Exemple #1
    def talk(self):
        #print("Talking phase: ")
        # If someone has usurpated my role (seer, medium or bodyguard)
        if self.co_flag == True and self.already_co == False:
            talk = cb.comingout(self.id, self.role)
            self.already_co = True

        # If not a WW team player create arguments with other player num_lies
        elif self.role != "WEREWOLF" and self.role != "POSSESSED":
            lie = self.retrieveLies()
            if lie is not None:
                t = lie[0]
                m = lie[1]
                talk = cb.because(m, cb.vote(t))
                talk = cb.skip()

        # If WW team player create arguments with correct accusations (fake_lies)
        elif self.role == "WEREWOLF" or self.role == "POSSESSED":
            lie = self.retrieveLies()
            if lie is not None:
                t = lie[0]
                m = lie[1]
                talk = cb.because(m, cb.vote(t))
                talk = cb.skip()

        return talk
Exemple #2
 def talk(self):
     if not self.isCo and self.day == 1 and random.uniform(0, 1) <= 0.5:
         self.isCo = True
         return cb.COMINGOUT(self.agentIdx, "VILLAGER")
     elif not self.isVote:
         if self.mode == -1:
             return cb.skip()
             self.isVote = True
             return cb.VOTE(self.mode)
     elif not self.isBecause:
         self.isBecause = True
         if self.mode == -1:
             return cb.skip()
             self.isBecause = True
             return cb.BECAUSE(cb.ESTIMATE(self.mode, "WEREWOLF"),
     elif len(self.AGREESentenceQue) >= 1:
         AGREEText = self.AGREESentenceQue.pop()
         return cb.AGREE(AGREEText[0], AGREEText[1], AGREEText[2])
     elif len(self.DISAGREESentenceQue) >= 1:
         DISAGREEText = self.DISAGREESentenceQue.pop()
         return cb.DISAGREE(DISAGREEText[0], DISAGREEText[1],
     elif self.isRequest:
         self.isRequest = True
         if self.mode == -1:
             return cb.skip()
             return cb.REQUEST("ANY", cb.VOTE(self.mode))
         return cb.skip()
Exemple #3
    def talk(self):
        self.talk_turn += 1
        if self.isCo:
            self.isCo = True
            return cb.AND(cb.AGREE(self.agree_co[0], self.agree_co[1], self.agree_co[2]), cb.COMINGOUT(self.agentIdx, self.myrole))
        elif not self.isVote and self.voteop != None:
            self.isVote = True
            return cb.AND(cb.AGREE(self.request_vote_agree[0], self.request_vote_agree[1], self.request_vote_agree[2]), cb.VOTE(self.voteop))
        elif len(self.Agreeque) >= 1:
            AGREEText = self.Agreeque.pop()
            return cb.AGREE(AGREEText[0], AGREEText[1], AGREEText[2])

        elif not self.request_vote and self.talk_turn >= 3:
            for d in self.base_info["statusMap"].items():
                if d[1] == "ALIVE" and d[0] != str(self.agentIdx + 1):
                    return cb.REQUEST(int(d[0]) - 1, cb.REQUEST(self.agentIdx, cb.VOTE("ANY")))
        index = 0
        while True:
            if self.talk_turn <= 3:
                return cb.skip()
            if index == self.playerNum:
                return cb.skip()
            if not self.istalk_vote[index] and self.base_info["statusMap"][str(index + 1)] == "ALIVE":
                self.istalk_vote[index] = True
                return cb.INQUIRE(index, cb.VOTE("ANY"))
                index += 1
            return cb.skip()
Exemple #4
    def talk(self):
        self.talk_step += 1
        if self.co_rate != 2:
            self.co_rate = random.uniform(0, 1)
        if not self.isCo and self.day == 1 and self.co_rate >= 0.3:
            self.isCo = True
            if self.co_rate == 2:
                return cb.AND(
                    cb.AGREE(self.agree_co[0], self.agree_co[1],
                    cb.COMINGOUT(self.agentIdx, "VILLAGER"))
                return cb.COMINGOUT(self.agentIdx, "VILLAGER")

