Exemple #1
def extract_tif_from_hdf(input_path, output_path, key_path, index=(0, -1, 1),
                         axis=0, crop=(0, 0, 0, 0), prefix="img"):
    Extract tif images from a hdf/nxs file.

    input_path : str
        Path to the hdf/nxs file.
    output_path : str
        Output folder.
    key_path : str
        Key path to the dataset in the hdf/nxs file.
    index : tuple of int or int.
        Indices of extracted images. A tuple corresponds to (start,stop,step).
    axis : int
        Axis which the images are extracted.
    crop : tuple of int, optional
        Crop the images from the edges, i.e.
        crop = (crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right).
    prefix : str, optional
        Prefix of names of tif files.

        Folder path to the tif files.
    data = losa.load_hdf(input_path, key_path)
    (depth, height, width) = data.shape
    if isinstance(index, tuple):
        start, stop, step = index
        start, stop, step = index, index + 1, 1
    cr_top, cr_bottom, cr_left, cr_right = crop
    if axis == 1:
        if (stop == -1) or (stop > height):
            stop = height
        for i in range(start, stop, step):
            mat = data[cr_top:depth - cr_bottom, i, cr_left:width - cr_right]
            out_name = "0000" + str(i)
                output_path + "/" + prefix + "_" + out_name[-5:] + ".tif", mat)
    elif axis == 2:
        if (stop == -1) or (stop > width):
            stop = width
        for i in range(start, stop, step):
            mat = data[cr_top:depth - cr_bottom, cr_left:height - cr_right, i]
            out_name = "0000" + str(i)
                output_path + "/" + prefix + "_" + out_name[-5:] + ".tif", mat)
        if (stop == -1) or (stop > depth):
            stop = depth
        for i in range(start, stop, step):
            mat = data[i, cr_top:height - cr_bottom, cr_left:width - cr_right]
            out_name = "0000" + str(i)
                output_path + "/" + prefix + "_" + out_name[-5:] + ".tif", mat)
    return output_path
Exemple #2
 def test_load_hdf(self):
     file_path = "data/data.hdf"
     ifile = h5py.File(file_path, "w")
     ifile.create_dataset("entry/data", data=np.random.rand(64, 64))
     data = losa.load_hdf(file_path, "entry/data")[:]
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(data, np.ndarray))
import algotom.prep.filtering as filt
import algotom.rec.reconstruction as reco

# Paths to data
proj_path = "D:/data/scan_00010/projections_00000.hdf"
flat_path = "D:/data/scan_00009/flats_00000.hdf"
dark_path = "D:/data/scan_00009/darks_00000.hdf"
meta_path = "D:/data/scan_00010/scan_00010.nxs"
key_path = "/entry/data/data"
pixel_size = 3.24297964149*10**(-3) # mm. Calibrated at the beamtime.

# Where to save the outputs
output_base = "D:/output/"

# Load data of projection images as an hdf object
proj_data = losa.load_hdf(proj_path, key_path)
(depth, height, width) = proj_data.shape
# Load flat-field images and dark-field images, average each of them
flat_field = np.mean(losa.load_hdf(flat_path, key_path)[:], axis=0)
dark_field = np.mean(losa.load_hdf(dark_path, key_path)[:], axis=0)
# Load metadata of the helical scan
pitch = np.float32(losa.load_hdf(meta_path, "/entry1/information/pitch")) #mm
angles = np.float32(losa.load_hdf(meta_path, "/entry1/tomo_entry/instrument/detector/rotation_angle")) #Degree
num_proj = np.int16(losa.load_hdf(meta_path, "/entry1/information/number_projections")) #mm
y_start = np.float32(losa.load_hdf(meta_path, "/entry1/information/y_start"))
y_stop = np.float32(losa.load_hdf(meta_path, "/entry1/information/y_stop"))

scan_type = "360"
(y_s, y_e) = calc.calculate_reconstructable_height(y_start, y_stop, pitch, scan_type)
max_index = calc.calculate_maximum_index(y_start, y_stop, pitch, pixel_size, scan_type)
print("1 -> Given y_start: {0}, y_stop: {1}, pitch: {2}, and scan_type: '{3}'".format(y_start, y_stop, pitch, scan_type))
Exemple #4
input_base = "D:/Full_reconstruction/"

