Exemple #1
 def create_with_keys(self, keypair, contents,
     """Call this to create a brand-new mutable file. It will create the
     shares, find homes for them, and upload the initial contents (created
     with the same rules as IClient.create_mutable_file() ). Returns a
     Deferred that fires (with the MutableFileNode instance you should
     use) when it completes.
     (pubkey, privkey) = keypair
     self._pubkey, self._privkey = pubkey, privkey
     pubkey_s = rsa.der_string_from_verifying_key(self._pubkey)
     privkey_s = rsa.der_string_from_signing_key(self._privkey)
     self._writekey = hashutil.ssk_writekey_hash(privkey_s)
     self._encprivkey = self._encrypt_privkey(self._writekey, privkey_s)
     self._fingerprint = hashutil.ssk_pubkey_fingerprint_hash(pubkey_s)
     if version == MDMF_VERSION:
         self._uri = WriteableMDMFFileURI(self._writekey, self._fingerprint)
         self._protocol_version = version
     elif version == SDMF_VERSION:
         self._uri = WriteableSSKFileURI(self._writekey, self._fingerprint)
         self._protocol_version = version
     self._readkey = self._uri.readkey
     self._storage_index = self._uri.storage_index
     initial_contents = self._get_initial_contents(contents)
     return self._upload(initial_contents, None)
Exemple #2
 def create_with_keys(self, keypair, contents,
     """Call this to create a brand-new mutable file. It will create the
     shares, find homes for them, and upload the initial contents (created
     with the same rules as IClient.create_mutable_file() ). Returns a
     Deferred that fires (with the MutableFileNode instance you should
     use) when it completes.
     (pubkey, privkey) = keypair
     self._pubkey, self._privkey = pubkey, privkey
     pubkey_s = self._pubkey.serialize()
     privkey_s = self._privkey.serialize()
     self._writekey = hashutil.ssk_writekey_hash(privkey_s)
     self._encprivkey = self._encrypt_privkey(self._writekey, privkey_s)
     self._fingerprint = hashutil.ssk_pubkey_fingerprint_hash(pubkey_s)
     if version == MDMF_VERSION:
         self._uri = WriteableMDMFFileURI(self._writekey, self._fingerprint)
         self._protocol_version = version
     elif version == SDMF_VERSION:
         self._uri = WriteableSSKFileURI(self._writekey, self._fingerprint)
         self._protocol_version = version
     self._readkey = self._uri.readkey
     self._storage_index = self._uri.storage_index
     initial_contents = self._get_initial_contents(contents)
     return self._upload(initial_contents, None)
Exemple #3
class MutableFileNode(object):

    def __init__(self, storage_broker, secret_holder,
                 default_encoding_parameters, history):
        self._storage_broker = storage_broker
        self._secret_holder = secret_holder
        self._default_encoding_parameters = default_encoding_parameters
        self._history = history
        self._pubkey = None # filled in upon first read
        self._privkey = None # filled in if we're mutable
        # we keep track of the last encoding parameters that we use. These
        # are updated upon retrieve, and used by publish. If we publish
        # without ever reading (i.e. overwrite()), then we use these values.
        self._required_shares = default_encoding_parameters["k"]
        self._total_shares = default_encoding_parameters["n"]
        self._sharemap = {} # known shares, shnum-to-[nodeids]
        self._most_recent_size = None
        # filled in after __init__ if we're being created for the first time;
        # filled in by the servermap updater before publishing, otherwise.
        # set to this default value in case neither of those things happen,
        # or in case the servermap can't find any shares to tell us what
        # to publish as.
        self._protocol_version = None

        # all users of this MutableFileNode go through the serializer. This
        # takes advantage of the fact that Deferreds discard the callbacks
        # that they're done with, so we can keep using the same Deferred
        # forever without consuming more and more memory.
        self._serializer = defer.succeed(None)

        # Starting with MDMF, we can get these from caps if they're
        # there. Leave them alone for now; they'll be filled in by my
        # init_from_cap method if necessary.
        self._downloader_hints = {}

    def __repr__(self):
        if hasattr(self, '_uri'):
            return "<%s %x %s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), self.is_readonly() and 'RO' or 'RW', self._uri.abbrev())
            return "<%s %x %s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), None, None)

    def init_from_cap(self, filecap):
        # we have the URI, but we have not yet retrieved the public
        # verification key, nor things like 'k' or 'N'. If and when someone
        # wants to get our contents, we'll pull from shares and fill those
        # in.
        if isinstance(filecap, (WriteableMDMFFileURI, ReadonlyMDMFFileURI)):
            self._protocol_version = MDMF_VERSION
        elif isinstance(filecap, (ReadonlySSKFileURI, WriteableSSKFileURI)):
            self._protocol_version = SDMF_VERSION

        self._uri = filecap
        self._writekey = None

        if not filecap.is_readonly() and filecap.is_mutable():
            self._writekey = self._uri.writekey
        self._readkey = self._uri.readkey
        self._storage_index = self._uri.storage_index
        self._fingerprint = self._uri.fingerprint
        # the following values are learned during Retrieval
        #  self._pubkey
        #  self._required_shares
        #  self._total_shares
        # and these are needed for Publish. They are filled in by Retrieval
        # if possible, otherwise by the first peer that Publish talks to.
        self._privkey = None
        self._encprivkey = None