        elif not self.isVote and self.talk_step >= 5:
            lists = []
            for i in range(len(self.vote_list)):
                if self.vote_list[i] != -1:
            self.isVote = True
                self.talk_voteop = mode(lists)
                for d in self.base_info["statusMap"].items():
                    if d[1] == "ALIVE":
                        self.talk_voteop = int(d[0]) - 1
            for i in range(len(self.vote_list)):
                if self.vote_list[i] == self.talk_voteop:
            return cb.VOTE(self.talk_voteop)
        elif len(self.because_list) > 0 and self.isVote:
            agent = self.because_list[0]
            del self.because_list[0]
            return cb.BECAUSE(cb.VOTE2(agent, self.talk_voteop),
        elif len(self.AGREESentenceQue) >= 1:
            AGREEText = self.AGREESentenceQue.pop()
            return cb.AGREE(AGREEText[0], AGREEText[1], AGREEText[2])
        elif len(self.DISAGREESentenceQue) >= 1:
            DISAGREEText = self.DISAGREESentenceQue.pop()
            return cb.DISAGREE(DISAGREEText[0], DISAGREEText[1],
        index = 0
        if self.talk_step >= 5:
            while True:
                if index == self.playerNum:
                    return cb.skip()
                if not self.istalk_vote[
                        index] and index != self.agentIdx and self.base_info[
                            "statusMap"][str(index + 1)] == "ALIVE":
                    self.istalk_vote[index] = True
                    return cb.INQUIRE(index, cb.VOTE("ANY"))
                    index += 1
        return cb.skip()
Exemple #5
    def talk(self):
        if self.co_rate != 2:
            self.co_rate = random.uniform(0, 1)
        if not self.isCo and self.day == 1 and self.co_rate >= 0.5:
            self.isCo = True
            if self.co_rate == 2:
                return cb.AND(
                    cb.AGREE(self.agree_co[0], self.agree_co[1],
                    cb.COMINGOUT(self.agentIdx, "VILLAGER"))
                return cb.COMINGOUT(self.agentIdx, "VILLAGER")
        elif not self.isVote:
            if int(sorted(self.suspicion.items(),
                          key=lambda x: x[1])[-1][1]) == 0:
                return cb.skip()
            self.voteop = int(
                sorted(self.suspicion.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[-1][0])
            if self.old_voteop != self.voteop and self.old_voteop != None:
                return cb.DISAGREE(self.myESTIMATE[0], self.myESTIMATE[1],
            self.isVote = True
            self.old_voteop = self.voteop
            return cb.VOTE(self.voteop)

        elif not self.isBecause:
            if int(sorted(self.suspicion.items(),
                          key=lambda x: x[1])[-1][1]) == 0:
                return cb.skip()
            self.isBecause = True
            return cb.BECAUSE(cb.ESTIMATE(self.voteop, "WEREWOLF"),
        elif not self.isRequestVote:
            if int(sorted(self.suspicion.items(),
                          key=lambda x: x[1])[-1][1]) == 0:
                return cb.skip()
            self.isRequestVote = True
            return cb.REQUEST("ANY", cb.VOTE(self.voteop))
        elif len(self.AGREESentenceQue) >= 1:
            AGREEText = self.AGREESentenceQue.pop()
            return cb.AGREE(AGREEText[0], AGREEText[1], AGREEText[2])
        elif len(self.DISAGREESentenceQue) >= 2:
            DISAGREEText = self.DISAGREESentenceQue.pop()
            return cb.DISAGREE(DISAGREEText[0], DISAGREEText[1],
        index = 0
        while True:
            if index == self.playerNum:
                return cb.skip()
            if not self.CoFlag[index]:
                self.CoFlag[index] = True
                return cb.REQUEST(index, cb.COMINGOUT(index, "ANY"))
                index += 1
        return cb.skip()
Exemple #6
 def __init__(self, game_info, game_setting):
     self.game_info = game_info
     self.idx = game_info["agentIdx"]
     self.game_setting = game_setting
     self.voted = False
     self.requested = False
     self.estimated = False
     self.tar = 1 if self.idx != 1 else 2
     self.hold = 1 if self.idx != 1 else 2
     self.skcnt = 0
     self.talk_cnt = 0
     self.talkQueue = PriorityQueue()
     self.talkQueue.push(Node(0, cb.skip()))
     self.talkQueue.push(Node(0, cb.skip()))
     self.deadlist = []
Exemple #7
    def talk(self):
        self.talk_turn += 1
        if self.base_info["myRole"] == "SEER" and self.comingout == "":
            self.comingout = "SEER"
            return cb.comingout(self.base_info["agentIdx"], self.comingout)
        elif self.base_info["myRole"] == "POSSESSED" and self.comingout == "":
            self.comingout = "SEER"
            return cb.comingout(self.base_info["agentIdx"], self.comingout)

        if self.base_info["myRole"] == "SEER" and self.not_reported:
            self.not_reported = False
            return self.myresult

        elif self.base_info["myRole"] == "POSSESSED" and self.not_reported:
            self.not_reported = False
            return self.myresult

        #declare vote
        if self.vote_declare != self.vote():
            self.vote_declare = self.vote()
            return cb.vote(self.vote_declare)

        if self.talk_turn <= 10:
            return cb.skip()

        return cb.over()
Exemple #8
    def talk(self):
        self.talk_turn += 1

        # 1.comingout anyway
        if self.base_info['myRole'] == 'SEER' and self.comingout == '':
            self.comingout = 'SEER'
            return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
        elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'POSSESSED' and self.comingout == '':
            self.comingout = 'SEER'
            return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)

