Exemple #1
def testArgDefn():
    defn = cmd.CmdDict(CMDDICT_TEST)[name]

    arg = defn.argdefns[0]
    assert arg.bytes == [0, 1]
    assert arg.desc == None
    assert arg.enum == None
    assert arg.fixed == False
    assert arg.name == "sequence_id"
    assert arg.nbytes == 2
    assert arg.range == None
    assert arg.slice() == slice(0, 2)
    assert arg.type == dtype.get("MSB_U16")
    assert arg.units == None
    assert arg.value == None

    assert type(repr(arg)) is str

    arg = defn.argdefns[1]
    assert arg.bytes == 2
    assert arg.desc == None
    assert arg.enum == {"DISABLED": 0, "ENABLED": 1}
    assert arg.fixed == False
    assert arg.name == "enable"
    assert arg.nbytes == 1
    assert arg.range == None
    assert arg.slice() == slice(2, 3)
    assert arg.type == dtype.get("U8")
    assert arg.units == None
    assert arg.value == None

    assert type(repr(arg)) is str
Exemple #2
def testString():
    dt = dtype.get("S16")
    assert isinstance(dt, dtype.PrimitiveType)
    assert dt.string
    assert not dt.float
    assert not dt.signed
    assert dt.name == "S16"
    assert dt.nbytes == 16
    assert dt.nbits == (16 * 8)

    dt = dtype.get("S32")
    assert isinstance(dt, dtype.PrimitiveType)
    assert dt.string
    assert not dt.float
    assert not dt.signed
    assert dt.name == "S32"
    assert dt.nbytes == 32
    assert dt.nbits == (32 * 8)

    ival = 1
    errmsgs = []
    assert not dt.validate(ival, errmsgs)
    assert errmsgs

    fval = 1.1
    errmsgs = []
    assert not dt.validate(fval, errmsgs)
    assert errmsgs

    sval = "1"
    errmsgs = []
    assert dt.validate(sval)
    assert not errmsgs
Exemple #3
def testArgDefn():
    defn = cmd.CmdDict(CMDDICT_TEST)[name]

    arg = defn.argdefns[0]
    assert arg.bytes == [0, 1]
    assert arg.desc == None
    assert arg.enum == None
    assert arg.fixed == False
    assert arg.name == 'sequence_id'
    assert arg.nbytes == 2
    assert arg.range == None
    assert arg.slice() == slice(0, 2)
    assert arg.type == dtype.get('MSB_U16')
    assert arg.units == None
    assert arg.value == None

    assert type(repr(arg)) is str

    arg = defn.argdefns[1]
    assert arg.bytes == 2
    assert arg.desc == None
    assert arg.enum == {'DISABLED': 0, 'ENABLED': 1}
    assert arg.fixed == False
    assert arg.name == 'enable'
    assert arg.nbytes == 1
    assert arg.range == None
    assert arg.slice() == slice(2, 3)
    assert arg.type == dtype.get('U8')
    assert arg.units == None
    assert arg.value == None

    assert type(repr(arg)) is str
Exemple #4
def testLSB_D64():
    val = 1.2
    bytes = struct.pack("<d", val)
    LSB_D64 = dtype.get("LSB_D64")

    assert fpeq(LSB_D64.decode(bytes), val)
    assert fpeq(LSB_D64.decode(bytes, raw=True), val)
Exemple #5
def testLSB_D64():
    val = 1.2
    bytes = struct.pack('<d', val)
    LSB_D64 = dtype.get('LSB_D64')

    assert fpeq(LSB_D64.decode(bytes), val)
    assert fpeq(LSB_D64.decode(bytes, raw=True), val)
Exemple #6
def testMSB_D64():
    val = 3.4
    bytes = struct.pack('>d', val)
    MSB_D64 = dtype.get('MSB_D64')

    assert fpeq(MSB_D64.decode(bytes), val)
    assert fpeq(MSB_D64.decode(bytes, raw=True), val)
Exemple #7
def testLSB_F32():
    val = 5.6
    bytes = struct.pack('<f', val)
    LSB_F32 = dtype.get('LSB_F32')

    assert fpeq(LSB_F32.decode(bytes), val)
    assert fpeq(LSB_F32.decode(bytes, raw=True), val)
Exemple #8
def testMSB_F32():
    val = 7.8
    bytes = struct.pack('>f', val)
    MSB_F32 = dtype.get('MSB_F32')

