async def get_org_repos(self, org: str, page=1): """Retrun a list of AIOGithubRepository objects.""" from aiogithubapi import AIOGithubRepository url = f"{BASE_URL}/orgs/{org}/repos?page={str(page)}" params = {"per_page": 100} headers = self.headers headers["Accept"] = "application/vnd.github.mercy-preview+json" await self.get_ratelimit() if self.ratelimits.remaining is not None and self.ratelimits.remaining == 0: raise AIOGitHubRatelimit("GitHub Ratelimit error") async with async_timeout.timeout(20, loop=get_event_loop()): response = await self.session.get(url, headers=headers, params=params) if response.status not in GOOD_HTTP_CODES: raise AIOGitHubException(f"GitHub returned {response.status} for {url}") response = await response.json() if not isinstance(response, list): if response["message"] == "Bad credentials": raise AIOGitHubAuthentication("Access token is not valid!") else: raise AIOGitHubException(response["message"]) repositories = [] for repository in response: repositories.append( AIOGithubRepository(repository, self.token, self.session) ) return repositories
async def get_repo(self, repo: str): """Retrun AIOGithubRepository object.""" from aiogithubapi import AIOGithubRepository url = f"{BASE_URL}/repos/{repo}" headers = self.headers headers["Accept"] = "application/vnd.github.mercy-preview+json" await self.get_ratelimit() if self.ratelimits.remaining is not None and self.ratelimits.remaining == 0: raise AIOGitHubRatelimit("GitHub Ratelimit error") async with async_timeout.timeout(20, loop=get_event_loop()): response = await self.session.get(url, headers=headers) if response.status not in GOOD_HTTP_CODES: raise AIOGitHubException(f"GitHub returned {response.status} for {url}") response = await response.json() if response.get("message"): if response["message"] == "Bad credentials": raise AIOGitHubAuthentication("Access token is not valid!") else: raise AIOGitHubException(response["message"]) return AIOGithubRepository(response, self.token, self.session)
async def load_hacs_repository(): """Load HACS repositroy.""" hacs = get_hacs() from .const import VERSION from aiogithubapi import ( AIOGitHubAuthentication, AIOGitHubException, AIOGitHubRatelimit, ) try: repository = hacs.get_by_name("hacs/integration") if repository is None: await register_repository("hacs/integration", "integration") repository = hacs.get_by_name("hacs/integration") if repository is None: raise AIOGitHubException("Unknown error") repository.status.installed = True repository.versions.installed = VERSION = False hacs.repo = repository.repository_object hacs.data_repo = await get_repository(hacs.session, hacs.configuration.token, "hacs/default") except ( AIOGitHubException, AIOGitHubRatelimit, AIOGitHubAuthentication, ) as exception: hacs.logger.critical(f"[{exception}] - Could not load HACS!") return False return True
async def render_markdown(self, content: str): """Retrun AIOGithubRepository object.""" url = f"{BASE_URL}/markdown/raw" headers = self.headers headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain" await self.get_ratelimit() if self.ratelimits.remaining is not None and self.ratelimits.remaining == 0: raise AIOGitHubRatelimit("GitHub Ratelimit error") async with async_timeout.timeout(20, loop=get_event_loop()): response = await, headers=headers, data=content) if response.status not in GOOD_HTTP_CODES: raise AIOGitHubException(f"GitHub returned {response.status} for {url}") response = await response.text() if isinstance(response, dict): if response.get("message"): if response["message"] == "Bad credentials": raise AIOGitHubAuthentication("Access token is not valid!") else: raise AIOGitHubException(response["message"]) return response
async def load_hacs_repository(hacs): """Load HACS repositroy.""" try: await hacs().register_repository("custom-components/hacs", "integration") repository = hacs().get_by_name("custom-components/hacs") if repository is None: raise AIOGitHubException("Unknown error") repository.status.installed = True repository.versions.installed = const.VERSION = False hacs.repo = repository.repository_object except ( AIOGitHubException, AIOGitHubRatelimit, AIOGitHubAuthentication, ) as exception: hacs.logger.critical(f"[{exception}] - Could not load HACS!") return False return True
async def get_ratelimit(self): """Retrun a list of AIOGithubRepository objects.""" url = f"{BASE_URL}/rate_limit" headers = self.headers async with async_timeout.timeout(5, loop=get_event_loop()): response = await self.session.get(url, headers=headers) # Handle bad status codes if response.status not in GOOD_HTTP_CODES: raise AIOGitHubException(f"GitHub returned {response.status} for {url}") # Convert response to json response = await response.json() # Ready AIOGithubRateLimits object ratelimit = AIOGithubRateLimits(response) self.ratelimits = ratelimit return self.ratelimits
async def load_new_hacs_repository(hacs): """Load HACS repositroy.""" try: repository = hacs().get_by_name("hacs/integration") if repository is None: await hacs().register_repository("hacs/integration", "integration") repository = hacs().get_by_name("hacs/integration") if repository is None: raise AIOGitHubException("Unknown error") repository.status.installed = True repository.versions.installed = const.VERSION = False hacs.repo = repository.repository_object hacs.data_repo = await hacs().github.get_repo("hacs/default") except ( AIOGitHubException, AIOGitHubRatelimit, AIOGitHubAuthentication, ) as exception: hacs.logger.debug(f"[{exception}] - Could not load HACS!") # TODO: After move, enable critical # hacs.logger.critical(f"[{exception}] - Could not load HACS!") return False return True