def prihlas_na_termin(self, termin_key): zapisny_list_key, predmet_key, datum, cas, miestnost, poznamka = ( decode_key(termin_key)) app = self._open_terminy_hodnotenia_app(zapisny_list_key) self.__select_predmet_row(app, predmet_key) self.__open_vyber_terminu_dialog(app) # Vyberieme spravny riadok. find_row(app.d.zoznamTerminovTable.all_rows(), dat=datum, cas=cas, miestnosti=miestnost, poznamka=poznamka)) # Stlacime OK. with app.collect_operations() as ops: message = None if ops and ops[0].method == 'messageBox': assert_ops(ops, 'messageBox') message = ops[0].args[0] with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.d.click_close_button() # Dialog sa zavrie. app.awaited_close_dialog(ops) return message
def zapis_odstran_predmety(self, zapisny_list_key, cast, predmet_key_list): try: app = self._open_zapis_predmetov_app(zapisny_list_key) except CantOpenApplication: return UNAVAILABLE self.__zatvor_ponuku_predmetov(app) # Oznacime vrchol pre celu cast, aby sme videli vsetky predmety.'nR/' + cast) # Vyberieme v tabulke dane predmety. indexes = [] for predmet_key in predmet_key_list: (skratka_predmetu, ) = decode_key(predmet_key) indexes.append( find_row(app.d.predmetyTable.all_rows(), skratka=skratka_predmetu)) # Stlacime "Odobrat predmet". with app.collect_operations() as ops: # Mozno vyskoci confirm box. Zvolime "Ano". if len(ops) == 1 and ops[0].method == 'confirmBox': with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.confirm_box(2) # Mozno vyskoci chyba. Ak nie, sme hotovi. if ops: assert_ops(ops, 'messageBox') return ops[0].args[0] return None
def prihlas_na_termin(self, termin_key): zapisny_list_key, predmet_key, datum, cas, miestnost, poznamka = ( decode_key(termin_key)) app = self._open_terminy_hodnotenia_app(zapisny_list_key) self.__select_predmet_row(app, predmet_key) self.__open_vyber_terminu_dialog(app) # Vyberieme spravny riadok. app.d.zoznamTerminovTable.all_rows(), dat=datum, cas=cas, miestnosti=miestnost, poznamka=poznamka)) # Stlacime OK. with app.collect_operations() as ops: message = None if ops and ops[0].method == 'messageBox': assert_ops(ops, 'messageBox') message = ops[0].args[0] with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.d.click_close_button() # Dialog sa zavrie. app.awaited_close_dialog(ops) return message
def zapis_odstran_predmety(self, zapisny_list_key, cast, predmet_key_list): try: app = self._open_zapis_predmetov_app(zapisny_list_key) except CantOpenApplication: return UNAVAILABLE self.__zatvor_ponuku_predmetov(app) # Oznacime vrchol pre celu cast, aby sme videli vsetky predmety.'nR/' + cast) # Vyberieme v tabulke dane predmety. indexes = [] for predmet_key in predmet_key_list: (skratka_predmetu,) = decode_key(predmet_key) indexes.append(find_row( app.d.predmetyTable.all_rows(), skratka=skratka_predmetu)) # Stlacime "Odobrat predmet". with app.collect_operations() as ops: # Mozno vyskoci confirm box. Zvolime "Ano". if len(ops) == 1 and ops[0].method == 'confirmBox': with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.confirm_box(2) # Mozno vyskoci chyba. Ak nie, sme hotovi. if ops: assert_ops(ops, 'messageBox') return ops[0].args[0] return None
def odhlas_z_terminu(self, termin_key): zapisny_list_key, predmet_key, datum, cas, miestnost, poznamka = ( decode_key(termin_key)) (skratka_predmetu,) = decode_key(predmet_key) app = self._open_terminy_hodnotenia_app(zapisny_list_key) # V dolnom combo boxe dame "Zobrazit terminy: Vsetkych predmetov". # Stlacime button vedla combo boxu. app.d.zobrazitTerminyAction.execute() # Vyberieme spravny riadok. app.d.terminyTable.all_rows(), dat=datum, cas=cas, miestnosti=miestnost, poznamka=poznamka, predmetSkratka=skratka_predmetu)) # Stlacime "Odhlasit sa z terminu". with app.collect_operations() as ops: # Vyskoci confirm box, ci sa naozaj chceme odhlasit. Stlacime "Ano". assert_ops(ops, 'confirmBox') with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.confirm_box(2) if ops: assert_ops(ops, 'messageBox') return ops[0].args[0] return None