        return self

    def create_with_keys(self, keypair, contents,
        """Call this to create a brand-new mutable file. It will create the
        shares, find homes for them, and upload the initial contents (created
        with the same rules as IClient.create_mutable_file() ). Returns a
        Deferred that fires (with the MutableFileNode instance you should
        use) when it completes.
        (pubkey, privkey) = keypair
        self._pubkey, self._privkey = pubkey, privkey
        pubkey_s = rsa.der_string_from_verifying_key(self._pubkey)
        privkey_s = rsa.der_string_from_signing_key(self._privkey)
        self._writekey = hashutil.ssk_writekey_hash(privkey_s)
        self._encprivkey = self._encrypt_privkey(self._writekey, privkey_s)
        self._fingerprint = hashutil.ssk_pubkey_fingerprint_hash(pubkey_s)
        if version == MDMF_VERSION:
            self._uri = WriteableMDMFFileURI(self._writekey, self._fingerprint)
            self._protocol_version = version
        elif version == SDMF_VERSION:
            self._uri = WriteableSSKFileURI(self._writekey, self._fingerprint)
            self._protocol_version = version
        self._readkey = self._uri.readkey
        self._storage_index = self._uri.storage_index
        initial_contents = self._get_initial_contents(contents)
        return self._upload(initial_contents, None)

    def _get_initial_contents(self, contents):
        if contents is None:
            return MutableData("")

        if isinstance(contents, str):
            return MutableData(contents)

        if IMutableUploadable.providedBy(contents):
            return contents

        assert callable(contents), "%s should be callable, not %s" % \
               (contents, type(contents))
        return contents(self)

    def _encrypt_privkey(self, writekey, privkey):
        encryptor = aes.create_encryptor(writekey)
        crypttext = aes.encrypt_data(encryptor, privkey)
        return crypttext

    def _decrypt_privkey(self, enc_privkey):
        decryptor = aes.create_decryptor(self._writekey)
        privkey = aes.decrypt_data(decryptor, enc_privkey)
        return privkey

    def _populate_pubkey(self, pubkey):
        self._pubkey = pubkey
    def _populate_required_shares(self, required_shares):
        self._required_shares = required_shares
    def _populate_total_shares(self, total_shares):
        self._total_shares = total_shares

    def _populate_privkey(self, privkey):
        self._privkey = privkey
    def _populate_encprivkey(self, encprivkey):
        self._encprivkey = encprivkey

    def get_write_enabler(self, server):
        seed = server.get_foolscap_write_enabler_seed()
        assert len(seed) == 20
        return hashutil.ssk_write_enabler_hash(self._writekey, seed)
    def get_renewal_secret(self, server):
        crs = self._secret_holder.get_renewal_secret()
        frs = hashutil.file_renewal_secret_hash(crs, self._storage_index)
        lease_seed = server.get_lease_seed()
        assert len(lease_seed) == 20
        return hashutil.bucket_renewal_secret_hash(frs, lease_seed)
    def get_cancel_secret(self, server):
        ccs = self._secret_holder.get_cancel_secret()
        fcs = hashutil.file_cancel_secret_hash(ccs, self._storage_index)
        lease_seed = server.get_lease_seed()
        assert len(lease_seed) == 20
        return hashutil.bucket_cancel_secret_hash(fcs, lease_seed)

    def get_writekey(self):
        return self._writekey
    def get_readkey(self):
        return self._readkey
    def get_storage_index(self):
        return self._storage_index
    def get_fingerprint(self):
        return self._fingerprint
    def get_privkey(self):
        return self._privkey
    def get_encprivkey(self):
        return self._encprivkey
    def get_pubkey(self):
        return self._pubkey

    def get_required_shares(self):
        return self._required_shares
    def get_total_shares(self):
        return self._total_shares

    # IFilesystemNode

    def get_size(self):
        return self._most_recent_size

    def get_current_size(self):
        d = self.get_size_of_best_version()
        return d

    def _stash_size(self, size):
        self._most_recent_size = size
        return size

    def get_cap(self):
        return self._uri
    def get_readcap(self):
        return self._uri.get_readonly()
    def get_verify_cap(self):
        return self._uri.get_verify_cap()
    def get_repair_cap(self):
        if self._uri.is_readonly():
            return None
        return self._uri

    def get_uri(self):
        return self._uri.to_string()

    def get_write_uri(self):
        if self.is_readonly():
            return None
        return self._uri.to_string()

    def get_readonly_uri(self):
        return self._uri.get_readonly().to_string()

    def get_readonly(self):
        if self.is_readonly():
            return self
        ro = MutableFileNode(self._storage_broker, self._secret_holder,
                             self._default_encoding_parameters, self._history)
        return ro

    def is_mutable(self):
        return self._uri.is_mutable()

    def is_readonly(self):
        return self._uri.is_readonly()

    def is_unknown(self):
        return False

    def is_allowed_in_immutable_directory(self):
        return not self._uri.is_mutable()

    def raise_error(self):

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self.__class__, self._uri))
    def __cmp__(self, them):
        if cmp(type(self), type(them)):
            return cmp(type(self), type(them))
        if cmp(self.__class__, them.__class__):
            return cmp(self.__class__, them.__class__)
        return cmp(self._uri, them._uri)

    # ICheckable

    def check(self, monitor, verify=False, add_lease=False):
        checker = MutableChecker(self, self._storage_broker,
                                 self._history, monitor)
        return checker.check(verify, add_lease)

    def check_and_repair(self, monitor, verify=False, add_lease=False):
        checker = MutableCheckAndRepairer(self, self._storage_broker,
                                          self._history, monitor)
        return checker.check(verify, add_lease)

