Exemple #1
    def decorator(clazz):
        assert isclass(clazz), 'Invalid class %s' % clazz

        properties = extractPropertiesInherited(clazz.__bases__, TypeExtension)
        log.info('Extracted extension inherited properties %s for class %s',
                 properties, clazz)
        log.info('Extracted extension properties %s for class %s', properties,
        for prop, typ in properties.items():
            if not match(RULE_EXTENSION_PROPERTY[0], prop):
                raise DevelError(RULE_EXTENSION_PROPERTY[1] % prop)
            if not typ.isPrimitive:
                raise DevelError(
                    'Invalid type %s for property \'%s\', only primitives allowed'
                    % (typ, prop))

        extensionContainer = Container(properties)
        extensionType = TypeExtension(clazz, extensionContainer)

        reference = {}
        for prop in extensionContainer.properties:
            propType = TypeProperty(extensionType, prop)
            reference[prop] = Reference(propType)
            setattr(clazz, prop, Property(propType))

        clazz._ally_type = extensionType  # This specified the detected type for the model class by using 'typeFor'
        clazz._ally_reference = reference  # The references to be returned by the properties when used only with class
        clazz.__new__ = ContainerSupport.__new__

        return clazz
    def _pullHeaders(self):
        Pull the multi part headers, it will leave the content stream attached to the header reader at the body begin.
        @return: dictionary{string, string}
            The multi part headers.
        assert self._flag & FLAG_MARK_START, 'Not at a separator mark position, cannot process headers'

        data = bytearray()
        while True:
            if self._flag & FLAG_HEADER_END:
                self._flag ^= FLAG_HEADER_END  # Clearing the header flag
            if self._flag & FLAG_CONTENT_END:
                raise DevelError('No empty line after multi part header')

        reader = codecs.getreader(self._data.charSet)(BytesIO(data))
        headers = {}
        while True:
            line = reader.readline()
            if line == '': break
            hindex = line.find(self._data.separatorHeader)
            if hindex < 0:
                raise DevelError('Invalid multi part header \'%s\'' % line)
            headers[line[:hindex]] = line[hindex + 1:].strip()

        self._flag ^= FLAG_MARK_START
        return headers
Exemple #3
    def invoke(self, *args):
        @see: Invoker.invoke
        lenArgs, wargs = len(args), []
        for index in self.indexes:
            if index < lenArgs: value = args[index]
                inp = self.inputs[index]
                assert isinstance(inp, Input)
                if not inp.hasDefault:
                    raise DevelError('No value available for \'%s\' for %s' %
                                     (inp.name, self))
                value = inp.default


        for index, toSet in self.indexesSetValue.items():
            obj = wargs[index]
            for prop, fromIndex in toSet.items():
                arg = args[fromIndex]
                val = getattr(obj, prop)
                if val is None: setattr(obj, prop, arg)
                elif val != arg:
                    raise DevelError(
                        'Cannot set value %s for \'%s\', expected value %s' %
                        (val, prop, arg))

        return self.invoker.invoke(*wargs)
Exemple #4
def openSession():
    Function to provide the session on the current thread, this will automatically create a session based on the current
    thread session creator if one is not already created.
    thread = current_thread()
        creators = thread._ally_db_session_create
    except AttributeError:
        raise DevelError(
            'Invalid call, it seems that the thread is not tagged with an SQL session'
    creator = creators[-1]
    creatorId = id(creator)
        sessions = thread._ally_db_session
    except AttributeError:
        session = creator()
        thread._ally_db_session = {creatorId: session}
        assert log.debug('Created SQL Alchemy session %s', session) or True
        session = sessions.get(creatorId)
        if session is None:
            session = sessions[creatorId] = creator()
            assert log.debug('Created SQL Alchemy session %s', session) or True
    return session
Exemple #5
    def _toPatternInput(self, match, req):
        Processes the match as a pattern input.
        assert isinstance(req, Request)
        inp = Input()
        inp.Id = self._inputId
        self._inputs[self._inputId] = inp