def __query_dialog(self, app, meno, priezvisko, absolvent, student, zamestnanec, akademicky_rok, fakulta, studijny_program, uchadzaci, prvy_rocnik, druhy_rocnik, treti_rocnik, stvrty_rocnik, piaty_rocnik, siesty_rocnik, siedmy_rocnik, osmy_rocnik, absolventi): rocniky = [ uchadzaci, prvy_rocnik, druhy_rocnik, treti_rocnik, stvrty_rocnik, piaty_rocnik, siesty_rocnik, siedmy_rocnik, osmy_rocnik, absolventi ] if any(rocniky) and not (absolvent or student or zamestnanec): student = True if studijny_program and not (absolvent or student or zamestnanec): absolvent = True student = True if fakulta and not (absolvent or student or zamestnanec): absolvent = True student = True zamestnanec = True app.d.absolventCheckBox.set_to(absolvent) app.d.studentCheckBox.set_to(student) app.d.zamestnanecCheckBox.set_to(zamestnanec) app.d.menoTextField.write(meno or '') app.d.priezviskoTextField.write(priezvisko or '') if absolvent or student or zamestnanec: find_option(app.d.akademickyRokComboBox.options, title=akademicky_rok)) with app.collect_operations() as ops: if ops: assert_ops( ops, 'messageBox' ) # "Interna chyba: Nepodarilo sa osetrenie udalosti." if not self._select_ciselnik(app, fakulta or None, "VyberFakultaButton", "skratka"): return 'Fakulta nebola nájdená.' if not self._select_ciselnik(app, studijny_program or None, "VyberOdborButton", "skratka"): return 'Študijný program sa nenašiel, skontrolujte fakultu.' for index, item in enumerate(rocniky): if item != app.d.rocnikCheckList.items[index].checked: app.d.rocnikCheckList.toggle(index)
def _open_register_osob(self): url = '/ais/servlets/WebUIServlet?fajr=A&appClassName=ais.gui.lz.LZ014App&kodAplikacie=LZ014&uiLang=SK' app, ops =, url) assert_ops(ops, 'openMainDialog', 'openDialog') app.open_main_dialog(*ops[0].args) app.open_dialog(*ops[1].args) return app
def spusti_report(client, app, vrchol_stromu, kod_zostavy, parametre, vystupny_format): # selectnem vrchol v strome vlavo # v tabulke vyberiem riadok s danym kodom, kod=kod_zostavy)) # v menu stlacim "Spustenie" with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.d.sysSpustenieAction.execute() if not parametre: app.awaited_open_dialog(ops) else: assert_ops(ops, 'openDialog', 'openDialog') app.open_dialog(*ops[0].args) app.open_dialog(*ops[1].args) # v dialogu nastavim parametre for index, (label, value) in enumerate(parametre): label_id = 'inputLabel' + str(index + 1) input_id = 'inputTextField' + str(index + 1) if app.d.components[label_id].text != label: raise AISBehaviorError('%s mal byt %r' % (label_id, label)) app.d.components[input_id].write(value) if 'inputLabel' + str(len(parametre) + 1) in app.d.components: raise AISBehaviorError('Zostava ma privela parametrov') # stlacim OK, dialog sa zavrie with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.awaited_close_dialog(ops) # nastavim format vystupu find_option(app.d.vystupComboBox.options, title=vystupny_format)) # NESTLACAM OK, TYM SA DIALOG ZAVRIE # (for fun si najdi v mailinglistoch ako na to Vinko pravidelne kazdy rok nadava) # miesto toho v menu stlacim "Ulozit ako" with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.d.ulozitAkoAction.execute() response = app.awaited_shell_exec(ops) # nakoniec ten dialog mozem zavriet (a pouzijem X v rohu, ako kulturny clovek) with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.d.click_close_button() app.awaited_close_dialog(ops) return response
