def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.macro_steps = [] self.current_step = 0 self._filter_json = None self.keys_panel = None self.filterOptionsPanel = None self.filterSelect = ChoiceButton([], choose=self.filterChanged, doNotTranslate=True) self.binding_button = Button("", action=self.bind_key, tooltipText="Click to bind this filter to a key") self.filterLabel = Label("Filter:", fg_color=(177, 177, 255, 255)) self.filterLabel.mouse_down = lambda x: mcplatform.platform_open(directories.getFiltersDir()) self.filterLabel.tooltipText = "Click to open filters folder" self.macro_button = Button("Record Macro", action=self.start_record_macro) self.filterSelectRow = Row((self.filterLabel, self.filterSelect, self.macro_button, self.binding_button)) self.confirmButton = Button("Filter", action=self.confirm) self._recording = False self._save_macro = False self.tool = tool self.selectedName = self.filter_json.get("Last Filter Opened", "")
def openSavePresetDialog(self): """ Opens up a dialgo to input the name of the to save Preset. """ panel = Dialog() label = Label("Preset Name:") nameField = TextFieldWrapped(width=200) def okPressed(): panel.dismiss() name = nameField.value if name in ['Load Preset', 'Remove Presets', '__temp__']: alert( "That preset name is reserved. Try pick another preset name." ) return for p in ['<', '>', ':', '\"', '/', '\\', '|', '?', '*', '.']: if p in name: alert('Invalid character in file name') return self.tool.saveBrushPreset(name) self.tool.showPanel() okButton = Button("OK", action=okPressed) cancelButton = Button("Cancel", action=panel.dismiss) namerow = Row([label, nameField]) buttonRow = Row([okButton, cancelButton]) panel.add(Column([namerow, buttonRow])) panel.shrink_wrap() panel.present()
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self, name="Panel.FilterToolPanel") self.macro_steps = [] self.current_step = 0 self._filter_json = None self.keys_panel = None self.filterOptionsPanel = None self.filterSelect = ChoiceButton([], choose=self.filterChanged, doNotTranslate=True) self.binding_button = Button("", action=self.bind_key, tooltipText="Click to bind this filter to a key") self.filterLabel = Label("Filter:", fg_color=(177, 177, 255, 255)) self.filterLabel.mouse_down = lambda x: mcplatform.platform_open(directories.getFiltersDir()) self.filterLabel.tooltipText = "Click to open filters folder" self.macro_button = Button("Record Macro", action=self.start_record_macro) self.filterSelectRow = Row((self.filterLabel, self.filterSelect, self.macro_button, self.binding_button)) self.confirmButton = Button("Filter", action=self.confirm) self._recording = False self._save_macro = False self.tool = tool self.selectedName = self.filter_json.get("Last Filter Opened", "") utils = FilterUtils( editor=tool.editor, materials=self.tool.editor.level.materials, custom_widget=tool.editor.addExternalWidget, resize_selection_box=tool.editor._resize_selection_box, ) utils_module = imp.new_module("filter_utils") utils_module = utils sys.modules["filter_utils"] = utils_module
def __init__(self, items, keysColumn=None, buttonsColumn=None): if keysColumn is None: keysColumn = [] if buttonsColumn is None: buttonsColumn = [] Widget.__init__(self) for (hotkey, title, action) in items: if isinstance(title, (str, unicode)): button = Button(title, action=action) else: button = ValueButton(ref=title, action=action, width=200) button.anchor = self.anchor label = Label(hotkey, width=75, margin=button.margin) label.anchor = "wh" label.height = button.height keysColumn.append(label) buttonsColumn.append(button) self.buttons = list(buttonsColumn) buttonsColumn = Column(buttonsColumn) buttonsColumn.anchor = self.anchor keysColumn = Column(keysColumn) commandRow = Row((keysColumn, buttonsColumn)) self.add(commandRow) self.shrink_wrap()
def removePreset(self): """ Brings up a panel to remove presets. """ panel = Dialog() p = self.getBrushFileList() if not p: alert('No presets saved') return def okPressed(): panel.dismiss() name = p[presetTable.selectedIndex] + ".preset" os.remove(os.path.join(directories.brushesDir, name)) self.tool.showPanel() def selectTableRow(i, evt): presetTable.selectedIndex = i if evt.num_clicks == 2: okPressed() presetTable = TableView(columns=(TableColumn("", 200),)) presetTable.num_rows = lambda: len(p) presetTable.row_data = lambda i: (p[i],) presetTable.row_is_selected = lambda x: x == presetTable.selectedIndex presetTable.click_row = selectTableRow presetTable.selectedIndex = 0 choiceCol = Column((ValueDisplay(width=200, get_value=lambda: "Select preset to delete"), presetTable)) okButton = Button("OK", action=okPressed) cancelButton = Button("Cancel", action=panel.dismiss) row = Row([okButton, cancelButton]) panel.add(Column((choiceCol, row))) panel.shrink_wrap() panel.present()
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.tool = tool replacing = tool.replacing self.blockButton = BlockButton(tool.editor.level.materials) self.blockButton.blockInfo = tool.blockInfo self.blockButton.action = self.pickFillBlock self.fillWithLabel = Label("Fill with:", width=self.blockButton.width, align="c") self.fillButton = Button("Fill", action=tool.confirm, width=self.blockButton.width) self.fillButton.tooltipText = "Shortcut: Enter" rollkey = config.keys.replaceShortcut.get() self.replaceLabel = replaceLabel = Label("Replace", width=self.blockButton.width) replaceLabel.mouse_down = lambda a: self.tool.toggleReplacing() replaceLabel.fg_color = (177, 177, 255, 255) # replaceLabelRow = Row( (Label(rollkey), replaceLabel) ) replaceLabel.tooltipText = "Shortcut: {0}".format(rollkey) replaceLabel.align = "c" col = (self.fillWithLabel, self.blockButton, # swapRow, replaceLabel, # self.replaceBlockButton, self.fillButton) if replacing: self.fillWithLabel = Label("Find:", width=self.blockButton.width, align="c") self.replaceBlockButton = BlockButton(tool.editor.level.materials) self.replaceBlockButton.blockInfo = tool.replaceBlockInfo self.replaceBlockButton.action = self.pickReplaceBlock self.replaceLabel.text = "Replace with:" self.swapButton = Button("Swap", action=self.swapBlockTypes, width=self.blockButton.width) self.swapButton.fg_color = (255, 255, 255, 255) self.swapButton.highlight_color = (60, 255, 60, 255) swapkey = config.keys.swap.get() self.swapButton.tooltipText = "Shortcut: {0}".format(swapkey) self.fillButton = Button("Replace", action=tool.confirm, width=self.blockButton.width) self.fillButton.tooltipText = "Shortcut: Enter" col = (self.fillWithLabel, self.blockButton, replaceLabel, self.replaceBlockButton, self.swapButton, self.fillButton) col = Column(col) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap()
