Exemple #1
def marshal_json(s):
    # common item data
    item = {
        "storage-index-string": base32.b2a_or_none(s.get_storage_index()),
        "total-size": s.get_size(),
        "status": s.get_status(),

    # type-specific item date
    if IUploadStatus.providedBy(s):
        h, c, e = s.get_progress()
        item["type"] = "upload"
        item["progress-hash"] = h
        item["progress-ciphertext"] = c
        item["progress-encode-push"] = e

    elif IDownloadStatus.providedBy(s):
        item["type"] = "download"
        item["progress"] = s.get_progress()

    elif IPublishStatus.providedBy(s):
        item["type"] = "publish"

    elif IRetrieveStatus.providedBy(s):
        item["type"] = "retrieve"

    elif IServermapUpdaterStatus.providedBy(s):
        item["type"] = "mapupdate"
        item["mode"] = s.get_mode()

        item["type"] = "unknown"
        item["class"] = s.__class__.__name__

    return item
Exemple #2
    def json(self, req):
        req.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
        data = {}
        data["active"] = active = []
        for s in self._get_active_operations():
            si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(s.get_storage_index())
            size = s.get_size()
            status = s.get_status()
            if IUploadStatus.providedBy(s):
                h,c,e = s.get_progress()
                active.append({"type": "upload",
                               "storage-index-string": si_s,
                               "total-size": size,
                               "status": status,
                               "progress-hash": h,
                               "progress-ciphertext": c,
                               "progress-encode-push": e,
            elif IDownloadStatus.providedBy(s):
                active.append({"type": "download",
                               "storage-index-string": si_s,
                               "total-size": size,
                               "status": status,
                               "progress": s.get_progress(),

        return simplejson.dumps(data, indent=1) + "\n"
Exemple #3
    def render_row(self, ctx, data):
        s = data

        TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
        started_s = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
        ctx.fillSlots("started", started_s)

        si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(s.get_storage_index())
        if si_s is None:
            si_s = "(None)"
        ctx.fillSlots("si", si_s)
        ctx.fillSlots("helper", {True: "Yes",
                                 False: "No"}[s.using_helper()])

        size = s.get_size()
        if size is None:
            size = "(unknown)"
        elif isinstance(size, (int, long, float)):
            size = abbreviate_size(size)
        ctx.fillSlots("total_size", size)

        progress = data.get_progress()
        if IUploadStatus.providedBy(data):
            link = "up-%d" % data.get_counter()
            ctx.fillSlots("type", "upload")
            # TODO: make an ascii-art bar
            (chk, ciphertext, encandpush) = progress
            progress_s = ("hash: %.1f%%, ciphertext: %.1f%%, encode: %.1f%%" %
                          ( (100.0 * chk),
                            (100.0 * ciphertext),
                            (100.0 * encandpush) ))
            ctx.fillSlots("progress", progress_s)
        elif IDownloadStatus.providedBy(data):
            link = "down-%d" % data.get_counter()
            ctx.fillSlots("type", "download")
            ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
        elif IPublishStatus.providedBy(data):
            link = "publish-%d" % data.get_counter()
            ctx.fillSlots("type", "publish")
            ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
        elif IRetrieveStatus.providedBy(data):
            ctx.fillSlots("type", "retrieve")
            link = "retrieve-%d" % data.get_counter()
            ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
            assert IServermapUpdaterStatus.providedBy(data)
            ctx.fillSlots("type", "mapupdate %s" % data.get_mode())
            link = "mapupdate-%d" % data.get_counter()
            ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
        ctx.fillSlots("status", T.a(href=link)[s.get_status()])
        return ctx.tag
Exemple #4
    def child_event_json(self, ctx):
        inevow.IRequest(ctx).setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
        data = { } # this will be returned to the GET
        ds = self.download_status

        data["read"] = self._find_overlap(ds.read_events,
                                          "start_time", "finish_time")
        data["segment"] = self._find_overlap(ds.segment_events,
                                             "start_time", "finish_time")
        data["dyhb"] = self._find_overlap(ds.dyhb_requests,
                                          "start_time", "finish_time")
        data["block"],data["block_rownums"] = self._find_overlap_requests(ds.block_requests)