# Where to save the outputs
output_base = "D:/Dsp_grid_scan/"
output_file = "full_size_dsp_8_8_8.hdf"
cube = (8, 8, 8)  # Downsampling factor

list_file = losa.find_file(input_base + "*.hdf")
key_path = "entry/data"

list_hdf_object = []
num_file = len(list_file)
list_nslice = []
for i in range(num_file):
    hdf_object = losa.load_hdf(list_file[i], key_path)
    (nslice, height, width) = hdf_object.shape
total_slice = np.sum(np.asarray(list_nslice))

total_slice_r = (total_slice // cube[0]) * cube[0]
height_r = (height // cube[1]) * cube[1]
width_r = (width // cube[2]) * cube[2]

# Calculate the size of downsampled data.
dsp_slice = total_slice_r // cube[0]
dsp_height = height_r // cube[1]
dsp_width = width_r // cube[2]

next_slice = 0
Exemple #5
def get_statical_information_dataset(input_,
                                     percentile=(5, 95),
    Get statical information of a dataset. This can be a folder of tif files,
    a hdf file, or a 3D array.

    input_ : str, hdf file, or array_like
        It can be a folder path to tif files, a hdf file, or a 3D array.
    percentile : tuple of floats
        Tuple of (min_percentile, max_percentile) to compute.
        Must be between 0 and 100 inclusive.
    skip : int
        Skipping step of reading input.
    denoise: bool, optional
        Enable/disable denoising before extracting statistical information.
    key_path : str, optional
        Key path to the dataset if the input is the hdf file.

    gmin : float
        The global minimum value of the data array.
    gmax : float
        The global maximum value of the data array.
    min_percent : float
        The global min of the first computed percentile of the data array.
    max_percent : tuple of floats
        The global min of the last computed percentile of the data array.
    mean : float
        The mean of the data array.
    median : float
        The median of the data array.
    variance : float
        The mean of the variance of the data array.
    if isinstance(input_, str) and (os.path.splitext(input_)[-1] == ""):
        list_file = losa.find_file(input_ + "/*.tif*")
        depth = len(list_file)
        if depth == 0:
            raise ValueError("No tif files in the folder: {}".format(input_))
        list_stat = []
        for i in range(0, depth, skip):
            mat = losa.load_image(list_file[i])
            if denoise is True:
                mat = gaussian_filter(mat, 2)
            list_stat.append(get_statical_information(mat, percentile,
        if isinstance(input_, str):
            file_ext = os.path.splitext(input_)[-1]
            if not (file_ext == '.hdf' or file_ext == '.h5'
                    or file_ext == ".nxs"):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Can't open this type of file format {}".format(file_ext))
            if key_path is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Please provide the key path to the dataset!!!")
            input_ = losa.load_hdf(input_, key_path)
        depth = len(input_)
        list_stat = []
        for i in range(0, depth, skip):
            mat = input_[i]
            if denoise is True:
                mat = gaussian_filter(mat, 2)
            list_stat.append(get_statical_information(mat, percentile,
    list_stat = np.asarray(list_stat)
    gmin = np.min(list_stat[:, 0])
    gmax = np.max(list_stat[:, 1])
    min_percent = np.min(list_stat[:, 2])
    max_percent = np.max(list_stat[:, 3])
    median = np.median(list_stat[:, 4])
    mean = np.mean(list_stat[:, 5])
    variance = np.mean(list_stat[:, 6])
    return gmin, gmax, min_percent, max_percent, mean, median, variance
Exemple #6
def rescale_dataset(input_,
    Rescale a dataset to 8-bit or 16-bit data-type. The dataset can be a
    folder of tif files, a hdf file, or a 3D array.

    input_ : str, array_like
        It can be a folder path to tif files, a hdf file, or 3D array.
    output : str, None
        It can be a folder path, a hdf file path, or None (memory consuming).
    nbit : {8,16}
        Rescaled data-type: 8-bit or 16-bit.
    minmax : tuple of float, or None
        Minimum and maximum values used for rescaling. They are calculated if
        None is given.
    skip : int or None
        Skipping step of reading input used for getting statistical information.
    key_path : str, optional
        Key path to the dataset if the input is the hdf file.

