def validate_email(self, email): email = get_adapter().clean_email(email) if allauth_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email and email_address_exists(email): raise ValidationError( ("Un usuario ya ha sido registrado con este correo electrónico.")) return email
def validate_email(self, email): email = get_adapter().clean_email(email) if allauth_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email and email_address_exists(email): raise serializers.ValidationError( _("A user is already registered with this e-mail address.")) return email
def clean_email(self): value = self.cleaned_data["email"] if app_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if value and email_address_exists(value): raise forms.ValidationError \ (_("Unavailable Email Address")) return value
def clean_email(self): value = self.cleaned_data["email"] value = get_adapter().clean_email(value) if app_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if value and email_address_exists(value): self.raise_duplicate_email_error() return value
def clean_email(self): value = self.cleaned_data["email"] if UNIQUE_EMAIL or EMAIL_AUTHENTICATION: if value and email_address_exists(value): raise forms.ValidationError \ (_("A user is registered with this e-mail address.")) return value
def clean_email(self): value = self.cleaned_data["email"] if app_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if value and email_address_exists(value): raise forms.ValidationError \ (_("A user is registered with this e-mail address.")) return value
def validate_email(self, email): email = get_adapter().clean_email(email) if allauth_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email and email_address_exists(email): raise serializers.ValidationError(( "Un usuario ya está registrado con esta dirección de correo electrónico." )) return email
def _validate_email(self, email, password): user = None if not email_address_exists(email): msg = _('Account with this email address does not exists.') raise serializers.ValidationError(msg) user = authenticate(email=email, password=password) return user
def validate_email(self, email): email = get_adapter().clean_email(email) if allauth_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email and email_address_exists(email): raise serializers.ValidationError( i18n.t('lang.errorMessages.auth.emailAlreadyExists')) return email
def validate_email(self, email): email = get_adapter().clean_email(email) # E-mail has to be unique by default if email and email_address_exists(email): raise serializers.ValidationError(_("A user is already registered with this e-mail address.")) return email
def validate_email(self, email) -> str: status, msg = AuthAppService.validate_email(email) if not status: raise serializers.ValidationError(msg) if email and email_address_exists(email): raise serializers.ValidationError( _("User is already registered with this e-mail address.")) return email
def validate_email(self, email): email = get_adapter().clean_email(email) if allauth_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email and email_address_exists(email): raise serializers.ValidationError( _('Email is already registered. Please use "Sign in" to connect with this email address' )) return email
def validate_email(self, email): email = get_adapter().clean_email(email) if allauth_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email and email_address_exists(email): raise serializers.ValidationError( _("A user is already registered with this e-mail address.") ) return email
def _process_signup(request, sociallogin): # If email is specified, check for duplicate and if so, no auto signup. auto_signup = app_settings.AUTO_SIGNUP email = user_email(sociallogin.account.user) if auto_signup: # Let's check if auto_signup is really possible... if email: if account_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email_address_exists(email): # Oops, another user already has this address. We # cannot simply connect this social account to the # existing user. Reason is that the email adress may # not be verified, meaning, the user may be a hacker # that has added your email address to his account in # the hope that you fall in his trap. We cannot check # on 'email_address.verified' either, because # 'email_address' is not guaranteed to be verified. auto_signup = False # FIXME: We redirect to signup form -- user will # see email address conflict only after posting # whereas we detected it here already. elif app_settings.EMAIL_REQUIRED: # Nope, email is required and we don't have it yet... auto_signup = False if not auto_signup: request.session['socialaccount_sociallogin'] = sociallogin url = reverse('socialaccount_signup') ret = HttpResponseRedirect(url) else: # FIXME: This part contains a lot of duplication of logic # ("closed" rendering, create user, send email, in active # etc..) try: if not get_account_adapter().is_open_for_signup(request): return render(request, "account/signup_closed.html") except ImmediateHttpResponse as e: return e.response u = sociallogin.account.user if account_settings.USER_MODEL_USERNAME_FIELD: user_username(u, generate_unique_username(user_username(u) or email or 'user')) for field in ['last_name', 'first_name']: if hasattr(u, field): truncated_value = (user_field(u, field) or '') \ [0:User._meta.get_field(field).max_length] user_field(u, field, truncated_value) user_email(u, email or '') if u.password: pass else: u.set_unusable_password() ret = complete_social_signup(request, sociallogin) return ret
