def wall_time_parsed(args): if not args.list and not (args.resource and args.appkernel and args.nodes and args.walltime): parser.error( 'Please provide a resource, app, node count and wall time.') exit(1) listing = args.list resource = args.resource app = args.appkernel nodes = args.nodes walltime = args.walltime comments = args.comments node_list = [node.strip() for node in nodes.split(',')] if ',' in nodes else list(nodes) for nodes in node_list: data = { 'resource_params': "{'nnodes':%d}" % (int(nodes),) if nodes else "{}", 'app_param':'{}', 'walltime': walltime, 'comments':comments } try: result = '/walltime/%s/%s'%(resource,app), data=data) if not listing else \ akrrrestclient.get( '/walltime/%s/%s'%(resource,app), data=data) if result.status_code == 200: if not listing:'Successfully updated wall time (resource %s: application kernel: %s nodes: %d).'%(resource,app,nodes)) else: 'Successfully queried walltime records. \n{0}', result.text) else: log.error('something went wrong. {0}:{1}', result.status_code, result.text) except StandardError, e: import traceback log.error(''' An error occured while communicating with the REST API. {0}: {1} '''.strip(), e.args[0] if len(e.args) > 0 else '', e.args[1] if len(e.args) > 1 else '') print traceback.print_exc()
def retrieve_tasks(resource, application): """ Retrieve the list of currently scheduled tasks ( resource / application pairings ) from mod_akrr. :type resource str :type application str :param resource: filter the results by the provided resource :param application: filter the results by the provided application :return: a dict representation of the mod_akrr.SCHEDULEDTASKS table """ data = { 'application': application, 'resource': resource } try: akrrrestclient.get_token() except StandardError: log.error(''' An error occured while attempting to retrieve a token from the REST API. ''') try: result = akrrrestclient.get( '/scheduled_tasks', data=data) if result.status_code == 200:'Successfully Completed Task Retrieval.\n{0}', result.text) else: log.error( 'something went wrong. {0}:{1}', result.status_code, result.text) return result except StandardError, e: log.error(''' An error occured while communicating with the REST API. {0}: {1} ''', e.args[0] if len(e.args) > 0 else '', e.args[1] if len(e.args) > 1 else '')
def process_request(request): method = request[0] url = request[1] if method not in RESTCompleter.keywords: raise AssertionError("Invalid method. Please provide a valid method to continue.") if len(url) < 1: raise AssertionError("Must supply a url.") akrrrestclient.get_token() if method == "GET": return akrrrestclient.get(url) elif method == "PUT": return akrrrestclient.put(url) elif method == "POST": return elif method == "DELETE": return akrrrestclient.delete(url)
def process_request(request): method = request[0] url = request[1] if method not in RESTCompleter.keywords: raise AssertionError( "Invalid method. Please provide a valid method to continue.") if len(url) < 1: raise AssertionError("Must supply a url.") akrrrestclient.get_token() if method == 'GET': return akrrrestclient.get(url) elif method == 'PUT': return akrrrestclient.put(url) elif method == 'POST': return elif method == 'DELETE': return akrrrestclient.delete(url)
logerr("App.signature calculator is not working\n"+ "See full error report below",out) exit() #close connection we don't need it any more rsh.close(force=True) del rsh ############################################################################################### #send test job to queue log("#"*80) log("Will send test job to queue, wait till it executed and will analyze the output") print "Will use AKRR REST API at",akrrrestclient.restapi_host #get check connection try: r = akrrrestclient.get('/scheduled_tasks') if r.status_code!=200: logerr("Can not get token for AKRR REST API ( """+akrrrestclient.restapi_host+" )\n"+ "See server response below",json.dumps(r.json(),indent=4)) exit() except Exception,e: logerr("Can not connect to AKRR REST API ( """+akrrrestclient.restapi_host+" )\n"+ "Is it running?\n"+ "See full error report below",traceback.format_exc()) exit() #check if the test job is already submitted task_id=None test_job_lock_filename=os.path.join(akrr.data_dir,resource_name+"_test_task.dat") if os.path.isfile(test_job_lock_filename): fin=open(test_job_lock_filename,"r")