    array_like or None
        If output is None, returning an 3D array.
    if output is not None:
        file_base, file_ext = os.path.splitext(output)
        if file_ext != "":
            file_base = os.path.dirname(output)
        if os.path.exists(file_base):
            raise ValueError("Folder exists!!! Please choose another path!!!")
    if isinstance(input_, str) and (os.path.splitext(input_)[-1] == ""):
        list_file = losa.find_file(input_ + "/*.tif*")
        depth = len(list_file)
        if depth == 0:
            raise ValueError("No tif files in the folder: {}".format(input_))
        if minmax is None:
            if skip is None:
                skip = int(np.ceil(0.15 * depth))
            (gmin, gmax) = get_statical_information_dataset(input_,
            (gmin, gmax) = minmax
        if output is not None:
            file_base, file_ext = os.path.splitext(output)
            if file_ext != "":
                if not (file_ext == '.hdf' or file_ext == '.h5'
                        or file_ext == ".nxs"):
                    raise ValueError("File extension must be hdf, h5, or nxs")
                output = file_base + file_ext
                (height, width) = np.shape(losa.load_image(list_file[0]))
                if nbit == 8:
                    data_type = "uint8"
                    data_type = "uint16"
                data_out = losa.open_hdf_stream(output, (depth, height, width),
        data_res = []
        for i in range(0, depth):
            mat = rescale(losa.load_image(list_file[i]),
                          minmax=(gmin, gmax))
            if output is None:
                file_base, file_ext = os.path.splitext(output)
                if file_ext == "":
                    out_name = "0000" + str(i)
                    losa.save_image(output + "/img_" + out_name[-5:] + ".tif",
                    data_out[i] = mat
        if isinstance(input_, str):
            file_ext = os.path.splitext(input_)[-1]
            if not (file_ext == '.hdf' or file_ext == '.h5'
                    or file_ext == ".nxs"):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Can't open this type of file format {}".format(file_ext))
            if key_path is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Please provide the key path to the dataset!!!")
            input_ = losa.load_hdf(input_, key_path)
        (depth, height, width) = input_.shape
        if minmax is None:
            if skip is None:
                skip = int(np.ceil(0.15 * depth))
             gmax) = get_statical_information_dataset(input_,
            (gmin, gmax) = minmax
        data_res = []
        if output is not None:
            file_base, file_ext = os.path.splitext(output)
            if file_ext != "":
                if not (file_ext == '.hdf' or file_ext == '.h5'
                        or file_ext == ".nxs"):
                    raise ValueError("File extension must be hdf, h5, or nxs")
                output = file_base + file_ext
                if nbit == 8:
                    data_type = "uint8"
                    data_type = "uint16"
                data_out = losa.open_hdf_stream(output, (depth, height, width),
        for i in range(0, depth):
            mat = rescale(input_[i], nbit=nbit, minmax=(gmin, gmax))
            if output is None:
                file_base, file_ext = os.path.splitext(output)
                if file_ext != "":
                    data_out[i] = mat
                    out_name = "0000" + str(i)
                    losa.save_image(output + "/img_" + out_name[-5:] + ".tif",
    if output is None:
        return np.asarray(data_res)
Exemple #7
def downsample_dataset(input_,
    Downsample a dataset. This can be a folder of tif files, a hdf file,
    or a 3D array.

    input_ : str, array_like
        It can be a folder path to tif files, a hdf file, or 3D array.
    output : str, None
        It can be a folder path, a hdf file path, or None (memory consuming).
    cell_size : int or tuple of int
        Window size along axes used for grouping pixels.
    method : {"mean", "median", "max", "min"}
        Downsampling method.
    key_path : str, optional
        Key path to the dataset if the input is the hdf file.