def _process_signup(request, sociallogin): # If email is specified, check for duplicate and if so, no auto signup. auto_signup = app_settings.AUTO_SIGNUP email = print 'AUTO SIGNUP - %s' % auto_signup print email if auto_signup: # Let's check if auto_signup is really possible... if email: if account_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email_address_exists(email): # Oops, another user already has this address. We # cannot simply connect this social account to the # existing user. Reason is that the email adress may # not be verified, meaning, the user may be a hacker # that has added your email address to his account in # the hope that you fall in his trap. We cannot check # on 'email_address.verified' either, because # 'email_address' is not guaranteed to be verified. auto_signup = False # FIXME: We redirect to signup form -- user will # see email address conflict only after posting # whereas we detected it here already. elif account_settings.EMAIL_REQUIRED: # Nope, email is required and we don't have it yet... auto_signup = False print 'AUTO SIGNUP 2 - %s' % auto_signup if not auto_signup: request.session['socialaccount_sociallogin'] = sociallogin url = reverse('socialaccount_signup') print url ret = HttpResponseRedirect(url) else: print '555555555' # FIXME: There is some duplication of logic inhere # (create user, send email, in active etc..) u = sociallogin.account.user print '66666666666' u.username = generate_unique_username(u.username or email or 'user') u.last_name = (u.last_name or '') \ [0:User._meta.get_field('last_name').max_length] u.first_name = (u.first_name or '') \ [0:User._meta.get_field('first_name').max_length] = email or '' print '777777777' u.set_unusable_password() print '888888888' print '99999999' print '--------' #send_email_confirmation(request, u) print '00000000' ret = complete_social_signup(request, sociallogin) print 'RET' print ret return ret
def validate_email(self, email): email = get_adapter().clean_email(email) if allauth_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email and email_address_exists(email): raise CustomValidation( "A user is already registered with this e-mail address.", "error", status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK) return email
def validate_email(self, email): email = get_adapter().clean_email(email) if app_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email and email_address_exists(email): msg = {"email_error": "This email address has been registered!"} raise serializers.ValidationError(msg) return email
def _process_signup(request, sociallogin): log.debug('socialaccount.helpers._process_signup') # If email is specified, check for duplicate and if so, no auto signup. log.debug("_process_signup") auto_signup = app_settings.AUTO_SIGNUP email = if auto_signup: # Let's check if auto_signup is really possible... log.debug("auto_signup") if email: if account_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email_address_exists(email): # Oops, another user already has this address. We # cannot simply connect this social account to the # existing user. Reason is that the email adress may # not be verified, meaning, the user may be a hacker # that has added your email address to his account in # the hope that you fall in his trap. We cannot check # on 'email_address.verified' either, because # 'email_address' is not guaranteed to be verified. auto_signup = False # FIXME: We redirect to signup form -- user will # see email address conflict only after posting # whereas we detected it here already. elif account_settings.EMAIL_REQUIRED: # Nope, email is required and we don't have it yet... log.debug("no email available") auto_signup = False if not auto_signup: log.debug("not auto signup") request.session['socialaccount_sociallogin'] = sociallogin url = reverse('socialaccount_signup') ret = HttpResponseRedirect(url) else: # FIXME: There is some duplication of logic inhere # (create user, send email, in active etc..) log.debug("Auto sign up again") u = sociallogin.account.user u.username = generate_unique_username(u.username or email or 'user') u.last_name = (u.last_name or '') \ [0:User._meta.get_field('last_name').max_length] u.first_name = (u.first_name or '') \ [0:User._meta.get_field('first_name').max_length] = email or '' u.set_unusable_password() log.debug(u) log.debug("Sending email to the following:") log.debug(email) send_email_confirmation(request, u) log.debug("Email confirmation sent") ret = complete_social_signup(request, sociallogin) log.debug(ret) return ret
