def __init__(self): print("Connecting to Airsim Client:") self.client = airsim.CarClient() self.client.confirmConnection() print("Connection confirmed. Enabling car controls...") self.client.enableApiControl(True) self.car_controls = airsim.CarControls() print("Car controls enabled.") self.car_state = self.client.getCarState() self.mode = True """ self.mode = input("Would you like the rover to repeat commands?(yes/no)")) if self.mode == "yes": self.mode = False self.repeat = int(input("How many repeats?\n")) if self.repeat < 0 or self.repeat > 30: self.repeat = 2 """ self.record = (input("Do you want to record images? (yes/no)")) self.record = True if self.record == 'yes' else False self.fold = os.getcwd()+'/pictures3/' self.projectionMatrix = np.array([[1, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, -127.5000000000], [0.000000000, 1, 0.000000000, -71.5000000000], [0.000000000, 0.000000000, 1.00000000, 127.5 ], [0.000000000, 0.000000000, -1/20.0000000, 0.000000000]]) color = (0, 255, 0) self.rgb = "%d %d %d" % color
def __connect_to_airsim(self): attempt_count = 0 while True: try: print('Attempting to connect to AirSim (attempt {0})'.format( attempt_count)) self.__car_client = airsim.CarClient() self.__car_client.confirmConnection() self.__car_client.enableApiControl(True) self.__car_controls = airsim.CarControls() return except: print('Failed to connect.') attempt_count += 1 if (attempt_count % 10 == 0): print( '10 consecutive failures to connect. Attempting to start AirSim on my own.' ) if self.__local_run: os.system('START "" powershell.exe {0}'.format( os.path.join( self.__airsim_path, 'AD_Cookbook_Start_AirSim.ps1 neighborhood -windowed' ))) else: os.system( 'START "" powershell.exe D:\\AD_Cookbook_AirSim\\Scripts\\DistributedRL\\restart_airsim_if_agent.ps1' ) time.sleep(10)
def setSpeed(): pub = rospy.Publisher('sensor/speed', Float64, queue_size=1) rospy.init_node('setspeed', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(2) # 2 Hz # connect to the AirSim simulator client = airsim.CarClient() client.confirmConnection() client.enableApiControl(True) car_controls = airsim.CarControls() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): car_state = client.getCarState() print("Speed %d, Gear %d" % (car_state.speed, car_state.gear)) # Get the speed of the car car_controls.throttle = 1 car_controls.steering = 1 client.setCarControls(car_controls) # let car drive a bit time.sleep(1) car_speed = client.getCarState().speed rospy.loginfo(car_speed) pub.publish(car_speed) rate.sleep()
def __init__(self): self.client = airsim.CarClient("") self.client.confirmConnection() self.client.enableApiControl(True) self.car_controls = airsim.CarControls() self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(7) self.time_step = 0 self.x_pos_goal = 0.6 #0.545647 self.y_pos_goal = -2.5 #-1.419126 self.z_pos_goal = 0.2 #0.176768 self.counter_no_state = 0 self.w_rot_goal = 1.0 # 0.999967 self.x_rot_goal = 0.0 # self.y_rot_goal = 0.0 # -0.000095 self.z_rot_goal = 0.02 # 0.019440 self.max_step = 10 # steps to check if blocked self.last_states = queue.deque(maxlen=self.max_step) self.height = 84 self.width = 84 # old 320 # self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=-high, high=high, dtype=np.float32) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(self.height, self.width, 2)) self.debug_mode = False self.goal_counter = 0 self.count = 0
def __init__(self): # connect to the AirSim simulator self.client = airsim.CarClient() self.client.confirmConnection() self.client.enableApiControl(True) self.car_controls = airsim.CarControls()
def test_car_rand_pose(vehicle_client, car_client): # get the fixed location to test the orientation randomness starting_points_fixed, _ = get_random_pose() i = 0 while i < 30: # print('setting position') starting_points, starting_direction = get_random_pose() # set car location and orientation vehicle_client.simSetVehiclePose( airsim.Pose(airsim.Vector3r(starting_points[0], starting_points[1], starting_points[2]), airsim.to_quaternion(starting_direction[0], starting_direction[1], starting_direction[2])), True) # test the car orientation # print(starting_direction) # car_client.simSetVehiclePose( # airsim.Pose(airsim.Vector3r(starting_points_fixed[0], starting_points_fixed[1], starting_points_fixed[2]), # airsim.to_quaternion(starting_direction[0], starting_direction[1], # starting_direction[2] + 0.01)), True) # print('wait for momentum die out') car_controls = airsim.CarControls() car_controls.steering = 0 car_controls.throttle = 0 car_controls.brake = 1 car_client.setCarControls(car_controls) time.sleep(4) i += 1