    array_like or None
        If output is None, returning an 3D array.
    if output is not None:
        file_base, file_ext = os.path.splitext(output)
        if file_ext != "":
            file_base = os.path.dirname(output)
        if os.path.exists(file_base):
            raise ValueError("Folder exists!!! Please choose another path!!!")
    if method == "median":
        dsp_method = np.median
    elif method == "max":
        dsp_method = np.max
    elif method == "min":
        dsp_method = np.amin
        dsp_method = np.mean
    if isinstance(cell_size, int):
        cell_size = (cell_size, cell_size, cell_size)
    if isinstance(input_, str) and (os.path.splitext(input_)[-1] == ""):
        list_file = losa.find_file(input_ + "/*.tif*")
        depth = len(list_file)
        if depth == 0:
            raise ValueError("No tif files in the folder: {}".format(input_))
        (height, width) = np.shape(losa.load_image(list_file[0]))
        depth_dsp = depth // cell_size[0]
        height_dsp = height // cell_size[1]
        width_dsp = width // cell_size[2]
        num = 0
        if (depth_dsp != 0) and (height_dsp != 0) and (width_dsp != 0):
            if output is not None:
                file_base, file_ext = os.path.splitext(output)
                if file_ext != "":
                    if not (file_ext == '.hdf' or file_ext == '.h5'
                            or file_ext == ".nxs"):
                        raise ValueError(
                            "File extension must be hdf, h5, or nxs")
                output = file_base + file_ext
                data_out = losa.open_hdf_stream(
                    output, (depth_dsp, height_dsp, width_dsp),
            data_dsp = []
            for i in range(0, depth, cell_size[0]):
                if (i + cell_size[0]) > depth:
                    mat = []
                    for j in range(i, i + cell_size[0]):
                    mat = np.asarray(mat)
                    mat = mat[:, :height_dsp * cell_size[1], :width_dsp *
                    mat = mat.reshape(1, cell_size[0], height_dsp,
                                      cell_size[1], width_dsp, cell_size[2])
                    mat_dsp = dsp_method(dsp_method(dsp_method(mat, axis=-1),
                    if output is None:
                        if file_ext == "":
                            out_name = "0000" + str(num)
                                output + "/img_" + out_name[-5:] + ".tif",
                            data_out[num] = mat_dsp[0]
                        num += 1
            raise ValueError("Incorrect cell size {}".format(cell_size))
        if isinstance(input_, str):
            file_ext = os.path.splitext(input_)[-1]
            if not (file_ext == '.hdf' or file_ext == '.h5'
                    or file_ext == ".nxs"):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Can't open this type of file format {}".format(file_ext))
            if key_path is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Please provide the key path to the dataset!!!")
            input_ = losa.load_hdf(input_, key_path)
        (depth, height, width) = input_.shape
        depth_dsp = depth // cell_size[0]
        height_dsp = height // cell_size[1]
        width_dsp = width // cell_size[2]
        if (depth_dsp != 0) and (height_dsp != 0) and (width_dsp != 0):
            if output is None:
                input_ = input_[:depth_dsp * cell_size[0], :height_dsp *
                                cell_size[1], :width_dsp * cell_size[2]]
                input_ = input_.reshape(depth_dsp, cell_size[0], height_dsp,
                                        cell_size[1], width_dsp, cell_size[2])
                data_dsp = dsp_method(dsp_method(dsp_method(input_, axis=-1),
                file_base, file_ext = os.path.splitext(output)
                if file_ext != "":
                    if not (file_ext == '.hdf' or file_ext == '.h5'
                            or file_ext == ".nxs"):
                        raise ValueError(
                            "File extension must be hdf, h5, or nxs")
                    output = file_base + file_ext
                    data_out = losa.open_hdf_stream(
                        output, (depth_dsp, height_dsp, width_dsp),
                num = 0
                for i in range(0, depth, cell_size[0]):
                    if (i + cell_size[0]) > depth:
                        mat = input_[i:i + cell_size[0], :height_dsp *
                                     cell_size[1], :width_dsp * cell_size[2]]
                        mat = mat.reshape(1, cell_size[0], height_dsp,
                                          cell_size[1], width_dsp,
                        mat_dsp = dsp_method(dsp_method(dsp_method(mat,
                        if file_ext != "":
                            data_out[num] = mat_dsp[0]
                            out_name = "0000" + str(num)
                                output + "/img_" + out_name[-5:] + ".tif",
                        num += 1
            raise ValueError("Incorrect cell size {}".format(cell_size))
    if output is None:
        return np.asarray(data_dsp)
Exemple #8
import algotom.prep.calculation as calc
import algotom.prep.conversion as conv
import algotom.prep.filtering as filt
import algotom.rec.reconstruction as reco
import timeit