def __init__(self, items, keysColumn=None, buttonsColumn=None, item_spacing=None): warn(self) if keysColumn is None: keysColumn = [] if buttonsColumn is None: buttonsColumn = [] labels = [] Widget.__init__(self) for t in items: if len(t) == 3: (hotkey, title, action) = t tooltipText = None else: (hotkey, title, action, tooltipText) = t if isinstance(title, (str, unicode)): button = Button(title, action=action) else: button = ValueButton(ref=title, action=action, width=200) button.anchor = self.anchor label = Label(hotkey, width=100, margin=button.margin) label.anchor = "wh" label.height = button.height labels.append(label) if tooltipText: button.tooltipText = tooltipText keysColumn.append(label) buttonsColumn.append(button) self.buttons = list(buttonsColumn) #.# if item_spacing == None: buttonsColumn = Column(buttonsColumn) else: buttonsColumn = Column(buttonsColumn, spacing=item_spacing) #.# buttonsColumn.anchor = self.anchor #.# if item_spacing == None: keysColumn = Column(keysColumn) else: keysColumn = Column(keysColumn, spacing=item_spacing) commandRow = Row((keysColumn, buttonsColumn)) self.labels = labels self.add(commandRow) self.shrink_wrap()
def __init__(self, editor, nbtObject=None, fileName=None, savePolicy=0, dataKeyName='Data', close_text="Close", load_text="Open", **kwargs): """...""" Panel.__init__(self) self.editor = editor self.nbtObject = nbtObject self.fileName = fileName self.savePolicy = savePolicy self.displayed_item = None self.dataKeyName = dataKeyName self.copy_data = kwargs.get('copy_data', True) self.init_data() btns = [] if load_text: btns.append(Button(load_text, action=self.editor.nbtTool.loadFile)) btns += [ Button({True: "Save", False: "OK"}[fileName != None], action=kwargs.get('ok_action', self.save_NBT), tooltipText="Save your change in the NBT data."), Button("Reset", action=kwargs.get('reset_action', self.reset), tooltipText="Reset ALL your changes in the NBT data."), ] if close_text: btns.append(Button(close_text, action=kwargs.get('close_action', self.close))) btnRow = Row(btns, margin=1, spacing=4) btnRow.shrink_wrap() self.btnRow = btnRow if kwargs.get('no_header', False): self.max_height = max_height = kwargs.get('height', editor.mainViewport.height - editor.toolbar.height - editor.subwidgets[0].height) - ( self.margin * 2) - btnRow.height - 2 else: title = _("NBT Explorer") if fileName: title += " - %s" % os.path.split(fileName)[-1] header = Label(title, doNotTranslate=True) self.max_height = max_height = kwargs.get('height', editor.mainViewport.height - editor.toolbar.height - editor.subwidgets[0].height) - header.height - ( self.margin * 2) - btnRow.height - 2 self.setCompounds() self.tree = NBTTree(height=max_height - btnRow.height - 2, inner_width=250,, compound_types=self.compounds, copyBuffer=editor.nbtCopyBuffer, draw_zebra=False, _parent=self, styles=bullet_styles) self.tree.update_side_panel = self.update_side_panel self.side_panel_width = 350 row = [self.tree, Column([Label("", width=self.side_panel_width), ], margin=0)] self.displayRow = Row(row, height=max_height, margin=0, spacing=0) if kwargs.get('no_header', False): self.add(Column([self.displayRow, btnRow], margin=0)) else: self.add(Column([header, self.displayRow, btnRow], margin=0)) self.shrink_wrap() self.side_panel = None # &# Prototype for Blocks/item names mclangres.buildResources(lang=getLang())
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.tool = tool useStyleBox = CheckBoxLabel(title="Use Bullet Styles", ref=config.nbtTreeSettings.useBulletStyles) self.useStyleBox = useStyleBox useTextBox = CheckBoxLabel(title="Use Bullet Text", ref=config.nbtTreeSettings.useBulletText) self.useTextBox = useTextBox useImagesBox = CheckBoxLabel(title="Use Bullet Images", ref=config.nbtTreeSettings.useBulletImages) self.useImagesBox = useImagesBox bulletFilePath = Row((Button("Bullet Images File", action=self.open_bullet_file), TextFieldWrapped(ref=config.nbtTreeSettings.bulletFileName, width=300)), margin=0) def mouse_down(e): if self.bulletFilePath.subwidgets[1].enabled: TextFieldWrapped.mouse_down(self.bulletFilePath.subwidgets[1], e) bulletFilePath.subwidgets[1].mouse_down = mouse_down self.bulletFilePath = bulletFilePath def mouse_down(e): CheckBox.mouse_down(useImagesBox.subwidgets[1], e) for sub in bulletFilePath.subwidgets: sub.enabled = config.nbtTreeSettings.useBulletImages.get() if type(sub) == TextFieldWrapped: if config.nbtTreeSettings.useBulletImages.get(): sub.fg_color = fg_color else: sub.fg_color = disabled_color useImagesBox.subwidgets[0].mouse_down = useImagesBox.subwidgets[1].mouse_down = mouse_down def mouse_down(e): CheckBox.mouse_down(useStyleBox.subwidgets[1], e) useImagesBox.mouse_down(e) self.useStyleBox_click(e) useStyleBox.subwidgets[0].mouse_down = useStyleBox.subwidgets[1].mouse_down = mouse_down showAllTags = CheckBoxLabel(title="Show all the tags in the tree", ref=config.nbtTreeSettings.showAllTags) col = Column(( Label("NBT Tree Settings"), Row((useStyleBox, useTextBox, useImagesBox)), bulletFilePath, showAllTags, # Button("Load NBT file...", action=tool.loadFile), Button("OK", action=self.dismiss), )) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap() self.useStyleBox_click(None)