        # 2.report
        if self.base_info['myRole'] == 'SEER' and self.not_reported:
            self.not_reported = False
            return self.myresult
        elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'POSSESSED' and self.not_reported:
            self.not_reported = False
            # FAKE DIVINE
            # highest prob ww in alive agents
            idx = self.highest(1)
            self.myresult = 'DIVINED Agent[' + \
                "{0:02d}".format(idx) + '] ' + 'HUMAN'
            return self.myresult

        # 3.declare vote if not yet
        if self.vote_declare != self.vote():
            self.vote_declare = self.vote()
            return cb.vote(self.vote_declare)

        # 4. skip
        if self.talk_turn <= 10:
            return cb.skip()

        return cb.over()
 def talk(self):
     self.talk_turn += 1
     # 1.CO
     if self.base_info['myRole'] == 'MEDIUM' and self.comingout == '' \
         and ( self.seer_co_num >= 2 or self.comingoutday <= self.base_info['day']):
         self.comingout = 'MEDIUM'
         return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
     elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'SEER' and self.comingout == '':
         self.comingout = 'SEER'
         return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
     elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'POSSESSED' and self.comingout == '':
         self.comingout = 'SEER'
         return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
     # 2. 結果報告
         if(self.base_info['myRole'] == 'MEDIUM' and self.result_roll != []):
             ident = self.result_roll.pop()
             return cb.comingout(ident[0], ident[1])
     # 3.vote宣言
     if(self.vote_declare != self.vote()):
         self.vote_declare = self.vote()
         return cb.vote(self.vote_declare)
     # 4.発言回数残ってたらskip
     if self.talk_turn <= 10:
         return cb.skip()
     return cb.over()
Exemple #10
 def talk(self):
     if len(self.talkQueue) == 0:
         # print("queue is empty")
         self.skcnt += 1
         return cb.skip()
     txt = self.talkQueue.pop().text
     self.skcnt = 0
     print("txt: " + txt)
     return txt
Exemple #11
 def talk(self):
     if not self.isCo and self.day == 1:
         self.isCo = True
         if self.co_rate == 2:
             return cb.AND(
                 cb.AGREE(self.agree_co[0], self.agree_co[1],
                 cb.COMINGOUT(self.agentIdx, "SEER"))
             return cb.COMINGOUT(self.agentIdx, "SEER")
     elif len(self.AGREESentenceQue) >= 1:
         AGREEText = self.AGREESentenceQue.pop()
         return cb.AGREE(AGREEText[0], AGREEText[1], AGREEText[2])
     elif len(self.DISAGREESentenceQue) >= 2:
         DISAGREEText = self.DISAGREESentenceQue.pop()
         return cb.DISAGREE(DISAGREEText[0], DISAGREEText[1],
     elif not self.isVote:
         self.isVote = True
         self.voteop = int(
             sorted(self.suspicion.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[-1][0])
         return cb.VOTE(self.voteop)
     elif not self.isBecause:
         self.isBecause = True
         return cb.BECAUSE(cb.ESTIMATE(self.voteop, "WEREWOLF"),
     elif not self.isRequestVote:
         self.isRequestVote = True
         return cb.REQUEST("ANY", cb.VOTE(self.voteop))
     elif not self.isDivine:
         self.isDivine = True
         agent, role = self.divineans[0], self.divineans[1]
         self.divineans = None
         return cb.DIVINED(agent, role)
     index = 0
     while True:
         if index == self.playerNum:
             return cb.skip()
         if not self.CoFlag[index]:
             self.CoFlag[index] = True
             return cb.REQUEST(index, cb.COMINGOUT(index, "ANY"))
             index += 1
     return cb.skip()
Exemple #12
 def whisper(self):
     if self.whisper_count == 0:
         self.whisper_count += 1
         return cb.attack(self.atackaction)
     elif self.whisper_count == 1:
         self.whisper_count += 1
         if self.day == 0:
             return cb.comingout(self.index, "WEREWOLF")
             return cb.skip()
     elif self.whisper_count == 2:
         self.whisper_count += 1
         if self.lastatack == None:
             return cb.over()
             return 'ATTACKED Agent[' + "{0:02d}".format(
                 self.lastatack) + ']'
     return cb.skip()
Exemple #13
    def talk(self):
        self.talk_turn += 1

        # vote宣言
        if (self.vote_declare != self.vote()):
            self.vote_declare = self.vote()
            return cb.vote(self.vote_declare)