def __query_dialog(self, app, meno, priezvisko, absolvent, student, zamestnanec, akademicky_rok, fakulta, studijny_program, uchadzaci, prvy_rocnik, druhy_rocnik, treti_rocnik, stvrty_rocnik, piaty_rocnik, siesty_rocnik, siedmy_rocnik, osmy_rocnik, absolventi): rocniky = [uchadzaci, prvy_rocnik, druhy_rocnik, treti_rocnik, stvrty_rocnik, piaty_rocnik, siesty_rocnik, siedmy_rocnik, osmy_rocnik, absolventi] if any(rocniky) and not (absolvent or student or zamestnanec): student = True if studijny_program and not (absolvent or student or zamestnanec): absolvent = True student = True if fakulta and not (absolvent or student or zamestnanec): absolvent = True student = True zamestnanec = True app.d.absolventCheckBox.set_to(absolvent) app.d.studentCheckBox.set_to(student) app.d.zamestnanecCheckBox.set_to(zamestnanec) app.d.menoTextField.write(meno or '') app.d.priezviskoTextField.write(priezvisko or '') if absolvent or student or zamestnanec: app.d.akademickyRokComboBox.options, title=akademicky_rok)) with app.collect_operations() as ops: if ops: assert_ops(ops, 'messageBox') # "Interna chyba: Nepodarilo sa osetrenie udalosti." if not self._select_ciselnik(app, fakulta or None, "VyberFakultaButton", "skratka"): return 'Fakulta nebola nájdená.' if not self._select_ciselnik(app, studijny_program or None, "VyberOdborButton", "skratka"): return 'Študijný program sa nenašiel, skontrolujte fakultu.' for index, item in enumerate(rocniky): if item != app.d.rocnikCheckList.items[index].checked: app.d.rocnikCheckList.toggle(index)
def spusti_report(client, app, vrchol_stromu, kod_zostavy, parametre, vystupny_format): # selectnem vrchol v strome vlavo # v tabulke vyberiem riadok s danym kodom, kod=kod_zostavy)) # v menu stlacim "Spustenie" with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.d.sysSpustenieAction.execute() if not parametre: app.awaited_open_dialog(ops) else: assert_ops(ops, 'openDialog', 'openDialog') app.open_dialog(*ops[0].args) app.open_dialog(*ops[1].args) # v dialogu nastavim parametre for index, (label, value) in enumerate(parametre): label_id = 'inputLabel' + str(index+1) input_id = 'inputTextField' + str(index+1) if app.d.components[label_id].text != label: raise AISBehaviorError('%s mal byt %r' % (label_id, label)) app.d.components[input_id].write(value) if 'inputLabel' + str(len(parametre)+1) in app.d.components: raise AISBehaviorError('Zostava ma privela parametrov') # stlacim OK, dialog sa zavrie with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.awaited_close_dialog(ops) # nastavim format vystupu, title=vystupny_format)) # NESTLACAM OK, TYM SA DIALOG ZAVRIE # (for fun si najdi v mailinglistoch ako na to Vinko pravidelne kazdy rok nadava) # miesto toho v menu stlacim "Ulozit ako" with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.d.ulozitAkoAction.execute() response = app.awaited_shell_exec(ops) # nakoniec ten dialog mozem zavriet (a pouzijem X v rohu, ako kulturny clovek) with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.d.click_close_button() app.awaited_close_dialog(ops) return response
def _select_ciselnik(self, app, text, select_button, compare_column): # Ciselnik typu SSSC001 if text is not None: old_ignored_messages = app.ignored_messages app.ignored_messages = [ m for m in app.ignored_messages if m != 'Podmienkam nevyhovuje žiadny záznam.' ] try: with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.d.components[select_button].click() finally: app.ignored_messages = old_ignored_messages if ops: if len(ops) == 1 and ops[0].method == 'messageBox' and ops[ 0].args[0] == 'Podmienkam nevyhovuje žiadny záznam.': return False assert_ops(ops, 'openDialog') if ops[0].args[0]['code'] != 'SSSC001': raise AISBehaviorError( "AIS opened an unexpected dialog: {}".format(ops)) app.awaited_open_dialog(ops) try: index = find_row_insensitive(app.d.table.all_rows(), **{compare_column: text}) except KeyError: with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.awaited_close_dialog(ops) return False else: with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.awaited_close_dialog(ops) return True