    # IRepairable

    def repair(self, check_results, force=False, monitor=None):
        assert ICheckResults(check_results)
        r = Repairer(self, check_results, self._storage_broker,
                     self._history, monitor)
        d = r.start(force)
        return d

    # IFileNode

    def get_best_readable_version(self):
        I return a Deferred that fires with a MutableFileVersion
        representing the best readable version of the file that I
        return self.get_readable_version()

    def get_readable_version(self, servermap=None, version=None):
        I return a Deferred that fires with an MutableFileVersion for my
        version argument, if there is a recoverable file of that version
        on the grid. If there is no recoverable version, I fire with an

        If a servermap is provided, I look in there for the requested
        version. If no servermap is provided, I create and update a new

        If no version is provided, then I return a MutableFileVersion
        representing the best recoverable version of the file.
        d = self._get_version_from_servermap(MODE_READ, servermap, version)
        def _build_version(servermap_and_their_version):
            (servermap, their_version) = servermap_and_their_version
            assert their_version in servermap.recoverable_versions()
            assert their_version in servermap.make_versionmap()

            mfv = MutableFileVersion(self,
            assert mfv.is_readonly()
            # our caller can use this to download the contents of the
            # mutable file.
            return mfv
        return d.addCallback(_build_version)

    def _get_version_from_servermap(self,
        I return a Deferred that fires with (servermap, version).

        This function performs validation and a servermap update. If it
        returns (servermap, version), the caller can assume that:
            - servermap was last updated in mode.
            - version is recoverable, and corresponds to the servermap.

        If version and servermap are provided to me, I will validate
        that version exists in the servermap, and that the servermap was
        updated correctly.

        If version is not provided, but servermap is, I will validate
        the servermap and return the best recoverable version that I can
        find in the servermap.

        If the version is provided but the servermap isn't, I will
        obtain a servermap that has been updated in the correct mode and
        validate that version is found and recoverable.

        If neither servermap nor version are provided, I will obtain a
        servermap updated in the correct mode, and return the best
        recoverable version that I can find in there.
        # XXX: wording ^^^^
        if servermap and servermap.get_last_update()[0] == mode:
            d = defer.succeed(servermap)
            d = self._get_servermap(mode)

        def _get_version(servermap, v):
            if v and v not in servermap.recoverable_versions():
                v = None
            elif not v:
                v = servermap.best_recoverable_version()
            if not v:
                raise UnrecoverableFileError("no recoverable versions")

            return (servermap, v)
        return d.addCallback(_get_version, version)

    def download_best_version(self, progress=None):
        I return a Deferred that fires with the contents of the best
        version of this mutable file.
        return self._do_serialized(self._download_best_version, progress=progress)

    def _download_best_version(self, progress=None):
        I am the serialized sibling of download_best_version.
        d = self.get_best_readable_version()
        d.addCallback(lambda version: version.download_to_data(progress=progress))

        # It is possible that the download will fail because there
        # aren't enough shares to be had. If so, we will try again after
        # updating the servermap in MODE_WRITE, which may find more
        # shares than updating in MODE_READ, as we just did. We can do
        # this by getting the best mutable version and downloading from
        # that -- the best mutable version will be a MutableFileVersion
        # with a servermap that was last updated in MODE_WRITE, as we
        # want. If this fails, then we give up.
        def _maybe_retry(failure):

            d = self.get_best_mutable_version()
            d.addCallback(lambda version: version.download_to_data(progress=progress))
            return d

        return d

    def _record_size(self, mfv):
        I record the size of a mutable file version.
        self._most_recent_size = mfv.get_size()
        return mfv

    def get_size_of_best_version(self):
        I return the size of the best version of this mutable file.

        This is equivalent to calling get_size() on the result of
        d = self.get_best_readable_version()
        return d.addCallback(lambda mfv: mfv.get_size())

    # IMutableFileNode

    def get_best_mutable_version(self, servermap=None):
        I return a Deferred that fires with a MutableFileVersion
        representing the best readable version of the file that I
        represent. I am like get_best_readable_version, except that I
        will try to make a writeable version if I can.
        return self.get_mutable_version(servermap=servermap)

    def get_mutable_version(self, servermap=None, version=None):
        I return a version of this mutable file. I return a Deferred
        that fires with a MutableFileVersion

        If version is provided, the Deferred will fire with a
        MutableFileVersion initailized with that version. Otherwise, it
        will fire with the best version that I can recover.

        If servermap is provided, I will use that to find versions
        instead of performing my own servermap update.
        if self.is_readonly():
            return self.get_readable_version(servermap=servermap,

        # get_mutable_version => write intent, so we require that the
        # servermap is updated in MODE_WRITE
        d = self._get_version_from_servermap(MODE_WRITE, servermap, version)
        def _build_version(servermap_and_smap_version):
            # these should have been set by the servermap update.
            (servermap, smap_version) = servermap_and_smap_version
            assert self._secret_holder
            assert self._writekey

            mfv = MutableFileVersion(self,
            assert not mfv.is_readonly()
            return mfv

        return d.addCallback(_build_version)

    # XXX: I'm uncomfortable with the difference between upload and
    #      overwrite, which, FWICT, is basically that you don't have to
    #      do a servermap update before you overwrite. We split them up
    #      that way anyway, so I guess there's no real difficulty in
    #      offering both ways to callers, but it also makes the
    #      public-facing API cluttery, and makes it hard to discern the
    #      right way of doing things.