        # 発言回数残ってたらskip
        if self.talk_turn <= 10:
            return cb.skip()

        return cb.over()
Exemple #14
 def talk(self):
     if not self.isCo and self.day == 1:
         self.isCo = True
         return cb.COMINGOUT(self.agentIdx, "SEER")
     elif not self.isVote:
         if self.mode == -1:
             return cb.skip()
             self.isVote = True
             return cb.VOTE(self.mode)
     elif not self.isBecause:
         if self.mode == -1:
             return cb.skip()
             self.isBecause = True
             return cb.BECAUSE(cb.ESTIMATE(self.mode, "WEREWOLF"), cb.VOTE(self.mode))
     elif len(self.AGREESentenceQue) >= 1:
         AGREEText = self.AGREESentenceQue.pop()
         return cb.AGREE(AGREEText[0], AGREEText[1], AGREEText[2])
     elif len(self.DISAGREESentenceQue) >= 1:
         DISAGREEText = self.DISAGREESentenceQue.pop()
         return cb.DISAGREE(DISAGREEText[0], DISAGREEText[1], DISAGREEText[2])
     elif not self.isRequest:
         if self.mode == -1:
             return cb.skip()
             self.isRequest = True
             return cb.REQUEST("ANY", cb.VOTE(self.mode))
     elif not self.isDivined:
         if self.mode != -1:
             self.isDivined = True
             return cb.DIVINED(self.mode, "WEREWOLF")
             return cb.skip()
         return cb.skip()
Exemple #15
    def talk(self):
        self.talk_turn += 1
        if self.game_setting['playerNum'] == 15:
            if self.base_info['myRole'] == 'SEER' and self.comingout == '':
                #self.comingout = 'SEER'
                #return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
            elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'MEDIUM' and self.comingout == '':
                self.comingout = 'MEDIUM'
                return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
            elif self.base_info[
                    'myRole'] == 'POSSESSED' and self.comingout == '':
                #self.comingout = 'SEER'
                #return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)

            elif self.base_info[
                    'myRole'] == 'WEREWOLF' and self.comingout == '':
                self.comingout = 'SEER'
                alive_list = []
                for i in range(1, self.game_setting['playerNum'] + 1):
                    if i == self.base_info['agentIdx']:
                    elif self.base_info['statusMap'][str(i)] == 'ALIVE':
                return cb.comingout(random.choice(alive_list), self.comingout)
            if self.base_info['myRole'] == 'SEER' and self.comingout == '':
                #self.comingout = 'SEER'
                return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
            elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'MEDIUM' and self.comingout == '':
                self.comingout = 'MEDIUM'
                return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
            elif self.base_info[
                    'myRole'] == 'POSSESSED' and self.comingout == '':
                #self.comingout = 'SEER'
                #return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
            elif self.talk_turn <= 2:
                return cb.skip()

        return cb.over()
Exemple #16
    def talk(self):

        if self.talk_turn == 5:
            cand = self.rfestimator.decide_action("vote")
            return util.list2protocol(cand, "VOTE OR")

        # 何もなければOver
        if self.talk_turn < 5:
            return cb.skip()
        return cb.over()
Exemple #17
    def talk(self):
        self.talk_turn += 1

        # 1.comingout anyway
        if self.base_info['myRole'] == 'SEER' and self.comingout == '':
            self.comingout = 'SEER'
            return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
        elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'POSSESSED' and self.comingout == '':
            self.comingout = 'SEER'
            return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)

        # 2.report
        if self.base_info['myRole'] == 'SEER' and self.not_reported:
            self.not_reported = False
            return self.myresult
        elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'POSSESSED' and self.not_reported:
            self.not_reported = False
            # FAKE DIVINE
            # highest prob ww in alive agents
            p = -1
            idx = 1
            p0_mat = self.predicter_5.ret_pred_wx(2)
            for i in range(1, 6):
                p0 = p0_mat[i-1, 1]
                if self.base_info['statusMap'][str(i)] == 'ALIVE' and p0 > p:
                    p = p0
                    idx = i
            self.myresult = 'DIVINED Agent[' + \
                "{0:02d}".format(idx) + '] ' + 'HUMAN'
            return self.myresult

        # 3.declare vote if not yet
        if self.vote_declare != self.vote():
            self.vote_declare = self.vote()
            return cb.vote(self.vote_declare)

        # 4. skip
        if self.talk_turn <= 10:
            return cb.skip()

        return cb.over()
Exemple #18
    def talk(self):
        # 時間計測
        start = time.time()
        self.talk_turn += 1
        tSkip_num = random.randint(1, 10)

        # 1日目(SEER or POSSESSEDならCOしみてる)
        if self.base_info['day'] == 1 and self.talk_turn == 1 and not(self.co):
            if self.base_info['myRole'] == 'SEER' or self.base_info['myRole'] == 'POSSESSED':
                if time.time()-start >= 0.1:
                    print("over talk time")
                # print("SEERでカミングアウトして見た :" + self.base_info['myRole'])
                self.co = True
                return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], 'SEER')

        # 役持ち村人の時,偽物がCOしてたら自分も名乗り出る
        if not(self.co) and self.role_villager and len(self.comingout[self.base_info['myRole']]) >= 1:
            # print("偽物が名乗り出たのでCOしました")
            self.co = True
            return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.base_info['myRole'])
        # 数ターン様子を見てみる
        if self.talk_turn < tSkip_num:
            if time.time()-start >= 0.1:
                print("over talk time")
            return cb.skip()

