Exemple #1
def auto_sync_toggled(auto_button, time_button):
    active = auto_button.get_active()
    if active:
        (hours, minutes) = time_button.get_time()
        event = alarm.Event()
        event.appid = "erminig"
        event.title = "Synchronization with erminig"
        #event.flags |= alarm.EVENT_RUN_DELAYED
        action = event.add_actions(1)[0]
        action.flags |= alarm.ACTION_WHEN_TRIGGERED | alarm.ACTION_WHEN_DELAYED | alarm.ACTION_TYPE_EXEC
        action.command = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) + " -a -d"
        recur = event.add_recurrences(1)[0]
        # let's see what this does...
        recur.mask_min = 1 << minutes
        recur.mask_hour = 1 << hours
        # initialize alarm time to somewhere in the future
        event.alarm_time = time.time() + 5
        # lt = time.localtime(time.time() + 5)
        # tz = time.tzname[lt.tm_isdst]
        # event.alarm_time = time.mktime(recur.next(lt, tz))
        event.recurrences_left = -1
        sync_id = alarm.add_event(event)
        auto_sync_update_synctime(hours, minutes)
        dblayer.run("DELETE FROM Prefs where name='auto_sync_id'")
Exemple #2
def auto_sync_toggled(auto_button, time_button):
	active = auto_button.get_active()
	if active:
		(hours, minutes) = time_button.get_time()
		event = alarm.Event()
		event.appid = "erminig"
		event.title = "Synchronization with erminig"
		#event.flags |= alarm.EVENT_RUN_DELAYED
		action = event.add_actions(1)[0]
		action.command = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) + " -a -d"
		recur = event.add_recurrences(1)[0]
		# let's see what this does...
		recur.mask_min = 1 << minutes
		recur.mask_hour = 1 << hours
		# initialize alarm time to somewhere in the future
		event.alarm_time = time.time() + 5
		# lt = time.localtime(time.time() + 5)
		# tz = time.tzname[lt.tm_isdst]
		# event.alarm_time = time.mktime(recur.next(lt, tz))
		event.recurrences_left = -1
		auto_sync_update_synctime(hours, minutes)
		dblayer.run("DELETE FROM Prefs where name='auto_sync_id'")
    def testExecuteCommand(self):
        '''Execute a command through alarm activation'''

        action = self.event.add_actions(1)[0]
        action.flags |= alarm.ACTION_WHEN_TRIGGERED | alarm.ACTION_TYPE_EXEC
        action.command = 'touch /tmp/alarm.txt'

        self.cookie = alarm.add_event(self.event)


def main():
    event = alarm.Event()
    event.appid = 'simple_recurrence'
    event.message = 'Example Recurring Message'

    event.alarm_time = time() + 5

    action = event.add_actions(1)[0]

    action.flags |= alarm.ACTION_WHEN_RESPONDED | alarm.ACTION_TYPE_NOP
    action.label = 'Stop'

    recurrence = event.add_recurrences(1)[0]

    recurrence.mask_min |= alarm.RECUR_MIN_ALL
    recurrence.mask_hour |= alarm.RECUR_HOUR_DONTCARE
    recurrence.mask_mday |= alarm.RECUR_MDAY_DONTCARE
    recurrence.mask_wday |= alarm.RECUR_WDAY_DONTCARE
    recurrence.mask_mon |= alarm.RECUR_MON_DONTCARE
    recurrence.special |= alarm.RECUR_SPECIAL_NONE

    event.recurrences_left = 5

    print alarm.add_event(event)
def add_two_button_alarm():
    event = alarm.Event()
    event.appid = 'myappid'
    event.message = 'Example Message'

    event.alarm_time = time() + 10

    action_stop, action_snooze = event.add_actions(2)
    action_stop.label = 'Stop'
    action_stop.flags |= alarm.ACTION_WHEN_RESPONDED | alarm.ACTION_TYPE_NOP

    action_snooze.label = 'Snooze'
    action_snooze.flags |= alarm.ACTION_WHEN_RESPONDED | alarm.ACTION_TYPE_SNOOZE

    print event.is_sane()

    cookie = alarm.add_event(event)

    return cookie
    def testSimple(self):
        '''Simple DBus call through alarm'''

        event = alarm.Event()
        event.appid = 'dbus-alarm-test'
        event.alarm_time = time.time() + 2

        action = event.add_actions(1)[0]
        action.flags |= alarm.ACTION_WHEN_TRIGGERED | alarm.ACTION_TYPE_DBUS

        action.dbus_service = 'org.foobar.Dummy'
        action.dbus_path = '/SomeObject'
        action.dbus_interface = 'org.foobar.Dummy'
        action.dbus_name = 'CallMe'

        self.cookie = alarm.add_event(event)


    def testCreateDelete(self):
        '''General lifecycle of an Event: Add, Retrieve, Update, Delete'''
        event = alarm.Event()
        appid = 'aaaa'
        event.appid = appid
        action = event.add_actions(1)[0]
        action.flags |= alarm.ACTION_WHEN_TRIGGERED | alarm.ACTION_TYPE_SNOOZE

        cookie = alarm.add_event(event)

