Exemple #1
def test_is_injured_or_suspended():
    Check Player.is_injured_or_suspended() returns appropriate value both if details are
    available in attributes table for requested gameweek, and if they're not available.
    player_id = 1
    season = "1920"
    price = 50
    position = "MID"
    team = "ABC"
    # gw: (chance_of_playing_next_round, return_gameweek)
    team_dict = {
        2: (100, None),
        3: (75, None),
        4: (50, 5),
        5: (0, None),

    player = Player()
    player.player_id = player_id
    player.name = "Test Player"
    player.attributes = []

    for gw, attr in team_dict.items():
        pa = PlayerAttributes()
        pa.season = season
        pa.team = team
        pa.gameweek = gw
        pa.price = price
        pa.position = position
        pa.player_id = player_id
        pa.chance_of_playing_next_round = attr[0]
        pa.return_gameweek = attr[1]

    # gameweek available in attributes table
    # not injured, 100% available
    assert player.is_injured_or_suspended(season, 2, 2) is False
    assert player.is_injured_or_suspended(season, 2, 4) is False
    # not injured, 75% available
    assert player.is_injured_or_suspended(season, 3, 3) is False
    assert player.is_injured_or_suspended(season, 3, 5) is False
    # 50% available, expected back gw 5
    assert player.is_injured_or_suspended(season, 4, 4) is True
    assert player.is_injured_or_suspended(season, 4, 5) is False
    # 100% unavailable, mo return gameweek
    assert player.is_injured_or_suspended(season, 5, 6) is True
    assert player.is_injured_or_suspended(season, 5, 7) is True
    # gameweek before earliest available: return status as of first available
    assert player.is_injured_or_suspended(season, 1, 1) is False
    # gameweek after last available: return status as of last available
    assert player.is_injured_or_suspended(season, 6, 1) is True
Exemple #2
def test_get_position():
    Check Player.position() returns appropriate value both if details are available
    in attributes table for requested gameweek, and if they're not available.
    player_id = 1
    gameweek = 1
    price = 50
    pos_dict = {"1819": "MID", "1920": "FWD"}  # season: position
    team = "TST"

    player = Player()
    player.player_id = player_id
    player.name = "Test Player"
    player.attributes = []

    for season, position in pos_dict.items():
        pa = PlayerAttributes()
        pa.season = season
        pa.team = team
        pa.gameweek = gameweek
        pa.price = price
        pa.position = position
        pa.player_id = player_id

    # season available in attributes table
    assert player.position("1819") == pos_dict["1819"]
    assert player.position("1920") == pos_dict["1920"]
    # season not available
    assert player.position("1011") is None
def fill_players():
    fill a bunch of dummy players
    team_list = list(alternative_team_names.keys())
    season = CURRENT_SEASON
    gameweek = 1
    with test_session_scope() as ts:
        if len(ts.query(Player).all()) > 0:
        for i, n in enumerate(dummy_players):
            p = Player()
            p.player_id = i
            p.fpl_api_id = i
            p.name = n
            print("Filling {} {}".format(i, n))
            except Exception:
                print("Error adding {} {}".format(i, n))
            # now fill player_attributes
            if i % 15 < 2:
                pos = "GK"
            elif i % 15 < 7:
                pos = "DEF"
            elif i % 15 < 12:
                pos = "MID"
                pos = "FWD"
            team = team_list[i % 20]
            # make the first 15 players affordable,
            # the next 15 almost affordable,
            # the next 15 mostly unaffordable,
            # and rest very expensive
            price = value_generator(i // 15, pos)
            pa = PlayerAttributes()
            pa.season = season
            pa.team = team
            pa.gameweek = gameweek
            pa.price = price
            pa.position = pos
            player = ts.query(Player).filter_by(player_id=i).first()
            pa.player = player
Exemple #4
def test_get_team():
    Check Player.team() returns appropriate value both if details are available
    in attributes table for requested gameweek, and if they're not available.
    player_id = 1
    season = "1920"
    price = 50
    position = "MID"
    team_dict = {2: "ABC", 5: "XYZ"}  # gw: team

    player = Player()
    player.player_id = player_id
    player.name = "Test Player"
    player.attributes = []

    for gw, team in team_dict.items():
        pa = PlayerAttributes()
        pa.season = season
        pa.team = team
        pa.gameweek = gw
        pa.price = price
        pa.position = position
        pa.player_id = player_id

    # gameweek available in attributes table
    assert player.team(season, 2) == team_dict[2]
    # gameweek before earliest available: return first available
    assert player.team(season, 1) == team_dict[2]
    # gameweek after last available: return last available
    assert player.team(season, 6) == team_dict[5]
    # gameweek between two available values: return nearest
    assert player.team(season, 3) == team_dict[2]
    assert player.team(season, 4) == team_dict[5]
    # no gameweek available for seaaon: return None
    assert player.team("1011", 1) is None
Exemple #5
def test_get_price():
    Check Player.price() returns appropriate value both if details are available
    in attributes table for requested gameweek, and if they're not available.
    player_id = 1
    season = "1920"
    team = "TST"
    position = "MID"
    price_dict = {2: 50, 4: 150}  # gw: price

    player = Player()
    player.player_id = player_id
    player.name = "Test Player"
    player.attributes = []

    for gw, price in price_dict.items():
        pa = PlayerAttributes()
        pa.season = season
        pa.team = team
        pa.gameweek = gw
        pa.price = price
        pa.position = position
        pa.player_id = player_id

