async def fetch_one_note( connection: aiomysql.Connection, note_id: int) -> dict[str, Union[int, str, datetime.datetime]]: """ Fetch the one particular note. :param connection: db connection :type connection: aiomysql.Connection :param note_id: note id :type note_id: int :return: data of the note :rtype: dict[str, Union[int, str, datetime.datetime]] """ query = """ SELECT `notes`.*, `note_rubrics`.title AS `rubric` FROM `notes` LEFT JOIN `note_rubrics` ON `notes`.`rubric_id` = `note_rubrics`.`id` WHERE `notes`.`id` = %(note_id)s ; """ params = {'note_id': note_id} async with connection.cursor(aiomysql.cursors.DictCursor) as cursor: await cursor.execute(query, params) note = await cursor.fetchone() return note
async def insert_citizen_list(citizens, conn: aiomysql.Connection): import_id = await Import.create_import(conn) citizen_sql = 'insert into citizens (import_id, citizen_id, town, street, building, apartment, name, day, month, year, gender) values {0}' relation_sql = 'insert into relations (import_id, citizen_id, related_citizen_id) values {0}' citizen_values = [] relation_values = [] for c in citizens: citizen = Citizen(**c, import_id=import_id) citizen_values.append( "({import_id},{citizen_id},'{town}','{street}','{building}',{apartment},'{name}',{day},{month},{year},'{gender}')" .format( import_id=citizen.import_id, citizen_id=citizen.citizen_id,, street=citizen.street, building=citizen.building, apartment=citizen.apartment,,, month=citizen.month, year=citizen.year, gender=citizen.gender, )) relation_values.extend([ f"({import_id},{citizen.citizen_id},{related_citizen_id})" for related_citizen_id in citizen.relatives if related_citizen_id > citizen.citizen_id ]) async with conn.cursor() as cursor: await cursor.execute(citizen_sql.format(','.join(citizen_values))) await cursor.execute(relation_sql.format(','.join(relation_values)) ) return import_id
async def fetch_one_random_post( connection: aiomysql.Connection ) -> dict[str, Union[int, str, datetime.datetime]]: """ Fetch an one random post. :param connection: db connection :type connection: aiomysql.Connection :return: data of the random post :rtype: dict[str, Union[int, str, datetime.datetime]] """ query = """ SELECT `posts`.*, `post_rubrics`.`title` AS `rubric` FROM `posts` LEFT JOIN `post_rubrics` ON `posts`.`rubric_id` = `post_rubrics`.`id` ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1 ; """ # params = { # 'order_key': random.random() # } async with connection.cursor(aiomysql.cursors.DictCursor) as cursor: await cursor.execute(query) post = await cursor.fetchone() return post
async def checkIfExists(key: str, keyType: str, table: str, db: aiomysql.Connection = None): """ Checks if a key exists on the database. Arguments --- key: The value of a key on the row. keyType: The key header of the value (ID, Name, etc.) table: The table in the database that contains the row in question. db: An existing MySQL connection to avoid making a new uncesssary connection. Returns --- `True` if the key exists, `False` if otherwise. """ if db is None: raise NoDatabaseConnection() async with db.cursor() as cursor: sql = f"SELECT {keyType} FROM {table} WHERE {keyType} = %s" arg = (key, ) await cursor.execute(sql, arg) result = await cursor.fetchone() await db.commit() if result is None: return False return True