        # Compare with 'cookie', as event.cookie is still 0 after adding
        event2 = alarm.get_event(cookie)
        self.assertEqual(cookie, event2.cookie)
        self.assertEqual(appid, event2.appid)

        event2.alarm_time = time() + 3

        self.assertRaises(IndexError, alarm.get_event, cookie)
	def _set_alarm(self, recurrenceMins):
		assert 1 <= recurrenceMins, "Notifications set to occur too frequently: %d" % recurrenceMins
		alarmTime = _get_start_time(recurrenceMins)

		event = alarm.Event()
		event.appid = self._TITLE
		event.alarm_time = alarmTime
		event.recurrences_left = self._REPEAT_FOREVER

		action = event.add_actions(1)[0]
		action.flags |= alarm.ACTION_TYPE_EXEC | alarm.ACTION_WHEN_TRIGGERED
		action.command = self._launcher

		recurrence = event.add_recurrences(1)[0]
		recurrence.mask_min |= _create_recurrence_mask(recurrenceMins, 60)
		recurrence.mask_hour |= alarm.RECUR_HOUR_DONTCARE
		recurrence.mask_mday |= alarm.RECUR_MDAY_DONTCARE
		recurrence.mask_wday |= alarm.RECUR_WDAY_DONTCARE
		recurrence.mask_mon |= alarm.RECUR_MON_DONTCARE
		recurrence.special |= alarm.RECUR_SPECIAL_NONE

		assert event.is_sane()
		self._alarmCookie = alarm.add_event(event)
Exemple #9
def new_alarm(input):
	event = alarm.Event()
	event.appid = 'saera'
	event.message = 'Wake Up'

	time = datetime.datetime.today()
	words, has_nums = parse_to_nums(input.lower().split())
	day_identifier = [i for i in words if i in weekdays]
	if "after tomorrow" in input.lower():
		time = time+datetime.timedelta(days=2)
	elif 'tomorrow' in words:
		time = time+datetime.timedelta(days=1)
	elif day_identifier:
		day = weekdays.index(day_identifier[0])
		print day
		time = time+datetime.timedelta(days=(day-time.weekday())%7)
	hour = [i for i in words if i in times]
	if hour:
		time = time.replace(hour=times[hour[0]],minute=0,second=0,microsecond=0)
	hour = False
	minute = 0
	pmam = False
	bell = False
	for i in words:
		if hasattr(i, '__int__'):
			if type(hour)==bool and not hour:
				hour = i
			elif not minute:
				minute = i
		if i in bells:
			bell = True
			minute = bells[i]
		elif bell:
			if i in ['as', 'past', 'after']:
			elif i in ['to', 'told', 'til', 'till', 'of']:
					minute = -minute
			bell = False
		elif pmam:
			if i=='m.':
				if pmam=='pm':
					hour = hour%12+12
				elif pmam=='am':
					hour = hour%12
			pmam = False
		elif i in ['p.', 'a.']:
			pmam = {'p.':'pm','a.':'am'}[i]
	if minute<0:
		minute = 60+minute
	if type(hour)==bool:
		hour = time.hour
	time = time.replace(hour=hour,minute=minute,second=0,microsecond=0)

	event.alarm_time = float(time.strftime("%s"))

	action_stop, action_snooze = event.add_actions(2)
	action_stop.label = 'Stop'
	action_stop.flags |= alarm.ACTION_WHEN_RESPONDED | alarm.ACTION_TYPE_NOP

	action_snooze.label = 'Snooze'
	action_snooze.flags |= alarm.ACTION_WHEN_RESPONDED | alarm.ACTION_TYPE_SNOOZE

	print event.is_sane()

	cookie = alarm.add_event(event)

	return "Okay, I set your alarm for "+time.strftime("%I:%M %P"), None
Exemple #10
def new_alarm(input):
    event = alarm.Event()
    event.appid = 'saera'
    event.message = 'Wake Up'

    time = datetime.datetime.today()
    words, has_nums = parse_to_nums(input.lower().split())
    day_identifier = [i for i in words if i in weekdays]
    if "after tomorrow" in input.lower():
        time = time + datetime.timedelta(days=2)
    elif 'tomorrow' in words:
        time = time + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    elif day_identifier:
        day = weekdays.index(day_identifier[0])
        print day
        time = time + datetime.timedelta(days=(day - time.weekday()) % 7)
    hour = [i for i in words if i in times]
    if hour:
        time = time.replace(hour=times[hour[0]],
    hour = False
    minute = 0
    pmam = False
    bell = False
    for i in words:
        if hasattr(i, '__int__'):
            if type(hour) == bool and not hour:
                hour = i
            elif not minute:
                minute = i
        if i in bells:
            bell = True
            minute = bells[i]
        elif bell:
            if i in ['as', 'past', 'after']:
            elif i in ['to', 'told', 'til', 'till', 'of']:
                minute = -minute
            bell = False
        elif pmam:
            if i == 'm.':
                if pmam == 'pm':
                    hour = hour % 12 + 12
                elif pmam == 'am':
                    hour = hour % 12
            pmam = False
        elif i in ['p.', 'a.']:
            pmam = {'p.': 'pm', 'a.': 'am'}[i]
    if minute < 0:
        hour = (hour - 1) % 24
        minute = 60 + minute
    if type(hour) == bool:
        hour = time.hour
    time = time.replace(hour=hour, minute=minute, second=0, microsecond=0)

    event.alarm_time = float(time.strftime("%s"))

    action_stop, action_snooze = event.add_actions(2)
    action_stop.label = 'Stop'
    action_stop.flags |= alarm.ACTION_WHEN_RESPONDED | alarm.ACTION_TYPE_NOP

    action_snooze.label = 'Snooze'
    action_snooze.flags |= alarm.ACTION_WHEN_RESPONDED | alarm.ACTION_TYPE_SNOOZE

    print event.is_sane()

    cookie = alarm.add_event(event)

    return "Okay, I set your alarm for " + time.strftime("%I:%M %P"), None