    assert fpeq(MSB_F32.decode(bytes), val)
    assert fpeq(MSB_F32.decode(bytes, raw=True), val)
Exemple #9
def testLSB_F32():
    val = 5.6
    bytes = struct.pack("<f", val)
    LSB_F32 = dtype.get("LSB_F32")

    assert fpeq(LSB_F32.decode(bytes), val)
    assert fpeq(LSB_F32.decode(bytes, raw=True), val)
Exemple #10
def testMSB_D64():
    val = 3.4
    bytes = struct.pack(">d", val)
    MSB_D64 = dtype.get("MSB_D64")

    assert fpeq(MSB_D64.decode(bytes), val)
    assert fpeq(MSB_D64.decode(bytes, raw=True), val)
Exemple #11
def testMSB_F32():
    val = 7.8
    bytes = struct.pack(">f", val)
    MSB_F32 = dtype.get("MSB_F32")

    enc_ba = MSB_F32.encode(val)
    assert enc_ba

    assert fpeq(MSB_F32.decode(bytes), val)
    assert fpeq(MSB_F32.decode(bytes, raw=True), val)
Exemple #12
def testget():
    assert isinstance(dtype.get("U8"), dtype.PrimitiveType)
    assert isinstance(dtype.get("S40"), dtype.PrimitiveType)
    assert isinstance(dtype.get("TIME32"), dtype.Time32Type)

    assert dtype.get('LSB_U32[10]') == dtype.ArrayType('LSB_U32', 10)

    with nose.tools.assert_raises(ValueError):

    with nose.tools.assert_raises(ValueError):
Exemple #13
def testget():
    assert isinstance(dtype.get("U8"), dtype.PrimitiveType)
    assert isinstance(dtype.get("S40"), dtype.PrimitiveType)
    assert isinstance(dtype.get("TIME32"), dtype.Time32Type)

    assert dtype.get("LSB_U32[10]") == dtype.ArrayType("LSB_U32", 10)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Exemple #14
def handle():
    """Set playback query with packet name, start time, and end time from form"""
    global playback

    if not playback.enabled:
        return HttpResponse(status=404,
                            body='Historic data playback is disabled')

    tlm_dict = tlm.getDefaultDict()

    # Get values from form
    packet = bottle.request.forms.get('packet')
    start_time = bottle.request.forms.get('startTime')
    end_time = bottle.request.forms.get('endTime')
    uid = tlm_dict[packet].uid

    # Query packet and time range from database
    point_query = 'SELECT * FROM "{}" WHERE time >= \'{}\' AND time <= \'{}\''.format(
        packet, start_time, end_time)
    points = list(playback.dbconn.query(point_query).get_points())

    pkt = tlm_dict[packet]
    fields = pkt.fields
    # Build field names list from tlm dictionary for sorting data query
    field_names = []
    # Build field types list from tlm dictionary for packing data
    field_formats = []
    for i in range(len(fields)):
        field_type = str(fields[i].type).split("'")[1]
    # Put query into a map of {timestamp: list of (uid, data)}
    for i in range(len(points)):
        # Round time down to nearest 0.1 second
        timestamp = str(points[i]['time'][:21] + 'Z')
        data = ''
        for j in range(len(field_names)):
            data += struct.pack(field_formats[j], points[i][field_names[j]])
        if playback.query.has_key(timestamp):
            playback.query[timestamp].append((uid, data))
            playback.query[timestamp] = [(uid, data)]
Exemple #15
    def encode(self, value):
        """Encode a columns value according to its data type

            value: The value to encode provided as either a string or
                the appropriate type for the column's data type.
        dt = dtype.get(self.type)

        if self._enum_rev is not None:
            value = self._enum_rev.get(value, value)

        value = self._parse_column_value_from_string(value)

        # For some reason ArrayType.encode expects to receive the values
        # for encoding in *args instead of, you know, an iterable ...
        if isinstance(dt, dtype.ArrayType):
            # `value` needs to be an unpackable iterable or this is going
            # to explode. More than likely this'll be a bytearray.
            return dt.encode(*value)
            return dt.encode(value)
Exemple #16
    def _parse_column_value_from_string(self, value):
        """Parse strings into an appropriate type for a given table column