def pre_social_login(self, request, sociallogin): email = user_email(sociallogin.user) UserModel = get_user_model() login_provider_id = sociallogin.account.provider if (not email or not email_address_exists(email) or sociallogin.state.get('process') != AuthProcess.LOGIN): # This is a new email address, or we're connecting social accounts # so we don't need to do anything return try: user = UserModel.objects.get(email=email) except UserModel.DoesNotExist: # This case shouldn't really happen, but even if it does, we # don't do anything and let the default behavior kick in. return social_accounts = list( SocialAccount.objects.filter(user=user).values_list('provider', flat=True)) if len(social_accounts) == 0: # This is a hack to associate existing accounts on pulse # that were added via Google Auth the old way to the new allauth # system. We only do this for new logins into this system. request.migrate_user = user elif login_provider_id in social_accounts: # In this case, the existing user already has a social account # and is logging into it using the same provider. return else: # Here the user already has a Pulse social account (e.g. Google) # but is logging in through a different social network # (e.g. Github) that uses the same email for the first time. # We redirect them to the login view where they have to login # through their existing social account on Pulse before going to # the Social Account Connections view to connect their secondary # social account. url = reverse('account_login') qs = QueryDict(mutable=True) next_url = sociallogin.get_redirect_url(request) if next_url: # We encode the final destination url in the connection # view url so that users are correctly rerouted after # connecting their accounts. qs['next'] = next_url next_url = '{url}?{qs}'.format( url=reverse('socialaccount_connections'), qs=qs.urlencode()) qs = QueryDict(mutable=True) qs['next'] = next_url qs['promptconnection'] = True qs['provider'] = providers.registry.by_id(login_provider_id).name raise ImmediateHttpResponse( response=HttpResponseRedirect(f'{url}?{qs.urlencode()}'))
def clean_email(self, email): try: User.objects.get(email=email) except User.DoesNotExist: if email_address_exists(email): raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['email_taken']) else: return email return super().clean_email(email)
def _process_signup(request, sociallogin): # If email is specified, check for duplicate and if so, no auto signup. auto_signup = app_settings.AUTO_SIGNUP email = user_email(sociallogin.account.user) if auto_signup: # Let's check if auto_signup is really possible... if email: if account_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email_address_exists(email): # Oops, another user already has this address. We # cannot simply connect this social account to the # existing user. Reason is that the email adress may # not be verified, meaning, the user may be a hacker # that has added your email address to his account in # the hope that you fall in his trap. We cannot check # on 'email_address.verified' either, because # 'email_address' is not guaranteed to be verified. auto_signup = False # FIXME: We redirect to signup form -- user will # see email address conflict only after posting # whereas we detected it here already. elif app_settings.EMAIL_REQUIRED: # Nope, email is required and we don't have it yet... auto_signup = False if not auto_signup: request.session['socialaccount_sociallogin'] = sociallogin url = reverse('socialaccount_signup') ret = HttpResponseRedirect(url) else: # FIXME: This part contains a lot of duplication of logic # ("closed" rendering, create user, send email, in active # etc..) try: if not get_account_adapter().is_open_for_signup(request): return render(request, "account/signup_closed.html") except ImmediateHttpResponse as e: return e.response u = sociallogin.account.user if account_settings.USER_MODEL_USERNAME_FIELD: user_username(u, generate_unique_username(user_username(u) or email or 'user')) for field in ['last_name', 'first_name']: if hasattr(u, field): truncated_value = (user_field(u, field) or '') \ [0:User._meta.get_field(field).max_length] user_field(u, field, truncated_value) user_email(u, email or '') u.set_unusable_password() ret = complete_social_signup(request, sociallogin) return ret