        self._inputId += 1

        inp.Mandatory = True
        inp.ForRequest = req.Id

        if isinstance(match, MatchProperty):
            assert isinstance(match, MatchProperty)
            assert isinstance(match.node, NodeProperty)
            typ = next(iter(match.node.typesProperties))
            assert isinstance(typ, TypeModelProperty)
            inp.Description = _('The %(type)s of %(model)s %(description)s') % \
                        dict(type=_(typ.property), model=_(typ.container.name),
                        description=re.sub('[\s]+', ' ', getdoc(typ.parent.clazz) or '...'))
            raise DevelError('Unknown match %s' % match)

        return inp
Exemple #6
    def decorator(clazz):
        assert isclass(clazz), 'Invalid class %s' % clazz

        criterias = extractCriteriasInherited(clazz.__bases__)
        log.info('Extracted inherited criterias %s for query class %s',
                 criterias, clazz)
        log.info('Extracted criterias %s for query class %s', criterias, clazz)
        for crt in criterias:
            if not match(RULE_QUERY_CRITERIA[0], crt):
                raise DevelError(RULE_QUERY_CRITERIA[1] % crt)

        queryContainer = Query(criterias)
        queryType = TypeQuery(clazz, queryContainer, queryOwner)

        for crt in queryContainer.criterias:
            critType = TypeCriteriaEntry(queryType, crt)
            setattr(clazz, crt, CriteriaEntry(critType))

        clazz._ally_type = queryType  # This specified the detected type for the model class by using 'typeFor'
        clazz.__new__ = QuerySupport.__new__
        clazz.__str__ = QuerySupport.__str__
        clazz.__contains__ = QuerySupport.__contains__

        return clazz
Exemple #7
    def _populate(self, language, translator):
        Helper method that populates directly the language with the translation name.
        @param language: Language
            The language to be populated with info from the locale.
        @param translator: Locale
            The translating locale to populate from.
        assert isinstance(language, Language), 'Invalid language %s' % language
        assert isinstance(translator,
                          Locale), 'Invalid translator locale %s' % translator

        locale = self._localeOf(language.Code)
        if not locale:
            raise DevelError('Invalid language code %r' % language.Code)

        language.Name = translator.languages.get(locale.language)
        if locale.territory:
            language.Territory = translator.territories.get(locale.territory)
        if locale.script:
            language.Script = translator.scripts.get(locale.script)
        if locale.variant:
            language.Variant = translator.variants.get(locale.variant)
        return language
Exemple #8
    def authenticate(self, identifier, attributes, arguments):
        @see: IAuthenticationSupport.authenticate
        assert isinstance(identifier,
                          str), 'Invalid identifier %s' % identifier
        assert isinstance(attributes,
                          dict), 'Invalid attributes %s' % attributes
        assert isinstance(arguments, dict), 'Invalid arguments %s' % arguments

        olderThan = self.session().query(current_timestamp()).scalar()
        olderThan -= self.sessionTimeOut
        sql = self.session().query(LoginMapped)
        sql = sql.filter(LoginMapped.Session == identifier)
        sql = sql.filter(LoginMapped.AccessedOn > olderThan)
            login = sql.one()
        except NoResultFound:
            return False
        assert isinstance(login, LoginMapped), 'Invalid login %s' % login
        login.AccessedOn = current_timestamp()
        self.session().flush((login, ))
        # We need to fore the commit because if there is an exception while processing the request we need to make
        # sure that the last access has been updated.

        for authType in arguments:
            assert isinstance(authType, Type), 'Invalid type %s' % authType

            if authType == typeFor(User.Id): arguments[authType] = login.User
            else: raise DevelError('Invalid authenticated type %s' % authType)

