def table(self): table_name = request.args.get("table") m = HiveMetastoreHook(METASTORE_CONN_ID) table = m.get_table(table_name) return self.render( "metastore_browser/table.html", table=table, table_name=table_name, datetime=datetime, int=int)
def max_partition(table, schema="default", field=None, filter=None, metastore_conn_id='metastore_default'): ''' Gets the max partition for a table. :param schema: The hive schema the table lives in :type schema: string :param table: The hive table you are interested in, supports the dot notation as in "my_database.my_table", if a dot is found, the schema param is disregarded :type table: string :param hive_conn_id: The hive connection you are interested in. If your default is set you don't need to use this parameter. :type hive_conn_id: string :param filter: filter on a subset of partition as in `sub_part='specific_value'` :type filter: string :param field: the field to get the max value from. If there's only one partition field, this will be inferred >>> max_partition('airflow.static_babynames_partitioned') '2015-01-01' ''' from airflow.hooks import HiveMetastoreHook if '.' in table: schema, table = table.split('.') hh = HiveMetastoreHook(metastore_conn_id=metastore_conn_id) return hh.max_partition(schema=schema, table_name=table, field=field, filter=filter)
def max_partition( table, schema="default", field=None, filter=None, metastore_conn_id='metastore_default'): ''' Gets the max partition for a table. :param schema: The hive schema the table lives in :type schema: string :param table: The hive table you are interested in, supports the dot notation as in "my_database.my_table", if a dot is found, the schema param is disregarded :type table: string :param hive_conn_id: The hive connection you are interested in. If your default is set you don't need to use this parameter. :type hive_conn_id: string :param filter: filter on a subset of partition as in `sub_part='specific_value'` :type filter: string :param field: the field to get the max value from. If there's only one partition field, this will be inferred >>> max_partition('airflow.static_babynames_partitioned') '2015-01-01' ''' from airflow.hooks import HiveMetastoreHook if '.' in table: schema, table = table.split('.') hh = HiveMetastoreHook(metastore_conn_id=metastore_conn_id) return hh.max_partition( schema=schema, table_name=table, field=field, filter=filter)
def execute(self, context): hive = HiveCliHook(hive_cli_conn_id=self.hive_cli_conn_id)"Extracting data from Hive") hive_table = 'druid.' + context['task_instance_key_str'] sql = self.sql.strip().strip(';') hql = """\ set mapred.output.compress=false; set hive.exec.compress.output=false; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {hive_table}; CREATE TABLE {hive_table} ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' STORED AS TEXTFILE AS {sql}; """.format(**locals()) hive.run_cli(hql) m = HiveMetastoreHook(self.metastore_conn_id) t = m.get_table(hive_table) columns = [ for col in] hdfs_uri = m.get_table(hive_table).sd.location pos = hdfs_uri.find('/user') static_path = hdfs_uri[pos:] druid = DruidHook(druid_ingest_conn_id=self.druid_ingest_conn_id)"Inserting rows into Druid") druid.load_from_hdfs(datasource=self.druid_datasource, intervals=self.intervals, static_path=static_path, ts_dim=self.ts_dim, columns=columns, metric_spec=self.metric_spec)"Load seems to have succeeded!")
def execute(self, context): hive = HiveCliHook(hive_cli_conn_id=self.hive_cli_conn_id)"Extracting data from Hive") hive_table = 'druid.' + context['task_instance_key_str'] sql = self.sql.strip().strip(';') hql = """\ set mapred.output.compress=false; set hive.exec.compress.output=false; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {hive_table}; CREATE TABLE {hive_table} ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' STORED AS TEXTFILE AS {sql}; """.format(**locals()) #hive.run_cli(hql) m = HiveMetastoreHook(self.metastore_conn_id) t = m.get_table(hive_table) columns = [ for col in] hdfs_uri = m.get_table(hive_table).sd.location pos = hdfs_uri.find('/user') static_path = hdfs_uri[pos:] druid = DruidHook(druid_ingest_conn_id=self.druid_ingest_conn_id)"Inserting rows into Druid") druid.load_from_hdfs( datasource=self.druid_datasource, intervals=self.intervals, static_path=static_path, ts_dim=self.ts_dim, columns=columns, metric_spec=self.metric_spec)"Load seems to have succeeded!")