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Override allauth's dispatch method to transparently just login if the email already exists. By doing this in dispatch, we can check for existing email, and if a match is found, associate the social account with that user and log them in. Allauth does not provide a mechanism for doing precisely this. """ ret = super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs) # By calling super().dispatch first, we set self.sociallogin try: # The email is contained in sociallogin.account.extra_data extra_data = self.sociallogin.account.extra_data except AttributeError: return ret # extract email email = extra_data["email"] if email_address_exists(email): # check that email exists. # If the email does exist, and there is a social account associated # with the user, then we don't have to do anything else if not self.sociallogin.is_existing: # However, if the email exists, and there isn't a social # account associated with that user, we need to associate the # social account # Allauth would perform this as part of the step, but # we are entirely bypassing the form. account_emailaddress = EmailAddress.objects.get(email=email) self.sociallogin.user = account_emailaddress.user # allauth (and us) uses the sociallogin user as a temporary # holding space, and it already is largely filled out by # allauth; we just need to set the user. # This model does not get saved to the database. # We're trusting social provided emails already account_emailaddress.verified = True if not SocialAccount.objects.filter( uid=self.sociallogin.account.uid, provider=self.sociallogin.account.provider, ).exists(): # just to be on the safe side, double check that the account # does not exist in the database and that the provider is # valid. socialaccount = SocialAccount() socialaccount.uid = self.sociallogin.account.uid socialaccount.provider = self.sociallogin.account.provider socialaccount.extra_data = extra_data socialaccount.user = self.sociallogin.user return complete_social_login(request, self.sociallogin) return ret
def validate_email_setting(request): value = request.POST['email'] print value email = User.objects.get(pk=request.session[SESSION_KEY]).email print email if value != email: if value and email_address_exists(value): return -1 else: return 1 else: return 1
def _process_signup(request, data, account): # If email is specified, check for duplicate and if so, no auto signup. auto_signup = app_settings.AUTO_SIGNUP email = data.get('email') if auto_signup: # Let's check if auto_signup is really possible... if email: if account_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email_address_exists(email): # Oops, another user already has this address. We # cannot simply connect this social account to the # existing user. Reason is that the email adress may # not be verified, meaning, the user may be a hacker # that has added your email address to his account in # the hope that you fall in his trap. We cannot check # on 'email_address.verified' either, because # 'email_address' is not guaranteed to be verified. auto_signup = False # FIXME: We redirect to signup form -- user will # see email address conflict only after posting # whereas we detected it here already. elif account_settings.EMAIL_REQUIRED: # Nope, email is required and we don't have it yet... auto_signup = False if not auto_signup: request.session['socialaccount_signup'] = dict(data=data, account=account) url = reverse('socialaccount_signup') next = request.REQUEST.get('next') if next: url = url + '?' + urlencode(dict(next=next)) ret = HttpResponseRedirect(url) else: # FIXME: There is some duplication of logic inhere # (create user, send email, in active etc..) username = generate_unique_username \ (data.get('username', email or 'user')) u = User(username=username, email=email or '', last_name=data.get( 'last_name', '')[0:User._meta.get_field('last_name').max_length], first_name=data.get( 'first_name', '')[0:User._meta.get_field('first_name').max_length]) u.set_unusable_password() u.is_active = not account_settings.EMAIL_VERIFICATION account.user = u account.sync(data) send_email_confirmation(u, request=request) ret = complete_social_signup(request, u, account) return ret
def _delete_user_account(self, user, error=None): user_email = email_exists = email_address_exists(user_email) if email_exists: user = User.objects.get(email=user_email) social_account_exists = SocialAccount.objects.filter( user=user).exists() if not social_account_exists: deletion_info = user.delete() sentry.log_info(deletion_info, error=error) return True return False
def validate_email_setting(request): value = request.POST['email'] user_login = get_user_login_object(request) email = print email if value != email: if value and email_address_exists(value): return -1 else: return 1 else: return 1
def create(self, validated_data): user = self._get_request().user email = validated_data.get('email') if != email: if email_address_exists(email): raise serializers.ValidationError( _("A user with that email address exists.")) = email user.username = validated_data.get('userName') user.set_password(validated_data.get('password')) return user
def _check_email(self, email: str, check_exists: bool) -> str: adapter = get_adapter(self._request) email = adapter.clean_email(email) if not email: raise serializers.ValidationError(_("Invalid e-mail address.")) if check_exists and email_address_exists(email): raise serializers.ValidationError( _("A user is already registered with this e-mail address.")) return email