        # 占い結果が出た時に伝える(skipを何回かしてみる)
        if self.base_info['myRole'] == 'SEER' and self.seer_flag:
            self.seer_flag = False
            # print("占い結果報告")
            # print('Agent' + str(self.seer_divined_id) + 'が' + self.seer_divined_role)
            # print("----------------------------------")
            return cb.divined(self.seer_divined_id,self.seer_divined_role)
        if time.time()-start >= 0.1:
            print("over talk time")
        return cb.over()
Exemple #19
 def talk(self):
     self.talk_turn += 1
     # 1.CO
     if(self.base_info['myRole'] == 'MEDIUM' and self.comingout == '' \
         and ( self.seer_co_num >= 2 or self.comingoutday <= self.base_info['day'])):
         self.comingout = 'MEDIUM'
         return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
     elif(self.base_info['myRole'] == 'SEER' and self.comingout == ''):
         self.comingout = 'SEER'
         return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
     elif(self.base_info['myRole'] == 'POSSESS' and self.comingout == '' \
          and (self.possess_justco == 1 or self.seer_co_num >= 1)):
         self.comingout = 'SEER'
         return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
     # 2. 結果報告
         if(self.base_info['myRole'] == 'MEDIUM' and self.result_roll != []):
             ident = self.result_roll.pop()
             return cb.identified(ident[0], ident[1])
         elif(self.base_info['myRole'] == 'SEER' and self.result_roll != []):
             divination = self.result_roll.pop()
             return cb.divination(divination[0], divination[1])
     if(self.base_info['myRole'] == 'POSSESS' and self.comingout != ''):
         # self.possess_justcoこれ使ってるけどco関係なくてただの欄数が欲しいだけ
         # idx = chainer_predict.estimate_wolf(self.info, self.base_info)
         idx = random.shuffle(range(len(self.base_info['agentIdx']))+1)
         if(self.possess_justco == 1 and idx != -1):
             possess_div = []
             for i in range(1,len(self.base_info['statusMap'])+1):
                 if((i not in idx) and (i not in self.voted_list)):
             div = random.choice(possess_div)
             species = random.choice(['HUMAN','WEREWOLF'])
             if(species == 'WEREWOLF'):
             return cb.divination(div, species)
             not_vote_list = []
             for i in idx:
                 if(i not in self.voted_list):
             voted = random.choice(not_vote_list)
             return cb.divination(voted, 'HUMAN')
     # 3.vote宣言
     # 狂人は黒判定した奴に投票
     if(self.base_info['myRole'] == 'POSSESS' and self.possess_wolf != []):
         return cb.vote(random.choice(self.possess_wolf))
     elif(self.vote_declare != self.vote()):
         self.vote_declare = self.vote()
         return cb.vote(self.vote_declare)
     # 4.発言回数残ってたらskip
     if self.talk_turn <= 10:
         return cb.skip()
     return cb.over()
Exemple #20
    def talk(self):

        self.talkCount += 1

        return cb.skip()
Exemple #21
    def talk(self):
        if self.game_setting['playerNum'] == 15:

            self.talk_turn += 1

            # 1.comingout anyway
            if self.base_info['myRole'] == 'SEER' and self.comingout == '':
                self.comingout = 'SEER'
                return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
            elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'MEDIUM' and self.comingout == '':
                self.comingout = 'MEDIUM'
                return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)

            elif self.base_info[
                    'myRole'] == 'POSSESSED' and self.comingout == '':
                if self.predicter_15.num_seer() < 2 and rand() < 0.5:
                    self.comingout = 'SEER'
                    return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'],

            elif self.base_info[
                    'myRole'] == 'WEREWOLF' and self.comingout == '' and self.base_info[
                        "day"] < 4:
                if self.predicter_15.num_seer() < 2 and rand(
                ) < 0.1 and self.base_info["day"] == 2:
                    self.comingout = 'SEER'
                    return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'],
                elif self.predicter_15.num_seer(
                ) > 1 and self.predicter_15.num_medium() < 2 and rand() < 0.1:
                    self.comingout = 'MEDIUM'
                    return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'],
            # 2.report
            if self.base_info['myRole'] == 'SEER' and self.not_reported:
                self.not_reported = False
                return self.myresult
            elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'MEDIUM' and self.not_reported:
                self.not_reported = False
                return self.myresult
            elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'POSSESSED' and self.not_reported:
                self.not_reported = False
                # FAKE
                if self.comingout == 'SEER':
                    return self.possessed_seer_result()
                elif self.comingout == 'MEDIUM':
                    return self.fake_medium_result()

            elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'WEREWOLF' and self.not_reported:
                self.not_reported = False
                # FAKE
                if self.comingout == 'SEER':
                    return self.werewolf_seer_result()
                elif self.comingout == 'MEDIUM':
                    return self.fake_medium_result()
            # 3.declare vote if not yet
            if self.vote_declare != self.vote():
                self.vote_declare = self.vote()
                return cb.vote(self.vote_declare)