def table(self): table_name = request.args.get("table") m = HiveMetastoreHook(METASTORE_CONN_ID) table = m.get_table(table_name) return self.render("metastore_browser/table.html", table=table, table_name=table_name, datetime=datetime, int=int)
def execute(self, context): hive = HiveCliHook(hive_cli_conn_id=self.hive_cli_conn_id)"Extracting data from Hive") hive_table = 'druid.' + context['task_instance_key_str'] sql = self.sql.strip().strip(';') hql = """\ set mapred.output.compress=false; set hive.exec.compress.output=false; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {hive_table}; CREATE TABLE {hive_table} ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' STORED AS TEXTFILE TBLPROPERTIES ('serialization.null.format' = '') AS {sql} """.format(**locals()) hive.run_cli(hql) #hqls = hql.split(';') #from airflow.hooks import HiveServer2Hook #hive = HiveServer2Hook(hiveserver2_conn_id="hiveserver2_silver") #hive.get_results(hqls) m = HiveMetastoreHook(self.metastore_conn_id) t = m.get_table(hive_table) columns = [ for col in] hdfs_uri = m.get_table(hive_table).sd.location pos = hdfs_uri.find('/user') static_path = hdfs_uri[pos:] schema, table = hive_table.split('.') druid = DruidHook(druid_ingest_conn_id=self.druid_ingest_conn_id)"Inserting rows into Druid")"HDFS path: " + static_path) druid.load_from_hdfs( datasource=self.druid_datasource, intervals=self.intervals, static_path=static_path, ts_dim=self.ts_dim, columns=columns, metric_spec=self.metric_spec, hadoop_dependency_coordinates=self.hadoop_dependency_coordinates)"Load seems to have succeeded!") "Cleaning up by dropping the temp " "Hive table {}".format(hive_table)) hql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {}".format(hive_table)
def execute(self, context): hive = HiveCliHook(hive_cli_conn_id=self.hive_cli_conn_id)"Extracting data from Hive") hive_table = 'druid.' + context['task_instance_key_str'] sql = self.sql.strip().strip(';') hql = """\ set mapred.output.compress=false; set hive.exec.compress.output=false; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {hive_table}; CREATE TABLE {hive_table} ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' STORED AS TEXTFILE TBLPROPERTIES ('serialization.null.format' = '') AS {sql} """.format(**locals()) hive.run_cli(hql) #hqls = hql.split(';') #from airflow.hooks import HiveServer2Hook #hive = HiveServer2Hook(hiveserver2_conn_id="hiveserver2_silver") #hive.get_results(hqls) m = HiveMetastoreHook(self.metastore_conn_id) t = m.get_table(hive_table) columns = [ for col in] hdfs_uri = m.get_table(hive_table).sd.location pos = hdfs_uri.find('/user') static_path = hdfs_uri[pos:] schema, table = hive_table.split('.') druid = DruidHook(druid_ingest_conn_id=self.druid_ingest_conn_id)"Inserting rows into Druid")"HDFS path: " + static_path) druid.load_from_hdfs( datasource=self.druid_datasource, intervals=self.intervals, static_path=static_path, ts_dim=self.ts_dim, columns=columns, metric_spec=self.metric_spec, hadoop_dependency_coordinates=self.hadoop_dependency_coordinates)"Load seems to have succeeded!")"Cleaning up by dropping the temp " "Hive table {}".format(hive_table)) hql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {}".format(hive_table)
def closest_ds_partition(table, ds, before=True, schema="default", metastore_conn_id='metastore_default'): ''' This function finds the date in a list closest to the target date. An optional parameter can be given to get the closest before or after. :param table: A hive table name :type table: str :param ds: A datestamp ``%Y-%m-%d`` e.g. ``yyyy-mm-dd`` :type ds: list :param before: closest before (True), after (False) or either side of ds :type before: bool or None :returns: The closest date :rtype: str or None >>> tbl = 'airflow.static_babynames_partitioned' >>> closest_ds_partition(tbl, '2015-01-02') '2015-01-01' ''' from airflow.hooks import HiveMetastoreHook if '.' in table: schema, table = table.split('.') hh = HiveMetastoreHook(metastore_conn_id=metastore_conn_id) partitions = hh.get_partitions(schema=schema, table_name=table) if not partitions: return None part_vals = [list(p.values())[0] for p in partitions] if ds in part_vals: return ds else: parts = [ datetime.datetime.strptime(pv, '%Y-%m-%d') for pv in part_vals ] target_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(ds, '%Y-%m-%d') closest_ds = _closest_date(target_dt, parts, before_target=before) return closest_ds.isoformat()
