def check_compliance_vs_pattern(dag, topological_list, pattern, compliance_rules=None): ''' Create a poset from dag and make sure that whenever a new unit is added, the answer to the check_compliance test agrees with a precomputed set of answers: a pattern. :param DAG dag: the dag against which we want to test the check_compliance procedure :param list topological_list: a list of nodes in dag in a topological order :param list pattern: the list of answers (True, False) to the compliance test for the subsequent nodes in topological_list :param dict compliance_rules: which compliance rule should be activated in the poset ''' unit_dict = {} poset = Poset(n_processes=dag.n_processes, compliance_rules=compliance_rules, use_tcoin=False) for node, answer in zip(topological_list, pattern): U = Unit(, parents=[unit_dict[parent] for parent in dag.parents(node)], txs=[]) unit_dict[node] = U poset.prepare_unit(U) assert poset.check_compliance( U) == answer, f"Node {node} was problematic." poset.add_unit(U)
def initialize_posets(n_processes, use_tcoin = False): ''' Initialize empty posets. :param int n_processes: the number of processes :param bool use_tcoin: whether to use threshold coin in the poset (and in particular to include coin shares in the poset) :returns: a list of n_processes Posets. ''' crp = generate_crp(n_processes) return [Poset(n_processes, process_id, crp, use_tcoin = use_tcoin) for process_id in range(n_processes)]
def create_poset_foundation(n_processes): ''' Creates a layer of n_processes dealing units and adds them to a poset. :returns: the resulting poset ''' poset = Poset(n_processes=n_processes, use_tcoin=False) empty_floor = [[] for _ in range(n_processes)] bottom_units_per_process = [ Unit(creator_id=i, parents=[], txs=[]) for i in range(n_processes) ] for i in range(n_processes): poset.prepare_unit(bottom_units_per_process[i]) poset.add_unit(bottom_units_per_process[i]) return poset
def poset_from_dag(dag): ''' Generates a poset from a given dag. :returns: a pair (poset, unit_dict), where unit_dict is a dict of the form {name_in_dag -> unit} binding units in the new poset with nodes in dag ''' poset = Poset(n_processes = dag.n_processes, use_tcoin = False) unit_dict = {} for unit_name in dag.sorted(): creator_id = assert 0 <= creator_id <= dag.n_processes - 1, "Incorrect process id" assert unit_name not in unit_dict, "Duplicate unit name %s" % unit_name for parent in dag.parents(unit_name): assert parent in unit_dict, "Parent %s of unit %s not known" % (parent, unit_name) U = Unit(creator_id = creator_id, parents = [unit_dict[parent] for parent in dag.parents(unit_name)], txs = []) poset.prepare_unit(U) poset.add_unit(U) unit_dict[unit_name] = U return poset, unit_dict
def test_trivial_single_level_below(): ''' A simple manual test that makes sure that poset.max_units_per_process are correctly set when only dealing units are present and that after adding one additional unit to the poset, Poset.below returns correct results. ''' # start by creating a poset with 4 processes and add the 4 dealing units to it n_processes = 4 poset = Poset(n_processes=n_processes, use_tcoin=False) dealing_units_per_process = [ Unit(creator_id=i, parents=[], txs=[]) for i in range(n_processes) ] for i in range(n_processes): poset.prepare_unit(dealing_units_per_process[i]) poset.add_unit(dealing_units_per_process[i]) # make sure that dealing units are set as maximal units in the poset for i in range(n_processes): assert poset.max_units_per_process[i][0] is dealing_units_per_process[i] U0 = poset.max_units_per_process[0][0] U1 = poset.max_units_per_process[1][0] U2 = poset.max_units_per_process[2][0] U3 = poset.max_units_per_process[3][0] # add one new unit with parents U0, U1 to the poset U = Unit(creator_id=0, parents=[U0, U1], txs=[]) poset.prepare_unit(U) poset.add_unit(U) assert poset.below(U0, U) assert poset.above(U, U0) assert poset.below(U1, U) assert not poset.below(U2, U) assert not poset.below(U3, U)