    # In general, we leave it to callers to ensure that they aren't
    # going to cause UncoordinatedWriteErrors when working with
    # MutableFileVersions. We know that the next three operations
    # (upload, overwrite, and modify) will all operate on the same
    # version, so we say that only one of them can be going on at once,
    # and serialize them to ensure that that actually happens, since as
    # the caller in this situation it is our job to do that.
    def overwrite(self, new_contents):
        I overwrite the contents of the best recoverable version of this
        mutable file with new_contents. This is equivalent to calling
        overwrite on the result of get_best_mutable_version with
        new_contents as an argument. I return a Deferred that eventually
        fires with the results of my replacement process.
        # TODO: Update downloader hints.
        return self._do_serialized(self._overwrite, new_contents)

    def _overwrite(self, new_contents):
        I am the serialized sibling of overwrite.
        d = self.get_best_mutable_version()
        d.addCallback(lambda mfv: mfv.overwrite(new_contents))
        d.addCallback(self._did_upload, new_contents.get_size())
        return d

    def upload(self, new_contents, servermap):
        I overwrite the contents of the best recoverable version of this
        mutable file with new_contents, using servermap instead of
        creating/updating our own servermap. I return a Deferred that
        fires with the results of my upload.
        # TODO: Update downloader hints
        return self._do_serialized(self._upload, new_contents, servermap)

    def modify(self, modifier, backoffer=None):
        I modify the contents of the best recoverable version of this
        mutable file with the modifier. This is equivalent to calling
        modify on the result of get_best_mutable_version. I return a
        Deferred that eventually fires with an UploadResults instance
        describing this process.
        # TODO: Update downloader hints.
        return self._do_serialized(self._modify, modifier, backoffer)

    def _modify(self, modifier, backoffer):
        I am the serialized sibling of modify.
        d = self.get_best_mutable_version()
        d.addCallback(lambda mfv: mfv.modify(modifier, backoffer))
        return d

    def download_version(self, servermap, version, fetch_privkey=False):
        Download the specified version of this mutable file. I return a
        Deferred that fires with the contents of the specified version
        as a bytestring, or errbacks if the file is not recoverable.
        d = self.get_readable_version(servermap, version)
        return d.addCallback(lambda mfv: mfv.download_to_data(fetch_privkey))

    def get_servermap(self, mode):
        I return a servermap that has been updated in mode.

        mode should be one of MODE_READ, MODE_WRITE, MODE_CHECK or
        MODE_ANYTHING. See servermap.py for more on what these mean.
        return self._do_serialized(self._get_servermap, mode)

    def _get_servermap(self, mode):
        I am a serialized twin to get_servermap.
        servermap = ServerMap()
        d = self._update_servermap(servermap, mode)
        # The servermap will tell us about the most recent size of the
        # file, so we may as well set that so that callers might get
        # more data about us.
        if not self._most_recent_size:
        return d

    def _get_size_from_servermap(self, servermap):
        I extract the size of the best version of this file and record
        it in self._most_recent_size. I return the servermap that I was
        if servermap.recoverable_versions():
            v = servermap.best_recoverable_version()
            size = v[4] # verinfo[4] == size
            self._most_recent_size = size
        return servermap

    def _update_servermap(self, servermap, mode):
        u = ServermapUpdater(self, self._storage_broker, Monitor(), servermap,
        if self._history:
        return u.update()

    #def set_version(self, version):
        # I can be set in two ways:
        #  1. When the node is created.
        #  2. (for an existing share) when the Servermap is updated
        #     before I am read.
    #    assert version in (MDMF_VERSION, SDMF_VERSION)
    #    self._protocol_version = version

    def get_version(self):
        return self._protocol_version

    def _do_serialized(self, cb, *args, **kwargs):
        # note: to avoid deadlock, this callable is *not* allowed to invoke
        # other serialized methods within this (or any other)
        # MutableFileNode. The callable should be a bound method of this same
        # MFN instance.
        d = defer.Deferred()
        self._serializer.addCallback(lambda ignore: cb(*args, **kwargs))
        # we need to put off d.callback until this Deferred is finished being
        # processed. Otherwise the caller's subsequent activities (like,
        # doing other things with this node) can cause reentrancy problems in
        # the Deferred code itself
        self._serializer.addBoth(lambda res: eventually(d.callback, res))
        # add a log.err just in case something really weird happens, because
        # self._serializer stays around forever, therefore we won't see the
        # usual Unhandled Error in Deferred that would give us a hint.
        return d

    def _upload(self, new_contents, servermap):
        A MutableFileNode still has to have some way of getting
        published initially, which is what I am here for. After that,
        all publishing, updating, modifying and so on happens through
        assert self._pubkey, "update_servermap must be called before publish"

        # Define IPublishInvoker with a set_downloader_hints method?
        # Then have the publisher call that method when it's done publishing?
        p = Publish(self, self._storage_broker, servermap)
        if self._history:
        d = p.publish(new_contents)
        d.addCallback(self._did_upload, new_contents.get_size())
        return d

    def set_downloader_hints(self, hints):
        self._downloader_hints = hints

    def _did_upload(self, res, size):
        self._most_recent_size = size
        return res
Exemple #4
class MutableFileNode:
    implements(IMutableFileNode, ICheckable)

    def __init__(self, storage_broker, secret_holder,
                 default_encoding_parameters, history):
        self._storage_broker = storage_broker
        self._secret_holder = secret_holder
        self._default_encoding_parameters = default_encoding_parameters
        self._history = history
        self._pubkey = None  # filled in upon first read
        self._privkey = None  # filled in if we're mutable
        # we keep track of the last encoding parameters that we use. These
        # are updated upon retrieve, and used by publish. If we publish
        # without ever reading (i.e. overwrite()), then we use these values.
        self._required_shares = default_encoding_parameters["k"]
        self._total_shares = default_encoding_parameters["n"]
        self._sharemap = {}  # known shares, shnum-to-[nodeids]
        self._cache = ResponseCache()
        self._most_recent_size = None

