def __init__(self, train_from_scratch=False, eval_use_only=False): """ age prediction model, provide APIs for public uses :param onlyTrainLastLayers: is set, freeze params of previous layers :param train_from_scratch: if set, do not load pretrained params :param eval_use_only: if set, model will not load training/testing data """ self.from_scratch = train_from_scratch self.model = RetrainedResnetModel() self.use_gpu = torch.cuda.is_available() self.transformer = resnet_transformer() self.checkpoint_best = config.model + "best_torch.nn" self.checkpoint_last = config.model + "last_torch.nn" self.latest_weights = config.model + "latest_torch.nn" self.csv_path = config.model + "log.csv" self.batch_size = int(parser['TRAIN']['batch_size']) self.num_epochs = int(parser['TRAIN']['num_epochs']) self.loading_jobs = int(parser['TRAIN']['jobs_to_load_data']) self.max_no_reduce = int(parser['TRAIN']['max_no_reduce']) self.weight_decay = float(parser['TRAIN']['weight_decay']) self.age_divide = float(parser['DATA']['age_divide']) self.min_lr_rate = float(parser['TRAIN']['min_lr_rate']) self.lr_reduce_by = float(parser['TRAIN']['lr_reduce_by']) self.lr_rate = float(parser['TRAIN']['init_lr_rate']) self.loaded = False self.age_criterion = nn.L1Loss() self.gender_criterion = nn.NLLLoss() self.aligner = FaceAligner() if self.use_gpu: self.model = self.model.cuda() self.age_criterion = self.age_criterion.cuda() self.gender_criterion = self.gender_criterion.cuda() columns = [ 'Timstamp', 'Epoch', 'Phase', 'Gender Acc', 'Age MAE', 'Best Gender Acc', 'Best Age MAE', 'Lr_rate' ] self.csv_checkpoint = pd.DataFrame(data=[], columns=columns) if not self.from_scratch and os.path.exists(self.csv_path): self.csv_checkpoint = pd.read_csv(self.csv_path) if not eval_use_only: self.load_data()
import numpy as np import time import cv2 import utils from align_faces import FaceAligner from predict import FacePredict net = cv2.dnn.readNetFromCaffe("deploy.prototxt.txt", "resnet10.caffemodel") print("Model Loaded!") cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) time.sleep(2.0) print("Starting...") faceAligner = FaceAligner("dlibModel.dat", 384) userid = 1 counter = 0 # loop over the frames from the video stream while True: # grab the frame from the threaded video stream and resize it # to have a maximum width of 400 pixels ret, frame = frame = cv2.resize(frame, (640, 480)) # grab the frame dimensions and convert it to a blob (h, w) = frame.shape[:2] blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(cv2.resize(frame, (300, 300)), 1.0, (300, 300), (104.0, 177.0, 123.0)) # pass the blob through the network and obtain the detections and
pwd = os.getcwd() if clean: clear_dir(config.named) os.chdir(config.aligned) for img in glob.glob("*.jpg"): name = re.findall(r'[^_]*_[^_]*_([\D]*)[0-9]*.jpg', img) if not len(name): continue name = name[0].lower() if not os.path.exists(config.named + name + '/'): os.mkdir(config.named + name + '/') copyfile(img, config.named + name + '/' + img) os.chdir(pwd) # TODO: any other ways to get around this public variable? FL = FaceAligner() def sub_align_face(picname): """ sub thread function to get and store aligned faces :param picname: pic names :return: """ aligned = FL.getAligns(picname) if len(aligned) == 0: return # copyfile(picname, config.aligned + picname) cv2.imwrite(config.aligned + picname, aligned[0])
def __init__(self, load_best=True, model_name='res18_cls70', eval_use_only=False, new_last_layer=False, new_training_process=True): """ :param load_best: if set, load the best weight, else load the latest weights, usually load the best when doing evaluation, and latest when doing training. :param model_name: name used for saving model weight and training info. :param eval_use_only: if set, model will not load training/testing data, and change the bahavior of some layers(dropout, batch norm). :param new_last_layer: if the model only changed last fully connected layers, if set, only train last fully connected layers at first 2 epochs. :param new_training_process: if set, create a new model and start training. """ # init params self.model = AgeGenPredModel() self.model_name = model_name self.use_gpu = torch.cuda.is_available() self.transformer = image_transformer() self.load_best = load_best self.new_train = new_training_process self.new_last_layer = new_last_layer self.checkpoint_best = config.model + "{}_best.nn".format( model_name.lower()) self.checkpoint_last = config.model + "{}_last.nn".format( model_name.lower()) self.csv_path = config.model + self.model_name + ".csv" # training details self.batch_size = int(parser['TRAIN']['batch_size']) self.num_epochs = int(parser['TRAIN']['num_epochs']) self.loading_jobs = int(parser['TRAIN']['jobs_to_load_data']) self.max_no_reduce = int(parser['TRAIN']['max_no_reduce']) self.age_cls_unit = int(parser['RacNet']['age_cls_unit']) self.weight_decay = float(parser['TRAIN']['weight_decay']) self.age_divide = float(parser['DATA']['age_divide']) self.min_lr_rate = float(parser['TRAIN']['min_lr_rate']) self.lr_reduce_by = float(parser['TRAIN']['lr_reduce_by']) self.lr_rate = float(parser['TRAIN']['init_lr_rate']) # reduce loss on gender so the model focus on age pred self.reduce_gen_loss = float(parser['TRAIN']['reduce_gen_loss']) self.reduce_age_mae = float(parser['TRAIN']['reduce_age_mae']) self.weight_loaded = False self.age_cls_criterion = nn.BCELoss(weight=loss_weight) self.age_rgs_criterion = nn.L1Loss() self.gender_criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self.aligner = FaceAligner() if self.use_gpu: self.model = self.model.cuda() self.age_cls_criterion = self.age_cls_criterion.cuda() self.age_rgs_criterion = self.age_rgs_criterion.cuda() self.gender_criterion = self.gender_criterion.cuda() # csv checkpoint details columns = [ 'Timstamp', 'Epoch', 'Phase', 'AGE ACC', 'AGE MAE', 'GEN ACC', 'BEST AGE ACC', 'BEST AGE MAE', 'BEST GEN ACC', 'Lr_rate' ] self.csv_checkpoint = pd.DataFrame(data=[], columns=columns) if not self.new_train and os.path.exists(self.csv_path): self.csv_checkpoint = pd.read_csv(self.csv_path) # load no training data when evaluation, if not eval_use_only: self.load_data()
class AgePredModel: """ train/test class for age/gender prediction """ def __init__(self, load_best=True, model_name='res18_cls70', eval_use_only=False, new_last_layer=False, new_training_process=True): """ :param load_best: if set, load the best weight, else load the latest weights, usually load the best when doing evaluation, and latest when doing training. :param model_name: name used for saving model weight and training info. :param eval_use_only: if set, model will not load training/testing data, and change the bahavior of some layers(dropout, batch norm). :param new_last_layer: if the model only changed last fully connected layers, if set, only train last fully connected layers at first 2 epochs. :param new_training_process: if set, create a new model and start training. """ # init params self.model = AgeGenPredModel() self.model_name = model_name self.use_gpu = torch.cuda.is_available() self.transformer = image_transformer() self.load_best = load_best self.new_train = new_training_process self.new_last_layer = new_last_layer self.checkpoint_best = config.model + "{}_best.nn".format( model_name.lower()) self.checkpoint_last = config.model + "{}_last.nn".format( model_name.lower()) self.csv_path = config.model + self.model_name + ".csv" # training details self.batch_size = int(parser['TRAIN']['batch_size']) self.num_epochs = int(parser['TRAIN']['num_epochs']) self.loading_jobs = int(parser['TRAIN']['jobs_to_load_data']) self.max_no_reduce = int(parser['TRAIN']['max_no_reduce']) self.age_cls_unit = int(parser['RacNet']['age_cls_unit']) self.weight_decay = float(parser['TRAIN']['weight_decay']) self.age_divide = float(parser['DATA']['age_divide']) self.min_lr_rate = float(parser['TRAIN']['min_lr_rate']) self.lr_reduce_by = float(parser['TRAIN']['lr_reduce_by']) self.lr_rate = float(parser['TRAIN']['init_lr_rate']) # reduce loss on gender so the model focus on age pred self.reduce_gen_loss = float(parser['TRAIN']['reduce_gen_loss']) self.reduce_age_mae = float(parser['TRAIN']['reduce_age_mae']) self.weight_loaded = False self.age_cls_criterion = nn.BCELoss(weight=loss_weight) self.age_rgs_criterion = nn.L1Loss() self.gender_criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self.aligner = FaceAligner() if self.use_gpu: self.model = self.model.cuda() self.age_cls_criterion = self.age_cls_criterion.cuda() self.age_rgs_criterion = self.age_rgs_criterion.cuda() self.gender_criterion = self.gender_criterion.cuda() # csv checkpoint details columns = [ 'Timstamp', 'Epoch', 'Phase', 'AGE ACC', 'AGE MAE', 'GEN ACC', 'BEST AGE ACC', 'BEST AGE MAE', 'BEST GEN ACC', 'Lr_rate' ] self.csv_checkpoint = pd.DataFrame(data=[], columns=columns) if not self.new_train and os.path.exists(self.csv_path): self.csv_checkpoint = pd.read_csv(self.csv_path) # load no training data when evaluation, if not eval_use_only: self.load_data() def load_data(self): """ initiate dataloader processes :return: """ print("[AgePredModel] load_data: start loading...") image_datasets = { x: FaceDataset( + x + '/', self.transformer[x]) for x in ['train', 'val'] } self.dataloaders = { x:[x], batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=self.loading_jobs) for x in ['train', 'val'] } self.dataset_sizes = { x: len(image_datasets[x]) for x in ['train', 'val'] } print( "[AgePredModel] load_data: Done! Get {} for train and {} for test!" .format(self.dataset_sizes['train'], self.dataset_sizes['val'])) print("[AgePredModel] load_data: loading finished !") @staticmethod def rand_init_layer(m): """ initialization method :param m: torch.module :return: """ if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): n = m.kernel_size[0] * m.kernel_size[1] * m.out_channels, math.sqrt(2. / n)) elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): elif isinstance(m, nn.Linear): size = m.weight.size() fan_out = size[0] # number of rows fan_in = size[1] # number of columns variance = np.sqrt(2.0 / (fan_in + fan_out)), variance) def soft_load_statedic(self, state_dict): """ WARNING: Always run model = nn.DataParallel after this! load network parameters in a soft way, the original load_statedic func from torch is prone to raise exceptions when mismatch. this function skip all incapatible weights and print the info intead of raising a exception. :param state_dict: saved dict :return: """ # remove `module.` prefix when using nn.DataParallel new_state_dict = OrderedDict() for name, weight in state_dict.items(): if len(name) >= 7 and name[:7].lower() == 'module.': name = name[7:] new_state_dict[name] = weight state_dict = new_state_dict # start loading own_state = self.model.state_dict() error_layers = [] for name, param in state_dict.items(): if name in own_state: if isinstance(param, nn.Parameter): param = try: own_state[name].copy_(param) except Exception: print( '[soft_load_statedic] WARNING: incapatible dim found for {} = {} != {}.' .format(name, own_state[name].size(), param.size())) error_layers.append(name) else: print( '[soft_load_statedic] Unexpected key "{}" in saved state_dict' .format(name)) missing = set.union( set(own_state.keys()) - set(state_dict.keys()), set(error_layers)) if len(missing) > 0: print('[soft_load_statedic] keys in state_dict: "{}" not loaded!'. format(missing)) return def train_model(self): print("[AgePredModel] train_model: Start training...") # define Vars best_gen_acc = 0. best_age_acc = 0. best_age_mae = 99. not_reduce_rounds = 0 # init optimizer self.optimizer = optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.model.parameters()), lr=self.lr_rate, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) # load weights if possible checkpoint_path = self.checkpoint_best if self.load_best else self.checkpoint_last if self.new_train: print("[new_training_process] NO WEIGHT LOADED!") elif os.path.exists(checkpoint_path): checkpoint = torch.load( checkpoint_path, map_location=None if self.use_gpu else 'cpu') self.soft_load_statedic(checkpoint['state_dic']) print("[train_model] Params Loading Finished!") self.weight_loaded = True try: best_gen_acc = checkpoint['best_gen_acc'] best_age_acc = checkpoint['best_age_acc'] best_age_mae = checkpoint['best_age_mae'] # self.lr_rate = checkpoint['lr_rate'] self.optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) for param_group in self.optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = self.lr_rate print("[train_model] Load Optimizer Successful!") except: print("[train_model] ERROR: Loading Params/Optimizer Error!") else: print("[train_model] Checkpoint Not Found, Train From Scratch!") # report model params all_params = sum([ for p in self.model.parameters()]) trainable_params = sum([ for p in filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.model.parameters()) ]) print( "[AgePredModel] Model has {}k out of {}k trainable params ".format( trainable_params // 1000, all_params // 1000)) # use when having multiple GPUs available if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: self.model = nn.DataParallel(self.model) # start each epoch layer_to_freeze = 0 for epoch in range(self.num_epochs): print('\nStart Epoch {}/{} ...'