def __init__(self, n_processes, process_id, secret_key, public_key, addresses, public_key_list, tx_receiver_address, userDB=None, tx_source=tx_listener, gossip_strategy='unif_random'): self.n_processes = n_processes self.process_id = process_id self.gossip_strategy = gossip_strategy self.secret_key = secret_key self.public_key = public_key self.public_key_list = public_key_list self.addresses = addresses self.ip = addresses[process_id][0] self.port = addresses[process_id][1] self.tx_source = tx_source self.tx_receiver_address = tx_receiver_address self.prepared_txs = [] self.crp = CommonRandomPermutation( [pk.to_hex() for pk in public_key_list]) self.poset = Poset(self.n_processes, self.process_id, self.crp, use_tcoin=consts.USE_TCOIN) self.create_delay = consts.CREATE_DELAY # step size for adaptively changing create_delay self.step_size = consts.STEP_SIZE self.userDB = userDB if self.userDB is None: self.userDB = UserDB() self.keep_syncing = True self.tx_source = tx_source # units that have not yet been linearly ordered self.unordered_units = [] # hashes of units in linear order self.linear_order = [] # list of units (from least recent to most recent) created by out process self.our_units = [] # we number all the syncs performed by process with unique ids (both outcoming and incoming) self.sync_id = 0 # remember when did we last (sync_id) synced with a given process self.last_synced_with_process = [-1] * self.n_processes # initialize logger self.logger = logging.getLogger(consts.LOGGER_NAME) #initialize network = Network(self, addresses, public_key_list, self.logger)
class Process: ''' This class represents a single member of the committee in the Aleph protocol. :param int n_processes: the committee size :param int process_id: the id of the process :param string secret_key: the private key of the current process :param string public_key: the public key of the current process :param list addresses: the list of length n_processes containing addresses (host, port) of all committee members :param list public_keys: the list of public keys of all committee members :param tuple tx_receiver_address: address pair (host, port) on which the process should listen for incoming transactions :param object userDB: initial state of user accounts :param object tx_source: method used for listening for incomming transactions :param string gossip_strategy: name of the gossip strategy to be used by the process ''' def __init__(self, n_processes, process_id, secret_key, public_key, addresses, public_key_list, tx_receiver_address, userDB=None, tx_source=tx_listener, gossip_strategy='unif_random'): self.n_processes = n_processes self.process_id = process_id self.gossip_strategy = gossip_strategy self.secret_key = secret_key self.public_key = public_key self.public_key_list = public_key_list self.addresses = addresses self.ip = addresses[process_id][0] self.port = addresses[process_id][1] self.tx_source = tx_source self.tx_receiver_address = tx_receiver_address self.prepared_txs = [] self.crp = CommonRandomPermutation( [pk.to_hex() for pk in public_key_list]) self.poset = Poset(self.n_processes, self.process_id, self.crp, use_tcoin=consts.USE_TCOIN) self.create_delay = consts.CREATE_DELAY # step size for adaptively changing create_delay self.step_size = consts.STEP_SIZE self.userDB = userDB if self.userDB is None: self.userDB = UserDB() self.keep_syncing = True self.tx_source = tx_source # units that have not yet been linearly ordered self.unordered_units = [] # hashes of units in linear order self.linear_order = [] # list of units (from least recent to most recent) created by out process self.our_units = [] # we number all the syncs performed by process with unique ids (both outcoming and incoming) self.sync_id = 0 # remember when did we last (sync_id) synced with a given process self.last_synced_with_process = [-1] * self.n_processes # initialize logger self.logger = logging.getLogger(consts.LOGGER_NAME) #initialize network = Network(self, addresses, public_key_list, self.logger) def sign_unit(self, U): ''' Signs the unit. :param Unit U: the unit to be signed. ''' U.signature = self.secret_key.sign(U.bytestring()) def process_txs_in_unit_list(self, list_U): ''' For now this just counts the transactions in all the units in list_U. :param list list_U: the list of units containing the transactions to be