def __init__(self, inventory, data, *args, **kwargs): Dialog.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.inventory = inventory slot, id, count, damage = data self.former_id_text = id self.slot = slot = TextFieldWrapped(text=str(id), doNotTranslate=True, width=300) = self.text_entered = self.cancel = self.ok self.count = IntField(text="%s" % count, min=0, max=64) self.damage = IntField(text="%s" % damage, min=0, max=os.sys.maxint) header = Label(_("Inventory Slot #%s") % slot, doNotTranslate=True) row = Row([ Label("id"),, Label("Count"), self.count, Label("Damage"), self.damage, ]) self.matching_items = [ mclangres.translate(k) for k in map_items.keys() ] self.matching_items.sort() self.selected_item_index = None if id in self.matching_items: self.selected_item_index = self.matching_items.index(id) self.tableview = tableview = TableView( columns=[TableColumn("", 415, 'l')]) tableview.num_rows = lambda: len(self.matching_items) tableview.row_data = lambda x: (self.matching_items[x], ) tableview.row_is_selected = lambda x: x == self.selected_item_index tableview.click_row = self.select_tablerow buttons = Row([ Button("Save", action=self.dismiss), Button("Cancel", action=self.cancel) ]) col = Column([header, row, tableview, buttons], spacing=2) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap() try: self.tableview.rows.scroll_to_item(self.selected_item_index) except Exception, e: print e pass
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.tool = tool self.player_UUID = {} self.level = tool.editor.level if hasattr(self.level, 'players'): players = self.level.players or ["[No players]"] if not self.level.oldPlayerFolderFormat: for player in players: if player != "Player": self.player_UUID[ version_compatability_utils.getPlayerNameFromUUID( player)] = player self.player_UUID["Player"] = "Player" players = self.player_UUID.keys() else: players = ["Player"] self.players = players tableview = TableView(columns=[ TableColumn("Player Name", 200), ]) tableview.index = 0 tableview.num_rows = lambda: len(players) tableview.row_data = lambda i: (players[i], ) tableview.row_is_selected = lambda x: x == tableview.index tableview.zebra_color = (0, 0, 0, 48) def selectTableRow(i, evt): tableview.index = i tableview.click_row = selectTableRow self.table = tableview l = Label("Player: ") col = [l, tableview] gotoButton = Button("Goto Player", action=self.tool.gotoPlayer) gotoCameraButton = Button("Goto Player's View", action=self.tool.gotoPlayerCamera) moveButton = Button("Move Player", action=self.tool.movePlayer) moveToCameraButton = Button("Align Player to Camera", action=self.tool.movePlayerToCamera) col.extend( [gotoButton, gotoCameraButton, moveButton, moveToCameraButton]) col = Column(col) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap()
def updateFilters(self): totalFilters = 0 updatedFilters = 0 try: os.mkdir(mcplatform.filtersDir + "/updates") except OSError: pass for module in self.filterModules.values(): totalFilters = totalFilters + 1 if hasattr(module, "UPDATE_URL") and hasattr(module, "VERSION"): if isinstance(module.UPDATE_URL, (str, unicode)) and isinstance(module.VERSION, (str, unicode)): versionJSON = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(module.UPDATE_URL).read()) if module.VERSION != versionJSON["Version"]: urllib.urlretrieve(versionJSON["Download-URL"], mcplatform.filtersDir + "/updates/" + versionJSON["Name"]) updatedFilters = updatedFilters + 1 for f in os.listdir(mcplatform.filtersDir + "/updates"): shutil.copy(mcplatform.filtersDir + "/updates/" + f, mcplatform.filtersDir) shutil.rmtree(mcplatform.filtersDir + "/updates/") self.finishedUpdatingWidget = Widget() lbl = Label("Updated " + str(updatedFilters) + " filter(s) out of " + str(totalFilters)) closeBTN = Button("Close this message", action=self.closeFinishedUpdatingWidget) col = Column((lbl, closeBTN)) self.finishedUpdatingWidget.bg_color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.6) self.finishedUpdatingWidget.add(col) self.finishedUpdatingWidget.shrink_wrap() self.finishedUpdatingWidget.present()
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.tool = tool self.autoPlaceCheckBox = CheckBox( ref=AttrRef(tool, "placeImmediately")) self.autoPlaceLabel = Label("Place Immediately") self.autoPlaceLabel.mouse_down = self.autoPlaceCheckBox.mouse_down tooltipText = "When the clone tool is chosen, place the clone at the selection right away." self.autoPlaceLabel.tooltipText = self.autoPlaceCheckBox.tooltipText = tooltipText spaceLabel = Label("") cloneNudgeLabel = Label("Clone Fast Nudge Settings") cloneNudgeCheckBox = CheckBoxLabel( "Move by the width of selection ", ref=config.fastNudgeSettings.cloneWidth, tooltipText="Moves clone by his width") cloneNudgeNumber = IntInputRow( "Width of clone movement: ", ref=config.fastNudgeSettings.cloneWidthNumber, width=100, min=2, max=50) row = Row((self.autoPlaceCheckBox, self.autoPlaceLabel)) col = Column((Label("Clone Options"), row, spaceLabel, cloneNudgeLabel, cloneNudgeCheckBox, cloneNudgeNumber, Button("OK", action=self.dismiss))) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap()
def __init__(self, tool): ToolOptions.__init__(self, name='Panel.BrushToolOptions') alphaField = FloatField(ref=ItemRef(tool.settings, 'brushAlpha'), min=0.0, max=1.0, width=60) alphaField.increment = 0.1 alphaRow = Row((Label("Alpha: "), alphaField)) autoChooseCheckBox = CheckBoxLabel( "Choose Block Immediately", ref=ItemRef(tool.settings, "chooseBlockImmediately"), tooltipText= "When the brush tool is chosen, prompt for a block type.") updateOffsetCheckBox = CheckBoxLabel( "Reset Distance When Brush Size Changes", ref=ItemRef(tool.settings, "updateBrushOffset"), tooltipText= "Whenever the brush size changes, reset the distance to the brush blocks." ) col = Column((Label("Brush Options"), alphaRow, autoChooseCheckBox, updateOffsetCheckBox, Button("OK", action=self.dismiss))) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap() return