def _process_signup(request, data, account): # If email is specified, check for duplicate and if so, no auto signup. auto_signup = app_settings.AUTO_SIGNUP email = data.get('email') if auto_signup: # Let's check if auto_signup is really possible... if email: if account_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email_address_exists(email): # Oops, another user already has this address. We # cannot simply connect this social account to the # existing user. Reason is that the email adress may # not be verified, meaning, the user may be a hacker # that has added your email address to his account in # the hope that you fall in his trap. We cannot check # on 'email_address.verified' either, because # 'email_address' is not guaranteed to be verified. auto_signup = False # FIXME: We redirect to signup form -- user will # see email address conflict only after posting # whereas we detected it here already. elif account_settings.EMAIL_REQUIRED: # Nope, email is required and we don't have it yet... auto_signup = False if not auto_signup: request.session['socialaccount_signup'] = dict(data=data, account=account) url = reverse('socialaccount_signup') next = request.REQUEST.get('next') if next: url = url + '?' + urlencode(dict(next=next)) ret = HttpResponseRedirect(url) else: # FIXME: There is some duplication of logic inhere # (create user, send email, in active etc..) username = generate_unique_username \ (data.get('username', email or 'user')) u = User(username=username, email=email or '', last_name = data.get('last_name', '')[0:User._meta.get_field('last_name').max_length], first_name = data.get('first_name', '')[0:User._meta.get_field('first_name').max_length]) u.set_unusable_password() u.is_active = not account_settings.EMAIL_VERIFICATION accountbase = SocialAccount() accountbase.user = u account.base = accountbase account.sync(data) send_email_confirmation(u, request=request) ret = complete_social_signup(request, u, account) return ret
def validate_email(self, email): email = get_adapter().clean_email(email) if allauth_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email and email_address_exists(email): user = get_user_model().objects.get(email=email) email_address = user.emailaddress_set.get( if email_address.verified: raise serializers.ValidationError( _("A user is already registered with this e-mail address." )) else: user.delete() return email
def _process_signup(request, sociallogin): # If email is specified, check for duplicate and if so, no auto signup. auto_signup = app_settings.AUTO_SIGNUP email = user_email(sociallogin.account.user) if auto_signup: # Let's check if auto_signup is really possible... if email: if account_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email_address_exists(email): # Oops, another user already has this address. We # cannot simply connect this social account to the # existing user. Reason is that the email adress may # not be verified, meaning, the user may be a hacker # that has added your email address to his account in # the hope that you fall in his trap. We cannot check # on 'email_address.verified' either, because # 'email_address' is not guaranteed to be verified. auto_signup = False # FIXME: We redirect to signup form -- user will # see email address conflict only after posting # whereas we detected it here already. elif app_settings.EMAIL_REQUIRED: # Nope, email is required and we don't have it yet... auto_signup = False if not auto_signup: request.session['socialaccount_sociallogin'] = sociallogin.serialize() url = reverse('socialaccount_signup') ret = HttpResponseRedirect(url) else: # Ok, auto signup it is, at least the e-mail address is ok. # We still need to check the username though... if account_settings.USER_MODEL_USERNAME_FIELD: username = user_username(sociallogin.account.user) try: get_account_adapter().clean_username(username) except ValidationError: # This username is no good ... user_username(sociallogin.account.user, '') # FIXME: This part contains a lot of duplication of logic # ("closed" rendering, create user, send email, in active # etc..) try: if not get_adapter().is_open_for_signup(request, sociallogin): return render(request, "account/signup_closed.html") except ImmediateHttpResponse as e: return e.response get_adapter().save_user(request, sociallogin, form=None) ret = complete_social_signup(request, sociallogin) return ret
def validate_email(self, email): self.is_phone_number = is_using_phone_number(email) self.is_email_address = is_using_email_address(email) self.username = email if self.is_phone_number: return self.validate_phone_number(self.username) if allauth_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email and email_address_exists(email): msg = _("A user is already registered with this e-mail address.") raise serializers.ValidationError(msg) return self.username