        Attempt to cast a string value into the appropriate data type for a
        column to use during encoding. If the column's type is a "Primitive"
        type as defined in ait.core.dtype then we simple cast to float or int
        depending on the definition. ArrayType values must be passed as a
        string which can be encoded into a binary string. All other AIT
        data types are not supported in the table module.

            value: The string from which to extract an appropriate data type
                value for future processing. If this is not a string it is
                returned without modification.
        if not isinstance(value, str):
            return value

        col_defn = dtype.get(self.type)

        if isinstance(col_defn, dtype.ArrayType):
            # Value is expected to be a string which can be encoded to a
            # binary string for use by a bytes-like object.
            # E.g., for a type of U8[2] the following is valid:
            #     value = '\x01\x02'
            return bytearray(value.encode("ascii"))
        elif (isinstance(col_defn, dtype.Time64Type)
              or isinstance(col_defn, dtype.Time40Type)
              or isinstance(col_defn, dtype.Time32Type)):
            return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, dmc.RFC3339_Format)
            if col_defn.float:
                return float(value)
                return int(value, base=0)
Exemple #17
    def decode(self, in_stream, raw=False):
        """Decode a column's value according to its data type

        Read bytes equal to this column's data type from the input stream
        and decode it into a value per that data type's definition.

            in_stream: A file-like object from which to read data.

            raw: Flag denoting whether raw values or enumerate values
                (if present for this column) should be returned.

            EOFError: If the number of bytes read from the input stream
                is less than the length of the data type.
        val = None
        dt = dtype.get(self.type)

        if dt is not None:
            data = in_stream.read(dt.nbytes)

            if len(data) != dt.nbytes:
                raise EOFError

            if (isinstance(dt, dtype.Time64Type)
                    or isinstance(dt, dtype.Time40Type)
                    or isinstance(dt, dtype.Time32Type)):
                val = dt.decode(data).strftime(dmc.RFC3339_Format)
                val = dt.decode(data, raw=True)

        if self.enum and not raw:
            val = self.enum.get(val, val)

        return val
Exemple #18
    def type(self, value):
        from ait.core import dtype

        self._type = dtype.get(value) if type(value) is str else value
Exemple #19
    def toBinary(self, tabfile, stream, fswbin_f, verbose, version):
        #print "self.name: "+self.name
        #print "stream name: "+stream.name

        size = os.path.getsize(stream.name)
        #print "stream len: " + str(size)

        #print "self.size: " + str(self.size)

        no_lines = 0
        for line in stream:
            no_lines += 1

        fsw_header = bytearray(32)
        # sha1 = hash_file(tabfile)
        sha1 = 0

        # Write magic number
        fswbin_f.write( struct.pack('>H', self.MagicNumber             )  )

        # Write upload type
        fswbin_f.write( struct.pack('B', self.uptype         )  )

        # Write version
        fswbin_f.write( struct.pack('B', int(version,16)&255 )  )

        # Write number of lines
        if self.name == "memory":
            fswbin_f.write( struct.pack('>H', 0           )  )
            fswbin_f.write( struct.pack('>H', no_lines           )  )

        # Write ID (0)
        fswbin_f.write( struct.pack('>H', 0) )

        # # Write CRC placeholder
        fswbin_f.write( struct.pack('>I', 0) )

        # SHA as 0
        pad = struct.pack('B', 0)
        for n in range(20):

        # data = bytearray(20)
        # i = 0
        # tmpbytes = list(sha1)
        # for x in range(0, len(sha1)/2):
        #     tmp = ((int(tmpbytes[x],16)&255)<<4) + (int(tmpbytes[x+1],16)&255)
        #     #print "tmp: "+ str(tmp)
        #     data[i] = tmp&0xFF
        #     i += 1