        # all users of this MutableFileNode go through the serializer. This
        # takes advantage of the fact that Deferreds discard the callbacks
        # that they're done with, so we can keep using the same Deferred
        # forever without consuming more and more memory.
        self._serializer = defer.succeed(None)

    def __repr__(self):
        if hasattr(self, '_uri'):
            return "<%s %x %s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self),
                                      self.is_readonly() and 'RO'
                                      or 'RW', self._uri.abbrev())
            return "<%s %x %s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), None,

    def init_from_cap(self, filecap):
        # we have the URI, but we have not yet retrieved the public
        # verification key, nor things like 'k' or 'N'. If and when someone
        # wants to get our contents, we'll pull from shares and fill those
        # in.
        assert isinstance(filecap, (ReadonlySSKFileURI, WriteableSSKFileURI))
        self._uri = filecap
        self._writekey = None
        if isinstance(filecap, WriteableSSKFileURI):
            self._writekey = self._uri.writekey
        self._readkey = self._uri.readkey
        self._storage_index = self._uri.storage_index
        self._fingerprint = self._uri.fingerprint
        # the following values are learned during Retrieval
        #  self._pubkey
        #  self._required_shares
        #  self._total_shares
        # and these are needed for Publish. They are filled in by Retrieval
        # if possible, otherwise by the first peer that Publish talks to.
        self._privkey = None
        self._encprivkey = None
        return self

    def create_with_keys(self, (pubkey, privkey), contents):
        """Call this to create a brand-new mutable file. It will create the
        shares, find homes for them, and upload the initial contents (created
        with the same rules as IClient.create_mutable_file() ). Returns a
        Deferred that fires (with the MutableFileNode instance you should
        use) when it completes.
        self._pubkey, self._privkey = pubkey, privkey
        pubkey_s = self._pubkey.serialize()
        privkey_s = self._privkey.serialize()
        self._writekey = hashutil.ssk_writekey_hash(privkey_s)
        self._encprivkey = self._encrypt_privkey(self._writekey, privkey_s)
        self._fingerprint = hashutil.ssk_pubkey_fingerprint_hash(pubkey_s)
        self._uri = WriteableSSKFileURI(self._writekey, self._fingerprint)
        self._readkey = self._uri.readkey
        self._storage_index = self._uri.storage_index
        initial_contents = self._get_initial_contents(contents)
        return self._upload(initial_contents, None)
Exemple #5
class MutableFileNode(object):

    def __init__(self, storage_broker, secret_holder,
                 default_encoding_parameters, history):
        self._storage_broker = storage_broker
        self._secret_holder = secret_holder
        self._default_encoding_parameters = default_encoding_parameters
        self._history = history
        self._pubkey = None # filled in upon first read
        self._privkey = None # filled in if we're mutable
        # we keep track of the last encoding parameters that we use. These
        # are updated upon retrieve, and used by publish. If we publish
        # without ever reading (i.e. overwrite()), then we use these values.
        self._required_shares = default_encoding_parameters["k"]
        self._total_shares = default_encoding_parameters["n"]
        self._sharemap = {} # known shares, shnum-to-[nodeids]
        self._most_recent_size = None
        # filled in after __init__ if we're being created for the first time;
        # filled in by the servermap updater before publishing, otherwise.
        # set to this default value in case neither of those things happen,
        # or in case the servermap can't find any shares to tell us what
        # to publish as.
        self._protocol_version = None

        # all users of this MutableFileNode go through the serializer. This
        # takes advantage of the fact that Deferreds discard the callbacks
        # that they're done with, so we can keep using the same Deferred
        # forever without consuming more and more memory.
        self._serializer = defer.succeed(None)

        # Starting with MDMF, we can get these from caps if they're
        # there. Leave them alone for now; they'll be filled in by my
        # init_from_cap method if necessary.
        self._downloader_hints = {}

    def __repr__(self):
        if hasattr(self, '_uri'):
            return "<%s %x %s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), self.is_readonly() and 'RO' or 'RW', self._uri.abbrev())
            return "<%s %x %s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), None, None)

    def init_from_cap(self, filecap):
        # we have the URI, but we have not yet retrieved the public
        # verification key, nor things like 'k' or 'N'. If and when someone
        # wants to get our contents, we'll pull from shares and fill those
        # in.
        if isinstance(filecap, (WriteableMDMFFileURI, ReadonlyMDMFFileURI)):
            self._protocol_version = MDMF_VERSION
        elif isinstance(filecap, (ReadonlySSKFileURI, WriteableSSKFileURI)):
            self._protocol_version = SDMF_VERSION

        self._uri = filecap
        self._writekey = None

        if not filecap.is_readonly() and filecap.is_mutable():
            self._writekey = self._uri.writekey
        self._readkey = self._uri.readkey
        self._storage_index = self._uri.storage_index
        self._fingerprint = self._uri.fingerprint
        # the following values are learned during Retrieval
        #  self._pubkey
        #  self._required_shares
        #  self._total_shares
        # and these are needed for Publish. They are filled in by Retrieval
        # if possible, otherwise by the first peer that Publish talks to.
        self._privkey = None
        self._encprivkey = None