.format(epoch + 1, self.num_epochs)) print('-' * 16) # automatically freeze some layers on first 2 epochs if epoch == 0: new_layer_to_freeze = 8 # resnet-18 has 8 modules in pytorch elif epoch == 1: new_layer_to_freeze = 6 else: new_layer_to_freeze = 0 if (self.new_last_layer or self.new_train) \ and layer_to_freeze != new_layer_to_freeze: layer_to_freeze = new_layer_to_freeze # free some layers model = self.model if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: model = self.model.module for i, child in enumerate(model.resNet.children()): requires_grad = i >= int(layer_to_freeze) for param in child.parameters(): param.requires_grad = requires_grad # re-define the optimizer self.optimizer = optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()), lr=self.lr_rate, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) # loop over training and validation phase for phase in ['train', 'val']: # shift train/eval model self.model.train(phase == 'train') torch.cuda.empty_cache() epoch_age_tp = 0. epoch_age_mae = 0. epoch_gender_tp = 0. processed_data = 0 # iterate over each batch. epoch_start_time = time.time() for data in self.dataloaders[phase]: # get the inputs and labels inputs, attention_area, gender_true, age_rgs_true, age_cls_true = data processed_data += inputs.size(0) # wrap inputs&oputpus into Variable # NOTE: set voloatile = True when # doing evaluation helps reduce # gpu mem usage. volatile = phase == 'val' if self.use_gpu: inputs = Variable(inputs.cuda(), volatile=volatile) gender_true = Variable(gender_true.cuda(), volatile=volatile) # age_rgs_true = Variable(age_rgs_true.cuda(), volatile=volatile) age_cls_true = Variable(age_cls_true.cuda(), volatile=volatile) else: inputs = Variable(inputs, volatile=volatile) gender_true = Variable(gender_true, volatile=volatile) # age_rgs_true = Variable(age_rgs_true, volatile=volatile) age_cls_true = Variable(age_cls_true, volatile=volatile) # zero gradients self.optimizer.zero_grad() # forward and get outputs gender_out, age_out = self.model(inputs, attention_area) _, gender_pred = torch.max(gender_out, 1) _, max_cls_pred_age = torch.max(age_out, 1) gender_true = gender_true.view(-1) age_cls_true = age_cls_true.view(-1, self.age_cls_unit) # get the loss gender_loss = self.gender_criterion( gender_out, gender_true) age_cls_loss = self.age_cls_criterion( age_out, age_cls_true) # age_rgs_loss = self.age_rgs_criterion(age_out, age_rgs_true) # *Note: reduce some age loss and gender loss # enforce the model to focuse on reducing # age classification loss gender_loss *= self.reduce_gen_loss # age_rgs_loss *= self.reduce_age_mae # loss = gender_loss + age_rgs_loss + age_cls_loss # loss = age_rgs_loss loss = age_cls_loss loss = gender_loss + age_cls_loss gender_loss_perc = 100 * (gender_loss / loss).cpu().data.numpy() age_cls_loss_perc = 100 * (age_cls_loss / loss).cpu().data.numpy() # age_rgs_loss_perc = 100 * (age_rgs_loss / loss).cpu().data.numpy()[0] age_rgs_loss_perc = 0 # age_cls_loss_perc = 0 # gender_loss_perc = 0 # convert cls result to rgs result by weigted sum weigh = np.linspace(1, self.age_cls_unit, self.age_cls_unit) age_cls_raw = age_out.cpu().data.numpy() age_cls_raw = np.sum(age_cls_raw * weigh, axis=1) age_rgs_true = age_rgs_true.view(-1) age_rgs_true = age_rgs_true.cpu().numpy() * self.age_divide age_rgs_loss = np.mean(np.abs(age_cls_raw - age_rgs_true)) # backward + optimize only if in training phase if phase == 'train': loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() # statistics gender_pred = gender_pred.cpu().data.numpy() gender_true = gender_true.cpu().data.numpy() batch_gender_tp = np.sum(gender_pred == gender_true) max_cls_pred_age = max_cls_pred_age.cpu().data.numpy() age_cls_true = age_rgs_true batch_age_tp = np.sum( np.abs(age_cls_true - max_cls_pred_age) <= 2) # if true, MAE < 5 epoch_age_mae += age_rgs_loss * inputs.size(0) epoch_age_tp += batch_age_tp epoch_gender_tp += batch_gender_tp # print info for each bach done print( "|| {:.2f}% {}/{} || LOSS = {:.2f} || DISTR% {:.0f} : {:.0f} : {:.0f} " "|| AMAE/AACC±2/GACC = {:.2f} / {:.2f}% / {:.2f}% " "|| LR {} || ETA {:.0f}s || BEST {:.2f} / {:.2f}% / {:.2f}% ||" .format( 100 * processed_data / self.dataset_sizes[phase], processed_data, self.dataset_sizes[phase], loss.cpu().data.numpy(), age_rgs_loss_perc, age_cls_loss_perc, gender_loss_perc, age_rgs_loss, 100 * batch_age_tp / inputs.size(0), 100 * batch_gender_tp / inputs.size(0), self.lr_rate, (self.dataset_sizes[phase] - processed_data) * (time.time() - epoch_start_time) / processed_data, best_age_mae, 100 * best_age_acc, 100 * best_gen_acc), end='\r') # unlink cuda variables and free up mem del inputs, gender_true, age_rgs_true, age_cls_true del age_rgs_loss, loss # , gen_loss, age_cls_loss