def test_superstrict(self):

        result1 = superstrict(_set1u2, _set1)
        self.assertEqual(result1, _set1u2)
        result2 = superstrict(_set2, _set1)
        self.assertIs(result2, Undef())
    def test_superstrict(self):

        result1 = superstrict(_set1u2, _set1)
        self.assertEqual(result1, _set1u2)
        result2 = superstrict(_set2, _set1)
        self.assertIs(result2, Undef())
Exemple #3

# Tables can be modeled as sets of binary relations, which we call clans.
from io import StringIO
from import import_csv

file = StringIO(vocab_csv)
vocab_clan = import_csv(file)
print("vocab_clan:", vocab_clan)

# Superstriction(A, B) is a partial binary operation on sets. It is defined as A if A is a superset
# of B, otherwise it is undefined.
hello_relation = Set(Couplet('word', 'hello'), Couplet('language', 'English'),
                     Couplet('meaning', 'salutation'))
super_pos = sets.superstrict(hello_relation, Set(Couplet('language', 'English')))
super_neg = sets.superstrict(hello_relation, Set(Couplet('language', 'Mandarin')))

# By extending superstriction to clans, which are sets of sets (of Couplets), we can define a helpful
# mechanism to restrict vocab_clan to only those relations that contain particular values.
import algebraixlib.algebras.clans as clans
salutation_records_clan = clans.superstrict(vocab_clan, Set(Set(Couplet('meaning', 'salutation'))))
earth_records_clan = clans.superstrict(vocab_clan, Set(Set(Couplet('meaning', 'earth'))))
print("salutation_records_clan:", salutation_records_clan)
print("earth_records_clan:", earth_records_clan)

# By choosing an appropriate right-hand argument, our extended composition operation from earlier can
# model projection.
words_langs_clan = Set(Set(Couplet('word', 'word'), Couplet('language', 'language')))
Exemple #4

# Tables can be modeled as sets of binary relations, which we call clans.
from io import StringIO
from import import_csv

file = StringIO(vocab_csv)
vocab_clan = import_csv(file)
print("vocab_clan:", vocab_clan)

# Superstriction(A, B) is a partial binary operation on sets. It is defined as A if A is a superset
# of B, otherwise it is undefined.
hello_relation = Set(Couplet('word', 'hello'), Couplet('language', 'English'),
                     Couplet('meaning', 'salutation'))
super_pos = sets.superstrict(hello_relation,
                             Set(Couplet('language', 'English')))
super_neg = sets.superstrict(hello_relation,
                             Set(Couplet('language', 'Mandarin')))

# By extending superstriction to clans, which are sets of sets (of Couplets), we can define a
# helpful mechanism to restrict vocab_clan to only those relations that contain particular values.
import algebraixlib.algebras.clans as clans
salutation_records_clan = clans.superstrict(
    vocab_clan, Set(Set(Couplet('meaning', 'salutation'))))
earth_records_clan = clans.superstrict(vocab_clan,
                                       Set(Set(Couplet('meaning', 'earth'))))
print("salutation_records_clan:", salutation_records_clan)
print("earth_records_clan:", earth_records_clan)