Exemple #1
    async def purge(self, ctx, num: int, *targets: User):
        """Bulk delete messages of a certain amount posted by some targeted Discord users,
        if not providedit just deletes all the messages which it encounters"""

        total_deleted = 0
        messages = ctx.history(limit=None)
        await messages.__anext__()  # includes the invoker's message, so skip that.

        # discord has a bulk-deletion method which has limits that,
        # messages cannot be deleted older than 14 days.
        # cannot delete more than 100 messages at once.
        async for chunk in chunked(map(lambda m: m[1], takewhile(
                lambda m: m[0] < num and (ctx.message.created_at - m[1].created_at).days < 14,
                filterfalse(lambda m: not(m[1].author in targets or not targets), aenumerate(messages)))), 100):

            chunk = list(chunk)
            await ctx.channel.delete_messages(chunk)  # delete 100 messages at once.
            total_deleted += len(chunk)

        # for the rest follow the manual deletion way.
        async for msg in messages:
            if not total_deleted <= num:
                await ctx.send(f"Purged {num} messages in {ctx.channel.mention}.",

            if msg.author in targets or targets is None:
                await msg.delete()
                total_deleted += 1
Exemple #2
def filter_history(channel: discord.TextChannel, **kwargs) -> typing.Coroutine[typing.Any, None, list[discord.Message]]:
    check = kwargs.pop('check', lambda m: True)
    limit = kwargs.pop('limit', sys.maxsize)
    return aioitertools.list(aioitertools.map(
        aioitertools.zip(range(limit), channel.history(limit=None, **kwargs).filter(check))
Exemple #3
    async def test_map_coroutine_list(self):
        async def double(x):
            await asyncio.sleep(0.0001)
            return x * 2

        idx = 0
        async for value in ait.map(double, slist):
            self.assertEqual(value, slist[idx] * 2)
            idx += 1
Exemple #4
    async def test_map_function_async_generator(self):
        async def gen():
            for item in slist:
                yield item

        idx = 0
        async for value in ait.map(str.lower, gen()):
            self.assertEqual(value, slist[idx].lower())
            idx += 1
Exemple #5
    async def test_map_coroutine_generator(self):
        async def gen():
            for item in slist:
                yield item

        async def double(x):
            await asyncio.sleep(0.0001)
            return x * 2

        idx = 0
        async for value in ait.map(double, gen()):
            self.assertEqual(value, slist[idx] * 2)
            idx += 1
Exemple #6
        async def _insert_parent_func(self, func):
            """ Given a recursive dict in self.iter backed by generator
                expressions, insert `func' right above the leaves.

                self.parent_iter and self.parent_key are used to
                quickly locate the parents of leaf nodes.
            if not self.parent_iter or not self.parent_key:
                self.iter = aioitertools.map(
                    partial(apply_func, map_func=self.map_func), self.iter)
                self.root = self.iter
            # we need to be able to iterate over self.parent_iter multiple
            # times
            self.parent_iter, tmp_it = await aitertools.tee(self.parent_iter)
            async for p in tmp_it:
                pkey = str(self.parent_key)
                if isinstance(p[pkey], FuncStack):
                    p[pkey] = FuncStack([p[pkey], self.map_func])
Exemple #7
 async def test_map_function_list(self):
     idx = 0
     async for value in ait.map(str.lower, slist):
         self.assertEqual(value, slist[idx].lower())
         idx += 1