def clean_email(self): """Check that email address is unique. Returns: str: cleaned email Raises: Validation error if email is nit unique """ value = self.cleaned_data["email"] value = get_adapter().clean_email(value) if value and email_address_exists(value): raise forms.ValidationError("A user is already registered" " with this e-mail address.") return value
def is_auto_signup_allowed(self, request, sociallogin): auto_signup = app_settings.AUTO_SIGNUP if auto_signup: email = user_email(sociallogin.user) if email: if account_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email_address_exists(email): auto_signup = False messages.error( request, '해당 이메일 계정은 이미 회원가입이 되어 있습니다.' ' 소셜 로그인이 아닌 사이트 자체 로그인을 사용해 주세요.') elif app_settings.EMAIL_REQUIRED: auto_signup = False return auto_signup
def clean_email(self): value = self.cleaned_data["email"] data = self.cleaned_data email = data.get("email", "verify") required_domain = getattr(settings, 'ACCOUNT_REQUIRED_EMAIL_DOMAIN', '') if required_domain: if not email.endswith(required_domain): raise forms.ValidationError(_('You need to have a .edu email to sign up')) if app_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if value and email_address_exists(value): raise forms.ValidationError \ (_("A user is already registered with this e-mail address.")) return value
def validate_email(self, email): email = get_adapter().clean_email(email) ''' get role, raise exception if email exists and pertains to an owner ''' if allauth_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email and email_address_exists(email): #get the role of existing email address user = User.objects.get(email=email) role = user.userprofile.basic_role if role == 'owner': raise serializers.ValidationError( _("An owner is already registered with this e-mail address." )) return email
def validate_username(self, username): """Check for unique email address or phone number.""" pattern = re.compile("^\d{10,13}") match = pattern.match(username) if match: username = self.validate_phone(username) # TODO: validate phone return username else: email = get_adapter().clean_email(username) if app_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email and email_address_exists(email): raise serializers.ValidationError( "A user is already registered with this e-mail address." ) return email
def is_auto_signup_allowed(self, request, sociallogin): # If email is specified, check for duplicate and if so, no auto signup. auto_signup = app_settings.AUTO_SIGNUP if auto_signup: email = user_email(sociallogin.user) # Let's check if auto_signup is really possible... if email: if settings.ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_EMAIL: # Change: in Badge always check for email if email_address_exists(email): # Oops, another user already has this address. # Otherwise False, because we cannot trust which provider properly verified the emails. auto_signup = False elif app_settings.EMAIL_REQUIRED: # Nope, email is required and we don't have it yet... auto_signup = False return auto_signup
def _process_signup(request, sociallogin): # If email is specified, check for duplicate and if so, no auto signup. auto_signup = app_settings.AUTO_SIGNUP email = if auto_signup: # Let's check if auto_signup is really possible... if email: if account_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email_address_exists(email): # Oops, another user already has this address. We # cannot simply connect this social account to the # existing user. Reason is that the email adress may # not be verified, meaning, the user may be a hacker # that has added your email address to his account in # the hope that you fall in his trap. We cannot check # on 'email_address.verified' either, because # 'email_address' is not guaranteed to be verified. auto_signup = False # FIXME: We redirect to signup form -- user will # see email address conflict only after posting # whereas we detected it here already. elif account_settings.EMAIL_REQUIRED: # Nope, email is required and we don't have it yet... auto_signup = False if not auto_signup: request.session['socialaccount_sociallogin'] = sociallogin url = reverse('socialaccount_signup') ret = HttpResponseRedirect(url) else: # FIXME: There is some duplication of logic inhere # (create user, send email, in active etc..) u = sociallogin.account.user u.username = generate_unique_username(u.username or email or 'user') u.last_name = (u.last_name or '') \ [0:User._meta.get_field('last_name').max_length] u.first_name = (u.first_name or '') \ [0:User._meta.get_field('first_name').max_length] = email or '' u.set_unusable_password() send_email_confirmation(request, u) ret = complete_social_signup(request, sociallogin) return ret