proj_path = "D:/data/scan_00008/projections_00000.hdf"
flat_path = "D:/data/scan_00009/flats_00000.hdf"
dark_path = "D:/data/scan_00009/darks_00000.hdf"
meta_path = "D:/data/scan_00008/scan_00008.nxs"
key_path = "/entry/data/data"
angle_key = "/entry1/tomo_entry/data/rotation_angle"

output_base = "D:/output/"

data = losa.load_hdf(proj_path, key_path)  # This is an object not ndarray.
(depth, height, width) = data.shape
angles = np.squeeze(np.asarray(losa.load_hdf(meta_path, angle_key)[:]))
# Load dark-field images and flat-field images, averaging each result.
flat_field = np.mean(losa.load_hdf(flat_path, key_path)[:], axis=0)
dark_field = np.mean(losa.load_hdf(dark_path, key_path)[:], axis=0)
# Generate a sinogram and perform reconstruction.
index = height // 2
print("1 -> Extract a sinogram with flat-field correction")
sino_360 = corr.flat_field_correction(data[:, index, :], flat_field[index],
t0 = timeit.default_timer()
    "2 -> Calculate the center-of-rotation, the overlap-side and overlap-area used for stitching"
(center0, overlap, side, _) = calc.find_center_360(sino_360, 100)
Exemple #9
df_name = "scan_" + prefix[-5:]
proj_name = []
for i in proj_scan:
    prefix = "0000" + str(i)
    proj_name.append("scan_" + prefix[-5:])

# Separate scans to 8 rows x 3 columns
num_scan_total = len(proj_scan)
num_scan_col = 3
num_scan_row = num_scan_total // num_scan_col
scan_grid = np.reshape(proj_scan, (num_scan_row, num_scan_col))
overlap_window = 100  # Used to calculate the overlap-area and overlap-side.

# Load dark-field and flat-field images, average each of them.
flat_path = losa.find_file(input_base + "/" + df_name + "/*flat*")[0]
flat_field = np.mean(losa.load_hdf(flat_path, key_path)[:], axis=0)
dark_path = losa.find_file(input_base + "/" + df_name + "/*dark*")[0]
dark_field = np.mean(losa.load_hdf(dark_path, key_path)[:], axis=0)
# Load projection images of each scan as hdf objects
data_objects = []
list_depth = []
list_height = []
list_width = []
for i in range(num_scan_total):
    file_path = losa.find_file(input_base + "/" + proj_name[i] + "/*proj*")[0]
    hdf_object = losa.load_hdf(file_path, key_path)
    (depth1, height1, width1) = hdf_object.shape
Exemple #10
The following example shows how to retrieve phase image from two stacks of
speckle-images and sample-images.

Referring to "example_01_*.py" to know how to find key-paths and datasets
in a hdf/nxs file or using the function "get_hdf_tree" in the
loadersaver.py module

import timeit
import numpy as np
import algotom.io.loadersaver as losa
import algotom.prep.phase as ps

# If data is hdf-format
speckle_stack = losa.load_hdf("C:/user/data/ref_stack.hdf", "entry/data")
sample_stack = losa.load_hdf("C:/user/data/sam_stack.hdf", "entry/data")

#  # If data is tif-format.
# speckle_stack = losa.get_tif_stack("C:/user/data/ref/")
# sample_stack = losa.get_tif_stack("C://user/data/sam/")

output_base = "C:/user/output/"

num_use = 40  # Use 40 speckle-positions for calculation
speckle_stack = speckle_stack[:num_use, :, :]  # Data shape: 40 x 2560 x 2160
sample_stack = sample_stack[:num_use, :, :]
chunk_size = 100  # Process 100 rows in one go. Adjust to suit CPU/GPU memory.

t0 = timeit.default_timer()
# dim=2 is slow (>45 mins) if running on CPU.
Exemple #11
gpu = True
dim = 1  # Use 1D/2D-searching for finding shifts
win_size = 7  # Size of window around each pixel
margin = 10  # Searching range for finding shifts

slice_idx = 1200  # Slice to reconstruct


list_file = losa.find_file(input_base + "/*.nxs")
# Get keys to datasets
data_key = losa.find_hdf_key(list_file[0], "data/data")[0][0]
image_key = losa.find_hdf_key(list_file[0], "image_key")[0][-1]
data_obj = losa.load_hdf(list_file[0], data_key)
(height, width) = data_obj.shape[-2:]

