def mnuIntegrate_button_release_event_cb(
            self, widget, signal_id, data=None):
        if not self.ensure_bashrc():
            return None

        aliasfile = settings.get('aliasfile')
        if integrator.helper_checkfile(aliasfile):
            dlg.msgbox('File is already integrated.')
            return None

        if self.file_integrate_msg(
                successmsg='File was integrated.',
                failuremsg='Failed to integrate file into bashrc!'):
            # go ahead and check file mode, chmod +x if needed.
            # (not everyone remembers they have to do this,
            #  they will want 'Integrate' to 'just work')
    def save_file(self, sfilename=None):  # noqa
        if sfilename is None:
            sfilename = settings.get("aliasfile")
        self.printlog("save_file: saving to: " + sfilename)

        # Setup shell script
        header = """#!/bin/bash
# Generated by {} {settings.version}
# -Christopher Welborn

# Note to user:
#     If you must edit this file manually please stick to this style:
#         Use tabs, not spaces.
#         No tabs before definitons.
#         Seperate lines for curly braces.
#         Use 1 tab depth for start of code block in functions.
#         Function description is first comment in code block.
#         Alias description is comment right side of alias definition.
#     ...if you use a different style it may or may not
#        break the program and I can't help you.

        # Write Definitions, Cycle thru main data list
        # lst_lines.append("\n# Definitions:\n")

        # List for aliases (put'em at the top of the file)
        lst_aliases = []
        # List for functions (put'em after aliases)
        lst_functions = []
        # List for exports (put at bottom of file)
        lst_exports = []

        # Cycle thru items in treeAliases (alphabetical already)
        # This extra step makes the functions print in alphbetical order
        # ...aliases and exports don't need this method, a simple sorted(set())
        # works because they are single lines. multiline functions can't be
        # sorted like that.
        treeitm = self.listAliases.get_iter_first()
        while (treeitm is not None):
            # Get value for this item
            treeval = amutil.trim_markup(
                self.listAliases.get_value(treeitm, 0))
            # try to get next item
            treeitm = self.listAliases.iter_next(treeitm)

            # Search data list for this item, and save data to appropriate
            # list.
            for itm in self.lst_data:
                # Name for alias/function
                sname =
                # Match tree name with data name, and retrieve it's info...
                if treeval == sname:
                    # Set type based on command length
                    if len(itm.cmd) > 1:
                        bfunction = True
                        bfunction = False

                    # Comments?
                    scomment = itm.comment
                    # Append comment char if needed
                    if scomment and (not scomment.startswith('#')):
                        scomment = ' '.join(('#', scomment))

                    # WRITE FUNCTION ITEM
                    if bfunction:
                        lst_functions.append('\nfunction {}()\n'.format(sname))
                        # comment given?
                        if scomment:
                        # Write command section
                        for scmdline in itm.cmd:
                        # WRITE ALIAS ITEM
                        # Fix quotes around command
                        if '"' in itm.cmd[0]:
                            scmd = "'" + itm.cmd[0] + "'"
                            scmd = '"' + itm.cmd[0] + '"'
                        # Comment given?
                        if len(scomment) > 0:
                            scmd = ' '.join((scmd, scomment))
                        lst_aliases.append('alias {}={}\n'.format(sname, scmd))

        # Save Exports, cycle thru main data list
        # lst_lines.append("\n# Exports\n")
        for itm in self.lst_data:
            if (itm.exported.lower() == 'yes'):
                lst_exports.append('export {}\n'.format(

        # Sort lines
        lst_aliases = sorted(set(lst_aliases))
        lst_exports = sorted(set(lst_exports))

        # Write file
        # save temp file to home dir
        aliasfiletmp = os.path.join(integrator.home, '.aliasmanager.tmp')

        btmp = False  # @UnusedVariable
        with open(aliasfiletmp, 'w') as fwrite:
            fwrite.write("\n\n# Aliases:\n")
            fwrite.write("\n# Functions:")
            fwrite.write("\n# Exports:\n")
            # add new line because its a shell script, needs to end with \n
            # self.printlog("Temporary file written: " + aliasfiletmp)
            btmp = True

        if not btmp:
            self.stat_text('Unable to write temp file: {}'.format(
            self.printlog('Unable to write temp file: {}'.format(
            # Temp file didn't write, there is no reason to continue.
            return False

            # Backup destination file if it doesn't exist
            backupfile = '{}~'.format(sfilename)
            if (os.path.isfile(sfilename) and
                    (not os.path.isfile(backupfile))):
                backupcmd = 'cp {} {}'.format(sfilename, backupfile)
                self.printlog('Backup created.')
            # Copy temp file to destination,,,
            copycmd = 'cp {} {}'.format(aliasfiletmp, sfilename)
        except Exception as ex:
            self.stat_settext('Unable to copy to destination: {}'.format(
            self.printlog('Unable to copy to destination!')
            self.printlog('Error: {}'.format(ex))
            return False
                'Unable to copy to destination: {}'.format(
        self.printlog('Temp file copied to destination: {}'.format(sfilename))

        # chmod +x if needed
        schmod_result = amutil.chmod_file(sfilename)

        # Success
        return True