def updateFilters(self): totalFilters = 0 updatedFilters = 0 filtersDir = directories.getFiltersDir() try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(filtersDir, "updates")) except OSError: pass for module in self.filterModules.values(): totalFilters += 1 if hasattr(module, "UPDATE_URL") and hasattr(module, "VERSION"): if isinstance(module.UPDATE_URL, (str, unicode)) and isinstance( module.VERSION, (str, unicode)): versionJSON = json.loads( urllib2.urlopen(module.UPDATE_URL).read()) if module.VERSION != versionJSON["Version"]: urllib.urlretrieve( versionJSON["Download-URL"], os.path.join(filtersDir, "updates", versionJSON["Name"])) updatedFilters += 1 for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(filtersDir, "updates")): shutil.copy(os.path.join(filtersDir, "updates", f), filtersDir) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(filtersDir, "updates")) finishedUpdatingWidget = Widget() lbl = Label("Updated %s filter(s) out of %s" % (updatedFilters, totalFilters)) closeBTN = Button("Close this message", action=finishedUpdatingWidget.dismiss) col = Column((lbl, closeBTN)) finishedUpdatingWidget.bg_color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.6) finishedUpdatingWidget.add(col) finishedUpdatingWidget.shrink_wrap() finishedUpdatingWidget.present()
def createField(self, key, value): """ Creates a field matching the input type. :param key, key to store the value in, also the name of the label if type is float or int. :param value, default value for the field. """ doNotTranslate = bool(hasattr(self.tool.brushMode, "trn")) check_value = value mi = 0 ma = 100 if key in ('W', 'H', 'L'): reference = AttrRef(self.tool, key) else: reference = ItemRef(self.tool.options, key) if isinstance(check_value, tuple): check_value = value[0] mi = value[1] ma = value[2] if isinstance(check_value, Block): if key not in self.tool.recentBlocks: self.tool.recentBlocks[key] = [] wcb = getattr(self.tool.brushMode, 'wildcardBlocks', []) aw = False if key in wcb: aw = True field = BlockButton(self.tool.editor.level.materials, ref=reference, recentBlocks=self.tool.recentBlocks[key], allowWildcards=aw) elif isinstance(check_value, types.MethodType): field = Button(key, action=value) else: if doNotTranslate: key = self.tool.brushMode.trn._(key) value = self.tool.brushMode.trn._(value) if isinstance(check_value, int): field = IntInputRow(key, ref=reference, width=50, min=mi, max=ma, doNotTranslate=doNotTranslate) elif isinstance(check_value, float): field = FloatInputRow(key, ref=reference, width=50, min=mi, max=ma, doNotTranslate=doNotTranslate) elif isinstance(check_value, bool): field = CheckBoxLabel(key, ref=reference, doNotTranslate=doNotTranslate) elif isinstance(check_value, str): field = Label(value, doNotTranslate=doNotTranslate) else: print(type(check_value)) field = None return field
def __init__(self, file_types=None, operation=0, **kwds): Widget.__init__(self, **kwds) if file_types is None: self.file_types = ["*.*",] else: self.file_types = file_types self.file_path = None self._button = None if operation == self.OPEN_FILE: self._button = Button("Choose a file", action=self._open_file) elif operation == self.SAVE_FILE: self._button = Button("Save a file", action=self._save_file) self.add(self._button) self.shrink_wrap()
def __init__(self, inventory, data): Panel.__init__(self) self.inventory = inventory slot, id, count, damage = data self.slot = slot = TextFieldWrapped(text=id, doNotTranslate=True, width=300) self.count = IntField(text="%s"%count, min=-64, max=64) self.damage = IntField(text="%s"%damage, min=-32768, max=32767) header = Label(_("Inventory Slot #%s")%slot, doNotTranslate=True) row = Row([Label("id"),, Label("Count"), self.count, Label("Damage"), self.damage, ]) buttons = Row([Button("Save", action=self.dismiss), Button("Cancel", action=self.cancel)]) col = Column([header, row, buttons], spacing=2) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap()
def stop_record_macro(self): macro_dialog = Dialog() macroNameLabel = Label("Macro Name: ") macroNameField = TextFieldWrapped(width=200) def save_macro(): macro_name = "{Macro} " + macroNameField.get_text() self.filter_json["Macros"][macro_name] = {} self.filter_json["Macros"][macro_name]["Number of steps"] = len( self.macro_steps) self.filterSelect.choices.append(macro_name) for entry in self.macro_steps: for inp in entry["Inputs"].keys(): if not isinstance(entry["Inputs"][inp], pymclevel.materials.Block): if not entry["Inputs"][inp] == "blocktype": continue _inp = entry["Inputs"][inp] entry["Inputs"][inp] = "block-{0}:{1}".format( _inp.ID, _inp.blockData) self.filter_json["Macros"][macro_name][entry["Step"]] = { "Name": entry["Name"], "Inputs": entry["Inputs"] } stop_dialog() self.filterSelect.selectedChoice = macro_name self.filterChanged() def stop_dialog(): self.macro_button.text = "Record Macro" self.macro_button.tooltipText = None self.macro_button.action = self.start_record_macro macro_dialog.dismiss() self.macro_steps = [] self.current_step = 0 self._recording = False input_row = Row((macroNameLabel, macroNameField)) saveButton = Button("Save", action=save_macro) closeButton = Button("Cancel", action=stop_dialog) button_row = Row((saveButton, closeButton)) macro_dialog.add(Column((input_row, button_row))) macro_dialog.shrink_wrap() macro_dialog.present()
class FilterToolPanel(Panel): def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.savedOptions = {} self.tool = tool self.selectedFilterName = None if len(self.tool.filterModules): self.reload() def reload(self): for i in list(self.subwidgets): self.remove(i) tool = self.tool if len(tool.filterModules) is 0: self.add(Label("No filter modules found!")) self.shrink_wrap() return if self.selectedFilterName is None or self.selectedFilterName not in tool.filterNames: self.selectedFilterName = tool.filterNames[0] self.filterOptionsPanel = None while self.filterOptionsPanel is None: module = self.tool.filterModules[self.selectedFilterName] try: self.filterOptionsPanel = FilterModuleOptions(self.tool, module) except Exception, e: alert(_("Error creating filter inputs for {0}: {1}").format(module, e)) traceback.print_exc() self.tool.filterModules.pop(self.selectedFilterName) self.selectedFilterName = tool.filterNames[0] if len(tool.filterNames) == 0: raise ValueError("No filters loaded!") self.filterSelect = ChoiceButton(tool.filterNames, choose=self.filterChanged) self.filterSelect.selectedChoice = self.selectedFilterName self.confirmButton = Button("Filter", action=self.tool.confirm) filterLabel = Label("Filter:", fg_color=(177, 177, 255, 255)) filterLabel.mouse_down = lambda x: mcplatform.platform_open(mcplatform.filtersDir) filterLabel.tooltipText = "Click to open filters folder" filterSelectRow = Row((filterLabel, self.filterSelect)) self.add(Column((filterSelectRow, self.filterOptionsPanel, self.confirmButton))) self.shrink_wrap() if self.parent: self.centery = self.parent.centery if self.selectedFilterName in self.savedOptions: self.filterOptionsPanel.options = self.savedOptions[self.selectedFilterName]