        servernums = {}
        serverid_strings = {}
        for d_ev in data["dyhb"]:
            if d_ev["serverid"] not in servernums:
                servernum = len(servernums)
                servernums[d_ev["serverid"]] = servernum
                #title= "%s: %s" % ( ",".join([str(shnum) for shnum in shnums]))
                serverid_strings[servernum] = d_ev["serverid"][:4]
        data["server_info"] = dict([(serverid, {"num": servernums[serverid],
                                                "color": self.color(base32.a2b(serverid)),
                                                "short": serverid_strings[servernums[serverid]],
                                   for serverid in servernums.keys()])
        data["num_serverids"] = len(serverid_strings)
        # we'd prefer the keys of serverids[] to be ints, but this is JSON,
        # so they get converted to strings. Stupid javascript.
        data["serverids"] = serverid_strings
        data["bounds"] = {"min": ds.first_timestamp, "max": ds.last_timestamp}
        return simplejson.dumps(data, indent=1) + "\n"
Exemple #5
    def _got_data(self, results, blocknum):
        precondition(blocknum < self.num_blocks,
                     self, blocknum, self.num_blocks)
        sharehashes, blockhashes, blockdata = results
            sharehashes = dict(sharehashes)
        except ValueError as le:
            le.args = tuple(le.args + (sharehashes,))
        blockhashes = dict(enumerate(blockhashes))

        candidate_share_hash = None # in case we log it in the except block below
        blockhash = None # in case we log it in the except block below

            if self.share_hash_tree.needed_hashes(self.sharenum):
                # This will raise exception if the values being passed do not
                # match the root node of self.share_hash_tree.
                except IndexError as le:
                    # Weird -- sharehashes contained index numbers outside of
                    # the range that fit into this hash tree.
                    raise BadOrMissingHash(le)

            # To validate a block we need the root of the block hash tree,
            # which is also one of the leafs of the share hash tree, and is
            # called "the share hash".
            if not self.block_hash_tree[0]: # empty -- no root node yet
                # Get the share hash from the share hash tree.
                share_hash = self.share_hash_tree.get_leaf(self.sharenum)
                if not share_hash:
                    # No root node in block_hash_tree and also the share hash
                    # wasn't sent by the server.
                    raise hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError
                self.block_hash_tree.set_hashes({0: share_hash})

            if self.block_hash_tree.needed_hashes(blocknum):

            blockhash = block_hash(blockdata)
            self.block_hash_tree.set_hashes(leaves={blocknum: blockhash})
            #self.log("checking block_hash(shareid=%d, blocknum=%d) len=%d "
            #        "%r .. %r: %s" %
            #        (self.sharenum, blocknum, len(blockdata),
            #         blockdata[:50], blockdata[-50:], base32.b2a(blockhash)))

        except (hashtree.BadHashError, hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError) as le:
            # log.WEIRD: indicates undetected disk/network error, or more
            # likely a programming error
            self.log("hash failure in block=%d, shnum=%d on %s" %
                    (blocknum, self.sharenum, self.bucket))
            if self.block_hash_tree.needed_hashes(blocknum):
                self.log(""" failure occurred when checking the block_hash_tree.
                This suggests that either the block data was bad, or that the
                block hashes we received along with it were bad.""")
                self.log(""" the failure probably occurred when checking the
                share_hash_tree, which suggests that the share hashes we
                received from the remote peer were bad.""")
            self.log(" have candidate_share_hash: %s" % bool(candidate_share_hash))
            self.log(" block length: %d" % len(blockdata))
            self.log(" block hash: %s" % base32.b2a_or_none(blockhash))
            if len(blockdata) < 100:
                self.log(" block data: %r" % (blockdata,))
                self.log(" block data start/end: %r .. %r" %
                        (blockdata[:50], blockdata[-50:]))
            self.log(" share hash tree:\n" + self.share_hash_tree.dump())
            self.log(" block hash tree:\n" + self.block_hash_tree.dump())
            lines = []
            for i,h in sorted(sharehashes.items()):
                lines.append("%3d: %s" % (i, base32.b2a_or_none(h)))
            self.log(" sharehashes:\n" + "\n".join(lines) + "\n")
            lines = []
            for i,h in blockhashes.items():
                lines.append("%3d: %s" % (i, base32.b2a_or_none(h)))
            log.msg(" blockhashes:\n" + "\n".join(lines) + "\n")
            raise BadOrMissingHash(le)