        return True
Exemple #9
 def toPaths(self, converterPath, invalid=None):
     Converts the matches into path elements.
     @param converterPath: ConverterPath
         The converter path to use in constructing the paths elements.
     @param invalid: callable(Match, ConverterPath)|None
         The invalid match handling, if a callable is provided then the callable will be used to get a valid 
         string representation for the invalid match, the callable has to take to parameters, first one is the 
         invalid match and the second one is the converter path to be used. If the invalid is None then an exception 
         will be raised in case of invalid matches.
     @return: list[string]
         A list of strings representing the paths elements, or None if the path elements cannot be obtained.
     assert isinstance(
         ConverterPath), 'Invalid converter path %s' % converterPath
     assert invalid is None or callable(
         invalid), 'Invalid callable for invalid %s' % invalid
     paths = []
     for isFirst, isLast, match in firstLastCheck(self.matches):
         assert isinstance(match, Match)
         if match.isValid():
             path = match.toPath(converterPath, isFirst, isLast)
         elif invalid:
             path = invalid(match, converterPath)
             raise DevelError('Invalid match %s' % match)
         if path is not None:
             if isinstance(path, list): paths.extend(path)
     return paths
Exemple #10
    def decorator(clazz):
        assert isclass(clazz), 'Invalid class %s' % clazz
        nonlocal main

        properties = extractPropertiesInherited(clazz.__bases__, TypeCriteria)
        log.info('Extracted criteria inherited properties %s for class %s',
                 properties, clazz)
        log.info('Extracted criteria properties %s for class %s', properties,
        for prop, typ in properties.items():
            if not match(RULE_CRITERIA_PROPERTY[0], prop):
                raise DevelError(RULE_CRITERIA_PROPERTY[1] % prop)
            if not typ.isPrimitive:
                raise DevelError(
                    'Invalid type %s for property \'%s\', only primitives allowed'
                    % (typ, prop))

        if main is not None:
            if isinstance(main, str): main = [main]
            inherited = extractContainersFrom(clazz.__bases__, TypeCriteria)
            for crt in inherited:
                assert isinstance(crt, Criteria)
                if crt.main:
                    main = crt.main
                main = ()

        criteriaContainer = Criteria(properties, main)
        criteriaType = TypeCriteria(clazz, criteriaContainer)

        reference = {}
        for prop in criteriaContainer.properties:
            propType = TypeProperty(criteriaType, prop)
            reference[prop] = Reference(propType)
            setattr(clazz, prop, Property(propType))

        clazz._ally_type = criteriaType  # This specified the detected type for the model class by using 'typeFor'
        clazz._ally_reference = reference  # The references to be returned by the properties when used only with class
        clazz.__new__ = CriteriaSupport.__new__
        clazz.__str__ = CriteriaSupport.__str__
        clazz.__contains__ = CriteriaSupport.__contains__

        return clazz
Exemple #11
def extractOuputInput(function, types=None, modelToId=False):
    Extracts the input and output for a call based on the provided function.
    @param function: function
        The function to extract the call for
    @param types: list[Type or Type container]|None
        The list of types to associate with the function, if they are not provided then the function annotations
        are considered.
    @param modelToId: boolean
        Flag indicating that the extract should convert all inputs that are model types to their actually
        corresponding property type, used in order not to constantly provide the id property of the model when in fact
        we can deduce that the API annotation actually refers to the id and not the model.
    @return: tuple(Type, list[Input])
        A tuple containing on the first position the output type of the call and second the list of inputs for the call.
    assert isfunction(function), 'Invalid function %s' % function
    assert isinstance(modelToId, bool), 'Invalid model to id flag %s' % modelToId
    if IS_PY3K:
        fnArgs = getfullargspec(function)
        args, varargs, keywords, defaults = fnArgs.args, fnArgs.varargs, fnArgs.varkw, fnArgs.defaults
        annotations = fnArgs.annotations
        args, varargs, keywords, defaults = getargspec(function)
        annotations = {}

    assert varargs is None, 'No variable arguments are allowed'
    assert keywords is None, 'No keywords arguments are allowed'
    assert 'self' == args[0], 'The call needs to be tagged in a class definition'

    if types:
        assert isinstance(types, (list, tuple)), 'Invalid types list %s' % types
        assert len(args) == len(types), 'The functions parameters are not equal with the provided input types'
        assert not annotations, 'The types for the input arguments cannot be declared as annotations %s and call '\
        'arguments %s' % (annotations, types)
        annotations['return'] = types[0]
        annotations.update({args[k]:types[k] for k in range(1, len(args))})