        # fswbin_f.write(data)

        for line in stream:
            #print "line: "+line
            idx = 0
            line = line.replace("\n","")
            allcols = line.split(self.delimiter)
            if self.name == "memory":
                for val in allcols:
                    if val != "":
                        #print "val: "+val
                        data = bytearray(2)
                        tmpbytes = list(val)
                        data[0] = ((int(tmpbytes[0],16)&0xF)<<4) + (int(tmpbytes[1],16)&0xF)
                        data[1] = ((int(tmpbytes[2],16)&0xF)<<4) + (int(tmpbytes[3],16)&0xF)
                        #print "tmp byte1: "+ str(int(tmpbytes[0],16)&0xF)
                        #print "tmp byte2: "+ str(int(tmpbytes[1],16)&0xF)
                        #print "tmp byte3: "+ str(int(tmpbytes[2],16)&0xF)
                        #print "tmp byte4: "+ str(int(tmpbytes[3],16)&0xF)
                idx = 0
                #this is how to step into table definitions
                for coldef in enumerate(self.coldefns):
                    # print "column definition: " + str(coldef[1])
                    fswcoldefn = coldef[1]
                    name = fswcoldefn.name
                    #print "name: " + name
                    colpk = dtype.get(fswcoldefn.type)
                    #print "packing: " + str(colpk)
                    units = fswcoldefn.units
                    #print "units: " + units
                    enum = fswcoldefn.enum

                    if isinstance(fswcoldefn.bytes,list):
                       nobytes = fswcoldefn.bytes[1] - fswcoldefn.bytes[0] + 1
                       nobytes = 1
                    # print "bytes: " + str(fswcoldefn.bytes)
                    # print "nobytes: " + str(nobytes)
                    if name == 'RESERVED':
                        #add reserved bytes

                        if coldef[0] != len(self.coldefns)-1:

                    items = fswcoldefn.items
                    if items is not None:
                        #print "items: " + str(items)
                        for i in range(items):
                           val = allcols[i]
                           #print "item col val: "+str(val)
                           if units != 'none':
                               val = val.strip()
                               val = val.split(" ")[0]
                               val = val.replace(" ","")
                           #print "item col val: "+str(val)
                        val = allcols[idx]
                        val = val.replace("\n","")
                        #print "else col val 1: "+str(val)
                        if enum is not None:
                           if enum is not None:
                               for enumkey in enumerate(enum.keys()):
                                   enumval = enum[enumkey[1]]
                                   #print "enumkey: " + str(enumkey[1]) + ", enumval: " + str(enum[enumkey[1]])
                                   if enumval == val:
                                      val = str(enumkey[1])
                               #print "XXXX colpk.type: "+colpk.format
                           #print "XXXX colpk.type: "+colpk.format
                           #print "fswcoldefn.bytes: "+str(fswcoldefn.bytes)
                           #print "xxxx val: "+str(val)
                           #print "units: "+str(units)
                           if units != 'none':
                               val = val.strip()
                               val = val.split(" ")[0]
                               #print "else col val 2a: "+str(val)
                           elif str(colpk) == "PrimitiveType('U8')" and nobytes>1:
                               strval = ""
                               for c in list(val):
                                   #print "xxx c: "+str(c)
                                   tmp = (int(c,16))&255
                                   #print "tmp: "+str(tmp)
                               val = val.replace(" ","")
                               #print "else col val 2b: "+str(val)
                    idx += 1

        written = fswbin_f.tell()
        #print "written: "+str(written)

        # print str(self.size) + ", " + str(written)
        if self.size > written:
            padding = bytearray(self.size - (written))

        #Now calculate and update CRC field in the FSW header
        fname = fswbin_f.name
        crc32 = util.crc32File(fname, 0)
        fswbin_f = open(fname, 'r+b')
        crcbuf = bytearray(4)
        crcbuf[0:4]  = struct.pack('>L',crc32)

        #version = "0"
        if verbose is not None and verbose != 0:
            log.info("CRC: %x" % crc32)
            print "MAGIC_NUMBER: %x" % self.MagicNumber
            print "UPLOAD_TYPE: " + str(self.uptype)
            print "VERSION: " + str(version)
            print "NUMBER_ENTRIES: " + str(no_lines)
            # print "SHA-1: "+sha1

        #print "fname: "+fname+", crc32: "+str(crc32)