del gender_loss_perc, age_cls_loss_perc, age_rgs_loss_perc # epoch done epoch_gender_acc = epoch_gender_tp / self.dataset_sizes[phase] epoch_age_acc = epoch_age_tp / self.dataset_sizes[phase] epoch_age_mae /= self.dataset_sizes[phase] # print info after each epoch done print('\n--{} {}/{} Done! ' '|| AMAE/AACC±2/GACC = {:.2f} / {:.2f}% / {:.2f}% ' '|| COST {:.0f}s'.format(phase.upper(), epoch, self.num_epochs, epoch_age_mae, 100 * epoch_age_acc, 100 * epoch_gender_acc, time.time() - epoch_start_time)) #, save model weights if phase == 'val' and epoch_age_mae < best_age_mae: best_gen_acc = epoch_gender_acc best_age_acc = epoch_age_acc best_age_mae = epoch_age_mae best_model_wts = copy.deepcopy(self.model.state_dict()) { 'epoch': epoch, 'state_dic': best_model_wts, "best_gen_acc": best_gen_acc, "best_age_acc": best_age_acc, "best_age_mae": best_age_mae, "lr_rate": self.lr_rate, "optimizer": self.optimizer.state_dict() }, self.checkpoint_best) not_reduce_rounds = 0 print( "--New BEST FOUND!! || " " AMAE/AACC/AACC±2/GACC = {:.2f} / {:.2f}% / {:.2f}%". format(best_age_mae, 100 * best_age_acc, 100 * best_gen_acc)) elif phase == 'val': not_reduce_rounds += 1 { 'epoch': epoch, 'state_dic': self.model.state_dict(), "best_gen_acc": best_gen_acc, "best_age_acc": best_age_acc, "best_age_mae": best_age_mae, "lr_rate": self.lr_rate, "optimizer": self.optimizer.state_dict() }, self.checkpoint_last) # save csv logging file try: self.csv_checkpoint.loc[len(self.csv_checkpoint)] = [ str(, epoch, phase, epoch_age_acc, epoch_age_mae, epoch_gender_acc, best_age_acc, best_age_mae, best_gen_acc, self.lr_rate ] self.csv_checkpoint.to_csv(self.csv_path, index=False) except: print( "Error when saving csv files! [tip]: Please check csv column names." ) print(self.csv_checkpoint.columns) # reduce learning rate if nessessary if phase == "val" \ and not_reduce_rounds >= self.max_no_reduce \ and self.lr_rate > self.min_lr_rate: self.lr_rate = max(self.min_lr_rate, self.lr_rate / self.lr_reduce_by) print( "[reduce_lr_rate] Reduce Learning Rate From {} --> {}". format(self.lr_rate * self.lr_reduce_by, self.lr_rate)) for param_group in self.optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = self.lr_rate not_reduce_rounds = 0 # train/val loop ends # Trainning Completes! return self.model # """ # # # evaluate function is just a pruned version of train function # # def evaluate(self): # checkpoint_path = self.checkpoint_best if self.load_best else self.checkpoint_last # checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location=None if self.use_gpu else 'cpu') # self.soft_load_statedic(checkpoint['state_dic']) # self.model.train(mode=False) # # epoch_age_tp = 0. # epoch_age_mae = 0. # epoch_gender_tp = 0. # processed_data = 0 # # # Iterate over data. # epoch_start_time = time.time() # phase = 'val' # for data in self.dataloaders[phase]: # # get the inputs and labels # inputs, gender_true, age_rgs_true, age_cls_true = data # processed_data += self.batch_size # # # wrap inputs&oputpus into Variable # # NOTE: set voloatile = True when # # doing evaluation helps reduce # # gpu mem usage. # volatile = phase == 'val' # if self.use_gpu: # inputs = Variable(inputs.cuda(), volatile=volatile) # gender_true = Variable(gender_true.cuda(), volatile=volatile) # age_cls_true = Variable(age_cls_true.cuda(), volatile=volatile) # else: # inputs = Variable(inputs, volatile=volatile) # gender_true = Variable(gender_true, volatile=volatile) # age_cls_true = Variable(age_cls_true, volatile=volatile) # # # forward and get outputs # gender_out, age_cls_out = self.model(inputs) # _, gender_pred = torch.max(gender_out, 1) # _, age_cls_pred = torch.max(age_cls_out, 1) # gender_true = gender_true.view(-1) # age_cls_true = age_cls_true.view(-1, 99) # # # get loss # # print(age_cls_out.size(), age_cls_true.size(), loss_weight.size()) # gender_loss = self.gender_criterion(gender_out, gender_true) # age_cls_loss = self.age_cls_criterion(age_cls_out, age_cls_true) # # age_rgs_loss = self.age_rgs_criterion(age_rgs_pred, age_rgs_true) # # # *Note: reduce some age loss and gender loss # # enforce the model to focuse on reducing # # age classification loss # gender_loss *= self.reduce_gen_loss # # age_rgs_loss *= self.reduce_age_mae # # # loss = gender_loss + age_rgs_loss + age_cls_loss # # loss = age_cls_loss # loss = gender_loss + age_cls_loss # # gender_loss_perc = 100 * (gender_loss / loss).cpu().data.numpy()[0] # age_cls_loss_perc = 100 * (age_cls_loss / loss).cpu().data.numpy()[0] # # age_rgs_loss_perc = 100 * (age_rgs_loss / loss).cpu().data.numpy()[0] # # age_rgs_loss_perc = 0 # weigh = np.linspace(1, 99, 99) # age_cls_raw = age_cls_out.cpu().data.numpy() # age_cls_raw = np.sum(age_cls_raw * weigh, axis=1) # age_rgs_true = age_rgs_true.view(-1) # age_rgs_true = age_rgs_true.cpu().numpy() * self.age_divide # age_rgs_loss = np.mean(np.abs(age_cls_raw - age_rgs_true)) # # # statistics # gender_pred = gender_pred.cpu().data.numpy() # gender_true = gender_true.cpu().data.numpy() # batch_gender_tp = np.sum(gender_pred == gender_true) # # age_cls_pred = age_cls_pred.cpu().data.numpy() # age_cls_true = age_rgs_true # batch_age_tp = np.sum(np.abs(age_cls_true - age_cls_pred) <= 2) # if true, MAE < 5 # # epoch_age_mae += age_rgs_loss * inputs.size(0) # epoch_age_tp += batch_age_tp # epoch_gender_tp += batch_gender_tp # # # print info for each bach done # print("|| {:.2f}% {}/{} || LOSS = {:.2f} || DISTR% {:.0f} : {:.0f} : {:.0f} " # "|| AMAE/AACC±2/GACC = {:.2f} / {:.2f}% / {:.2f}% " # "|| LR {} || ETA {:.0f}s " # .format(100 * processed_data / self.dataset_sizes[phase], # processed_data, # self.dataset_sizes[phase], # loss.cpu().data.numpy()[0], # age_rgs_loss_perc, # age_cls_loss_perc, # gender_loss_perc, # age_rgs_loss, # # self.age_divide * age_rgs_loss.cpu().data.numpy()[0], # 100 * batch_age_tp / inputs.size(0), # 100 * batch_gender_tp / inputs.size(0), # self.lr_rate, # (self.dataset_sizes[phase] - processed_data) * (time.time() - epoch_start_time) / processed_data, # end='\r')) # # # unlink cuda variables and free up mem # del inputs, gender_true, age_rgs_true, age_cls_true # del age_cls_loss, age_rgs_loss, loss # , gen_loss # del gender_loss_perc, age_cls_loss_perc, age_rgs_loss_perc # # # epoch done # epoch_gender_acc = epoch_gender_tp / self.dataset_sizes[phase] # epoch_age_acc = epoch_age_tp / self.dataset_sizes[phase] # epoch_age_mae /= self.dataset_sizes[phase] # # # print info after each epoch done # print('\n--{} Done! ' # '|| AMAE/AACC±2/GACC = {:.2f} / {:.2f}% / {:.2f}% ' # '|| COST {:.0f}s' # .format(phase.upper(), # epoch_age_mae, # # self.age_divide * epoch_age_mae, # 100 * epoch_age_acc, # 100 * epoch_gender_acc, # time.time() - epoch_start_time)) # """ def getAgeGender(self, img, transformed=False, return_all_faces=True, return_info=False): """ evaluation/test funtion :param img: str or numpy array represent the image :param transformed: if the image is transformed into standarlized pytorch image. applicable when using this in train loop :param return_all_faces: if set, return prediction results of all faces detected. set to False if it's known that all images comtain only 1 face :param return_info: if set, return a list of rects (x, y, w, h) represents loc of faces :return: a list of [gender_pred, age_pred] """ # load model params if not self.weight_loaded: path = self.checkpoint_best if self.load_best else self.checkpoint_last checkpoint = torch.load( path, map_location='gpu' if self.use_gpu else 'cpu') self.soft_load_statedic(checkpoint['state_dic']) # self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dic']) self.model.train(False) self.weight_loaded = True # load images if not provided if type(img) == str: img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(img), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # get faces and rects aligned = self.aligner.getAligns(img, return_info=return_info) if return_info: aligned, rects, scores = aligned if not len(aligned): # no face detected scores = [1] rects = [(0, 0, img.shape[0], img.shape[1])] faces = [img] else: faces = aligned if not return_all_faces: faces = faces[0] faces = [transforms.ToPILImage()(fc) for fc in faces] if not transformed: faces = [self.transformer['val'](fc) for fc in faces] # get predictions of each face preds = self.model.evaluate(faces) if return_info: return preds, rects, scores return preds