def get_informacny_list(self, kod_predmetu, akademicky_rok): app = self._open_register_predmetov() stredisko, _, zvysok = decode_key(kod_predmetu)[0].partition('/') skratka = zvysok.rpartition('/')[0] # Napiseme stredisko a skratku predmetu. self.__query_dialog(app, akademicky_rok, stredisko=stredisko, skratka_predmetu=skratka) # Stlacime nacitavaci button (sipku dole). if not app.d.zoznamPredmetovTable.loaded_rows: return None # TODO: zdokumentovat, ze ak matchuju viacere informacne listy, je # undefined behavior ktory vratime. (asi vzdy ten prvy, ale kto vie ako # ich AIS zoradi.) # Stlacime v menu "Informacny list". with app.collect_operations() as ops: # Otvori sa dialog na vyber formatu. app.awaited_open_dialog(ops) # Vyberieme vrchny riadok. TODO: fakt chceme ten? # Stlacime OK. with app.collect_operations() as ops: # Dialog sa zavrie a otvori sa "prosim cakajte", tak cakame. assert_ops(ops, 'closeDialog', 'abortBox') app.close_dialog(*ops[0].args) with app.collect_operations() as ops2: app.abort_box(*ops[1].args) # Vratime zakodove PDF. url = app.awaited_shell_exec(ops2) return base64.b64encode(url.content).decode()
def delete_zapisny_list(self, zapisny_list_key): '''Deletes enrollment list. Args: zapisny_list_key: enrollment list identifier ''' app = self._open_administracia_studia() # Vyberieme zapisny list. self.__vyber_zapisny_list(app, zapisny_list_key) # Klikneme na tlacidlo zrusenia zapisneho listu. with app.collect_operations() as ops: # Vyskoci confirm box, ci naozaj chceme odstranit zapisny list. Stlacime "Ano". assert_ops(ops, 'confirmBox') with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.confirm_box(2)
def _select_ciselnik(self, app, text, select_button, compare_column): # Ciselnik typu SSSC001 if text is not None: old_ignored_messages = app.ignored_messages app.ignored_messages = [] try: with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.d.components[select_button].click() finally: app.ignored_messages = old_ignored_messages if ops: if ( len(ops) == 1 and ops[0].method == "messageBox" and ops[0].args[0] == "Podmienkam nevyhovuje žiadny záznam." ): return False assert_ops(ops, "openDialog") if ops[0].args[2] != "SSSC001": raise AISBehaviorError("AIS opened an unexpected dialog: {}".format(ops)) app.awaited_open_dialog(ops) try: index = find_row_insensitive(app.d.table.all_rows(), **{compare_column: text}) except KeyError: with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.awaited_close_dialog(ops) return False else: with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.awaited_close_dialog(ops) return True
def get_informacny_list(self, kod_predmetu, akademicky_rok): app = self._open_register_predmetov() index = find_option( app.d.akRokComboBox.options, title=akademicky_rok) # Napiseme kod predmetu. app.d.skratkaPredmetuTextField.write(kod_predmetu) # Stlacime nacitavaci button (sipku dole). if not app.d.zoznamPredmetovTable.loaded_rows: return None # TODO: zdokumentovat, ze ak matchuju viacere informacne listy, je # undefined behavior ktory vratime. (asi vzdy ten prvy, ale kto vie ako # ich AIS zoradi.) # Stlacime v menu "Informacny list". with app.collect_operations() as ops: # Otvori sa dialog na vyber formatu. app.awaited_open_dialog(ops) # Vyberieme vrchny riadok. TODO: fakt chceme ten? # Stlacime OK. with app.collect_operations() as ops: # Dialog sa zavrie a otvori sa "prosim cakajte", tak cakame. assert_ops(ops, 'closeDialog', 'abortBox') app.close_dialog(*ops[0].args) with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.abort_box() # Otvori sa vysledne PDF. url = app.awaited_shell_exec(ops) return app.context.request_text(url)
def odhlas_z_terminu(self, termin_key): zapisny_list_key, predmet_key, datum, cas, miestnost, poznamka = ( decode_key(termin_key)) (skratka_predmetu, ) = decode_key(predmet_key) app = self._open_terminy_hodnotenia_app(zapisny_list_key) # V dolnom combo boxe dame "Zobrazit terminy: Vsetkych predmetov". # Stlacime button vedla combo boxu. app.d.zobrazitTerminyAction.execute() # Vyberieme spravny riadok. find_row(app.d.terminyTable.all_rows(), dat=datum, cas=cas, miestnosti=miestnost, poznamka=poznamka, predmetSkratka=skratka_predmetu)) # Stlacime "Odhlasit sa z terminu". with app.collect_operations() as ops: # Vyskoci confirm box, ci sa naozaj chceme odhlasit. Stlacime "Ano". assert_ops(ops, 'confirmBox') with app.collect_operations() as ops: app.confirm_box(2) if ops: assert_ops(ops, 'messageBox') return ops[0].args[0] return None