            # 4. skip
            if self.talk_turn <= 10:
                return cb.skip()

            return cb.over()
            self.talk_turn += 1

            # 1.comingout anyway
            if self.base_info['myRole'] == 'SEER' and self.comingout == '':
                self.comingout = 'SEER'
                return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
            elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'MEDIUM' and self.comingout == '':
                self.comingout = 'MEDIUM'
                return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
            elif self.base_info[
                    'myRole'] == 'POSSESSED' and self.comingout == '':
                self.comingout = 'WEREWOLF'
                return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)

            # 2.report
            if self.base_info['myRole'] == 'SEER' and self.not_reported:
                self.not_reported = False
                return self.myresult
            elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'MEDIUM' and self.not_reported:
                self.not_reported = False
                return self.myresult
            elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'POSSESSED' and self.not_reported:
                self.not_reported = False
                # FAKE DIVINE
                # highest prob ww in alive agents

                #return self.fake_seer()

            # 3.declare vote if not yet
            if self.vote_declare != self.vote():
                self.vote_declare = self.vote()
                return cb.vote(self.vote_declare)

            # 4. skip
            if self.talk_turn <= 10:
                return cb.skip()

            return cb.over()
Exemple #22
 def whisper(self):
     return cb.skip()
Exemple #23
    def talk(self):
        #if (time.time() - self.start) >= 0.8:
        #print("time out")
        #return cb.over()
        if not self.islearn:
            return cb.over()

        if self.action_flag:
            if self.role == "VILLAGER":
                if self.talk_count == 0:
                    self.talk_count += 1
                    return cb.estimate(self.action[0], "WEREWOLF")
                    #return 'ESTIMATET Agent[' + "{0:02d}".format(self.action[0]) + '] ' + "WEREWOLF"
                elif self.talk_count == 1:
                    self.talk_count += 1
                    return cb.vote(self.action[0])
                    #return 'VOTE Agent[' + "{0:02d}".format(self.action[0]) + ']'
                elif self.talk_count == 2:
                    self.talk_count += 1
                    if self.day <= 3:
                        return cb.skip()
                    return cb.comingout(self.action[0], "WEREWOLF")
                    #return 'COMMINGOUT Agent[' + "{0:02d}".format(self.action[0]) + '] ' + "WEREWOLF"
                elif self.talk_count == 3:
                    self.talk_count += 1
                    if len(self.action) >= 2:
                        return cb.estimate(self.action[1], "WEREWOLF")
                    #return 'ESTIMATET Agent[' + "{0:02d}".format(self.action[1]) + '] ' + "WEREWOLF"
                elif self.talk_count == 4:
                    self.talk_count += 1
                    if len(self.action) >= 3:
                        return cb.comingout(self.action[-1], "VILLAGER")
                    #return 'COMMINGOUT Agent[' + "{0:02d}".format(self.action[2]) + '] ' + "HUMAN"
                elif self.talk_count == 5:
                    self.talk_count += 1
                    if len(self.action) >= 4:
                        return cb.estimate(self.action[-2], "VILLAGER")
                    #return 'ESTIMATET Agent[' + "{0:02d}".format(self.action[3]) + '] ' + "HUMAN"
                elif self.talk_count == 6:
                    self.talk_count += 1
                    self.action_flag = False
                    return cb.over()