        # If we made it here, the block is good. If the hash trees didn't
        # like what they saw, they would have raised a BadHashError, causing
        # our caller to see a Failure and thus ignore this block (as well as
        # dropping this bucket).
        return blockdata
Exemple #6
 def render_si(self, ctx, data):
     si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
     if si_s is None:
         si_s = "(None)"
     return si_s
Exemple #7
 except (hashtree.BadHashError, hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError), le:
     # log.WEIRD: indicates undetected disk/network error, or more
     # likely a programming error
     self.log("hash failure in block=%d, shnum=%d on %s" %
             (blocknum, self.sharenum, self.bucket))
     if self.block_hash_tree.needed_hashes(blocknum):
         self.log(""" failure occurred when checking the block_hash_tree.
         This suggests that either the block data was bad, or that the
         block hashes we received along with it were bad.""")
         self.log(""" the failure probably occurred when checking the
         share_hash_tree, which suggests that the share hashes we
         received from the remote peer were bad.""")
     self.log(" have candidate_share_hash: %s" % bool(candidate_share_hash))
     self.log(" block length: %d" % len(blockdata))
     self.log(" block hash: %s" % base32.b2a_or_none(blockhash))
     if len(blockdata) < 100:
         self.log(" block data: %r" % (blockdata,))
         self.log(" block data start/end: %r .. %r" %
                 (blockdata[:50], blockdata[-50:]))
     self.log(" share hash tree:\n" + self.share_hash_tree.dump())
     self.log(" block hash tree:\n" + self.block_hash_tree.dump())
     lines = []
     for i,h in sorted(sharehashes.items()):
         lines.append("%3d: %s" % (i, base32.b2a_or_none(h)))
     self.log(" sharehashes:\n" + "\n".join(lines) + "\n")
     lines = []
     for i,h in blockhashes.items():
         lines.append("%3d: %s" % (i, base32.b2a_or_none(h)))
     log.msg(" blockhashes:\n" + "\n".join(lines) + "\n")
Exemple #8
 def render_si(self, ctx, data):
     si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
     if si_s is None:
         si_s = "(None)"
     return si_s
Exemple #9
 # likely a programming error
 self.log("hash failure in block=%d, shnum=%d on %s" %
          (blocknum, self.sharenum, self.bucket))
 if self.block_hash_tree.needed_hashes(blocknum):
         """ failure occurred when checking the block_hash_tree.
     This suggests that either the block data was bad, or that the
     block hashes we received along with it were bad.""")
     self.log(""" the failure probably occurred when checking the
     share_hash_tree, which suggests that the share hashes we
     received from the remote peer were bad.""")
 self.log(" have candidate_share_hash: %s" %
 self.log(" block length: %d" % len(blockdata))
 self.log(" block hash: %s" % base32.b2a_or_none(blockhash))
 if len(blockdata) < 100:
     self.log(" block data: %r" % (blockdata, ))
     self.log(" block data start/end: %r .. %r" %
              (blockdata[:50], blockdata[-50:]))
 self.log(" share hash tree:\n" + self.share_hash_tree.dump())
 self.log(" block hash tree:\n" + self.block_hash_tree.dump())
 lines = []
 for i, h in sorted(sharehashes.items()):
     lines.append("%3d: %s" % (i, base32.b2a_or_none(h)))
 self.log(" sharehashes:\n" + "\n".join(lines) + "\n")
 lines = []
 for i, h in blockhashes.items():
     lines.append("%3d: %s" % (i, base32.b2a_or_none(h)))
 log.msg(" blockhashes:\n" + "\n".join(lines) + "\n")
Exemple #10
 def get_storage_index_string(self):
     return base32.b2a_or_none(self._storage_index)
Exemple #11
    def _got_data(self, results, blocknum):
        precondition(blocknum < self.num_blocks, self, blocknum,
        sharehashes, blockhashes, blockdata = results
            sharehashes = dict(sharehashes)
        except ValueError as le:
            le.args = tuple(le.args + (sharehashes, ))
        blockhashes = dict(enumerate(blockhashes))

        candidate_share_hash = None  # in case we log it in the except block below
        blockhash = None  # in case we log it in the except block below

            if self.share_hash_tree.needed_hashes(self.sharenum):
                # This will raise exception if the values being passed do not
                # match the root node of self.share_hash_tree.
                except IndexError as le:
                    # Weird -- sharehashes contained index numbers outside of
                    # the range that fit into this hash tree.
                    raise BadOrMissingHash(le)