# Define the ROI area to retrieve phase around the given slice (row) index
crop_top = slice_idx - 2 * margin
crop_bot = height - (slice_idx + 2 * margin)
crop_left = 0
crop_right = 0
crop = (crop_top, crop_bot, crop_left, crop_right)

# Get number of projections.
num_proj = []
for file in list_file:
    int_keys = losa.load_hdf(file, image_key)[:]
    num_proj1 = len(np.squeeze(np.asarray(np.where(int_keys == 0.0))))
Exemple #12
sam_path = []
for scan in sam_num:
        losa.find_file(input_base + "/k11-" + str(scan) + "/" +
ref_path = []
for scan in ref_num:
        losa.find_file(input_base + "/k11-" + str(scan) + "/" +
dark_field_path = losa.find_file(input_base + "/k11-" + str(dark_field_num) +
                                 "/" + "*imaging*")[0]
data_key = "entry/detector/detector"
# Get dark-field image (camera noise). Note that it's different to dark-signal image.
dark_field = np.mean(losa.load_hdf(dark_field_path, data_key)[:], axis=0)

# Initial parameters
get_trans_dark_signal = True
num_use = 40  # Number of speckle positions used for phase retrieval.
gpu = True  # Use GPU for computing
chunk_size = 100  # Process 100 rows in one go. Adjust to suit CPU/GPU memory.
dim = 2  # Use 1D/2D-searching for finding shifts
win_size = 7  # Size of window around each pixel
margin = 10  # Searching range for finding shifts
align = True  # Align if there're shifts between speckle-images and sample-images
# Note to select ROIs without samples to calculate the shifts

import algotom.prep.correction as corr
import algotom.prep.calculation as calc
import algotom.rec.reconstruction as reco
import algotom.prep.removal as remo
import algotom.prep.filtering as filt
import algotom.util.utility as util

file_path = "E:/Tomo_data/68067.nxs"
output_base = "E:/tmp/output3/"

# Provide path to datasets in the nxs file.
data_key = "/entry1/tomo_entry/data/data"
image_key = "/entry1/tomo_entry/instrument/detector/image_key"
angle_key = "/entry1/tomo_entry/data/rotation_angle"

ikey = np.squeeze(np.asarray(losa.load_hdf(file_path, image_key)))
angles = np.squeeze(np.asarray(losa.load_hdf(file_path, angle_key)))
data = losa.load_hdf(file_path, data_key) # This is an object not ndarray.
(depth, height, width) = data.shape

# Load dark-field images and flat-field images, averaging each result.
print("1 -> Load dark-field and flat-field images, average each result")
dark_field = np.mean(np.asarray(data[np.squeeze(np.where(ikey==2.0)), :, :]), axis=0)
flat_field = np.mean(np.asarray(data[np.squeeze(np.where(ikey==1.0)), :, :]), axis=0)

# Perform flat-field correction in the projection space and save the result.
# Note that in this data, there're time-stamps at the top-left of images with
# binary gray-scale (size ~ 10 x 80). This gives rise to the zero-division
# warning. Algotom replaces zeros by the mean value or 1. We also can crop 10
# pixels from the top to avoid this problem.
print("2 -> Save few projection images as tifs")
# Using the following commands we'll get the keys for loading the only
# necessary datasets.
list_key, list_shape, _ = losa.find_hdf_key(file_path, "data")
for i, key in enumerate(list_key):
    # There're datasets with keys containing "data", we only choose a 3D array.
    if len(list_shape[i])==3:
        data_key = key
image_key = losa.find_hdf_key(file_path, "image_key")[0][0]
# Results are:
# data_key = "/entry1/flyScanDetector/data"
# image_key = "/entry1/flyScanDetector/image_key"

# Load flat-field images, average them, and save the result as a tif image.
print("3 -> Load flat-field images, average them, and save the result: ")
data = losa.load_hdf(file_path, data_key) # This is an object. No data are loaded to the memory yet.
ikey = np.asarray(losa.load_hdf(file_path, image_key))
flat_field = np.mean(np.asarray(data[np.squeeze(np.where(ikey==1.0)), :,:]), axis=0)
losa.save_image(output_base + "/flat/flat_field.tif", flat_field)

