:
                    b = utils.stob(v)
                    if b is None:
                        raise click.BadParameter(
                            'Invalid value %s for boolean '
                            'attribute %s' % (v, k),
                            param_hint="--%s" % k)
                    res[k] = utils.stob(v)
                elif isinstance(getattr(dummy, k), list):
                    res[k] = v.split(',') if v else []
                    res[k] = v
            except AttributeError:
                # No default is specified for this attribute, assume no list
                res[k] = v
    LOG.debug('Sanitized args: %s', kwargs)
    return res
def filter_kwargs(klass, kwargs):
    res = {}
    LOG.debug('args: %s', kwargs)
    dummy = klass(**{k: kwargs[k] for k in klass.identity_attributes})
    for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
        if v is not ATTR_UNSPECIFIED:
                attr_type = klass.other_attributes.get(k)
                is_list_of_dicts = (
                    attr_type and
                    attr_type.get("type") == "array" and
                    attr_type.get("items", {}).get("type") == "object")
                is_boolean = (attr_type and
                              attr_type.get("type") == "boolean")
                if k in DICT_LIST_ATTRS or is_list_of_dicts:
                    res[k] = [{z.split('=')[0]: z.split('=')[1] for z in y}
                              for y in [x.split(',')
                              for x in v.split(' ')]] if v else []
                elif k in BOOL_ATTRS or is_boolean:
                    b = utils.stob(v)
                    if b is None:
                        raise click.BadParameter(
                            'Invalid value %s for boolean '
                            'attribute %s' % (v, k), param_hint="--%s" % k)
                    res[k] = utils.stob(v)
                elif isinstance(getattr(dummy, k), list):
                    res[k] = v.split(',') if v else []
                    res[k] = v
            except AttributeError:
                # No default is specified for this attribute, assume no list
                res[k] = v
    LOG.debug('Sanitized args: %s', kwargs)
    return res
 def _parse(self, res, klass=None):
     if not res.output_bytes:
         return None
     res = [' '.join(x.split()) for x in res.output_bytes.split('\n')][1:]
     res = [[x[:x.find(' ')], x[x.find(' ') + 1:]] for x in res if x]
     if ['Property', 'Value'] in res:
         # Remove additional tables
         # TODO(ivar): test expected faults
         res = res[:res.index(['Property', 'Value'])]
     res_dict = {}
     klass = klass or self.resource_class
     klass_attributes = klass.attributes
     for item in res:
         if len(item) == 2 and item[0] in klass_attributes():
             attr_type = klass.other_attributes.get(item[0])
             is_boolean = (attr_type and attr_type.get("type") == "boolean")
                 # Try to load lists
                 loaded = ast.literal_eval(item[1])
                 if isinstance(loaded, list):
                     res_dict[item[0]] = loaded
             except (SyntaxError, ValueError):
             if is_boolean:
                 res_dict[item[0]] = utils.stob(item[1])
                 res_dict[item[0]] = item[1]
     return klass(**res_dict)
 def _parse(self, res, klass=None):
     output_bytes = _get_output_bytes(res)
     if not output_bytes:
         return None
     res = [' '.join(x.split()) for x in output_bytes.split('\n')][1:]
     res = [[x[:x.find(' ')], x[x.find(' ') + 1:]] for x in res if x]
     if ['Property', 'Value'] in res:
         # Remove additional tables
         # TODO(ivar): test expected faults
         res = res[:res.index(['Property', 'Value'])]
     res_dict = {}
     klass = klass or self.resource_class
     klass_attributes = klass.attributes
     for item in res:
         if len(item) == 2 and item[0] in klass_attributes():
             attr_type = klass.other_attributes.get(item[0])
             is_boolean = (attr_type and
                           attr_type.get("type") == "boolean")
                 # Try to load lists
                 loaded = ast.literal_eval(item[1])
                 if isinstance(loaded, list):
                     res_dict[item[0]] = loaded
             except (SyntaxError, ValueError):
             if is_boolean:
                 res_dict[item[0]] = utils.stob(item[1])
                 res_dict[item[0]] = item[1]
     return klass(**res_dict)