Exemple #1
def add_players_to_db(players_from_db, players_from_api, player_data_from_api,
    print("Updating player table...")
    # find the new player(s) from the API
    api_ids_from_db = [p.fpl_api_id for p in players_from_db]
    new_players = [p for p in players_from_api if p not in api_ids_from_db]
    for player_api_id in new_players:
        first_name = player_data_from_api[player_api_id]["first_name"]
        second_name = player_data_from_api[player_api_id]["second_name"]
        name = "{} {}".format(first_name, second_name)
        # check whether we alreeady have this player in the database -
        # if yes update that player's data, if no create a new player
        p = get_player(name, dbsession=dbsession)
        if p is None:
            print("Adding player {}".format(name))
            p = Player()
            update = False
        elif p.fpl_api_id is None:
            print("Updating player {}".format(name))
            update = True
            update = True
        p.fpl_api_id = player_api_id
        p.name = name
        if not update:
    return len(new_players)
def fill_players():
    fill a bunch of dummy players
    team_list = list(alternative_team_names.keys())
    season = CURRENT_SEASON
    gameweek = 1
    with test_session_scope() as ts:
        if len(ts.query(Player).all()) > 0:
        for i, n in enumerate(dummy_players):
            p = Player()
            p.player_id = i
            p.fpl_api_id = i
            p.name = n
            print("Filling {} {}".format(i, n))
            except Exception:
                print("Error adding {} {}".format(i, n))
            # now fill player_attributes
            if i % 15 < 2:
                pos = "GK"
            elif i % 15 < 7:
                pos = "DEF"
            elif i % 15 < 12:
                pos = "MID"
                pos = "FWD"
            team = team_list[i % 20]
            # make the first 15 players affordable,
            # the next 15 almost affordable,
            # the next 15 mostly unaffordable,
            # and rest very expensive
            price = value_generator(i // 15, pos)
            pa = PlayerAttributes()
            pa.season = season
            pa.team = team
            pa.gameweek = gameweek
            pa.price = price
            pa.position = pos
            player = ts.query(Player).filter_by(player_id=i).first()
            pa.player = player
Exemple #3
def update_players(season, dbsession):
    See if any new players have been added to FPL since we last filled the 'player'
    table in the db.  If so, add them.
    players_from_db = list_players(
        position="all", team="all", season=season, dbsession=dbsession
    player_data_from_api = fetcher.get_player_summary_data()
    players_from_api = list(player_data_from_api.keys())

    if len(players_from_db) == len(players_from_api):
        print("Player table already up-to-date.")
        return 0
    elif len(players_from_db) > len(players_from_api):
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Something strange has happened - more players in DB than API"
        print("Updating player table...")
        # find the new player(s) from the API
        api_ids_from_db = [p.fpl_api_id for p in players_from_db]
        new_players = [p for p in players_from_api if p not in api_ids_from_db]
        for player_api_id in new_players:
            first_name = player_data_from_api[player_api_id]["first_name"]
            second_name = player_data_from_api[player_api_id]["second_name"]
            name = "{} {}".format(first_name, second_name)
            # check whether we alreeady have this player in the database -
            # if yes update that player's data, if no create a new player
            p = get_player(name, dbsession=dbsession)
            if p is None:
                print("Adding player {}".format(name))
                p = Player()
                update = False
            elif p.fpl_api_id is None:
                print("Updating player {}".format(name))
                update = True
                update = True
            p.fpl_api_id = player_api_id
            p.name = name
            if not update:
        return len(new_players)
Exemple #4
def fill_player_table_from_api(season, session):
    use the FPL API
    df = FPLDataFetcher()
    pd = df.get_player_summary_data()

    for k, v in pd.items():
        p = Player()
        p.fpl_api_id = k
        first_name = v["first_name"]  # .encode("utf-8")
        second_name = v["second_name"]  # .encode("utf-8")
        name = "{} {}".format(first_name, second_name)

        print("PLAYER {} {}".format(season, name))
        p.name = name