def showPanel(self): self.panel = Panel(name='Panel.PlayerSpawnPositionTool') button = Button("Goto Spawn", action=self.gotoSpawn) self.panel.add(button) self.panel.shrink_wrap() self.panel.left = self.editor.left self.panel.centery = self.editor.centery self.editor.add(self.panel)
def showPanel(self): self.panel = Panel() button = Button("Goto Spawn", action=self.gotoSpawn) self.panel.add(button) self.panel.shrink_wrap() self.panel.left = self.editor.left self.panel.centery = self.editor.centery self.editor.add(self.panel)
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.tool = tool self.autoChooseCheckBox = CheckBoxLabel("Choose Block Immediately", ref=config.fill.chooseBlockImmediately, tooltipText="When the fill tool is chosen, prompt for a block type.") col = Column((Label("Fill Options"), self.autoChooseCheckBox, Button("OK", action=self.dismiss))) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap()
def __init__(self, editor): EditorTool.__init__(self, editor) self.filterModules = {} self.savedOptions = {} self.updatePanel = Panel() updateButton = Button("Update Filters", action=self.updateFilters) self.updatePanel.add(updateButton) self.updatePanel.shrink_wrap() self.updatePanel.bottomleft = self.editor.viewportContainer.bottomleft
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.macro_steps = [] self.current_step = 0 self._filter_json = None self.keys_panel = None self.filterOptionsPanel = None self.filterSelect = ChoiceButton([], choose=self.filterChanged, doNotTranslate=True) self.binding_button = Button( "", action=self.bind_key, tooltipText="Click to bind this filter to a key") self.filterLabel = Label("Filter:", fg_color=(177, 177, 255, 255)) self.filterLabel.mouse_down = lambda x: mcplatform.platform_open( directories.getFiltersDir()) self.filterLabel.tooltipText = "Click to open filters folder" self.macro_button = Button("Record Macro", action=self.start_record_macro) self.filterSelectRow = Row((self.filterLabel, self.filterSelect, self.macro_button, self.binding_button)) self.confirmButton = Button("Filter", action=self.confirm) self._recording = False self._save_macro = False self.tool = tool self.selectedName = self.filter_json.get("Last Filter Opened", "")
def __init__(self, tool): ToolOptions.__init__(self, name='Panel.FilterToolOptions') self.tool = tool self.notifications_disabled = False disable_error_popup = CheckBoxLabel("Disable Error Notification", ref=AttrRef(self, 'notifications_disabled')) ok_button = Button("Ok", action=self.dismiss) col = Column((disable_error_popup, ok_button,), spacing=2) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap()
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.tool = tool level = tool.editor.level if hasattr(level, 'players'): players = level.players or ["[No players]"] else: players = ["Player"] self.players = players tableview = TableView(columns=[ TableColumn("Player Name", 200), ]) tableview.index = 0 tableview.num_rows = lambda: len(players) tableview.row_data = lambda i: (players[i], ) tableview.row_is_selected = lambda x: x == tableview.index tableview.zebra_color = (0, 0, 0, 48) def selectTableRow(i, evt): tableview.index = i tableview.click_row = selectTableRow self.table = tableview l = Label("Player: ") col = [l, tableview] gotoButton = Button("Goto Player", action=self.tool.gotoPlayer) gotoCameraButton = Button("Goto Player's View", action=self.tool.gotoPlayerCamera) moveButton = Button("Move Player", action=self.tool.movePlayer) moveToCameraButton = Button("Align Player to Camera", action=self.tool.movePlayerToCamera) col.extend( [gotoButton, gotoCameraButton, moveButton, moveToCameraButton]) col = Column(col) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap()
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self, name='Panel.BrushPanel') self.tool = tool """ presets, modeRow and styleRow are always created, no matter what brush is selected. styleRow can be disabled by putting disableStyleButton = True in the brush file. """ presets = self.createPresetRow() self.brushModeButtonLabel = Label("Mode:") self.brushModeButton = ChoiceButton( sorted([mode for mode in tool.brushModes]), width=150, choose=self.brushModeChanged, doNotTranslate=True, ) modeRow = Row([self.brushModeButtonLabel, self.brushModeButton]) self.brushStyleButtonLabel = Label("Style:") self.brushStyleButton = ValueButton(ref=ItemRef( self.tool.options, "Style"), action=self.tool.swapBrushStyles, width=150) styleRow = Row([self.brushStyleButtonLabel, self.brushStyleButton]) self.brushModeButton.selectedChoice = self.tool.selectedBrushMode optionsColumn = [] optionsColumn.extend([presets, modeRow]) if not getattr(tool.brushMode, 'disableStyleButton', False): optionsColumn.append(styleRow) """ We're going over all options in the selected brush module, and making a field for all of them. """ for r in tool.brushMode.inputs: row = [] for key, value in r.items(): field = self.createField(key, value) row.append(field) row = Row(row) optionsColumn.append(row) if getattr(tool.brushMode, 'addPasteButton', False): importButton = Button("Import", action=tool.importPaste) importRow = Row([importButton]) optionsColumn.append(importRow) optionsColumn = Column(optionsColumn, spacing=0) self.add(optionsColumn) self.shrink_wrap()