def step(self, action): """ Action should be a steer_dict = {"angle":float, "speed":float} """ car_controls = airsim.CarControls() car_controls.throttle = action.get("speed") car_controls.steering = action.get("angle") self.client.setCarControls(car_controls) # negspeed = action["speed"] * -1 # negangle = action["angle"] * -1 # action["speed"] = negspeed # action["angle"] = negangle # # Update Kinematics using Bicycle Model # new_pose = self.car_state.update_state(action) # self.client.simSetVehiclePose(new_pose, True) time.sleep(0.001) #get reward & check if done & return obs = self._get_obs() reward = self.get_reward() done = self.tooclose() info = {} return obs, reward, done, info
def __init__(self): self.client = airsim.CarClient() self.client.confirmConnection() self.client.enableApiControl(True) self.car_controls = airsim.CarControls() self.device = "cuda" self.reward_model = CNNNet().to(self.device) self.reward_model.load_state_dict( torch.load("model.dat", map_location=self.device)) self.reward_model.eval() # input space. high = np.array([np.inf, np.inf, 1., 1.]) low = np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf, 0., 0.]) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=low, high=high) # action space: [steer, accel, brake] self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=-1.0, high=1.0, shape=(3, )) self.default_action = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] # store vehicle speeds self.max_speed = 3e5 self.prev_speed_sample = 40 self.past_vehicle_speeds = deque([self.max_speed] * self.prev_speed_sample, maxlen=self.prev_speed_sample) self.done = False self.lower_speed_limit = 5
def __init__(self): print("Establishing connection to airsim!") self.client= airsim.CarClient() self.client.confirmConnection() self.rover_state= self.client.getCarState() print("Establishing Car controls") self.client.enableApiControl(True) self.rover_controls= airsim.CarControls() print("Car Controls enabled") # Include example json of this will look? # rgb and depth will be in bytecode # IMU: imu_dict={ "speed":None, "px":None, "py": None, "pz":None, "ow":None, "ox": None, "oy": None, "oz": None } self.data_dict={ "time":"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "rgb": None, "depth": None, "imu": imu_dict }
def __connect_to_airsim(self): attempt_count = 0 while True: try: print('Attempting to connect to AirSim (attempt {0})'.format( attempt_count)) self.__car_client = airsim.CarClient() # CarClient() self.__car_client.confirmConnection() self.__car_client.enableApiControl(True) self.__car_controls = airsim.CarControls() print('Connected!') return except: print('Failed to connect.') attempt_count += 1 if (attempt_count % 10 == 0): print( '10 consecutive failures to connect. Attempting to start AirSim on my own.' ) from subprocess import call call(self.__airsim_path + ' -ResX=640 -ResY=480 -windowed &', shell=True) print('Waiting a few seconds.') time.sleep(10)
def __init__(self): self.client = airsim.CarClient("") self.client.confirmConnection() self.client.enableApiControl(True) self.car_controls = airsim.CarControls() self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(6) self.time_step = 0 self.x_pos_goal_2 = 0.6 #0.545647 0.6 self.y_pos_goal_2 = -2.5 #-2.5 self.z_pos_goal_2 = 0.2 #0.2 self.w_rot_goal_2 = 1.0 # 0.999967 self.x_rot_goal_2 = 0.0 # self.y_rot_goal_2 = 0.0 # -0.000095 self.z_rot_goal_2 = 0.02 # 0.019440 self.x_pos_goal_1 = 0.09 #0.545647 0.6 self.y_pos_goal_1 = -4.2 #-2.5 self.z_pos_goal_1 = 0.18 #0.2 self.w_rot_goal = 0.7 # 0.999967 self.x_rot_goal_1 = -0.7 # self.y_rot_goal_1 = 0.0 # -0.000095 self.z_rot_goal_1 = -0.7 # 0.019440 self.task_one_complete = False self.height = 84 self.width = 84 # old 320 # self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=-high, high=high, dtype=np.float32) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(2, self.height, self.width)) self.debug_mode = False self.goal_counter = 0 self.count = 0 self.state = None
def __init__(self): print("Connecting to Airsim Client: ") self.client = airsim.CarClient() self.client.confirmConnection() print("Connection confirmed, Enabling Car controls ") self.client.enableApiControl(True) self.car_controls= airsim.CarControls() print("Car Controls enabled, Please enter Command parameters ") self.car_state=self.client.getCarState() self.mode = bool(input("Input car Mode: True (distance commands) " or "False")) if(self.mode): print("Going to Distance mode! ") pass else: self.repeat= int(input("How many repeats? " or "3")) self.record= bool(input("Record Images? " or "False")) self.fold= os.getcwd()+'/pictures3/' self.projectionMatrix = np.array([[1, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, -127.5000000000], [0.000000000, 1, 0.000000000, -71.5000000000], [0.000000000, 0.000000000, 1.00000000, 127.5 ], [0.000000000, 0.000000000, -1/20.0000000, 0.000000000]]) color = (0,255,0) self.rgb = "%d %d %d" % color ## Control Tello self.drone = tellopy.Tello() try: self.drone.subscribe(drone.EVENT_FLIGHT_DATA,handler) self.drone.connect() drone.wait_for_connection(60.0)