    mandatory = len(args) - (1 if defaults is None else len(defaults) + 1)
    typ = fnArgs.annotations.get('return')
    output, inputs = typeFor(Non if typ is None else typ), []
    for k, arg in enumerate(args[1:]):
        if arg in args:
            if arg not in annotations: raise DevelError('There is no type for %s' % arg)
            typ = typeFor(annotations[arg])
            assert isinstance(typ, Type), 'Could not obtain a valid type for %s with %s' % (arg, annotations[arg])
            if modelToId and isinstance(typ, TypeModel):
                assert isinstance(typ, TypeModel)
                typ = typ.propertyTypeId()
            if k < mandatory: inputs.append(Input(arg, typ))
            else: inputs.append(Input(arg, typ, True, defaults[k - mandatory]))

    return output, inputs
Exemple #12
def hasSession():
    Function to check if there is a session on the current thread.
    thread = current_thread()
        creators = thread._ally_db_session_create
    except AttributeError:
        raise DevelError(
            'Invalid call, it seems that the thread is not tagged with an SQL session'
    creatorId = id(creators[-1])
        sessions = thread._ally_db_session
    except AttributeError:
        return False
    return creatorId in sessions
Exemple #13
    def process(self, request:Request, response:Response, **keyargs):
        @see: HandlerProcessorProceed.process
        Create the response content encoder.
        assert isinstance(request, Request), 'Invalid request %s' % request
        assert isinstance(response, Response), 'Invalid response %s' % response

        if response.isSuccess is False: return  # Skip in case the response is in error
        if response.encoder: return  # There is already an encoder no need to create another one
        assert isinstance(request.invoker, Invoker), 'Invalid request invoker %s' % request.invoker

        response.encoder = self.encoderFor(request.invoker.output)
        if response.encoder is None: raise DevelError('Cannot encode response object \'%s\'' % request.invoker.output)

        response.encoderData = dict(converterId=response.converterId, converter=response.converter,
Exemple #14
    def process(self, request: Request, response: Response, **keyargs):
        @see: HandlerProcessorProceed.process
        Invoke the request invoker.
        assert isinstance(request, Request), 'Invalid request %s' % request
        assert isinstance(response, Response), 'Invalid response %s' % response
        if response.isSuccess is False:
            return  # Skip in case the response is in error

        assert isinstance(request.invoker,
                          Invoker), 'Invalid invoker %s' % request.invoker

        callBack = self.invokeCallBack.get(request.invoker.method)
        assert callBack is not None, \
        'Method cannot be processed for invoker \'%s\', something is wrong in the setups' % request.invoker.name
        assert isinstance(request.arguments,
                          dict), 'Invalid arguments %s' % request.arguments

        arguments = []
        for inp in request.invoker.inputs:
            assert isinstance(inp, Input), 'Invalid input %s' % inp
            if inp.name in request.arguments:
            elif inp.hasDefault:
                raise DevelError(
                    'No value for mandatory input \'%s\' for invoker \'%s\'' %
                    (inp.name, request.invoker.name))
            value = request.invoker.invoke(*arguments)
            assert log.debug(
                'Successful on calling invoker \'%s\' with values %s',
                request.invoker, tuple(arguments)) or True

            callBack(request.invoker, value, response)
        except InputError as e:
            assert isinstance(e, InputError)
            response.code, response.isSuccess = INPUT_ERROR
            response.errorDetails = self.processInputError(e)
            assert log.debug('User input exception: %s', e,
                             exc_info=True) or True
Exemple #15
    def decorator(function):
        assert isfunction(function), 'Invalid function %s' % function
        nonlocal method
        name = function.__name__
        if method is None:
            for regex, m in NAME_TO_METHOD.items():
                if match(regex, name):
                    method = m
                raise DevelError(
                    'Cannot deduce method for function name "%s"' % name)

        output, inputs = extractOuputInput(function,
                                           modelToId=method in (GET, DELETE))

        function._ally_call = Call(name, method, output, inputs, hints)
        return abstractmethod(function)
Exemple #16
    def decorator(clazz):
        assert isclass(clazz), 'Invalid class %s' % clazz

