def extract_sentiment(lyrics):
    alchemy = AlchemyAPI()
    response = alchemy.sentiment('text', lyrics)
    if 'docSentiment' not in response.keys():
        return 0.0
    if 'score' in response['docSentiment'].keys():
        return float(response['docSentiment']['score'])
    return 0.0
def extract_sentiment(lyrics):
    alchemy = AlchemyAPI()
    response = alchemy.sentiment('text', lyrics)
    if 'docSentiment' not in response.keys():
        return 0.0
    if 'score' in response['docSentiment'].keys():
        return float(response['docSentiment']['score'])
    return 0.0
 def get_keywords(documents, text_accessor=lambda x: x):
     alchemy_api = AlchemyAPI()
     keywords = []
     for document in documents:
         response = alchemy_api.keywords('text', text_accessor(document), {'sentiment': 1})
         if response['status'] == 'OK':
             keywords.append(set(map(lambda x: x['text'], response['keywords'])))
             print('Error in keyword extraction call')
     return keywords
    def tag_list(image_url):
        alchemyapi = AlchemyAPI()
        alchemy_json = alchemyapi.imageTagging("url", image_url)

            image_keywords = alchemy_json["imageKeywords"]

        except KeyError:
            return None

            result_list = {
                image_keyword["text"]: float(image_keyword["score"])
                for image_keyword in image_keywords
            return result_list
Exemple #5
def main():

    from alchemyapi.alchemyapi import AlchemyAPI
    # Extract text from a webpage for analysis
    url = ''
    article = Webpage(url)
    text = article.get_text()

    # Extract keywords
    alchemyapi = AlchemyAPI()
    output = alchemyapi.keywords('text', text)
    keywords = parse_keyword_output(output)

    # Print to console
    print('\nThe URL used for this assignment is:\n\n%s\n' % url)
class AlchemyApiService(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.alchemy_api = AlchemyAPI()

    def get_keywords(self, text):
        # TODO(simplyfaisal): Refine error handling logic.
            response = self.alchemy_api.keywords('text', text, {'sentiment': 1})
            if response['status'] == 'OK':
                return response['keywords']
                print ('Error in keyword extraction')
                print response
        except Exception as e:
            print e
        return []
print(str(divText.div.strong.prettify) + " AUTHOR NAME TEST")
print(str(divText.div.blockquote.prettify) + " QUOTE TEXT TEST")

def build_quotes(TextSoup):
        divText = TextSoup.find("div",  {"id": "main_body"} , {"class": "right"})
        Allauthors = []
        Allquotes = []
        for tag in divText:
            author = tag.find('strong')
            if author not in (-1, None):
            quotes = tag.find('blockquote')
            if quotes not in (-1, None):
                quote = quotes.findAll('p', text = True)
        print(str(Allauthors[0]) + str(Allquotes[0]) + "FIRST QUOTE - RESULTS TEST")

Allquotes = build_quotes(soup)
alchemyapi = AlchemyAPI()
response = alchemyapi.keywords('text', Allquotes)
keywords = response.values()
keywords = keywords[2]

print(str(keywords[0]) + " KEYWORD SLICE CHECK")

df = pd.DataFrame(keywords)
df.index = df.index + 1
print df[0:10]

from alchemyapi.alchemyapi import AlchemyAPI
from json import load, dump
import time

songs = load(open('lyrics.json'))

alchemyapi = AlchemyAPI()

keywords = {}

for song in songs:
    response = alchemyapi.keywords('text', songs[song])

    for k in [ c['text'] for c in response['keywords'] ]:
        if k not in keywords:
            keywords[k] = []

dump(keywords, open('keywords.json', 'w'))
__author__ = 'Yingqi'
import re
import json
import pandas as pd
from collections import defaultdict
from alchemyapi.alchemyapi import AlchemyAPI
alchemyapi = AlchemyAPI()
code = {'AL': '01', 'AZ': '04', 'AR': '05', 'CA': '06', 'CO': '08', 'CT': '09', 'DC': '11', 'FL': '12', 'GA': '13',
        'ID': '16', 'IL': '17', 'IN': '18', 'IA': '19', 'KS': '20',
        'KY': '21', 'LA': '22', 'ME': '23', 'MD': '24', 'MA': '25', 'MI': '26', 'MN': '27', 'MS': '28', 'MO': '29',
        'MT': '30', 'NE': '31', 'NV': '32', 'NJ': '34', 'NH': '33', 'NM': '35', 'NY': '36', 'DE': '10',
        'NC': '37', 'ND': '38', 'OH': '39', 'OK': '40', 'OR': '41', 'PA': '42', 'RI': '44', 'SC': '45', 'SD': '46',
        'TN': '47', 'TX': '48', 'UT': '49', 'VT': '50', 'VA': '51', 'WA': '53', 'WV': '54', 'WI': '55',
        'WY': '56'

mask = defaultdict(float, [(i,1) for i in code.values()])
def word_in_text(word, text):
    word = word.lower()
    text = text.lower()
    match =, text)
    if match:
        return True
    return False

tweet_path = 'health.txt'
tweet_file = open(tweet_path, 'r')
tweet_data = []
i = 0
for line in tweet_file:
from alchemyapi.alchemyapi import AlchemyAPI
from json import load, dumps
from collections import Counter
from sys import stdout, exit
import feedparser

RSS_URL = ''
#RSS_URL = ''

keywords = load(open('keywords.json'))

d = feedparser.parse(RSS_URL)

alchemyapi = AlchemyAPI()

songs = Counter()

print '  Analysing: %s ' % (d['feed']['subtitle'])
count = len(d['entries'])
i = 0.0

stdout.write('    Working:   0%')
for t in d['entries']:
    i += 1
    title = t['title']
    url = t['link']

    if 'VIDEO:' not in title and 'AUDIO:' not in title:
        response = alchemyapi.keywords('url', url)

        if response['status'] == 'OK':
 def __init__(self):
     self.alchemy_api = AlchemyAPI()