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.tool = tool self.spawnProtectionCheckBox = CheckBox(ref=AttrRef(tool, "spawnProtection")) self.spawnProtectionLabel = Label("Spawn Position Safety") self.spawnProtectionLabel.mouse_down = self.spawnProtectionCheckBox.mouse_down tooltipText = "Minecraft will randomly move your spawn point if you try to respawn in a column where there are no blocks at Y=63 and Y=64. Only uncheck this box if Minecraft is changed." self.spawnProtectionLabel.tooltipText = self.spawnProtectionCheckBox.tooltipText = tooltipText row = Row((self.spawnProtectionCheckBox, self.spawnProtectionLabel)) col = Column((Label("Spawn Point Options"), row, Button("OK", action=self.dismiss))) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap()
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.tool = tool self.autoPlaceCheckBox = CheckBox(ref=AttrRef(tool, "placeImmediately")) self.autoPlaceLabel = Label("Place Immediately") self.autoPlaceLabel.mouse_down = self.autoPlaceCheckBox.mouse_down tooltipText = "When the clone tool is chosen, place the clone at the selection right away." self.autoPlaceLabel.tooltipText = self.autoPlaceCheckBox.tooltipText = tooltipText row = Row((self.autoPlaceCheckBox, self.autoPlaceLabel)) col = Column((Label("Clone Options"), row, Button("OK", action=self.dismiss))) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap()
def __init__(self, tool): ToolOptions.__init__(self, name='Panel.FillToolOptions') self.tool = tool self.autoChooseCheckBoxFill = CheckBoxLabel( "Open Block Picker for Fill", ref=config.fill.chooseBlockImmediately, tooltipText="When the fill tool is chosen, prompt for a block type." ) self.autoChooseCheckBoxReplace = CheckBoxLabel( "Open Block Picker for Replace", ref=config.fill.chooseBlockImmediatelyReplace, tooltipText= "When the replace tool is chosen, prompt for a block type.") col = Column( (Label("Fill and Replace Options"), self.autoChooseCheckBoxFill, self.autoChooseCheckBoxReplace, Button("OK", action=self.dismiss))) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap()
def showPanel(self): if self.panel.parent: self.editor.remove(self.panel) self.reloadFilters() # self.panel = FilterToolPanel(self) self.panel.reload() self.panel.midleft = self.editor.midleft self.editor.add(self.panel) self.updatePanel = Panel() updateButton = Button("Update Filters", action=self.updateFilters) self.updatePanel.add(updateButton) self.updatePanel.shrink_wrap() self.updatePanel.bottomleft = self.editor.viewportContainer.bottomleft self.editor.add(self.updatePanel)
def __init__(self, title, choices, **kw): Button.__init__(self, title, **kw) self.choices = choices = Menu(title, ((c, c) for c in choices))
class FilterToolPanel(Panel): BACKUP_FILTER_JSON = False """If set to true, the filter.json is backed up to the hard disk every time it's edited. The default is false, which makes the file save only whenever the tool gets closed. If MCEdit were to crash, any recorded macros would not be saved.""" def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.macro_steps = [] self.current_step = 0 self._filter_json = None self.keys_panel = None self.filterOptionsPanel = None self.filterSelect = ChoiceButton([], choose=self.filterChanged, doNotTranslate=True) self.binding_button = Button("", action=self.bind_key, tooltipText="Click to bind this filter to a key") self.filterLabel = Label("Filter:", fg_color=(177, 177, 255, 255)) self.filterLabel.mouse_down = lambda x: mcplatform.platform_open(directories.getFiltersDir()) self.filterLabel.tooltipText = "Click to open filters folder" self.macro_button = Button("Record Macro", action=self.start_record_macro) self.filterSelectRow = Row((self.filterLabel, self.filterSelect, self.macro_button, self.binding_button)) self.confirmButton = Button("Filter", action=self.confirm) self._recording = False self._save_macro = False self.tool = tool self.selectedName = self.filter_json.get("Last Filter Opened", "") @property def filter_json(self): if self._filter_json is not None: return self._filter_json if FilterToolPanel.BACKUP_FILTER_JSON: self._filter_json = JsonDictProperty(os.path.join(directories.getDataDir(), "filters.json")) else: try: self._filter_json = json.load(open(os.path.join(directories.getDataDir(), "filters.json"), 'rb')) except (ValueError, IOError) as e: log.error("Error while loading filters.json", e) self._filter_json = {"Macros": {}} return self._filter_json def close(self): self._saveOptions() self.filter_json["Last Filter Opened"] = self.selectedName if not FilterToolPanel.BACKUP_FILTER_JSON: with open(os.path.join(directories.getDataDir(), "filters.json"), 'w') as f: json.dump(self.filter_json, f) def reload(self): for i in list(self.subwidgets): self.remove(i) tool = self.tool # Display "No filter modules found" if there are no filters if len(tool.filterModules) is 0: self.add(Label("No filter modules found!")) self.shrink_wrap() return names_list = sorted([n for n in tool.filterNames if not n.startswith("[")]) # We get a list of names like ["[foo] bar", "[test] thing"] # The to sort on is created by splitting on "[": "[foo", " bar" and then # removing the first char: "foo", "bar" subfolder_names_list = sorted([n for n in tool.filterNames if n.startswith("[")], key=lambda x: x.split("]")[0][1:]) names_list.extend(subfolder_names_list) names_list.extend([macro for macro in self.filter_json["Macros"].keys()]) if self.selectedName is None or self.selectedName not in names_list: self.selectedName = names_list[0] # Remove any keybindings that don't have a filter for (i, j) in config.config.items("Filter Keys"): if i == "__name__": continue if not any([i == m.lower() for m in names_list]): config.config.remove_option("Filter Keys", i) self.filterSelect.choices = names_list name = self.selectedName.lower() names = [k for (k, v) in config.config.items("Filter Keys")] btn_name = config.config.get("Filter Keys", name) if name in names else "*" self.binding_button.set_text(btn_name) self.filterOptionsPanel = None while self.filterOptionsPanel is None: module = self.tool.filterModules.get(self.selectedName, None) if