class AgePredModel: """ train/test class for age/gender prediction """ def __init__(self, train_from_scratch=False, eval_use_only=False): """ age prediction model, provide APIs for public uses :param onlyTrainLastLayers: is set, freeze params of previous layers :param train_from_scratch: if set, do not load pretrained params :param eval_use_only: if set, model will not load training/testing data """ self.from_scratch = train_from_scratch self.model = RetrainedResnetModel() self.use_gpu = torch.cuda.is_available() self.transformer = resnet_transformer() self.checkpoint_best = config.model + "best_torch.nn" self.checkpoint_last = config.model + "last_torch.nn" self.latest_weights = config.model + "latest_torch.nn" self.csv_path = config.model + "log.csv" self.batch_size = int(parser['TRAIN']['batch_size']) self.num_epochs = int(parser['TRAIN']['num_epochs']) self.loading_jobs = int(parser['TRAIN']['jobs_to_load_data']) self.max_no_reduce = int(parser['TRAIN']['max_no_reduce']) self.weight_decay = float(parser['TRAIN']['weight_decay']) self.age_divide = float(parser['DATA']['age_divide']) self.min_lr_rate = float(parser['TRAIN']['min_lr_rate']) self.lr_reduce_by = float(parser['TRAIN']['lr_reduce_by']) self.lr_rate = float(parser['TRAIN']['init_lr_rate']) self.loaded = False self.age_criterion = nn.L1Loss() self.gender_criterion = nn.NLLLoss() self.aligner = FaceAligner() if self.use_gpu: self.model = self.model.cuda() self.age_criterion = self.age_criterion.cuda() self.gender_criterion = self.gender_criterion.cuda() columns = [ 'Timstamp', 'Epoch', 'Phase', 'Gender Acc', 'Age MAE', 'Best Gender Acc', 'Best Age MAE', 'Lr_rate' ] self.csv_checkpoint = pd.DataFrame(data=[], columns=columns) if not self.from_scratch and os.path.exists(self.csv_path): self.csv_checkpoint = pd.read_csv(self.csv_path) if not eval_use_only: self.load_data() def load_data(self): print("[AgePredModel] load_data: start loading...") image_datasets = { x: FaceDataset( + x + '/', self.transformer[x]) for x in ['train', 'val'] } self.dataloaders = { x:[x], batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=self.loading_jobs) for x in ['train', 'val'] } self.dataset_sizes = { x: len(image_datasets[x]) for x in ['train', 'val'] } print( "[AgePredModel] load_data: Done! Get {} for train and {} for test!" .format(self.dataset_sizes['train'], self.dataset_sizes['val'])) print("[AgePredModel] load_data: loading finished !") # TODO: Double Check the Training LOOP !!! def train_model(self): print(self.model) print("[AgePredModel] train_model: Start training...") since = time.time() # Define Perams best_model_wts = copy.deepcopy(self.model.state_dict()) best_gender_acc, best_age_loss = .0, 100 didnt_reduce_rounds = 0 # init optimizer self.optimizer = optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.model.parameters()), lr=self.lr_rate, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) # load weights if possible if not self.from_scratch and os.path.exists(self.checkpoint_best): try: checkpoint = torch.load(self.checkpoint_best) self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dic'], strict=False) best_gender_acc = checkpoint['best_gender_acc'] best_age_loss = checkpoint['best_age_loss'] best_model_wts = checkpoint['state_dic'] self.optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) print("[train_model] Load Weights Successful") except: pass # start each epoch for epoch in range(self.num_epochs): print('Start Epoch {}/{} ...'.format(epoch, self.num_epochs - 1)) print('-' * 10) # loop over training and validation phase for phase in ['train', 'val']: # shift train/eval model self.model.train(phase == 'train') torch.cuda.empty_cache() epoch_age_loss = 0.0 epoch_gender_tp = 0 processed_data = 0 # Iterate over data. epoch_start_time = time.time() for data in self.dataloaders[phase]: # get the inputs and labels inputs, gender_true, age_true = data processed_data += self.batch_size # wrap inputs&oputpus into Variable # NOTE: set voloatile = True when # doing evaluation helps reduce # gpu mem usage. volatile = phase == 'val' if self.use_gpu: inputs = Variable(inputs.cuda(), volatile=volatile) gender_true = Variable(gender_true.cuda(), volatile=volatile) age_true = Variable(age_true.cuda(), volatile=volatile) else: inputs = Variable(inputs, volatile=volatile) gender_true = Variable(gender_true, volatile=volatile) age_true = Variable(age_true, volatile=volatile) # zero gradients self.optimizer.zero_grad() # forward and get outputs gender_out, age_pred = self.model(inputs) _, gender_pred = torch.max(gender_out, 1) gender_true = gender_true.view(-1) # get loss gender_loss = self.gender_criterion( gender_out, gender_true) age_loss = self.age_criterion(age_pred, age_true) loss = age_loss + gender_loss # backward + optimize only if in training phase if phase == 'train': loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() # statistics gender_pred = gender_pred.cpu().data.numpy() gender_true = gender_true.cpu().data.numpy() this_epoch_gender_tp = np.sum(gender_pred == gender_true) epoch_age_loss +=[0] * inputs.size(0) epoch_gender_tp += this_epoch_gender_tp # print