def _maybe_repair(self, cr, monitor): crr = CheckAndRepairResults(self._verifycap.storage_index) crr.pre_repair_results = cr if cr.is_healthy(): crr.post_repair_results = cr return defer.succeed(crr) crr.repair_attempted = True crr.repair_successful = False # until proven successful def _repair_error(f): # as with mutable repair, I'm not sure if I want to pass # through a failure or not. TODO crr.repair_successful = False crr.repair_failure = f return f r = Repairer(self, storage_broker=self._storage_broker, secret_holder=self._secret_holder, monitor=monitor) d = r.start() d.addCallbacks(self._gather_repair_results, _repair_error, callbackArgs=( cr, crr, )) return d
def _maybe_repair(cr): crr = CheckAndRepairResults(storage_index) crr.pre_repair_results = cr if cr.is_healthy(): crr.post_repair_results = cr return defer.succeed(crr) else: crr.repair_attempted = True crr.repair_successful = False # until proven successful def _gather_repair_results(ur): assert IUploadResults.providedBy(ur), ur # clone the cr (check results) to form the basis of the # prr (post-repair results) prr = CheckResults(cr.uri, cr.storage_index) = copy.deepcopy( sm =['sharemap'] assert isinstance(sm, DictOfSets), sm sm.update(ur.sharemap) servers_responding = set(['servers-responding']) servers_responding.union(ur.sharemap.iterkeys())['servers-responding'] = list(servers_responding)['count-shares-good'] = len(sm)['count-good-share-hosts'] = len(sm) is_healthy = bool(len(sm) >= verifycap.total_shares) is_recoverable = bool(len(sm) >= verifycap.needed_shares) prr.set_healthy(is_healthy) prr.set_recoverable(is_recoverable) crr.repair_successful = is_healthy prr.set_needs_rebalancing( len(sm) >= verifycap.total_shares) crr.post_repair_results = prr return crr def _repair_error(f): # as with mutable repair, I'm not sure if I want to pass # through a failure or not. TODO crr.repair_successful = False crr.repair_failure = f return f r = Repairer(self, storage_broker=sb, secret_holder=sh, monitor=monitor) d = r.start() d.addCallbacks(_gather_repair_results, _repair_error) return d
def _maybe_repair(cr): crr = CheckAndRepairResults(storage_index) crr.pre_repair_results = cr if cr.is_healthy(): crr.post_repair_results = cr return defer.succeed(crr) else: crr.repair_attempted = True crr.repair_successful = False # until proven successful def _gather_repair_results(ur): assert IUploadResults.providedBy(ur), ur # clone the cr (check results) to form the basis of the # prr (post-repair results) prr = CheckResults(cr.uri, cr.storage_index) = copy.deepcopy( sm =['sharemap'] assert isinstance(sm, DictOfSets), sm sm.update(ur.sharemap) servers_responding = set(['servers-responding']) servers_responding.union(ur.sharemap.iterkeys())['servers-responding'] = list(servers_responding)['count-shares-good'] = len(sm) good_hosts = len(reduce(set.union, sm.itervalues(), set()))['count-good-share-hosts'] = good_hosts is_healthy = bool(len(sm) >= verifycap.total_shares) is_recoverable = bool(len(sm) >= verifycap.needed_shares) prr.set_healthy(is_healthy) prr.set_recoverable(is_recoverable) crr.repair_successful = is_healthy prr.set_needs_rebalancing(len(sm) >= verifycap.total_shares) crr.post_repair_results = prr return crr def _repair_error(f): # as with mutable repair, I'm not sure if I want to pass # through a failure or not. TODO crr.repair_successful = False crr.repair_failure = f return f r = Repairer(self, storage_broker=sb, secret_holder=sh, monitor=monitor) d = r.start() d.addCallbacks(_gather_repair_results, _repair_error) return d
def _maybe_repair(self, cr, monitor): crr = CheckAndRepairResults(self._verifycap.storage_index) crr.pre_repair_results = cr if cr.is_healthy(): crr.post_repair_results = cr return defer.succeed(crr) crr.repair_attempted = True crr.repair_successful = False # until proven successful def _repair_error(f): # as with mutable repair, I'm not sure if I want to pass # through a failure or not. TODO crr.repair_successful = False crr.repair_failure = f return f r = Repairer(self, storage_broker=self._storage_broker, secret_holder=self._secret_holder, monitor=monitor) d = r.start() d.addCallbacks(self._gather_repair_results, _repair_error, callbackArgs=(cr, crr,)) return d