async def fetch_one_user( connection: aiomysql.Connection, *args, user_id: Optional[int] = None, login: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, ) -> dict[str, Union[int, str]]: """ Fetch the user by keyword argument(s). Will raise an error if no one keyword argument was passed. If were passed few arguments - all will be considered. :param connection: db connection :type connection: aiomysql.Connection :keyword user_id: user id :type user_id: int :keyword login: login :type login: str :keyword password: password :type password: str :return: data of the user :rtype: dict[str, Union[int, str]] :raises TypeError: raised if no one keyword argument was passed """ if not (user_id or login or password): message = "fetch_one_user() missing (at least) 1 required keyword argument: ('user_id', 'login', 'password')" raise TypeError(message) query_template = """ SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE 1 = 1 {% if user_id %} AND `id` = {{ user_id }} {% endif %} {% if login %} AND `login` = {{ login }} {% endif %} {% if password %} AND `password` = {{ password }} {% endif %} ; """ params = {'user_id': user_id, 'login': login, 'password': password} query, bound_params = jinja_sql.prepare_query(query_template, params) async with connection.cursor(aiomysql.cursors.DictCursor) as cursor: await cursor.execute(query, bound_params) user = await cursor.fetchone() return user
async def init_db(conn: aiomysql.Connection) -> None: from app_soc.settings import BASE_DIR with open(BASE_DIR / 'app_soc' / 'sql' / 'create_tables.sql') as sql_file: sql_create_db = cur: aiomysql.Cursor async with conn.cursor() as cur: await cur.execute(sql_create_db)
async def fetch_all_notes( connection: aiomysql.Connection, user_id: int, params: validators.NoteUrlParams ) -> list[dict[str, Union[int, str, datetime.datetime]]]: """ Fetch all notes (considering extra arguments). :param connection: db connection :type connection: aiomysql.Connection :param user_id: user id :type user_id: int :param params: additional params :type params: validators.NoteUrlParams :return: data of the notes :rtype: list[dict[str, Union[int, str, datetime.datetime]]] """ query_template = """ SELECT `notes`.`id` AS `id`, LEFT(`notes`.`content`, 200) AS `content`, `notes`.`created_date` AS `created_date`, `notes`.`edited_date` AS `edited_date`, `notes`.`rubric_id` AS `rubric_id`, `note_rubrics`.title AS `rubric` FROM `notes` LEFT JOIN `note_rubrics` ON `notes`.`rubric_id` = `note_rubrics`.`id` WHERE `notes`.`user_id` = {{ user_id }} {% if rubric_id %} AND `rubric_id` = {{ rubric_id }} {% endif %} {% if search_word %} AND MATCH (`notes`.`content`) AGAINST ({{ search_word }}) {% endif %} ORDER BY `notes`.`created_date` DESC LIMIT {{ offset }}, {{ rows_quantity }} ; """ params = params.dict(by_alias=True) params['user_id'] = user_id params['offset'] = (params['page_number'] - 1) * params['rows_quantity'] query, bound_params = jinja_sql.prepare_query(query_template, params) async with connection.cursor(aiomysql.cursors.DictCursor) as cursor: await cursor.execute(query, bound_params) notes = await cursor.fetchall() return notes
async def fetch_posts_possible_pages_quantity( connection: aiomysql.Connection, params: validators.PostUrlParams, *args: Any, user_id: Optional[int] = None) -> int: """ Fetch quantity of the possible posts pages. :param connection: db connection :type connection: aiomysql.Connection :param params: additional params :type params: validators.PostUrlParams :keyword user_id: user id :type user_id: int :return: possible quantity of pages :rtype: int """ query_template = """ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `posts` WHERE 1 = 1 {% if rubric_id %} AND `rubric_id` = {{ rubric_id }} {% endif %} {% if search_word %} AND MATCH (`posts`.`title`, `posts`.`content`) AGAINST ({{ search_word }}) {% endif %} {% if user_id %} AND `posts`.`user_id` = {{ user_id }} {% endif %} ; """ params = params.dict(by_alias=True) if 'user_id' not in params and user_id is not None: params['user_id'] = user_id query, bound_params = jinja_sql.prepare_query(query_template, params) async with connection.cursor() as cursor: await cursor.execute(query, bound_params) query_result = await cursor.fetchone() posts_quantity = int(query_result[0]) possible_pages_quantity = math.ceil(posts_quantity / params['rows_quantity']) return possible_pages_quantity