            elif self.role == "WEREWOLF":
                if self.talk_count == 0:
                    self.talk_count += 1
                    if len(self.action) >= 4:
                        return cb.estimate(self.action[-1], "WEREWOLF")
                    #return 'ESTIMATET Agent[' + "{0:02d}".format(self.action[0]) + '] ' + "WEREWOLF"
                elif self.talk_count == 1:
                    self.talk_count += 1
                    if len(self.action) >= 4:
                        return cb.vote(self.action[-1])
                    #return 'VOTE Agent[' + "{0:02d}".format(self.action[0]) + ']'
                elif self.talk_count == 2:
                    self.talk_count += 1
                    if self.day <= 3:
                        return cb.skip()
                    if len(self.action) >= 4:
                        return cb.comingout(self.action[-1], "WEREWOLF")
                    #return 'COMMINGOUT Agent[' + "{0:02d}".format(self.action[0]) + '] ' + "WEREWOLF"
                elif self.talk_count == 3:
                    self.talk_count += 1
                    if len(self.action) >= 3:
                        return cb.estimate(self.action[-2], "WEREWOLF")
                    #return 'ESTIMATET Agent[' + "{0:02d}".format(self.action[1]) + '] ' + "WEREWOLF"
                elif self.talk_count == 4:
                    self.talk_count += 1
                    if self.day <= 3:
                        return cb.skip()
                    return cb.comingout(self.action[1], "VILLAGER")
                    #return 'COMMINGOUT Agent[' + "{0:02d}".format(self.action[2]) + '] ' + "HUMAN"
                elif self.talk_count == 5:
                    self.talk_count += 1
                    if len(self.action) >= 3:
                        return cb.estimate(self.action[2], "VILLAGER")
                    #return 'ESTIMATET Agent[' + "{0:02d}".format(self.action[3]) + '] ' + "HUMAN"
                elif self.talk_count == 6:
                    self.talk_count += 1
                    self.action_flag = False
                    return cb.over()
        return cb.skip()
Exemple #24
    def update(self, game_info, history, request, breakdown):
        self.game_info = game_info
        if request == "DAILY_INITIALIZE":
            self.talkQueue.push(Node(0, cb.skip()))
            self.talkQueue.push(Node(0, cb.skip()))
            self.voted = False
            self.estimated = False
            self.requested = False
            self.talk_cnt = 0
            self.skcnt = 0
            # print("reset flags")
        for i in range(history.shape[0]):
            if history.type[i] == "talk":
                text = history.text[i].split()
                if text[0] == "COMINGOUT":
                    # Coming out時の処理
                    idx = self.getAgentIdx(text[1])
                    role = text[2]
                    breakdown.updateCo(idx, role)
                    print("co " + str(idx) + " " + text[2])

                elif text[0] == "DIVINED":
                    # 占い結果の処理
                    src = int(history.agent[i])
                    dst = self.getAgentIdx(text[1])
                    species = text[2]
                    breakdown.updateDivined(src, dst, species)
                    print("divine " + str(src) + " " + text[2] + " " +

                elif text[0] == "ESTIMATE":
                    # 推測時の処理
                    src = int(history.agent[i])
                    dst = self.getAgentIdx(text[1])
                    species = text[2]
                    print("estimate " + str(src) + " " + text[2] + " " +

                elif text[0] == "VOTE":
                    # 投票宣言の処理
                    src = int(history.agent[i])
                    dst = self.getAgentIdx(text[1])
                    print("vote " + str(src) + " -> " + str(dst))

                elif re.match("REQUEST", text[0]):
                    # リクエストの処理

            elif history.type[i] == "vote":
                # 投票時の処理
                src = int(history.idx[i])
                dst = int(history.agent[i])
                print("agent " + str(src) + " voted agent " + str(dst))
                breakdown.updateVote(src, dst)

            elif history.type[i] == "execute":
                # 処刑時の処理
                idx = int(history.agent[i])
                print("agent " + str(idx) + " executed")

            elif history.type[i] == "dead":
                # 人狼襲撃時の処理
                idx = int(history.agent[i])
                print("agent " + str(idx) + " attacked")

        if request != "DAILY_INITIALIZE":
Exemple #25
    def talk(self):

        if self.game_setting['playerNum'] == 15:

            self.talk_turn += 1

            # 1.comingout anyway
            if self.base_info['myRole'] == 'SEER' and self.comingout == '':
                self.comingout = 'SEER'
                return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
            elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'MEDIUM' and self.comingout == '':
                self.comingout = 'MEDIUM'
                return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
            elif self.base_info[
                    'myRole'] == 'POSSESSED' and self.comingout == '':
                if np.random.rand() < 0.5:
                    self.comingout = 'SEER'
                    self.pretend_seer = True
                    self.comingout = 'MEDIUM'
                    self.pretend_medium = True
                return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)

            # 1.2 ww pretend seer
            elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'WEREWOLF':
                if self.pretend_seer and self.base_info[
                        'day'] == 1 and self.talk_turn <= 1:
                    self.comingout = 'SEER'
                # 毎日、毎ターン霊媒師だと訴え続ける
                elif self.pretend_medium:
                    self.comingout = 'MEDIUM'
                return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)

            # 1.3 pp
            # if self.base_info['statusMap'].values().count('ALIVE') == 4:
            #     if self.base_info['myRole']

            # 2.report
            if self.base_info['myRole'] == 'SEER' and self.not_reported:
                self.not_reported = False
                return self.myresult
            elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'MEDIUM' and self.not_reported:
                self.not_reported = False
                return self.myresult
            elif self.pretend_seer and self.not_reported:
                self.not_reported = False
                # FAKE DIVINE
                # highest prob ww in alive agents
                p = -1
                idx = 1
                p0_mat = self.predicter_15.ret_pred()
                for i in range(1, 16):
                    p0 = p0_mat[i - 1, 1]
                    if self.base_info['statusMap'][str(
                            i)] == 'ALIVE' and p0 > p:
                        p = p0
                        idx = i
                self.myresult = 'DIVINED Agent[' + "{0:02d}".format(
                    idx) + '] ' + 'HUMAN'
                return self.myresult