        return self

    def create_with_keys(self, keypair, contents,
        """Call this to create a brand-new mutable file. It will create the
        shares, find homes for them, and upload the initial contents (created
        with the same rules as IClient.create_mutable_file() ). Returns a
        Deferred that fires (with the MutableFileNode instance you should
        use) when it completes.
        (pubkey, privkey) = keypair
        self._pubkey, self._privkey = pubkey, privkey
        pubkey_s = self._pubkey.serialize()
        privkey_s = self._privkey.serialize()
        self._writekey = hashutil.ssk_writekey_hash(privkey_s)
        self._encprivkey = self._encrypt_privkey(self._writekey, privkey_s)
        self._fingerprint = hashutil.ssk_pubkey_fingerprint_hash(pubkey_s)
        if version == MDMF_VERSION:
            self._uri = WriteableMDMFFileURI(self._writekey, self._fingerprint)
            self._protocol_version = version
        elif version == SDMF_VERSION:
            self._uri = WriteableSSKFileURI(self._writekey, self._fingerprint)
            self._protocol_version = version
        self._readkey = self._uri.readkey
        self._storage_index = self._uri.storage_index
        initial_contents = self._get_initial_contents(contents)
        return self._upload(initial_contents, None)

    def _get_initial_contents(self, contents):
        if contents is None:
            return MutableData("")

        if isinstance(contents, str):
            return MutableData(contents)

        if IMutableUploadable.providedBy(contents):
            return contents

        assert callable(contents), "%s should be callable, not %s" % \
               (contents, type(contents))
        return contents(self)

    def _encrypt_privkey(self, writekey, privkey):
        enc = AES(writekey)
        crypttext = enc.process(privkey)
        return crypttext

    def _decrypt_privkey(self, enc_privkey):
        enc = AES(self._writekey)
        privkey = enc.process(enc_privkey)
        return privkey

    def _populate_pubkey(self, pubkey):
        self._pubkey = pubkey
    def _populate_required_shares(self, required_shares):
        self._required_shares = required_shares
    def _populate_total_shares(self, total_shares):
        self._total_shares = total_shares

    def _populate_privkey(self, privkey):
        self._privkey = privkey
    def _populate_encprivkey(self, encprivkey):
        self._encprivkey = encprivkey

    def get_write_enabler(self, server):
        seed = server.get_foolscap_write_enabler_seed()
        assert len(seed) == 20
        return hashutil.ssk_write_enabler_hash(self._writekey, seed)
    def get_renewal_secret(self, server):
        crs = self._secret_holder.get_renewal_secret()
        frs = hashutil.file_renewal_secret_hash(crs, self._storage_index)
        lease_seed = server.get_lease_seed()
        assert len(lease_seed) == 20
        return hashutil.bucket_renewal_secret_hash(frs, lease_seed)
    def get_cancel_secret(self, server):
        ccs = self._secret_holder.get_cancel_secret()
        fcs = hashutil.file_cancel_secret_hash(ccs, self._storage_index)
        lease_seed = server.get_lease_seed()
        assert len(lease_seed) == 20
        return hashutil.bucket_cancel_secret_hash(fcs, lease_seed)

    def get_writekey(self):
        return self._writekey
    def get_readkey(self):
        return self._readkey
    def get_storage_index(self):
        return self._storage_index
    def get_fingerprint(self):
        return self._fingerprint
    def get_privkey(self):
        return self._privkey
    def get_encprivkey(self):
        return self._encprivkey
    def get_pubkey(self):
        return self._pubkey

    def get_required_shares(self):
        return self._required_shares
    def get_total_shares(self):
        return self._total_shares

    # IFilesystemNode

    def get_size(self):
        return self._most_recent_size

    def get_current_size(self):
        d = self.get_size_of_best_version()
        return d

    def _stash_size(self, size):
        self._most_recent_size = size
        return size

    def get_cap(self):
        return self._uri
    def get_readcap(self):
        return self._uri.get_readonly()
    def get_verify_cap(self):
        return self._uri.get_verify_cap()
    def get_repair_cap(self):
        if self._uri.is_readonly():
            return None
        return self._uri

    def get_uri(self):
        return self._uri.to_string()

    def get_write_uri(self):
        if self.is_readonly():
            return None
        return self._uri.to_string()

    def get_readonly_uri(self):
        return self._uri.get_readonly().to_string()

    def get_readonly(self):
        if self.is_readonly():
            return self
        ro = MutableFileNode(self._storage_broker, self._secret_holder,
                             self._default_encoding_parameters, self._history)
        return ro

    def is_mutable(self):
        return self._uri.is_mutable()

    def is_readonly(self):
        return self._uri.is_readonly()

    def is_unknown(self):
        return False

    def is_allowed_in_immutable_directory(self):
        return not self._uri.is_mutable()

    def raise_error(self):

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self.__class__, self._uri))
    def __cmp__(self, them):
        if cmp(type(self), type(them)):
            return cmp(type(self), type(them))
        if cmp(self.__class__, them.__class__):
            return cmp(self.__class__, them.__class__)
        return cmp(self._uri, them._uri)