async def get_citizen(cls, import_id, citizen_id, conn: aiomysql.Connection): citizen_sql = 'select import_id, citizen_id, town, street, building, apartment, name, day, month, year, gender from citizens.citizens where import_id = %s and citizen_id = %s', ( import_id, citizen_id) relates_sql = 'select related_citizen_id as relative from citizens.relations where import_id = %s and citizen_id = %s union all select citizen_id as relative from citizens.relations where import_id = %s and related_citizen_id = %s', ( import_id, citizen_id, import_id, citizen_id) async with conn.cursor(aiomysql.DictCursor) as cursor: await cursor.execute(*citizen_sql) citizen = await cursor.fetchone() if not citizen: return None await cursor.execute(*relates_sql) relates = await cursor.fetchall() return cls.from_db(**citizen, relatives=[r['relative'] for r in relates])
async def get_cursor(self, conn: Connection = None, cur: Cursor = None, write: bool = False) -> Tuple[Connection, Cursor]: if conn and cur: yield conn, cur else: async with self._get_lock(write): async with self._db_conn_pool.acquire() as conn: async with conn.cursor(*self.cursor_type) as cur: yield conn, cur if write: await conn.commit() # if write: await self._db_conn_pool.clear()
async def execute_query(connection: aiomysql.Connection, query: str, params: dict) -> None: """ Execute query (might be used for insert, update, delete actions that do not fetch result - only execute). :param connection: db connection :type connection: aiomysql.Connection :param query: sql query :type query: str :param params: query params :type params: dict :return: None :rtype: None """ async with connection.cursor() as cursor: await cursor.execute(query, params)
async def fetch_all_post_rubrics( connection: aiomysql.Connection) -> list[dict[str, Union[int, str]]]: """ Fetch all post rubrics. :param connection: db connection :type connection: aiomysql.Connection :return: data of the post rubric :rtype: list[dict[str, Union[int, str]]] """ query = 'SELECT * FROM `post_rubrics`;' async with connection.cursor(aiomysql.cursors.DictCursor) as cursor: await cursor.execute(query) post_rubrics = await cursor.fetchall() return post_rubrics
async def fetch_all_moderators( connection: aiomysql.Connection) -> list[dict[str, Union[int, str]]]: """ Fetch all users with moderator grant. :param connection: db connection :type connection: aiomysql.Connection :return: list of the moderators :rtype: list[dict[str, Union[int, str]]] """ query = 'SELECT * FROM `moderators`;' async with connection.cursor(aiomysql.DictCursor) as cursor: await cursor.execute(query) moderators = await cursor.fetchall() return moderators
async def fetch_one_post( connection: aiomysql.Connection, post_id: int) -> dict[str, Union[int, str, datetime.datetime]]: """ Fetch the one particular post. :param connection: db connection :type connection: aiomysql.Connection :param post_id: post id :type post_id: int :return: data of the post :rtype: dict[str, Union[int, str, datetime.datetime]] """ query = """ SELECT `posts`.`id` AS `id`, `posts`.`title` AS `title`, `posts`.`content` AS `content`, `posts`.`created_date` AS `created_date`, `posts`.`edited_date` AS `edited_date`, `posts`.`user_id` AS `user_id`, `posts`.`rubric_id` AS `rubric_id`, `post_rubrics`.`title` AS `rubric`, `users`.`login` AS `author` FROM `posts` LEFT JOIN `post_rubrics` ON `posts`.`rubric_id` = `post_rubrics`.`id` LEFT JOIN `users` ON `posts`.`user_id` = `users`.`id` WHERE `posts`.`id` = %(post_id)s ; """ params = {'post_id': post_id} async with connection.cursor(aiomysql.cursors.DictCursor) as cursor: await cursor.execute(query, params) post = await cursor.fetchone() return post