counted :returns: The number of transactions ''' n_txs = 0 for U in list_U: n_txs += U.n_txs return n_txs def add_unit_and_extend_linear_order(self, U): ''' Add a (compliant) unit to the poset, try to find a new timing unit and in the case of success, extend the linear order. :param Unit U: the unit to be added to the poset ''' #NOTE: it is assumed at this point that U is not yet in the poset assert U.hash( ) not in self.poset.units, "A duplicate unit is being added to the poset." self.poset.add_unit(U) self.unordered_units.append(U) if self.poset.is_prime(U): with timer(self.process_id, 'attempt_timing'): if consts.PRECOMPUTE_POPULARITY: self.poset.precompute_popularity_proof(U) new_timing_units = self.poset.attempt_timing_decision() timer.write_summary(where=self.logger, groups=[self.process_id]) timer.reset(self.process_id) f'prime_unit {self.process_id} | New prime unit at level {U.level} : {U.short_name()}' ) for U_timing in new_timing_units: f'timing_new {self.process_id} | Timing unit at level {U_timing.level} established.' ) for U_timing in new_timing_units: with timer(self.process_id, f'linear_order_{U_timing.level}'): units_to_order = [] updated_unordered_units = [] for V in self.unordered_units: if self.poset.below(V, U_timing): units_to_order.append(V) else: updated_unordered_units.append(V) ordered_units = self.poset.break_ties(units_to_order) self.linear_order += [W.hash() for W in ordered_units] self.unordered_units = updated_unordered_units printable_unit_hashes = ' '.join(W.short_name() for W in ordered_units) n_txs = self.process_txs_in_unit_list(ordered_units) f'add_linear_order {self.process_id} | At lvl {U_timing.level} added {len(units_to_order)} units and {n_txs} txs to the linear order {printable_unit_hashes}' ) timer.write_summary(where=self.logger, groups=[self.process_id]) timer.reset(self.process_id) def add_unit_to_poset(self, U): ''' Checks compliance of the unit U and adds it to the poset (unless already in the poset). Subsequently validates transactions using U. :param Unit U: the unit to be added :returns: boolean value: True if the unit was succesfully added or was already in the poset, False if the unit is not compliant ''' if U.hash() in self.poset.units.keys(): return True self.poset.prepare_unit(U) if self.poset.check_compliance(U): old_level = self.poset.level_reached self.add_unit_and_extend_linear_order(U) if self.poset.level_reached > old_level: f"new_level {self.process_id} | Level {self.poset.level_reached} reached" ) else: return False return True def choose_process_to_sync_with(self): ''' Choses a process with which to sync using the relevant strategy. :returns: the id of the process chosen ''' if self.gossip_strategy == 'unif_random': sync_candidates = list(range(self.n_processes)) sync_candidates.remove(self.process_id) elif self.gossip_strategy == 'non_recent_random': # this threshold is more or less arbitrary threshold = self.n_processes // 3 # pick all processes that we haven't synced with in the last (threshold) syncs sync_candidates = [] for process_id in range(self.n_processes): if process_id == self.process_id: continue last_sync = self.last_synced_with_process[process_id] if last_sync == -1 or self.sync_id - last_sync >= threshold: sync_candidates.append(process_id) else: assert False, "Non-supported gossip strategy." return random.choice(sync_candidates) def adjust_create_delay(self): ''' Looks at the 3 last units created by our process and based on their levels modifies the create_delay. ''' if len(self.our_units) >= 3: recent_levels = [U.level for U in self.our_units[-3:]] if recent_levels[2] == recent_levels[1]: # we have created two units on the same level, increase delay self.create_delay *= 1 + self.step_size elif recent_levels[0] <= recent_levels[2] - 2: # we are creating units too infrequently, reduce delay self.create_delay /= 1 + self.step_size def create_unit(self, txs): ''' Attempts to create a new unit in the poset. :param list txs: the transactions to include in the unit :returns: A new unit if creation was successfull, None otherwise ''' with timer(self.process_id, 'create_unit'): U = create_unit(self.poset, self.process_id, txs) return