    # ICheckable

    def check(self, monitor, verify=False, add_lease=False):
        checker = MutableChecker(self, self._storage_broker,
                                 self._history, monitor)
        return checker.check(verify, add_lease)

    def check_and_repair(self, monitor, verify=False, add_lease=False):
        checker = MutableCheckAndRepairer(self, self._storage_broker,
                                          self._history, monitor)
        return checker.check(verify, add_lease)

    # IRepairable

    def repair(self, check_results, force=False, monitor=None):
        assert ICheckResults(check_results)
        r = Repairer(self, check_results, self._storage_broker,
                     self._history, monitor)
        d = r.start(force)
        return d

    # IFileNode

    def get_best_readable_version(self):
        I return a Deferred that fires with a MutableFileVersion
        representing the best readable version of the file that I
        return self.get_readable_version()

    def get_readable_version(self, servermap=None, version=None):
        I return a Deferred that fires with an MutableFileVersion for my
        version argument, if there is a recoverable file of that version
        on the grid. If there is no recoverable version, I fire with an

        If a servermap is provided, I look in there for the requested
        version. If no servermap is provided, I create and update a new

        If no version is provided, then I return a MutableFileVersion
        representing the best recoverable version of the file.
        d = self._get_version_from_servermap(MODE_READ, servermap, version)
        def _build_version(servermap_and_their_version):
            (servermap, their_version) = servermap_and_their_version
            assert their_version in servermap.recoverable_versions()
            assert their_version in servermap.make_versionmap()

            mfv = MutableFileVersion(self,
            assert mfv.is_readonly()
            # our caller can use this to download the contents of the
            # mutable file.
            return mfv
        return d.addCallback(_build_version)

    def _get_version_from_servermap(self,
        I return a Deferred that fires with (servermap, version).

        This function performs validation and a servermap update. If it
        returns (servermap, version), the caller can assume that:
            - servermap was last updated in mode.
            - version is recoverable, and corresponds to the servermap.

        If version and servermap are provided to me, I will validate
        that version exists in the servermap, and that the servermap was
        updated correctly.

        If version is not provided, but servermap is, I will validate
        the servermap and return the best recoverable version that I can
        find in the servermap.

        If the version is provided but the servermap isn't, I will
        obtain a servermap that has been updated in the correct mode and
        validate that version is found and recoverable.

        If neither servermap nor version are provided, I will obtain a
        servermap updated in the correct mode, and return the best
        recoverable version that I can find in there.
        # XXX: wording ^^^^
        if servermap and servermap.get_last_update()[0] == mode:
            d = defer.succeed(servermap)
            d = self._get_servermap(mode)

        def _get_version(servermap, v):
            if v and v not in servermap.recoverable_versions():
                v = None
            elif not v:
                v = servermap.best_recoverable_version()
            if not v:
                raise UnrecoverableFileError("no recoverable versions")

            return (servermap, v)
        return d.addCallback(_get_version, version)

    def download_best_version(self, progress=None):
        I return a Deferred that fires with the contents of the best
        version of this mutable file.
        return self._do_serialized(self._download_best_version, progress=progress)

    def _download_best_version(self, progress=None):
        I am the serialized sibling of download_best_version.
        d = self.get_best_readable_version()
        d.addCallback(lambda version: version.download_to_data(progress=progress))

        # It is possible that the download will fail because there
        # aren't enough shares to be had. If so, we will try again after
        # updating the servermap in MODE_WRITE, which may find more
        # shares than updating in MODE_READ, as we just did. We can do
        # this by getting the best mutable version and downloading from
        # that -- the best mutable version will be a MutableFileVersion
        # with a servermap that was last updated in MODE_WRITE, as we
        # want. If this fails, then we give up.
        def _maybe_retry(failure):

            d = self.get_best_mutable_version()
            d.addCallback(lambda version: version.download_to_data(progress=progress))
            return d

        return d

    def _record_size(self, mfv):
        I record the size of a mutable file version.
        self._most_recent_size = mfv.get_size()
        return mfv

    def get_size_of_best_version(self):
        I return the size of the best version of this mutable file.

        This is equivalent to calling get_size() on the result of
        d = self.get_best_readable_version()
        return d.addCallback(lambda mfv: mfv.get_size())

    # IMutableFileNode

    def get_best_mutable_version(self, servermap=None):
        I return a Deferred that fires with a MutableFileVersion
        representing the best readable version of the file that I
        represent. I am like get_best_readable_version, except that I
        will try to make a writeable version if I can.
        return self.get_mutable_version(servermap=servermap)

    def get_mutable_version(self, servermap=None, version=None):
        I return a version of this mutable file. I return a Deferred
        that fires with a MutableFileVersion

        If version is provided, the Deferred will fire with a
        MutableFileVersion initailized with that version. Otherwise, it
        will fire with the best version that I can recover.

        If servermap is provided, I will use that to find versions
        instead of performing my own servermap update.
        if self.is_readonly():
            return self.get_readable_version(servermap=servermap,

        # get_mutable_version => write intent, so we require that the
        # servermap is updated in MODE_WRITE
        d = self._get_version_from_servermap(MODE_WRITE, servermap, version)
        def _build_version(servermap_and_smap_version):
            # these should have been set by the servermap update.
            (servermap, smap_version) = servermap_and_smap_version
            assert self._secret_holder
            assert self._writekey

            mfv = MutableFileVersion(self,
            assert not mfv.is_readonly()
            return mfv

        return d.addCallback(_build_version)

    # XXX: I'm uncomfortable with the difference between upload and
    #      overwrite, which, FWICT, is basically that you don't have to
    #      do a servermap update before you overwrite. We split them up
    #      that way anyway, so I guess there's no real difficulty in
    #      offering both ways to callers, but it also makes the
    #      public-facing API cluttery, and makes it hard to discern the
    #      right way of doing things.