        calls = []
        for name, function in clazz.__dict__.items():
            if isfunction(function):
                except AttributeError:
                    raise DevelError('No call for method at:\n%s' %
                del function._ally_call

        services = [typeFor(base) for base in clazz.__bases__]
        services = [
            typ.service for typ in services if isinstance(typ, TypeService)
        names = {call.name for call in calls}
        for srv in services:
            assert isinstance(srv, Service)
            for name, call in srv.calls.items():
                assert isinstance(call, Call)
                if name not in names:
                    calls.append(processGenericCall(call, generic))

        service = Service(calls)
        if type(clazz) != ABCMeta:
            attributes = dict(clazz.__dict__)
                '__dict__', None
            )  # Removing __dict__ since is a reference to the old class dictionary.
            attributes.pop('__weakref__', None)
            clazz = ABCMeta(clazz.__name__, clazz.__bases__, attributes)
        abstract = set(clazz.__abstractmethods__)
        clazz.__abstractmethods__ = frozenset(abstract)

        clazz._ally_type = TypeService(clazz, service)
        # This specified the detected type for the model class by using 'typeFor'
        return clazz
Exemple #17
    def __new__(cls, *args, **keyargs):
        Construct the instance of the container.
        assert isinstance(cls._ally_type, TypeQuery), \
        'Bad query support class %s, no type assigned' % cls._ally_type
        assert cls._ally_type.isOf(
            cls), 'Illegal class %s, expected %s' % (cls, cls._ally_type)
        query = cls._ally_type.query
        assert isinstance(query, Query)

        self = object.__new__(cls)
        self._ally_values = {}

        for name, value in keyargs.items():
            if name not in query.criterias:
                raise DevelError('Invalid criteria name %r for %r' %
                                 (name, self))
            setattr(self, name, value)

        return self
Exemple #18
def endCurrent(sessionCloser=None):
    Ends the transaction for the current thread session creator.

    @param sessionCloser: Callable|None
        A Callable that will be invoked for the ended transaction. It will take as a parameter the session to be closed.
    assert not sessionCloser or callable(
        sessionCloser), 'Invalid session closer %s' % sessionCloser
    thread = current_thread()
        creators = thread._ally_db_session_create
    except AttributeError:
        raise DevelError(
            'Illegal end transaction call, there is no transaction begun')
    assert isinstance(creators, deque)

    creator = creators.pop()
    assert log.debug('End session creator %s', creator) or True
    if not creators:
        if not getattr(current_thread(), '_ally_db_session_alive', False):
        del thread._ally_db_session_create
Exemple #19
    def decorator(clazz):
        assert isclass(clazz), 'Invalid class %s' % clazz
        nonlocal id, name, hints

        if name is not None:
            if isclass(name):
                typ = typeFor(name)
                assert isinstance(
                    typ, TypeModel
                ), 'Invalid class %s to extract name, is not a model class' % name
                name = typ.container.name
            assert isinstance(name, str), 'Invalid model name %s' % name
            name = clazz.__name__
        if not match(RULE_MODEL[0], name):
            raise DevelError(RULE_MODEL[1] % name)

        containers = extractContainersFrom(clazz.__bases__, TypeModel)
        if id is None:
            for model in containers:
                assert isinstance(model, Model)
                if model.propertyId is not None:
                    id = model.propertyId
                    log.info('Inherited id \'%s\' for class %s', id, clazz)
                log.info('No id to be inherited for class %s', clazz)

        )  # We reverse since the priority is from first class to last
        properties, hintsInherited = {}, {}
        for model in containers:

        log.info('Extracted inherited properties %s and hints %s for class %s',
                 properties, hintsInherited, clazz)

        hints = hintsInherited

        log.info('Extracted model properties %s and hints %s for class %s',
                 properties, hints, clazz)
        for prop, typ in properties.items():
            if not match(RULE_MODEL_PROPERTY[0], prop):
                raise DevelError(RULE_MODEL_PROPERTY[1] % prop)
            if not (isinstance(typ, TypeModel) or typ.isPrimitive):
                raise DevelError(
                    'Invalid type %s for property \'%s\', only primitives or models allowed'
                    % (typ, prop))