async def fetch_one_post_rubric( connection: aiomysql.Connection, post_rubric_id: int) -> dict[str, Union[int, str]]: """ Fetch one post rubric. :param connection: db connection :type connection: aiomysql.Connection :param post_rubric_id: post rubric id :type post_rubric_id: int :return: data of the post rubric :rtype: dict[str, Union[int, str]] """ query = 'SELECT * FROM `post_rubrics` WHERE `id` = %(post_rubric_id)s;' params = {'post_rubric_id': post_rubric_id} async with connection.cursor(aiomysql.DictCursor) as cursor: await cursor.execute(query, params) post_rubric = await cursor.fetchone() return post_rubric
async def fetch_all_note_rubrics( connection: aiomysql.Connection, user_id: int) -> list[dict[str, Union[int, str]]]: """ Fetch all notes by rubric. :param connection: db connection :type connection: aiomysql.Connection :param user_id: user id :type user_id: int :return: data of the note rubrics :rtype: list[dict[str, Union[int, str]]] """ query = 'SELECT * FROM `note_rubrics` WHERE `user_id` = %(user_id)s;' params = {'user_id': user_id} async with connection.cursor(aiomysql.cursors.DictCursor) as cursor: await cursor.execute(query, params) note_rubrics = await cursor.fetchall() return note_rubrics
async def fetch_one_note_rubric( connection: aiomysql.Connection, note_rubric_id: int) -> dict[str, Union[int, str]]: """ Fetch all notes by rubric. :param connection: db conncetion :type connection: aiomysql.Connection :param note_rubric_id: note rubric id :type note_rubric_id: int :return: data of the note rubric :rtype: dict[str, Union[int, str]] """ query = 'SELECT * FROM `note_rubrics` WHERE `id` = %(note_rubric_id)s;' params = {'note_rubric_id': note_rubric_id} async with connection.cursor(aiomysql.cursors.DictCursor) as cursor: await cursor.execute(query, params) note_rubric = await cursor.fetchone() return note_rubric
async def fetch_all_posts( connection: aiomysql.Connection, params: validators.PostUrlParams, *args: Any, user_id: Optional[int] = None ) -> list[dict[str, Union[int, str, datetime.datetime]]]: """ Fetch all posts (considering extra arguments). :param connection: db connection :type connection: aiomysql.Connection :param params: additional params :type params: validators.PostUrlParams :keyword user_id: user id :type user_id: int :return: data of the posts :rtype: list[dict[str, Union[int, str, datetime.datetime]]] """ query_template = """ SELECT `posts`.`id` AS `id`, `posts`.`title` AS `title`, LEFT(`posts`.`content`, 100) AS `content`, `posts`.`created_date` AS `created_date`, `posts`.`edited_date` AS `edited_date`, `posts`.`user_id` AS `user_id`, `posts`.`rubric_id` AS `rubric_id`, `post_rubrics`.`title` AS `rubric`, `users`.`login` AS `author` FROM `posts` LEFT JOIN `post_rubrics` ON `posts`.`rubric_id` = `post_rubrics`.`id` LEFT JOIN `users` ON `posts`.`user_id` = `users`.`id` WHERE 1 = 1 {% if rubric_id %} AND `rubric_id` = {{ rubric_id }} {% endif %} {% if search_word %} AND MATCH (`posts`.`title`, `posts`.`content`) AGAINST ({{ search_word }}) {% endif %} {% if user_id %} AND `posts`.`user_id` = {{ user_id }} {% endif %} ORDER BY `posts`.`created_date` DESC LIMIT {{ offset }}, {{ rows_quantity }} ; """ params = params.dict(by_alias=True) if user_id: params['user_id'] = user_id params['offset'] = (params['page_number'] - 1) * params['rows_quantity'] query, bound_params = jinja_sql.prepare_query(query_template, params) async with connection.cursor(aiomysql.cursors.DictCursor) as cursor: await cursor.execute(query, bound_params) posts = await cursor.fetchall() return posts