    # gameweek available in attributes table
    assert player.price(season, 2) == price_dict[2]
    # gameweek before earliest available: return first available
    assert player.price(season, 1) == price_dict[2]
    # gameweek after last available: return last available
    assert player.price(season, 5) == price_dict[4]
    # gameweek between two available values: interpolate
    assert player.price(season, 3) == (price_dict[2] + price_dict[4]) / 2
    # no gameweek available for seaaon: return None
    assert player.price("1011", 1) is None
Exemple #6
def fill_attributes_table_from_api(season, gw_start=1, dbsession=session):
    use the FPL API to get player attributes info for the current season
    fetcher = FPLDataFetcher()
    next_gw = get_next_gameweek(season=season, dbsession=dbsession)

    # needed for selected by calculation from percentage below
    n_players = fetcher.get_current_summary_data()["total_players"]

    input_data = fetcher.get_player_summary_data()

    for player_api_id in input_data.keys():
        # find the player in the player table
        player = get_player_from_api_id(player_api_id, dbsession=dbsession)
        if not player:
            print("ATTRIBUTES {} No player found with id {}".format(
                season, player_api_id))

        print("ATTRIBUTES {} {}".format(season, player.name))

        # First update the current gameweek using the summary data
        p_summary = input_data[player_api_id]
        position = positions[p_summary["element_type"]]

        pa = get_player_attributes(player.player_id,
        if pa:
            # found pre-existing attributes for this gameweek
            update = True
            # no attributes for this gameweek for this player yet
            pa = PlayerAttributes()
            update = False

        pa.player = player
        pa.player_id = player.player_id
        pa.season = season
        pa.gameweek = next_gw
        pa.price = int(p_summary["now_cost"])
        pa.team = get_team_name(p_summary["team"],
        pa.position = positions[p_summary["element_type"]]
        pa.selected = int(
            float(p_summary["selected_by_percent"]) * n_players / 100)
        pa.transfers_in = int(p_summary["transfers_in_event"])
        pa.transfers_out = int(p_summary["transfers_out_event"])
        pa.transfers_balance = pa.transfers_in - pa.transfers_out
        pa.chance_of_playing_next_round = p_summary[
        pa.news = p_summary["news"]
        if (pa.chance_of_playing_next_round is not None
                and pa.chance_of_playing_next_round <= 50):
            pa.return_gameweek = get_return_gameweek_from_news(

        if not update:
            # only need to add to the dbsession for new entries, if we're doing
            #  an update the final dbsession.commit() is enough

        # now get data for previous gameweeks
        if next_gw > 1:
            player_data = fetcher.get_gameweek_data_for_player(player_api_id)
            if not player_data:
                print("Failed to get data for", player.name)
            for gameweek, data in player_data.items():
                if gameweek < gw_start:

                for result in data:
                    # check whether there are pre-existing attributes to update
                    pa = get_player_attributes(
                    if pa:
                        update = True
                        pa = PlayerAttributes()
                        update = False

                    # determine the team the player played for in this fixture
                    opponent_id = result["opponent_team"]
                    was_home = result["was_home"]
                    kickoff_time = result["kickoff_time"]
                    team = get_player_team_from_fixture(

                    pa.player = player
                    pa.player_id = player.player_id
                    pa.season = season
                    pa.gameweek = gameweek
                    pa.price = int(result["value"])
                    pa.team = team
                    pa.position = position  # does not change during season
                    pa.transfers_balance = int(result["transfers_balance"])
                    pa.selected = int(result["selected"])
                    pa.transfers_in = int(result["transfers_in"])
                    pa.transfers_out = int(result["transfers_out"])

                    if not update:
                        # don't need to add to dbsession if updating pre-existing row

                    break  # done this gameweek now
Exemple #7
def fill_attributes_table_from_file(detail_data, season, dbsession=session):
    """Fill player attributes table for previous season using data from
    player detail JSON files.

    for player_name in detail_data.keys():
        # find the player id in the player table.  If they're not
        # there, then we don't care (probably not a current player).
        player = get_player(player_name, dbsession=dbsession)
        if not player:
            print("Couldn't find player {}".format(player_name))

        print("ATTRIBUTES {} {}".format(season, player))
        # now loop through all the fixtures that player played in
        #  Only one attributes row per gameweek - create list of gameweeks
        # encountered so can ignore duplicates (e.g. from double gameweeks).
        previous_gameweeks = []
        for fixture_data in detail_data[player_name]:
            gameweek = int(fixture_data["gameweek"])
            if gameweek in previous_gameweeks:
                # already done this gameweek

            pa = PlayerAttributes()
            pa.player = player
            pa.player_id = player.player_id
            pa.season = season
            pa.gameweek = gameweek
            pa.price = int(fixture_data["value"])
            pa.team = fixture_data["played_for"]
            pa.position = fixture_data["position"]
            pa.transfers_balance = int(fixture_data["transfers_balance"])
            pa.selected = int(fixture_data["selected"])
            pa.transfers_in = int(fixture_data["transfers_in"])
            pa.transfers_out = int(fixture_data["transfers_out"])