info for each bach print( "|| {:.2f}% {}/{} || Gender Loss {:.4f} || Age MAE {:.2f} || Acc {:.2f}% |" "| LR {} || ETA {:.0f}s || BEST AGE {:.2f} || BEST GENDER {:.2f}% ||" .format( 100 * processed_data / self.dataset_sizes[phase], processed_data, self.dataset_sizes[phase], gender_loss.cpu().data.numpy()[0], self.age_divide * age_loss.cpu().data.numpy()[0], 100 * this_epoch_gender_tp / self.batch_size, self.lr_rate, (self.dataset_sizes[phase] - processed_data) * (time.time() - epoch_start_time) / processed_data, self.age_divide * best_age_loss, 100 * best_gender_acc)) # free up mem del inputs, gender_true, age_true del gender_loss, age_loss, loss # epoch done epoch_gender_acc = epoch_gender_tp / self.dataset_sizes[phase] epoch_age_loss /= self.dataset_sizes[phase] # print info after epoch done print( '\n\n{} {}/{} Done! \t\t Age MAE = {:.2f} \t\t Gender Acc {:.2f}% Lr = {:.5f}\n\n' .format(phase.upper(), epoch, self.num_epochs, self.age_divide * epoch_age_loss, 100 * epoch_gender_acc, self.lr_rate)) #, save model weights if phase == 'val' and epoch_age_loss < best_age_loss: best_gender_acc = epoch_gender_acc best_age_loss = epoch_age_loss best_model_wts = copy.deepcopy(self.model.state_dict()) { 'epoch': epoch, 'state_dic': best_model_wts, "best_gender_acc": best_gender_acc, "best_age_loss": best_age_loss, "optimizer": self.optimizer.state_dict() }, self.checkpoint_best) didnt_reduce_rounds = 0 print( "\n\tNew BEST FOUND!! Age Loss = {:.2f}, Gender Acc = {:.2f}\n" .format(best_age_loss, best_gender_acc)) elif phase == 'train': didnt_reduce_rounds += 1 { 'epoch': epoch, 'state_dic': self.model.state_dict(), "best_gender_acc": best_gender_acc, "best_age_loss": best_age_loss, "optimizer": self.optimizer.state_dict() }, self.checkpoint_last) # save csv logging file self.csv_checkpoint.loc[len(self.csv_checkpoint)] = [ str(, epoch, phase, epoch_gender_acc, self.age_divide * epoch_age_loss, best_gender_acc, self.age_divide * best_age_loss, self.lr_rate ] self.csv_checkpoint.to_csv(config.model + "log.csv", index=False) # reduce learning rate if nessessary if phase == "train" \ and didnt_reduce_rounds >= self.max_no_reduce\ and self.lr_rate > self.min_lr_rate: self.lr_rate /= self.lr_reduce_by print( "\n[didnt_reduce_rounds] Reduce Learning Rate From {} --> {} \n" .format(self.lr_rate * self.lr_reduce_by, self.lr_rate)) for param_group in self.optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = self.lr_rate didnt_reduce_rounds = 0 # train/val loop ends # Trainning Complete! time_elapsed = time.time() - since print('Training complete in {:.0f}m {:.0f}s'.format( time_elapsed // 60, time_elapsed % 60)) print('Best val enderACC: {:.4f} AgeMAE: {:.0f}'.format( best_gender_acc, torch.sqrt(best_age_loss))) # load best model weights self.model.load_state_dict(best_model_wts) return self.model def getAgeGender(self, img, transformed=False, return_all_faces=True, return_info=False): """ evaluation/test funtion :param img: str or numpy array represent the image :param transformed: if the image is transformed into standarlized pytorch image applicable when using this in train loop :param return_all_faces: if set, return prediction results of all faces detected, applicable if it's known that all images comtain only 1 face :param return_info: if set, return a list of [ (x, y, w, h) ] represents loc of faces :return: a list of [gender_pred, age_pred] """ # load model params if not self.loaded: checkpoint = torch.load( self.checkpoint_best, map_location='gpu' if self.use_gpu else 'cpu') self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dic']) self.model.train(False) self.loaded = True # load images if not provided if type(img) == str: img = cv2.imread(img) # img = deepcopy(img) aligned = self.aligner.getAligns(img, return_info=return_info) # TODO: Check this default rects if return_info: aligned, rects, scores = aligned if not len(aligned): scores = [1] rects = [(0, 0, img.shape[0], img.shape[1])] faces = [img] else: faces = aligned if not return_all_faces: faces = faces[0] faces = [transforms.ToPILImage()(fc) for fc in faces] if not transformed: faces = [self.transformer['val'](fc) for fc in faces] preds = [] for face in faces: face = Variable(torch.unsqueeze(face, 0)) gender_out, age_pred = self.model(face) _, gender_pred = torch.max(gender_out, 1) gender_pred = gender_pred.cpu().data.numpy()[0] age_pred = 10 * age_pred.cpu().data.numpy()[0][0] preds += [(gender_pred, age_pred)] if return_info: return preds, rects, scores return preds