Exemple #1
async def test_route_any_args(server):
    address = Address(url=server.url)
    foo = server.route('/foo', ANY_ARGS)
    task = create_task(subscribe(foo.sub(), 1))
    address.send(foo, 'foo')
    results = list(await task)
    assert results == [['foo']]
Exemple #2
async def test_multiple_servers(any_server_class, unused_tcp_port_factory):
    Test that multiple servers can run okay in the same process.
    servers = []
    addresses = []
    foo = Route('/foo', int)

    for i in range(3):
        server = any_server_class(url='osc.tcp://:%s' %
        address = Address(url=server.url)

    task = create_task(subscribe(foo.sub(), 3))
    for i, address in enumerate(addresses):
        address.send(foo, i)

        results = await task
        assert set([r[0] for r in results]) == {0, 1, 2}
        for server in servers:
Exemple #3
async def test_unroute(server):
    address = Address(url=server.url)
    foo = server.route('/foo', 's')
    task = create_task(subscribe(foo.sub(), 1))
    address.send(foo, 'bar')
    with pytest.raises(asyncio.CancelledError):
        await task
Exemple #4
async def test_reuse_subs(any_server):
    address = Address(url=any_server.url)
    foo = any_server.route('/foo', 's')
    tasks = asyncio.gather(
        *[create_task(subscribe(foo.sub(), 1)) for i in range(3)])
    address.send(foo, 'bar')
    with pytest.raises(asyncio.CancelledError):
        await tasks
Exemple #5
async def test_bundle(server):
    address = Address(url=server.url)
    foo = server.route('/foo', 's')
    bar = server.route('/bar', 's')
    baz = server.route('/baz', 's')
    subs = foo.sub() | bar.sub() | baz.sub()
    task = create_task(subscribe(subs, 3))
        Message(foo, 'foo'),
        Message(bar, 'bar'),
        Message(baz, 'baz'),
    results = await task
    assert_results(results, {foo: [['foo']], bar: [['bar']], baz: [['baz']]})
Exemple #6
async def test_multiple_addresses(any_server):
    Test that multiple clients can send data to a single server
    foo = any_server.route('/foo', int)
    addresses = [Address(port=any_server.port) for i in range(3)]
    task = create_task(subscribe(foo.sub(), 3))
    for i, address in enumerate(addresses):
        address.send(foo, i)
        # await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
    results = await task
    assert results == [[0], [1], [2]]
Exemple #7
async def main():

    server = Server(port=12001)

    # Create endpoints

    # /foo accepts an int, a float, and a MIDI packet
    foo = server.route('/foo', [int, float, Midi])
    ex = server.route('/exit')

    address = Address(port=12001)

    for i in range(5):
        address.send(foo, i, float(i), Midi(i, i, i, i))

    # Notify subscriptions to exit in 1 sec
    address.delay(1, ex)

    # Subscribe to messages for any of the routes
    subs = foo.sub() | ex.sub()

    async for route, data in subs:
        print(f'echo_server: {str(route.path)} received {data}')
        if route == ex:
            await subs.unsub()

Exemple #8
async def test_sub_join(server):
    address = Address(url=server.url)
    foo = server.route('/foo', 's')
    bar = server.route('/bar', 's')
    baz = server.route('/baz', 's')
    foo_sub = foo.sub()
    bar_sub = bar.sub()
    baz_sub = baz.sub()
    sub = foo_sub | bar_sub
    assert foo in sub
    assert foo_sub in sub
    assert baz not in sub
    sub |= baz_sub
    sub |= sub  # no-op
    assert len(sub) == 3
    assert sub == foo_sub | bar_sub | baz_sub
    assert sub == foo.sub() | bar.sub() | baz.sub()
    assert sub != foo.sub() | bar.sub()
    assert sub not in foo.sub() | bar.sub()
    assert sub in foo.sub() | bar.sub() | baz.sub()
    assert (foo.sub() | bar.sub()) in sub

    task = create_task(subscribe(sub, 6))

    for route, data in {
            foo: ['foo1', 'foo2'],
            bar: ['bar1', 'bar2'],
            baz: ['baz1', 'baz2']
        for d in data:
            address.send(route, d)

    results = await task
        results, {
            foo: [['foo1'], ['foo2']],
            bar: [['bar1'], ['bar2']],
            baz: [['baz1'], ['baz2']],
Exemple #9
async def test_route_any_path(server):
    address = Address(url=server.url)
    any_path = server.route(ANY_PATH, 's')
    task = create_task(subscribe(any_path.sub(), 1))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        address.send(any_path, ['foo'])
    address.send(Route('/foo', 's'), ['foo'])
    results = list(await task)
    assert results == [['foo']]
Exemple #10
async def test_route_pattern(server):
    address = Address(url=server.url)
    foo = server.route('/aaa/foo', 's')
    bar = server.route('/bbb/foo', 's')
    sub = foo.sub() | bar.sub()
    task = create_task(subscribe(sub, 4))
    address.send(Route('//foo', 's'), ['xpath'])
    address.send(Route('/{aaa,bbb}/foo', 's'), ['array'])
    results = await task
    assert_results(results, {
        foo: [['xpath'], ['array']],
        bar: [['xpath'], ['array']]
Exemple #11
async def test_bundle_delayed(server):
    address = Address(url=server.url)
    foo = server.route('/foo', 's')
    task = create_task(subscribe(foo.sub(), 1))
        Message(foo, 'now'),
        Bundle([Message(foo, 'later')],
               timetag=now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.5))
    address.delay(1, foo, 'later than later')
    results = list(await task)
    assert results == [['now']]
    assert server.events_pending
    assert 0 < server.next_event_delay < 1
    task = create_task(subscribe(foo.sub(), 1))
    results = list(await task)
    assert results == [['later']]
    assert server.events_pending
    assert 0 < server.next_event_delay < 1
    task = create_task(subscribe(foo.sub(), 1))
    results = list(await task)
    assert results == [['later than later']]
    assert not server.events_pending
Exemple #12
async def test_multiple_addresses(any_server):
    Test that multiple clients can send data to a single server
    foo = any_server.route('/foo', int)
    addresses = [Address(port=any_server.port) for i in range(3)]
    task = create_task(subscribe(foo.sub(), 3))
    for i, address in enumerate(addresses):
        address.send(foo, i)
        # await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
    results = await task
    assert results == [[0], [1], [2]]

    lambda port, ip, iface: (Address(url='osc.tcp://%s:%s' %
                                     (ip, port())), ip, iface),
    lambda port, ip, iface: (Address(url='osc.udp://%s:%s' %
                                     (ip, port())), ip, iface),
    lambda port, ip, iface:
    (Address(url='osc.unix:///aiolo-test-%s.osc' % port()), ip, iface),
    lambda port, ip, iface:
    (Address(proto=PROTO_TCP, host=ip, port=port()), ip, iface),
    lambda port, ip, iface:
    (Address(proto=PROTO_UDP, host=ip, port=port()), ip, iface),
    lambda port, ip, iface:
    (Address(proto=PROTO_UNIX, host=ip, port='/tmp/aiolo-test-%s.osc' % port()
             ), ip, iface),
def address_init_factory(request, ip_interface, unused_tcp_port_factory):
    ip, iface = ip_interface
    return functools.partial(request.param, unused_tcp_port_factory, ip, iface)