def closest_ds_partition( table, ds, before=True, schema="default", metastore_conn_id='metastore_default'): ''' This function finds the date in a list closest to the target date. An optional paramter can be given to get the closest before or after. :param table: A hive table name :type table: str :param ds: A datestamp ``%Y-%m-%d`` i.e. ``yyyy-mm-dd`` :type ds: list :param before: closest before (True), after (False) or either side of ds :type before: bool or None :returns: The closest date :rtype: str or None >>> tbl = 'airflow.static_babynames_partitioned' >>> closest_ds_partition(tbl, '2015-01-02') '2015-01-01' ''' from airflow.hooks import HiveMetastoreHook if '.' in table: schema, table = table.split('.') hh = HiveMetastoreHook(metastore_conn_id=metastore_conn_id) partitions = hh.get_partitions(schema=schema, table_name=table) if not partitions: return None part_vals = [p.values()[0] for p in partitions] if ds in part_vals: return ds else: parts = [datetime.datetime.strptime(pv, '%Y-%m-%d') for pv in part_vals] target_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(ds, '%Y-%m-%d') closest_ds = _closest_date(target_dt, parts, before_target=before) return closest_ds.isoformat()
def execute(self, context=None): metastore = HiveMetastoreHook(metastore_conn_id=self.metastore_conn_id) table = metastore.get_table(table_name=self.table) field_types = { col.type for col in} exprs = { ('', 'count'): 'COUNT(*)' } for col, col_type in field_types.items(): d = {} if self.assignment_func: d = self.assignment_func(col, col_type) if d is None: d = self.get_default_exprs(col, col_type) else: d = self.get_default_exprs(col, col_type) exprs.update(d) exprs.update(self.extra_exprs) exprs = OrderedDict(exprs) exprs_str = ",\n ".join([ v + " AS " + k[0] + '__' + k[1] for k, v in exprs.items()]) where_clause = [ "{0} = '{1}'".format(k, v) for k, v in self.partition.items()] where_clause = " AND\n ".join(where_clause) sql = """ SELECT {exprs_str} FROM {self.table} WHERE {where_clause}; """.format(**locals()) hook = PrestoHook(presto_conn_id=self.presto_conn_id)'Executing SQL check: ' + sql) row = hook.get_first(hql=sql)"Record: " + str(row)) if not row: raise Exception("The query returned None") part_json = json.dumps(self.partition, sort_keys=True)"Deleting rows from previous runs if they exist") mysql = MySqlHook(self.mysql_conn_id) sql = """ SELECT 1 FROM hive_stats WHERE table_name='{self.table}' AND partition_repr='{part_json}' AND dttm='{self.dttm}' LIMIT 1; """.format(**locals()) if mysql.get_records(sql): sql = """ DELETE FROM hive_stats WHERE table_name='{self.table}' AND partition_repr='{part_json}' AND dttm='{self.dttm}'; """.format(**locals())"Pivoting and loading cells into the Airflow db") rows = [ (self.ds, self.dttm, self.table, part_json) + (r[0][0], r[0][1], r[1]) for r in zip(exprs, row)] mysql.insert_rows( table='hive_stats', rows=rows, target_fields=[ 'ds', 'dttm', 'table_name', 'partition_repr', 'col', 'metric', 'value', ] )
def db(self): db = request.args.get("db") m = HiveMetastoreHook(METASTORE_CONN_ID) tables = sorted(m.get_tables(db=db), key=lambda x: x.tableName) return self.render( "metastore_browser/db.html", tables=tables, db=db)
def execute(self, context=None): metastore = HiveMetastoreHook(metastore_conn_id=self.metastore_conn_id) table = metastore.get_table(table_name=self.table) field_types = { col.type for col in} exprs = {('', 'count'): 'COUNT(*)'} for col, col_type in field_types.items(): d = {} if self.assignment_func: d = self.assignment_func(col, col_type) if d is None: d = self.get_default_exprs(col, col_type) else: d = self.get_default_exprs(col, col_type) exprs.update(d) exprs.update(self.extra_exprs) exprs = OrderedDict(exprs) exprs_str = ",\n ".join( [v + " AS " + k[0] + '__' + k[1] for k, v in exprs.items()]) where_clause = [ "{0} = '{1}'".format(k, v) for k, v in self.partition.items() ] where_clause = " AND\n ".join(where_clause) sql = """ SELECT {exprs_str} FROM {self.table} WHERE {where_clause}; """.format(**locals()) hook = PrestoHook(presto_conn_id=self.presto_conn_id)'Executing SQL check: ' + sql) row = hook.get_first(hql=sql)"Record: " + str(row)) if not row: raise AirflowException("The query returned None") part_json = json.dumps(self.partition, sort_keys=True)"Deleting rows from previous runs if they exist") mysql = MySqlHook(self.mysql_conn_id) sql = """ SELECT 1 FROM hive_stats WHERE table_name='{self.table}' AND partition_repr='{part_json}' AND dttm='{self.dttm}' LIMIT 1; """.format(**locals()) if mysql.get_records(sql): sql = """ DELETE FROM hive_stats WHERE table_name='{self.table}' AND partition_repr='{part_json}' AND dttm='{self.dttm}'; """.format(**locals())"Pivoting and loading cells into the Airflow db") rows = [(self.ds, self.dttm, self.table, part_json) + (r[0][0], r[0][1], r[1]) for r in zip(exprs, row)] mysql.insert_rows(table='hive_stats', rows=rows, target_fields=[ 'ds', 'dttm', 'table_name', 'partition_repr', 'col', 'metric', 'value', ])
def db(self): db = request.args.get("db") m = HiveMetastoreHook(METASTORE_CONN_ID) tables = sorted(m.get_tables(db=db), key=lambda x: x.tableName) return self.render("metastore_browser/db.html", tables=tables, db=db)