# Load few projection images and save them as tifs.
print("4 -> Load projection images in a step of 250 and save to tiff: ")
proj_idx = np.squeeze(np.where(ikey == 0))
for i in range(0, len(proj_idx), 250):
    mat = data[proj_idx[i], :, :]
    name = "0000" + str(proj_idx[i])
    losa.save_image(output_base + "/projection/img_" + name[-5:] + ".tif", mat)

print("5 -> Same as 2 but using a built-in function: ")
# The above example can be done using the "converter" module as follows:
conv.extract_tif_from_hdf(file_path, output_base + "/projection2/",
Exemple #15
import timeit
import numpy as np
import algotom.io.loadersaver as losa
import algotom.prep.calculation as calc
import algotom.prep.filtering as filt
import algotom.prep.removal as rem
import algotom.rec.reconstruction as reco

phase_path = "C:/user/processed_data/phase.hdf"
dark_path = "C:/user/processed_data/dark_signal.hdf"
trans_path = "C:/user/processed_data/transmission.hdf"

output_base = "C:/user/processed_data/reconstruction/"

# Provide hdf-keys
phase_hdf = losa.load_hdf(phase_path, "entry/data")
dark_hdf = losa.load_hdf(dark_path, "entry/data")
trans_hdf = losa.load_hdf(trans_path, "entry/data")

(num_proj, height, width) = phase_hdf.shape

start_slice = 50
stop_slice = height - 1
step = 100

# Find the center of rotation using a transmission sinogram.
sino_center = trans_hdf[:, height // 2, :]
center = calc.find_center_vo(sino_center)
print("Center of rotation {}".format(center))

fluct_correct = False  # Using double-wedge filter to correct the
dark_path = "/i12/data/darks.hdf"
metadata_path = "/i12/data/metadata.nxs"

scan_type = "continuous"  # stage is freely rotated
# scan_type = "swinging" # stage is restricted to rotate back-and-forward between 0 and 180 degree.

# Provide paths (keys) to datasets in the hdf/nxs files.
hdf_key = "/entry/data/data"
angle_key = "/entry1/tomo_entry/data/rotation_angle"
num_proj_key = "/entry1/information/number_projections"

# Crop images if need to.
crop_left = 0
crop_right = 0

data = losa.load_hdf(proj_path, hdf_key)  # This is an hdf-object not ndarray.
(depth, height, width) = data.shape
left = crop_left
right = width - crop_right
if (stop_slice == -1) or (stop_slice > height - 1):
    stop_slice = height - 1

# Load metatdata
num_proj = int(np.asarray(losa.load_hdf(metadata_path, num_proj_key)))
num_tomo = depth // num_proj

angles = np.squeeze(np.asarray(losa.load_hdf(metadata_path, angle_key)))
# Sometime there's a mismatch between the number of acquired projections
# and number of angles due to technical reasons or early terminated scan.
# In such cases, we have to provide calculated angles.
if len(angles) < depth:
Exemple #17
import algotom.prep.correction as corr
import algotom.prep.removal as remo
import algotom.prep.calculation as calc
import algotom.prep.filtering as filt
import algotom.rec.reconstruction as reco

# Paths to data
proj_path = "D:/data/tomographic_projections.hdf"
flat_path = "D:/data/flats.hdf"
dark_path = "D:/data/darks.hdf"
coef_path = "D:/data/coefficients_bw.txt"
key_path = "/entry/data/data"
# Where to save the outputs
output_base = "D:/output/"
# Load data of projection images as an hdf object
proj_data = losa.load_hdf(proj_path, key_path)
(depth, height, width) = proj_data.shape
# Load flat-field images and dark-field images, average each of them
print("1 -> Load dark-field and flat-field images, average each result")
flat_field = np.mean(losa.load_hdf(flat_path, key_path)[:], axis=0)
dark_field = np.mean(losa.load_hdf(dark_path, key_path)[:], axis=0)
# Load distortion coefficients
    "2 -> Load distortion coefficients, apply correction to averaged flat-field and dark-field images"
xcenter, ycenter, list_fact = losa.load_distortion_coefficient(coef_path)
# Apply distortion correction
flat_discor = corr.unwarp_projection(flat_field, xcenter, ycenter, list_fact)
dark_discor = corr.unwarp_projection(dark_field, xcenter, ycenter, list_fact)

# Generate a sinogram without distortion correction and perform reconstruction to compare latter.