        # Once we are done appending all the columns to the row
        # strip off last comma and append a \r
        # Note: Since it is Access, \n alone does not work
Exemple #20
    def toText(self, stream, fswtab_f, verbose, version):
        out = ""

        size = os.path.getsize(stream.name)
        #print "table name: " + self.name
        #print "stream len: " + str(size)

        noentries = 0
        if self.name != "memory":
            for fswheaderdef in enumerate(self.fswheaderdefns):
                #print "header definition: " + str(fswheaderdef[1])
                fswcoldefn = fswheaderdef[1]
                name = fswcoldefn.name
                #print "name: " + name
                colfmt = str(fswcoldefn.format)
                #print "format: " + colfmt
                colpk = dtype.get(fswcoldefn.type)
                #print "packing: " + str(colpk)
                coltype = fswcoldefn.type
                #print "type: " + coltype
                if isinstance(fswcoldefn.bytes,list):
                   nobytes = fswcoldefn.bytes[1] - fswcoldefn.bytes[0] + 1
                   nobytes = 1
                #print "bytes: " + str(fswcoldefn.bytes)
                #print "nobytes: " + str(nobytes)

                strval = ""
                if str(colpk) == "PrimitiveType('U8')" and nobytes>1:
                    strval = ""
                    for i in range(nobytes):
                        value = colpk.decode(stream.read(1))
                        strval += str(colfmt % value)
                        #print(colfmt % value)
                    value = colpk.decode(stream.read(nobytes))
                    #print(colfmt % value)
                if (str(colpk) != "PrimitiveType('U8')") or (str(colpk) == "PrimitiveType('U8')" and nobytes == 1):
                    strval = str(colfmt % value)
                    #print "strval: " + strval
                if name == "NUMBER_ENTRIES":
                    noentries = strval
                    #print "noentries: " + strval
                if self.name != "keep_out_zones" and self.name != "line_of_sight":
                    # Append the value to table row
                    out += name+': %s\n'     % strval

            if verbose is not None and verbose != 0:
               print out

            size = size - 32

        out = ""

        if self.name.startswith("log_"):
            norows = self.rows
            #print "norows: " + str(norows)
            rowbytes = 0
            items = None
            for coldef in enumerate(self.coldefns):
                fswcoldefn = coldef[1]
                items = fswcoldefn.items
                if isinstance(fswcoldefn.bytes,list):
                   nobytes = fswcoldefn.bytes[1] - fswcoldefn.bytes[0] + 1
                   nobytes = 1
                rowbytes = rowbytes + nobytes
            #print "Row bytes: " + str(rowbytes)
            if items is not None:
                rowbytes = rowbytes * items
                norows = size / rowbytes
                norows = int(noentries)

            #print "norows: " + str(norows)
            #print "items: " + str(items)

        if norows == 0:
           idx = 1
           for i in range(size):
               byte = stream.read(1)
               value = binascii.hexlify(byte)
               if (idx%2) == 0:
                   fswtab_f.write(" ")
               if (idx%16) == 0:
               idx += 1

        for i in range(norows):
           condition = None
           #this is how to step into table definitions
           for coldef in enumerate(self.coldefns):
               #print "column definition: " + str(coldef[1])
               fswcoldefn = coldef[1]
               name = fswcoldefn.name
               #print "name: " + name
               colfmt = str(fswcoldefn.format)
               #print "format: " + colfmt
               colpk = dtype.get(fswcoldefn.type)
               #print "packing: " + str(colpk)
               coltype = fswcoldefn.type
               #print "type: " + coltype
               if isinstance(fswcoldefn.bytes,list):
                  nobytes = fswcoldefn.bytes[1] - fswcoldefn.bytes[0] + 1
                  nobytes = 1
               #print "bytes: " + str(fswcoldefn.bytes)
               #print "nobytes: " + str(nobytes)
               units = fswcoldefn.units
               #print "units: " + units
               enum = fswcoldefn.enum

               items = fswcoldefn.items
               if items is not None:
                   #print "items: " + str(items)
                   for i in range(items):
                      value = colpk.decode(stream.read(nobytes))
                      strval = str(colfmt % value)
                      out += strval + self.delimiter
                   strval = ""
                   if str(colpk) == "PrimitiveType('U8')" and nobytes>1:
                       strval = ""
                       for i in range(nobytes):
                           value = colpk.decode(stream.read(1))
                           if name == "RESERVED":
                           strval += str(colfmt % value)
                           #print(colfmt % value)
                       value = colpk.decode(stream.read(nobytes))
                       #print(colfmt % value)

                   if enum is not None:
                      if enum is not None:
                          for enumkey in enumerate(enum.keys()):
                              #print "enumkey: " + str(enumkey[1]) + ", enumval: " + str(enum[enumkey[1]])
                              if enumkey[1] == value:
                                 strval = str(enum[enumkey[1]])
                      if units != 'none':
                          strval = str(colfmt % value) + " " + units
                          #print "units: " + units
                          if (str(colpk) != "PrimitiveType('U8')") or (str(colpk) == "PrimitiveType('U8')" and nobytes == 1):
                              strval = str(colfmt % value)
                          if self.name == "response" and "CONSTANT" in name and condition > 6:
                              strval = str('%d' % value)
                   #print "strval: " + strval

                   if self.name == "response" and name == "CONDITION_TYPE":
                       #print "value: "+str(value)
                       condition = value
                       #print "condition: "+str(condition)