module is not None: try: self.filterOptionsPanel = FilterModuleOptions(self.tool, module, _parent=self) except Exception as e: alert(_("Error creating filter inputs for {0}: {1}").format(module, e)) traceback.print_exc() self.tool.filterModules.pop(self.selectedName) self.selectedName = tool.filterNames[0] if len(tool.filterNames) == 0: raise ValueError("No filters loaded!") if not self._recording: self.confirmButton.set_text("Filter") else: # We verified it was an existing macro already macro_data = self.filter_json["Macros"][self.selectedName] self.filterOptionsPanel = MacroModuleOptions(macro_data) self.confirmButton.set_text("Run Macro") # This has to be recreated every time in case a macro has a longer name then everything else. self.filterSelect = ChoiceButton(names_list, choose=self.filterChanged, doNotTranslate=True) self.filterSelect.selectedChoice = self.selectedName self.filterSelectRow = Row((self.filterLabel, self.filterSelect, self.macro_button, self.binding_button)) self.add(Column((self.filterSelectRow, self.filterOptionsPanel, self.confirmButton))) self.shrink_wrap() if self.parent: height = self.parent.mainViewport.height - self.parent.toolbar.height self.centery = height / 2 + self.parent.subwidgets[0].height if self.selectedName in self.tool.savedOptions: self.filterOptionsPanel.options = self.tool.savedOptions[self.selectedName] @property def macroSelected(self): return self.filterSelect.selectedChoice not in self.tool.filterNames def filterChanged(self): # if self.filterSelect.selectedChoice not in self.tool.filterModules: # return self._saveOptions() self.selectedName = self.filterSelect.selectedChoice if self.macroSelected: # Is macro self.macro_button.set_text("Delete Macro") self.macro_button.action = self.delete_macro elif not self._recording: self.macro_button.set_text("Record Macro") self.macro_button.action = self.start_record_macro self.reload() def delete_macro(self): macro_name = self.selectedName if macro_name in self.filter_json["Macros"]: del self.filter_json["Macros"][macro_name] if len(self.filterSelect.choices) == 1: # Just this macro available self.reload() return choices = self.filterSelect.choices self.filterSelect.selectedChoice = choices[0] if choices[0] != macro_name else choices[1] self.filterChanged() def stop_record_macro(self): macro_dialog = Dialog() macroNameLabel = Label("Macro Name: ") macroNameField = TextFieldWrapped(width=200) def save_macro(): macro_name = "{Macro} " + macroNameField.get_text() self.filter_json["Macros"][macro_name] = {} self.filter_json["Macros"][macro_name]["Number of steps"] = len(self.macro_steps) self.filterSelect.choices.append(macro_name) for entry in self.macro_steps: for inp in entry["Inputs"].keys(): if not isinstance(entry["Inputs"][inp], pymclevel.materials.Block): if not entry["Inputs"][inp] == "blocktype": continue _inp = entry["Inputs"][inp] entry["Inputs"][inp] = "block-{0}:{1}".format(_inp.ID, _inp.blockData) self.filter_json["Macros"][macro_name][entry["Step"]] = {"Name": entry["Name"], "Inputs": entry["Inputs"]} stop_dialog() self.filterSelect.selectedChoice = macro_name self.filterChanged() def stop_dialog(): self.macro_button.text = "Record Macro" self.macro_button.tooltipText = None self.macro_button.action = self.start_record_macro macro_dialog.dismiss() self.macro_steps = [] self.current_step = 0 self._recording = False input_row = Row((macroNameLabel, macroNameField)) saveButton = Button("Save", action=save_macro) closeButton = Button("Cancel", action=stop_dialog) button_row = Row((saveButton, closeButton)) macro_dialog.add(Column((input_row, button_row))) macro_dialog.shrink_wrap() macro_dialog.present() def start_record_macro(self): self.macro_button.text = "Stop recording" self.macro_button.tooltipText = "Currently recording a macro" self.macro_button.action = self.stop_record_macro self.confirmButton.text = "Add macro" self.confirmButton.width += 75 self.confirmButton.centerx = self.centerx self._recording = True def _addMacroStep(self, name=None, inputs=None): data = {"Name": name, "Step": self.current_step, "Inputs": inputs} self.current_step += 1 self.macro_steps.append(data) def unbind_key(self): config.config.remove_option("Filter Keys", self.selectedName) self.binding_button.text = "*" self.keys_panel.dismiss() # self.saveOptions() self.reload() def bind_key(self, message=None): panel = Panel() panel.bg_color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.6, 1.0) if not message: message = _("Press a key to assign to the filter \"{0}\"\n\n" "Press ESC to cancel.").format(self.selectedName) label = albow.Label(message) unbind_button = Button("Press to unbind", action=self.unbind_key) column = Column((label, unbind_button)) panel.add(column) panel.shrink_wrap() def panelKeyUp(evt): _key_name = self.root.getKey(evt) panel.dismiss(_key_name) def panelMouseUp(evt): button = keys.remapMouseButton(evt.button) _key_name = None if button == 3: _key_name = "Button 3" elif button == 4: _key_name = "Scroll Up" elif button == 5: _key_name = "Scroll Down" elif button == 6: _key_name = "Button 4" elif button == 7: _key_name = "Button 5" if 2 < button < 8: panel.dismiss(_key_name) panel.key_up = panelKeyUp panel.mouse_up = panelMouseUp self.keys_panel = panel key_name = panel.present() if type(key_name) is bool: return True if key_name != "Escape": if key_name in ["Alt-F4", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "Ctrl-Alt-F9", "Ctrl-Alt-F10"]: self.bind_key(_("You can't use the key {0}.\n" "Press a key to assign to the filter \"{1}\"\n\n" "" "Press ESC to cancel.").format(_(key_name), self.selectedName)) return True keysUsed = [(j, i) for (j, i) in config.config.items("Keys") if i == key_name] if keysUsed: self.bind_key(_("Can't bind. {0} is already used by {1}.\n" "Press a key to assign to the filter \"{2}\"\n\n" "" "Press ESC to cancel.").format(_(key_name), keysUsed[0][0], self.selectedName)) return True filter_keys = [i for (i, j) in config.config.items("Filter Keys") if j == key_name] if filter_keys: self.bind_key(_("Can't bind. {0} is already used by the \"{1}\" filter.\n" "Press a new key.\n\n" "" "Press ESC to cancel.").format(_(key_name), filter_keys[0])) return True config.config.set("Filter Keys", self.selectedName.lower(), key_name) self.reload() def _saveOptions(self): """Should never be called. Call filterchanged() or close() instead, which will then call this. :return: """ if self.filterOptionsPanel is not None: options = {} options.update(self.filterOptionsPanel.options) options.pop("", "") self.tool.savedOptions[self.selectedName] = options @alertFilterException def confirm(self): if self._recording: self._addMacroStep(self.selectedName, self.filterOptionsPanel.options) else: self.filterOptionsPanel.confirm(self.tool)