U async def create_add(self, txs_queue, server_started): ''' A task that will keep creating new units. :param multiprocessing.Queue txs_queue: a queue of transactions to be added to units :param asyncio.Event server_started: a mutex to ensure that the basic connection server starts before we commence unit creation ''' await server_started.wait() created_count, max_level_reached = 0, False while created_count != consts.UNITS_LIMIT and not max_level_reached: # log current memory consumption memory_usage_in_mib = (psutil.Process( os.getpid()).memory_info().rss) / (2**20) f'memory_usage {self.process_id} | {memory_usage_in_mib:.4f} MiB' ) f'max_units {self.process_id} | There are {len(self.poset.max_units)} maximal units just before create_unit' ) txs = self.prepared_txs new_unit = self.create_unit(txs) created_count += 1 if new_unit is not None: with timer(self.process_id, 'create_unit'): self.poset.prepare_unit(new_unit) assert self.poset.check_compliance( new_unit ), "A unit created by our process is not passing the compliance test!" self.sign_unit(new_unit) self.add_unit_to_poset(new_unit) n_parents = len(new_unit.parents) f"create_add {self.process_id} | Created a new unit {new_unit.short_name()} with {n_parents} parents" ) self.our_units.append(new_unit) if consts.ADAPTIVE_DELAY: self.adjust_create_delay() if new_unit.level == consts.LEVEL_LIMIT: max_level_reached = True if not txs_queue.empty(): self.prepared_txs = txs_queue.get() else: self.prepared_txs = [] else: f'create_fail {self.process_id} | Failed to create a new unit' ) timer.write_summary(where=self.logger, groups=[self.process_id]) timer.reset(self.process_id) await asyncio.sleep(self.create_delay) self.keep_syncing = False logger = logging.getLogger(consts.LOGGER_NAME) if max_level_reached: f'create_stop {self.process_id} | process reached max_level {consts.LEVEL_LIMIT}' ) elif created_count == consts.UNITS_LIMIT: f'create_stop {self.process_id} | process created {consts.UNITS_LIMIT} units' ) # dump the final poset to disc self.poset.dump_to_file(f'poset.dag') async def dispatch_syncs(self, server_started): ''' A task that will keep initiating syncs with other processes. :param asyncio.Event server_started: an event to ensure that the basic connection server starts before we commence syncing ''' await server_started.wait() sync_count = 0 syncing_tasks = [] while sync_count != consts.SYNCS_LIMIT and self.keep_syncing: sync_count += 1 target_id = self.choose_process_to_sync_with() syncing_tasks.append( asyncio.create_task( await asyncio.sleep(consts.SYNC_INIT_DELAY) await asyncio.gather(*syncing_tasks) # give some time for other processes to finish await asyncio.sleep(3 * consts.SYNC_INIT_DELAY + 2) logger = logging.getLogger(consts.LOGGER_NAME) f'sync_stop {self.process_id} | keep_syncing is {self.keep_syncing}' ) async def start_listeners(self, server_started): ''' A task that will start listeners for syncs from other processes. :param asyncio.Event server_started: an event to ensure that the basic connection server starts before we commence syncing ''' await server_started.wait() listeners = [ asyncio.create_task( for pid in range(self.n_processes) if pid != self.process_id ] await asyncio.gather(*listeners) async def run(self): ''' A task to run the process. ''' # start another process listening for incoming txs f'start_process {self.process_id} | Starting a new process in committee of size {self.n_processes}' ) txs_queue = multiprocessing.Queue(1000) p = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.tx_source, args=(self.tx_receiver_address, txs_queue)) try: p.start() server_started = asyncio.Event() server_task = asyncio.create_task( listener_task = asyncio.create_task( self.start_listeners(server_started)) creator_task = asyncio.create_task( self.create_add(txs_queue, server_started)) syncing_task = asyncio.create_task( self.dispatch_syncs(server_started)) await asyncio.gather(syncing_task, creator_task) f'listener_done {self.process_id} | Gathered results; canceling server and listeners' ) server_task.cancel() listener_task.cancel() finally: p.kill()'process_done {self.process_id} | Exiting program')