def control(self, throttle=0, steering=0, brake=0, handbrake=False): # 设置油门、方向和刹车 car_controls = airsim.CarControls(throttle=throttle, steering=steering, brake=brake, handbrake=handbrake) self.car_client.setCarControls(car_controls)
def init_car_controls(): car_controls = airsim.CarControls() car_controls.throttle = 0.5125 car_controls.steering = 0.0 car_controls.is_manual_gear = True car_controls.manual_gear = 1 # should constrain speed return car_controls
def __init__(self, name='Car1'): self.client = airsim.CarClient(port=41452) = name self.init_client() self.car_controls = airsim.CarControls() self.current_pose = None self.heading = None atexit.register(self.disconnect)
def __init__(self, lidar_partition=60): self.client = airsim.CarClient() self.client.confirmConnection() self.client.enableApiControl(True) self.car_controls = airsim.CarControls() self.lidar_partition = lidar_partition # from left to right self.command_count = 0
def send_control(steering_angle, throttle): car_controls = airsim.CarControls() car_controls.throttle = throttle car_controls.steering = steering_angle if throttle < 0.15: car_controls.handbrake = True else: car_controls.handbrake = False client.setCarControls(car_controls)
def setup(): cli = airsim.CarClient() center = getPallet(cli) car_spot = getCar(cli) cli.enableApiControl(True) car_controls = airsim.CarControls() sleep(0.1) return cli, car_controls, getPallet(cli), car_spot
def __send_command(self, command): """Sends driving commands over the AirSim API. Args: command (tuple): A tuple in the form (steering, throttle). """ car_control = airsim.CarControls() car_control.steering = float(command[0]) car_control.throttle = command[1] self.client.setCarControls(car_control)
def __init__(self): self.client = airsim.CarClient() self.client.confirmConnection() self.client.enableApiControl(True) self.car_controls = airsim.CarControls() self.initialCarControlSettings() self.blocked_detection = 0 self.collision_detection = 0 self.reverse_count = 0 self.last_collision_object = None
def drive(self, car_name, action): car_controls = airsim.CarControls() car_controls.steering = action[0] car_controls.throttle = action[1] car_controls.brake = action[2] if car_name == "Car1": self.client.setCarControls(car_controls) if car_name == "Car2": self.client2.setCarControls(car_controls)
def __init__(self, distance, speed): # set distance and speed for ACC algorithm self.min_distance = distance self.max_speed = speed self.set_speed = speed # connect to the AirSim simulator self.client = airsim.CarClient() self.client.confirmConnection() self.client.enableApiControl(True) self.car_controls = airsim.CarControls() return
def main(): global nmap, road_points, path_in_list, path_in_environment # finish = turn.execute_turns(client, nmap, road_points, path_in_list, path_in_environment) if len(sys.argv) == 2: client = airsim.CarClient() client.confirmConnection() print('Connect succcefully!') client.enableApiControl(True) car_controls = airsim.CarControls() client.simSetTimeOfDay(True, "2019-08-19 21:00:00", True, 1, 60, False) client.simSetCameraOrientation( 2, airsim.to_quaternion(0, 0, -math.pi / 4)) client.simSetCameraOrientation(1, airsim.to_quaternion(0, 0, math.pi / 4)) start_point = [13, 13] target_point = [0, 22] nmap, road_points, path_in_list, path_in_environment = turn.init_path_planning( start_point, target_point) if sys.argv[1] == 'test': print('start testing') testNetwork(client, car_controls, list(path_in_environment[-1])) elif sys.argv[1] == 'train': print('start training') trainNetwork(client, car_controls) else: print('unkown input argument, please run this file as follow!') print('python train OR python test') elif len(sys.argv) == 3: client = airsim.CarClient() client.confirmConnection() print('Connect succcefully!') if sys.argv[1] == 'show_map' and sys.argv[2] == 'train': print('display map') show_map.show_map(client, []) elif sys.argv[1] == 'show_map' and sys.argv[2] == 'test': print('display map') show_map.show_map(client, path_in_environment) else: print('unkown input argument, please run this file as follow!') print( 'python show_map train OR python show_map test' ) else: print('please include an argument train or test or show_map')