def __init__old(self, blockInfo, materials, *a, **kw): self.root = get_root() self.allowWildcards = False Dialog.__init__(self, *a, **kw) panelWidth = 518 self.click_outside_response = 0 self.materials = materials self.anySubtype = blockInfo.wildcard self.matchingBlocks = materials.allBlocks try: self.selectedBlockIndex = self.matchingBlocks.index(blockInfo) except ValueError: self.selectedBlockIndex = 0 for i, b in enumerate(self.matchingBlocks): if blockInfo.ID == b.ID and blockInfo.blockData == b.blockData: self.selectedBlockIndex = i break lbl = Label("Search") # lbl.rect.topleft = (0,0) fld = TextFieldWrapped(300) # fld.rect.topleft = (100, 10) # fld.centery = lbl.centery # fld.left = lbl.right fld.change_action = self.textEntered fld.enter_action = self.ok fld.escape_action = self.cancel self.awesomeField = fld searchRow = Row((lbl, fld)) def formatBlockName(x): block = self.matchingBlocks[x] r = "{name}".format( if block.aka: r += " [{0}]".format(block.aka) return r def formatBlockID(x): block = self.matchingBlocks[x] ident = "({id}:{data})".format(id=block.ID, data=block.blockData) return ident tableview = TableView(columns=[TableColumn(" ", 24, "l", lambda x: ""), TableColumn("Name", 415, "l", formatBlockName), TableColumn("ID", 45, "l", formatBlockID) ]) tableicons = [blockview.BlockView(materials) for i in range(tableview.rows.num_rows())] for t in tableicons: t.size = (16, 16) t.margin = 0 icons = Column(tableicons, spacing=2) # tableview.margin = 5 tableview.num_rows = lambda: len(self.matchingBlocks) tableview.row_data = lambda x: (self.matchingBlocks[x], x, x) tableview.row_is_selected = lambda x: x == self.selectedBlockIndex tableview.click_row = self.selectTableRow draw_table_cell = tableview.draw_table_cell def draw_block_table_cell(surf, i, data, cell_rect, column): if isinstance(data, Block): tableicons[i - tableview.rows.scroll].blockInfo = data else: draw_table_cell(surf, i, data, cell_rect, column) tableview.draw_table_cell = draw_block_table_cell tableview.width = panelWidth tableview.anchor = "lrbt" # self.add(tableview) self.tableview = tableview tableWidget = Widget() tableWidget.add(tableview) tableWidget.shrink_wrap() def wdraw(*args): for t in tableicons: t.blockInfo = materials.Air tableWidget.draw = wdraw self.blockButton = blockView = thumbview.BlockThumbView(materials, self.blockInfo) blockView.centerx = self.centerx = tableview.bottom # self.add(blockview) but = Button("OK") but.action = self.ok = blockView.bottom but.centerx = self.centerx but.align = "c" but.height = 30 if self.allowWildcards: # self.add(but) anyRow = CheckBoxLabel("Any Subtype", ref=AttrRef(self, 'anySubtype'), tooltipText="Replace blocks with any data value. Only useful for Replace operations.") col = Column((searchRow, tableWidget, anyRow, blockView, but)) else: col = Column((searchRow, tableWidget, blockView, but)) col.anchor = "wh" self.anchor = "wh" panel = GLBackground() panel.bg_color = [i / 255. for i in self.bg_color] panel.anchor = "tlbr" self.add(panel) self.add(col) self.add(icons) icons.topleft = tableWidget.topleft += tableWidget.margin + 30 icons.left += tableWidget.margin + 4 self.shrink_wrap() panel.size = self.size try: self.tableview.rows.scroll_to_item(self.selectedBlockIndex) except: pass
def __init__(self, tool, *a, **kw): if 'name' not in kw.keys(): kw['name'] = 'Panel.ChunkToolPanel' Panel.__init__(self, *a, **kw) self.tool = tool self.anchor = "whl" chunkToolLabel = Label("Selected Chunks:") self.chunksLabel = ValueDisplay(ref=AttrRef(self, 'chunkSizeText'), width=115) self.chunksLabel.align = "c" self.chunksLabel.tooltipText = "..." deselectButton = Button("Deselect", tooltipText=None, action=tool.editor.deselect, ) createButton = Button("Create") createButton.tooltipText = "Create new chunks within the selection." createButton.action = tool.createChunks createButton.highlight_color = (0, 255, 0) destroyButton = Button("Delete") destroyButton.tooltipText = "Delete the selected chunks from disk. Minecraft will recreate them the next time you are near." destroyButton.action = tool.destroyChunks pruneButton = Button("Prune") pruneButton.tooltipText = "Prune the world, leaving only the selected chunks. Any chunks outside of the selection will be removed, and empty region files will be deleted from disk" pruneButton.action = tool.pruneChunks relightButton = Button("Relight") relightButton.tooltipText = "Recalculate light values across the selected chunks" relightButton.action = tool.relightChunks relightButton.highlight_color = (255, 255, 255) repopButton = Button("Repop") repopButton.tooltipText = "Mark the selected chunks for repopulation. The next time you play Minecraft, the chunks will have trees, ores, and other features regenerated." repopButton.action = tool.repopChunks repopButton.highlight_color = (255, 200, 155) dontRepopButton = Button("Don't Repop") dontRepopButton.tooltipText = "Unmark the selected chunks. They will not repopulate the next time you play the game." dontRepopButton.action = tool.dontRepopChunks dontRepopButton.highlight_color = (255, 255, 255) col = Column(( chunkToolLabel, self.chunksLabel, deselectButton, createButton, destroyButton, pruneButton, relightButton, repopButton, dontRepopButton)) # col.right = self.width - 10; self.width = col.width self.height = col.height #self.width = 120 self.add(col)