def is_auto_signup_allowed(self, request, sociallogin): # If email is specified, check for duplicate and if so, no auto signup. auto_signup = app_settings.AUTO_SIGNUP if auto_signup: email = user_email(sociallogin.user) # Let's check if auto_signup is really possible... if email: if account_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email_address_exists(email): auto_signup = False # FIXME: We redirect to signup form -- user will # see email address conflict only after posting # whereas we detected it here already. elif app_settings.EMAIL_REQUIRED: # Nope, email is required and we don't have it yet... auto_signup = False return auto_signup
def validate_email(self, value): # Create PasswordResetForm with the serializer email = value self.is_phone_number = is_using_phone_number(value) if self.is_phone_number: return self.validate_phone_number(value) if not email_address_exists(email): msg = _('Account with this email address does not exists.') raise serializers.ValidationError(msg) #if not email_is_verified(email): # msg = _('You must confirm your account before you can change a password.') # raise serializers.ValidationError(msg) self.reset_form = CustomPasswordResetForm(data=self.initial_data) if not self.reset_form.is_valid(): raise serializers.ValidationError(self.reset_form.errors) return value
def is_open_for_signup(self, request, sociallogin): email = user_email(sociallogin.user) # If we have a user with that email already, we don't allow # a signup through a new provider. Revisit this in the future. if email_address_exists(email): User = get_user_model() try: user = User.objects.get(email__iexact=email) social_set = user.socialaccount_set.all() # If the account doesn't have any social logins yet, # allow the signup. if not social_set: return True providers = [a.provider for a in social_set] request.other_logins = LoginMethod.objects.filter( provider_id__in=providers) except User.DoesNotExist: request.other_logins = [] return False else: return True
def clean_email(self): email = self.cleaned_data['email'] if email_address_exists(email) and email != self.initial['email']: raise forms.ValidationError(_("This email already exists.")) return email
def validate_email(self, email): email = get_adapter().clean_email(email) if allauth_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email and email_address_exists(email): raise serializers.ValidationError("이미 등록된 메일입니다.") return email
def _process_signup(request, sociallogin): # If email is specified, check for duplicate and if so, no auto signup. auto_signup = app_settings.AUTO_SIGNUP email = user_email(sociallogin.account.user) if auto_signup: # Let's check if auto_signup is really possible... if email: if account_settings.UNIQUE_EMAIL: if email_address_exists(email): # Oops, another user already has this address. We # cannot simply connect this social account to the # existing user. Reason is that the email adress may # not be verified, meaning, the user may be a hacker # that has added your email address to his account in # the hope that you fall in his trap. We cannot check # on 'email_address.verified' either, because # 'email_address' is not guaranteed to be verified. auto_signup = False # FIXME: We redirect to signup form -- user will # see email address conflict only after posting # whereas we detected it here already. else: # Extra stuff hacked in here to integrate with # the account whitelist app. # Will be ignored if the whitelist app can't be # imported, thus making this slightly less hacky. whitelist_model_setting = getattr( settings, 'SOCIALACCOUNT_WHITELIST_MODEL', None ) if whitelist_model_setting: whitelist_model_path = whitelist_model_setting.split(r'.') whitelist_model_str = whitelist_model_path[-1] whitelist_path_str = r'.'.join(whitelist_model_path[:-1]) try: whitelist_app = __import__(whitelist_path_str, fromlist=[whitelist_path_str]) whitelist_model = getattr(whitelist_app, whitelist_model_str, None) if whitelist_model: try: guest = whitelist_model.objects.get(email=email) if not auto_signup = False except whitelist_model.DoesNotExist: auto_signup = False except ImportError: pass elif app_settings.EMAIL_REQUIRED: # Nope, email is required and we don't have it yet... auto_signup = False if not auto_signup: url = reverse('socialaccount_login_error') ret = HttpResponseRedirect(url) else: # FIXME: This part contains a lot of duplication of logic # ("closed" rendering, create user, send email, in active # etc..) try: if not get_account_adapter().is_open_for_signup(request): return render(request, "account/signup_closed.html") except ImmediateHttpResponse as e: return e.response u = sociallogin.account.user if account_settings.USER_MODEL_USERNAME_FIELD: user_username(u, generate_unique_username(user_username(u) or email or 'user')) u.last_name = (u.last_name or '') \ [0:User._meta.get_field('last_name').max_length] u.first_name = (u.first_name or '') \ [0:User._meta.get_field('first_name').max_length] user_email(u, email or '') u.set_unusable_password() ret = complete_social_signup(request, sociallogin) return ret