    # In general, we leave it to callers to ensure that they aren't
    # going to cause UncoordinatedWriteErrors when working with
    # MutableFileVersions. We know that the next three operations
    # (upload, overwrite, and modify) will all operate on the same
    # version, so we say that only one of them can be going on at once,
    # and serialize them to ensure that that actually happens, since as
    # the caller in this situation it is our job to do that.
    def overwrite(self, new_contents):
        I overwrite the contents of the best recoverable version of this
        mutable file with new_contents. This is equivalent to calling
        overwrite on the result of get_best_mutable_version with
        new_contents as an argument. I return a Deferred that eventually
        fires with the results of my replacement process.
        # TODO: Update downloader hints.
        return self._do_serialized(self._overwrite, new_contents)

    def _overwrite(self, new_contents):
        I am the serialized sibling of overwrite.
        d = self.get_best_mutable_version()
        d.addCallback(lambda mfv: mfv.overwrite(new_contents))
        d.addCallback(self._did_upload, new_contents.get_size())
        return d

    def upload(self, new_contents, servermap):
        I overwrite the contents of the best recoverable version of this
        mutable file with new_contents, using servermap instead of
        creating/updating our own servermap. I return a Deferred that
        fires with the results of my upload.
        # TODO: Update downloader hints
        return self._do_serialized(self._upload, new_contents, servermap)

    def modify(self, modifier, backoffer=None):
        I modify the contents of the best recoverable version of this
        mutable file with the modifier. This is equivalent to calling
        modify on the result of get_best_mutable_version. I return a
        Deferred that eventually fires with an UploadResults instance
        describing this process.
        # TODO: Update downloader hints.
        return self._do_serialized(self._modify, modifier, backoffer)

    def _modify(self, modifier, backoffer):
        I am the serialized sibling of modify.
        d = self.get_best_mutable_version()
        d.addCallback(lambda mfv: mfv.modify(modifier, backoffer))
        return d

    def download_version(self, servermap, version, fetch_privkey=False):
        Download the specified version of this mutable file. I return a
        Deferred that fires with the contents of the specified version
        as a bytestring, or errbacks if the file is not recoverable.
        d = self.get_readable_version(servermap, version)
        return d.addCallback(lambda mfv: mfv.download_to_data(fetch_privkey))

    def get_servermap(self, mode):
        I return a servermap that has been updated in mode.

        mode should be one of MODE_READ, MODE_WRITE, MODE_CHECK or
        MODE_ANYTHING. See servermap.py for more on what these mean.
        return self._do_serialized(self._get_servermap, mode)

    def _get_servermap(self, mode):
        I am a serialized twin to get_servermap.
        servermap = ServerMap()
        d = self._update_servermap(servermap, mode)
        # The servermap will tell us about the most recent size of the
        # file, so we may as well set that so that callers might get
        # more data about us.
        if not self._most_recent_size:
        return d

    def _get_size_from_servermap(self, servermap):
        I extract the size of the best version of this file and record
        it in self._most_recent_size. I return the servermap that I was
        if servermap.recoverable_versions():
            v = servermap.best_recoverable_version()
            size = v[4] # verinfo[4] == size
            self._most_recent_size = size
        return servermap

    def _update_servermap(self, servermap, mode):
        u = ServermapUpdater(self, self._storage_broker, Monitor(), servermap,
        if self._history:
        return u.update()

    #def set_version(self, version):
        # I can be set in two ways:
        #  1. When the node is created.
        #  2. (for an existing share) when the Servermap is updated
        #     before I am read.
    #    assert version in (MDMF_VERSION, SDMF_VERSION)
    #    self._protocol_version = version

    def get_version(self):
        return self._protocol_version

    def _do_serialized(self, cb, *args, **kwargs):
        # note: to avoid deadlock, this callable is *not* allowed to invoke
        # other serialized methods within this (or any other)
        # MutableFileNode. The callable should be a bound method of this same
        # MFN instance.
        d = defer.Deferred()
        self._serializer.addCallback(lambda ignore: cb(*args, **kwargs))
        # we need to put off d.callback until this Deferred is finished being
        # processed. Otherwise the caller's subsequent activities (like,
        # doing other things with this node) can cause reentrancy problems in
        # the Deferred code itself
        self._serializer.addBoth(lambda res: eventually(d.callback, res))
        # add a log.err just in case something really weird happens, because
        # self._serializer stays around forever, therefore we won't see the
        # usual Unhandled Error in Deferred that would give us a hint.
        return d

    def _upload(self, new_contents, servermap):
        A MutableFileNode still has to have some way of getting
        published initially, which is what I am here for. After that,
        all publishing, updating, modifying and so on happens through
        assert self._pubkey, "update_servermap must be called before publish"

        # Define IPublishInvoker with a set_downloader_hints method?
        # Then have the publisher call that method when it's done publishing?
        p = Publish(self, self._storage_broker, servermap)
        if self._history:
        d = p.publish(new_contents)
        d.addCallback(self._did_upload, new_contents.get_size())
        return d

    def set_downloader_hints(self, hints):
        self._downloader_hints = hints

    def _did_upload(self, res, size):
        self._most_recent_size = size
        return res