        replace = hints.pop('replace', None)
        if id is not None:
            assert isinstance(id, str), 'Invalid property id %s' % id
            assert id in properties, 'Invalid property id %s is not in model properties' % id

        if id is not None:
            if isinstance(properties[id], List):
                raise DevelError('The id cannot be a List type, got %s' %
            if isinstance(properties[id], TypeModel):
                raise DevelError('The id cannot be a model reference, got %s' %

        modelType = TypeModel(clazz, Model(properties, name, id, hints))
        if replace:
            assert isclass(replace), 'Invalid class %s' % replace
            typ = typeFor(replace)
            if not isinstance(typ, TypeModel):
                raise DevelError(
                    'Invalid replace class %s, not a model class' % replace)
            if clazz.__module__ != replace.__module__:
                raise DevelError(
                    'Replace is available only for classes in the same API module invalid replace class '
                    '%s for replaced class' % (replace, clazz))
            typ.clazz = clazz
            typ.container = modelType.container

        reference = {}
        for prop, typ in properties.items():
            propType = TypeModelProperty(modelType, prop)
            reference[prop] = Reference(propType)
            if isinstance(typ, TypeModel):
                propType = TypeModelProperty(
                    modelType, prop,
            setattr(clazz, prop, Property(propType))

        clazz._ally_type = modelType  # This specified the detected type for the model class by using 'typeFor'
        clazz._ally_reference = reference  # The references to be returned by the properties when used only with class
        clazz.__new__ = ContainerSupport.__new__
        clazz.__str__ = ContainerSupport.__str__
        clazz.__contains__ = ContainerSupport.__contains__

        return clazz
Exemple #20
            The component id.
        @param plugin: string
            The plugin id.
        @return: string
            The file path.
        assert isinstance(locale, str), 'Invalid locale %s' % locale

        path = []
        if component:
        elif plugin:
        return '%s.po' % '-'.join(path)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------

# Raised when there is an invalid PO content
InvalidPOFile = lambda poFile: InputError(
    _('Invalid content for PO file %(file)s') % dict(file=poFile.getName(
    ) or C_('Unknown file name', 'unknown')))

# Raised if there are to many files provided in content.
ToManyFiles = lambda: DevelError('To many PO files, only one accepted')
Exemple #21
    def process(self, rendering, request: Request, response: Response,
                responseCnt: ResponseContent, **keyargs):
        @see: HandlerBranchingProceed.process
        Create the render for the response object.
        assert isinstance(rendering,
                          Processing), 'Invalid processing %s' % rendering
        assert isinstance(request, Request), 'Invalid request %s' % request
        assert isinstance(response, Response), 'Invalid response %s' % response
        assert isinstance(
            ResponseContent), 'Invalid response content %s' % responseCnt

        # Resolving the character set
        if responseCnt.charSet:
            except LookupError:
                responseCnt.charSet = None
            responseCnt.charSet = None

        if not responseCnt.charSet:
            if Request.accCharSets in request and request.accCharSets is not None:
                for charSet in request.accCharSets:
                    except LookupError:
                    responseCnt.charSet = charSet
            if not responseCnt.charSet:
                responseCnt.charSet = self.charSetDefault

        resolved = False
        if responseCnt.type:
            renderChain = Chain(rendering)
            if renderChain.doAll().isConsumed():
                if response.isSuccess is not False:
                    response.code, response.isSuccess = ENCODING_UNKNOWN
                    response.text = 'Content type \'%s\' not supported for rendering' % responseCnt.type
                resolved = True

        if not resolved:
            # Adding None in case some encoder is configured as default.
            if Request.accTypes in request and request.accTypes is not None:
                contentTypes = itertools.chain(request.accTypes,
                contentTypes = self.contentTypeDefaults
            for contentType in contentTypes:
                responseCnt.type = contentType
                renderChain = Chain(rendering)
                if not renderChain.doAll().isConsumed(): break
                raise DevelError(
                    'There is no renderer available, this is more likely a setup issues since the '
                    'default content types should have resolved the renderer')