            # To validate a block we need the root of the block hash tree,
            # which is also one of the leafs of the share hash tree, and is
            # called "the share hash".
            if not self.block_hash_tree[0]:  # empty -- no root node yet
                # Get the share hash from the share hash tree.
                share_hash = self.share_hash_tree.get_leaf(self.sharenum)
                if not share_hash:
                    # No root node in block_hash_tree and also the share hash
                    # wasn't sent by the server.
                    raise hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError
                self.block_hash_tree.set_hashes({0: share_hash})

            if self.block_hash_tree.needed_hashes(blocknum):

            blockhash = block_hash(blockdata)
            self.block_hash_tree.set_hashes(leaves={blocknum: blockhash})
            #self.log("checking block_hash(shareid=%d, blocknum=%d) len=%d "
            #        "%r .. %r: %s" %
            #        (self.sharenum, blocknum, len(blockdata),
            #         blockdata[:50], blockdata[-50:], base32.b2a(blockhash)))

        except (hashtree.BadHashError, hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError) as le:
            # log.WEIRD: indicates undetected disk/network error, or more
            # likely a programming error
            self.log("hash failure in block=%d, shnum=%d on %s" %
                     (blocknum, self.sharenum, self.bucket))
            if self.block_hash_tree.needed_hashes(blocknum):
                    """ failure occurred when checking the block_hash_tree.
                This suggests that either the block data was bad, or that the
                block hashes we received along with it were bad.""")
                self.log(""" the failure probably occurred when checking the
                share_hash_tree, which suggests that the share hashes we
                received from the remote peer were bad.""")
            self.log(" have candidate_share_hash: %s" %
            self.log(" block length: %d" % len(blockdata))
            self.log(" block hash: %s" % base32.b2a_or_none(blockhash))
            if len(blockdata) < 100:
                self.log(" block data: %r" % (blockdata, ))
                self.log(" block data start/end: %r .. %r" %
                         (blockdata[:50], blockdata[-50:]))
            self.log(" share hash tree:\n" + self.share_hash_tree.dump())
            self.log(" block hash tree:\n" + self.block_hash_tree.dump())
            lines = []
            for i, h in sorted(sharehashes.items()):
                lines.append("%3d: %s" % (i, base32.b2a_or_none(h)))
            self.log(" sharehashes:\n" + "\n".join(lines) + "\n")
            lines = []
            for i, h in blockhashes.items():
                lines.append("%3d: %s" % (i, base32.b2a_or_none(h)))
            log.msg(" blockhashes:\n" + "\n".join(lines) + "\n")
            raise BadOrMissingHash(le)

        # If we made it here, the block is good. If the hash trees didn't
        # like what they saw, they would have raised a BadHashError, causing
        # our caller to see a Failure and thus ignore this block (as well as
        # dropping this bucket).
        return blockdata
Exemple #12
 def test_b2a_or_none(self):
     self.failUnlessEqual(base32.b2a_or_none(None), None)
     self.failUnlessEqual(base32.b2a_or_none(b"\x12\x34"), b"ci2a")
Exemple #13
 def dump(self):
     lines = []
     for i,depth in self.depth_first():
         lines.append("%s%3d: %s" % ("  "*depth, i,
     return "\n".join(lines) + "\n"
Exemple #14
 def si(self, req, tag):
     si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(self._publish_status.get_storage_index())
     if si_s is None:
         si_s = "(None)"
     return tag(str(si_s))
Exemple #15
 def dump(self):
     lines = []
     for i,depth in self.depth_first():
         lines.append("%s%3d: %s" % ("  "*depth, i,
     return "\n".join(lines) + "\n"