                   # Append the value to table row
                   if name == "RESERVED":
                   out += strval + self.delimiter

           out = out[:-1] + "\n"
        #print out

        # Once we are done appending all the columns to the row
        # strip off last comma and append a \r
        # Note: Since it is Access, \n alone does not work
Exemple #21
 def type(self, value):
     if type(value) is str and dtype.get(value) is not None:
         self._type = dtype.get(value)
         self._type = value
         log.error("Invalid field type '%s' " % value)
Exemple #22
    def get_historical_tlm_for_packet_fields(self, ait_pkt_id, ait_field_names,
                                             start_millis, end_millis):
        Perform a historical query for a particular AIT packet type
        :param ait_pkt_id: AIT Packet definition Id
        :param ait_field_names: List of field names to include, use None to include all fields
        :param start_millis: Start time, milliseconds since UNIX epoch
        :param end_millis: End time, milliseconds since UNIX epoch
        :return: List of OpenMct measurements that satisfy query

        if not self._database and False:
            return None

        result_list = []

        ait_pkt_def = self._aitTlmDict[ait_pkt_id]
        ait_field_defs = ait_pkt_def.fields

        # Build field names list from tlm dictionary for sorting data query
        field_names = []
        # Build field types list from tlm dictionary for packing data
        field_formats = []

        # Collect the field type information (prolly dont need dtype)
        for i in range(len(ait_field_defs)):
            field_def = ait_field_defs[i]
            # if no request-list or current field is in request list
            if (not ait_field_names) or (field_def.name in ait_field_names):
                field_type = str(field_def.type).split("'")[1]

        # A list with single entry of pkt id
        packet_ids = [ait_pkt_id]

        # Convert unix timestamp to UTC datetime for time range
        start_timestamp_secs = start_millis / 1000.0
        start_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(start_timestamp_secs,
        end_timestamp_secs = end_millis / 1000.0
        end_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(end_timestamp_secs,

        query_args_str = f"Packets = {packet_ids}; Start = {start_date};" \
                         f" End = {end_date}"
        self.dbg_message(f"Query args : {query_args_str}")

        # default response is empty
        res_pkts = list()

        # Query packet and time range from database
            if self._database:
                ait_db_result = self._database.query_packets(

                if ait_db_result.errors is not None:
                    log.error("[OpenMCT] Database query for packets " +
                              str(packet_ids) + " resulted in errors: ")
                    for db_err in ait_db_result.errors:
                        log.error("[OpenMCT] Error: " + str(db_err))
                elif ait_db_result.has_packets:
                    res_pkts = list(ait_db_result.get_packets())

                # Debug result size
                self.dbg_message(f"Number of results for query "
                                 f"{query_args_str} : {len(res_pkts)}")

        except Exception as e:
            log.error("[OpenMCT] Database query failed.  Error: " + str(e))
            return None

        for cur_pkt_time, cur_pkt in res_pkts:

            # Convert datetime to Javascript timestamp (in milliseconds)
            cur_timestamp_sec = datetime.datetime.timestamp(cur_pkt_time)
            unix_timestamp_msec = int(cur_timestamp_sec) * 1000

            # Add a record for each requested field for this timestamp
            for cur_field_name in field_names:
                record = {"timestamp": unix_timestamp_msec}
                record["id"] = DictUtils.create_mct_pkt_id(
                    ait_pkt_id, cur_field_name)
                record["value"] = getattr(cur_pkt, cur_field_name)

        return result_list
Exemple #23
def testgetdtype():
    dt = dtype.get("TIME32")
    assert isinstance(dt, dtype.Time32Type)
    assert dt.name == "TIME32"
    assert dt.pdt == "MSB_U32"
    assert dt.max == 4294967295