            # 3.declare vote if not yet
            if self.vote < 0.3:
                return cb.skip()
            if self.vote_declare != self.vote():
                if self.estimated:
                    self.vote_declare = self.vote()
                    return cb.vote(self.vote_declare)
                    self.estimated = True
                    if self.base_info['myRole'] not in [
                            'WEREWOLF', 'POSSESSED'
                        return cb.estimate(self.vote(), 'WEREWOLF')
                        tmp_myRole, self.base_info['myRole'] = self.base_info[
                            'myRole'], 'VILLAGER'
                        fake_vote = self.vote()
                        self.base_info['myRole'] = tmp_myRole
                        return cb.estimate(fake_vote, 'WEREWOLF')

            # 4. skip
            if self.talk_turn <= 10:
                return cb.skip()

            return cb.over()
            self.talk_turn += 1

            # 1.comingout anyway
            if self.base_info['myRole'] == 'SEER' and self.comingout == '':
                self.comingout = 'SEER'
                return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
            # elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'MEDIUM' and self.comingout == '':
            #     self.comingout = 'MEDIUM'
            # return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
            elif self.base_info[
                    'myRole'] == 'POSSESSED' and self.comingout == '':
                self.comingout = 'SEER'
                return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)

            # 1.2 PP sonoda added
            if self.base_info["day"] == 2 and self.base_info[
                    'myRole'] == 'POSSESSED':
                self.comingout = 'POSSESSED'
                return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)

            # 1.3 PP-Block
            if self.base_info['day'] == 2 and self.base_info[
                    'myRole'] == 'VILLAGER' and self.try_pp_block:
                self.comingout = 'WEREWOLF'
                return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)

            # 2.report
            if self.base_info['myRole'] == 'SEER' and self.not_reported:
                self.not_reported = False
                return self.myresult
            elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'MEDIUM' and self.not_reported:
                self.not_reported = False
                return self.myresult
            elif self.base_info['myRole'] == 'POSSESSED' and self.not_reported:
                self.not_reported = False
                # FAKE DIVINE
                # highest prob ww in alive agents
                p = -1
                idx = 1
                p0_mat = self.predicter_5.ret_pred_wx(2)
                for i in range(1, 6):
                    p0 = p0_mat[i - 1, 1]
                    if self.base_info['statusMap'][str(
                            i)] == 'ALIVE' and p0 > p:
                        p = p0
                        idx = i
                self.myresult = 'DIVINED Agent[' + "{0:02d}".format(
                    idx) + '] ' + 'HUMAN'
                return self.myresult

            # 3.declare vote if not yet
            if self.vote_declare != self.vote():
                self.vote_declare = self.vote()
                return cb.vote(self.vote_declare)

            # 4. skip
            if self.talk_turn <= 10:
                return cb.skip()

            return cb.over()
Exemple #26
    def whisper(self):
        self.whisper_turn += 1

        if self.role_decision == 0:
            # 0 日目 1 ターン目に "SEER" を宣言する
            if self.base_info["day"] == 0:
                if self.whisper_turn == 1:
                    return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], 'SEER')
                if self.whisper_turn == 2:
                    #1 ターン目に whisper の中で仲間の人狼が SEER CO をしていた場合
                    if len(self.W_COs) >= 2 or len(self.W_COm) >= 1:
                        self.stealth = 1
                        return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'],
                        return cb.skip()
                if self.whisper_turn >= 3:
                    return cb.skip()
                #return cb.over()
                return cb.skip()

        if self.role_decision == 1:
            # 0 日目 1 ターン目に ステルス挙動 を宣言する
            if self.base_info["day"] == 0:
                if self.whisper_turn == 1:
                    return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], 'VILLAGER')
                if self.whisper_turn >= 2:
                    return cb.skip()
                #return cb.over()
                return cb.skip()

        if self.role_decision == 2:
            # 0 日目 1 ターン目に "MEDIUM" を宣言する
            if self.base_info["day"] == 0:
                if self.whisper_turn == 1:
                    return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], 'MEDIUM')
                if self.whisper_turn == 2:
                    #1 ターン目に whisper の中で仲間の人狼が MEDIUM CO をしていた場合
                    if len(self.W_COm) >= 2 or len(self.W_COs) >= 1:
                        self.stealth = 1
                        return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'],
                if self.whisper_turn >= 3:
                    return cb.skip()
                #return cb.over()
                return cb.skip()

        # 1 日目以降, 1 ターン目に "ATTACK" する対象を宣言する
        if self.base_info["day"] >= 1:
            if self.whisper_turn == 1:
                return cb.attack(self.attack())
                #return cb.over()
                return cb.skip()

        #return cb.over()
        return cb.skip()
Exemple #27
 def whisper(self):
     if self.base_info['day'] == 0:
         return cb.comingout(self.base_info['agentIdx'], self.comingout)
     return cb.skip()