def init_new_episode(self) : self.last_action = [0,0] self.last_reward = 0 self.client.enableApiControl(True, "AgentCar") self.client.enableApiControl(True, "TargetCar") self.car_controls = airsim.CarControls() self.is_done = False self.time_steps_left=self.max_time_steps self.trajectory_distance=0 self.last_collision_depth=0 agent_car_pose = self.client.simGetVehiclePose(vehicle_name="TargetCar") self.car_pos = [agent_car_pose.position.x_val, agent_car_pose.position.y_val, agent_car_pose.position.z_val] self.update_current_state() self.init_way_points()
def _act_discrete(self, action): """ Performs the discrete action :param action: (int) action to perform """ self.car_state = self.client.getCarState() current_speed = self.car_state.speed throttle = 0.8 if current_speed <= self.max_speed else 0.0 steering = self.steering_angles[action] self.client.setCarControls( airsim.CarControls(throttle=throttle, steering=steering))
def runSingleCar(id: int): client = airsim.CarClient() client.confirmConnection() vehicle_name = f"Car_{id}" pose = airsim.Pose(airsim.Vector3r(0, 7 * id, 0), airsim.Quaternionr(0, 0, 0, 0)) print(f"Creating {vehicle_name}") success = client.simAddVehicle(vehicle_name, "Physxcar", pose) if not success: print(f"Falied to create {vehicle_name}") return # Sleep for some time to wait for other vehicles to be created time.sleep(1) # driveCar(vehicle_name, client) print(f"Driving {vehicle_name} for a few secs...") client.enableApiControl(True, vehicle_name) car_controls = airsim.CarControls() # go forward car_controls.throttle = 0.5 car_controls.steering = 0 client.setCarControls(car_controls, vehicle_name) time.sleep(3) # let car drive a bit # Go forward + steer right car_controls.throttle = 0.5 car_controls.steering = 1 client.setCarControls(car_controls, vehicle_name) time.sleep(3) # go reverse car_controls.throttle = -0.5 car_controls.is_manual_gear = True car_controls.manual_gear = -1 car_controls.steering = 0 client.setCarControls(car_controls, vehicle_name) time.sleep(3) car_controls.is_manual_gear = False # change back gear to auto car_controls.manual_gear = 0 # apply brakes car_controls.brake = 1 client.setCarControls(car_controls, vehicle_name) time.sleep(3)
def __airSimClientConnection(self): global client, clientCM, manualMode self.__setClient(airsim.CarClient(timeout_value=10000)) self.__setClientCM(airsim.CarClient()) self.getClient().confirmConnection() print("Do you want to activate the manual mode? [y/n]") if input() == 'n': manualMode = False self.getClient().enableApiControl(True) else: manualMode = True self.__setCarControls(airsim.CarControls()) time.sleep(2)
def __init__(self, show_cam=True): # connect to the AirSim simulator self.client = airsim.CarClient() self.client.confirmConnection() self.client.enableApiControl(True) self.car_controls = airsim.CarControls() self.episode_start = time.time() self.SHOW_CAM = show_cam self.fps = DEFAULT_FPS self.period = 1 / DEFAULT_FPS self.previous_action_time = None self.step_num = 0 self.previous_distance = None
def _act_continuous(self, action): """ Performs the continious actions TODO: add brake and parametrize map_to_range :param action: (np.array) - actions to perform """ self.car_state = self.client.getCarState() current_speed = self.car_state.speed throttle = self._throttle_map(action[0]) throttle = 0.0 if current_speed >= self.max_speed else throttle steering = self._steering_map(action[1]) self.client.setCarControls( airsim.CarControls(throttle=throttle, steering=steering))
def __init__(self, dqn_param): self.player_name = "" self.car_controls = airsim.CarControls() self.client = airsim.CarClient() self.client.reset() self.client.confirmConnection() self.client.enableApiControl(enable_api_control, self.player_name) self.airsim_env = AirSimEnv() self.way_points, self.obstacle_points = self.airsim_env.load_track_info( self.client) self.collision_time_stamp = 0 self.sensing_info = CarState(self.player_name) self.all_obstacles = self.airsim_env.get_all_obstacle_info( self.obstacle_points, self.way_points) self.state_size = self.airsim_env.get_state_size() self.frozen_count = 0 self.car_current_pos_x, self.car_next_pos_x = 0, 0 # road half width + car half width self.half_road_limit = self.client.getAlgoUserAPI( ).ac_road_width_half + 1.25 self.control_interval = round(0.1 / current_clock_speed, 2) if len(self.action_space()) < 1: raise IncorrectAction( "Please check the action definition : At least one action is required" ) self.action_size = len(self.action_space()) # DQN 에이전트 생성 self.agent = DQNAgent(self.state_size, self.action_size, dqn_param) # running client id 로 폴더 생성 now = time.localtime() self.run_cid = "T%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d" % ( now.tm_mon, now.tm_mday, now.tm_hour, now.tm_min, now.tm_sec) # 시간 생성. self.start_time = time.time() self.end_time = 0